SPRING 2020 Mail Order Catalog Cistus Nursery 22711 NW Gillihan Road Sauvie Island, OR 97231 503.621.2233 phone Spring 2020 Mail Order Catalog order by phone 9 - 5 pst, visit 10am - 5pm, email: [email protected] www.cistus.com 2 USDA zone: Aeschynanthus buxifolius $16 Gesneriaceae Antirrhinum braun-blanquetii [red-leaved] $14 Arctostaphylos 'Pebbles' $15 Ericaceae Arctostaphylos mendocinoensis SBH 12150b $16 Ericaceae Arctostaphylos mewukka SBH/GPP 12133 $15 Arctostaphylos nevadensis x SBH 12189 $15 Ericaceae Arctostaphylos pumila [grey selection] $15 Arctostaphylos stanfordiana SBH 9834 $16 Ericaceae artemisia mollenerii $11 Asteraceae Aspidistra attenuata BSWJ 377 attenuate cast iron plant $16 Asparagaceae Aucuba sp. [Willis H.] $15 Garryaceae Spring 2020 Mail Order Catalog 3 berberis 'Lime Blow' $14 Berberidaceae Bletilla striata 'Big Bob' ground orchid $16 orchidaceae Ceanothus x SBH 12334a $14 Chamaecereus sylvestri peanut cactus $12 Cactaceae Chasmanthe floribunda 'variegata' $11 Iridaceae Choisya dumosa $15 Rutaceae Cistus x 'Christopher Gable' $12 Cistaceae Colletia ulcinia [from Western Hills 10-16-18] $16 Rhamnaceae Cotoneaster dammeri 'Coral Beauty' $12 Rosaceae Dichelostemma capitatum large form $12 Asparagaceae Fuchsia microphylla 'Silver Lining' $14 Onagraceae Spring 2020 Mail Order Catalog 4 garrya fremontii (flavescens influenced) SBH 10037 $15 Ericaceae Gasteria baylissiana 'Variegata' $11 Graptopetalum pentandrum $9 Haworthia tessellata - UK Coll. cl 1 $9 Xanthorrhoeaceae Hemiboea subcapitata $14 Gesneriaceae Hesperoyucca whipplei $14 Asparagaceae Hoheria angustifolia $14 Malvaceae Hydrangea macrophylla 'Fuji Waterfall' $16 Hydrangeaceae Hydrangea paniculata 'Yuki Gessno' $14 Hydrangeaceae Hymenolepis parviflora $12 Asteraceae Iris 'Big Wheel' [Pacific Coast Hybrid] $16 iridaceae Spring 2020 Mail Order Catalog 5 Juniperus communis var. saxatilis SBH 13416 $14 Leonotis leonurus [albus] $11 Lamiaceae Libertia - Pale Green Sport of 'Taupo Blaze' $14 Iridaceae Libertia sessiliflora - cl.2 $14 Iridaceae lupinus lepidus / albifrons SBH 10562 $11 Fabaceae Mahonia sheridaniana 'Roy Lancaster' $14 Berberidaceae Malephora crocea $9 Monardella obispoensis $12 Lamiaceae Nerine filifolia $12 Amaryllidaceae Olearia fimbriata $15 Asteraceae Ophiopogon 'Golden Zebra' $12 Liliaceae / Asparagaceae Spring 2020 Mail Order Catalog 6 Opuntia fragilis (debreczyi) 'Nearly Famous' $12 Cactaceae Opuntia imbricata - Tim's purple $14 Cactaceae Penstemon 10095 $14 Plantaginaceae Polygonatum odoratum - Suncrest $15 Rhamnus californica ssp. tomentella [Sierra Silver seedlings] $14 Rosa lucieae [wichuraiana] $14 Rosaceae Salvia sp. - nice red flower $14 Lamiaceae Santolina rosmarinifolia $15 asteraceae sideritus syriaca $11 Lamiaceae Stipa elegantissima $14 Poaceae Styrax officinalis var. vivipara SBH 12127 $17 styracaceae Spring 2020 Mail Order Catalog 7 Talinum parviflorum $14 Portulacaceae Taxus baccata - golden spreading $15 Taxaceae x Mangave 'Maya Queen' $18 Asparagaceae x Mangave 'Moonglow' $18 Asparagaceae x Mangave 'Navajo Princess' Unauthorized Propagation Prohibited. $18 Asparagaceae x Mangave 'Whale Tale' Unauthorized Propagation Prohibited. $18 Asparagaceae Yucca filamentosa 'Hofer's Blue' $18 Agavaceae Zauschneria 12289 $13 Onagraceae zauschneria californica 'Calistoga' $12 Onagraceae Spring 2020 Mail Order Catalog 8 USDA zone: 10 Justicia rizzinii firecracker flower Semi-hardy, small, rounded 3-4 ft shrub with small,evergreen foliage and tubular winter flowers in scarlet with yellow tips. Best in sun to part shade in fertile soil with regular summer moisture. Very tolerant of heat and humidity. Excellent in a container. Definitely worth the trouble to take cuttings to overwinter or lift and store inside. Frost hardy to 30F, USDA zone 10. $12 Acanthaceae x Gasteraloe 'Midnight' An intergeneric cross between an aloe and a gasteria, by Kelly Griffin of Rancho Soledad Nursery, resulting in a rosette-forming succulent, to 8-12" tall x 1-2 ft wide. The leaves are rough-textured with bitty bumps, dark green with red highlights. Flowers are orange in late winter, early spring. Only successful in the ground in USDA zone 10, but elsewhere, a good pot plant or year round houseplant. Bright light with well-drained soil and little water. $14 Aloeaceae USDA zone: 3 Hemerocallis 'Secured Borders' daylily A stunning, variegated daylily, the grassy leaves appearing in spring with a narrow, green center on a white field, the result of careful breeding over many years by Sybil and Walter Przypek of Virginia. Plants are small, to 12" tall in clumps growing to 18" wide. Into summer yellow flowers appear above the foliage which has turned to green in the warm weather. A lovely plant and a collector's dream. For full to part sun with regular summer water. Frost hardy in USDA zone 3. $16 Xanthorrhoeaceae Hosta 'Blue Mouse Ears' This super-cute hosta is a mutation of H. ‘Blue Cadet’, proving that sometimes a little mutation is good. In this form small silver-blue leaves, slightly rolled at the edges, form rounded clumps, to 8" tall x 1 ft wide, topped in early summer with short, sweet spikes of lavender flowers. Best in light shade to shade where the soil is rich and summer water is regularly supplied. Frost hardy to -40F, USDA zones 3. $16 Liliaceae / Asparagaceae Spring 2020 Mail Order Catalog 9 Hosta 'Halcyon' An all-time favorite of the blue foliaged hostas, this one forms a 2ft wide clump of 15” tall, rounded leaves, pointed when young. Holding its color well, it is a vigorous grower and durable, sending up beautiful blue- lavender flowers in summer. For part sun to light shade. Frost hardy in USDA zone 3. $16 Liliaceae / Asparagaceae Hosta 'Praying Hands' “Like a multitude of hands folded in prayer” according to Tony Avent, this ”un-hosta” grows to an 18" wide clump of folded and crinkled dark green leaves, with a narrow cream border. Sends up 18" spikes of light lavender flowers in late summer. For light shade in USDA zones 3-8. $19 Liliaceae / Asparagaceae Opuntia fragilis 'Red N Black' Very nice version of our native Opuntia, this with striking red and black spines growing to 4-6" tall by 3 ft wide and showing off yellow flowers in late spring. Handsome in the sunny well-drained garden, with occasional, monsoon-like summer water for best appearance. Frost hardy in USDA zone 3. $12 Cactaceae Opuntia fragilis x 'Duchesne Red' This probable hybrid from the county of the same name, has chubby little pads about 1 by 2", forming 8 to 10" compact clusters with gray and black spines, prominant red glouchids and light yellow flowers. Easy to grow if given bright light and summer moisture along with well drained soil, excellent in containers. USDA zone 4 at least. $12 Cactaceae Opuntia polyacantha 'Crystal Tide' This Claude Barr introduction forms dense clumps to 18" tall and spreading to 3 feet. The olive green pads are covered with golden and white spines. Silver pink flowers occur in mid spring. Very good container or landscape plant for well-drained soil and bright light. To zone 3. $15 Cactaceae Spring 2020 Mail Order Catalog 10 Opuntia sp. SBH 9116b - mini pad A Cistus introduction. Our collection from San Juan County Utah from a variable hybrid swarm, to only about 6" in height, slowly clumping, with 2" rounded flattened pads of a pleasing gray green, adorned by orange glochids and small gold and gray spines. Excellent trough or container plant given gritty soil and decent drainage. Bright light, USDA Zone 4. $12 Cactaceae Viburnum opulus 'Aureum' golden leaf european cranberry bush This smallish, striking viburnum has leaves that emerge bronze in spring, aging to dark yellow then turning green as summer approaches. Umbrels of white spring flowers are intensely fragrant and showy against the bright foliage. Bright red berries follow in late summer holding on as long as the birds allow. To a compact 4 ft tall x 5 ft wide, this viburnum makes a statement in the woodland garden in part shade to full sun in coastal areas. Expects regular summer water. Frost hardy to -40F, USDA zone 3. $12 Caprifoliaceae / Adoxaceae USDA zone: 4 Anemone x lipsiensis rock garden anemone A natural hybrid, this cute little anemone has all the good qualities of the species and few of the bad. No ‘I turned my back and it ate my Hellebores”; no ‘It lifted the sidewalk.’ Large pale yellow flowers on very finely divided stems that carpet the ground in spring. Excellent knitter in the rock garden, rock wall or between stepping stones. Frost hardy to USDA zone 4. Excellent. $12 Ranunculaceae Armeria maritima 'Alba' sea thrift A white version of a typically pink flowered plant, the showy, rounded, white flower heads standing above the grassy foliage in early to late spring. To only 6" tall forming clumps to 9" wide in full sun to part shade, where drainage is very good and little summer water is provided once plants are established. Good for dry rock gardens and especially happy along the coast in salty environments. Frost hardy to -30F, USDA zone 4. $11 Plumbaginaceae Spring 2020 Mail Order Catalog 11 Artemesia ludoviciana 'Cedar Silver' A Cistus introduction (2016) from a most intriguing island in the Deschutes river in North Central Oregon's desert county, and also home to the northern most hydropinically fed calocedrus grove, comes this intense silver grey perennial to about 18" spreading to 3 feet or more, pale cream flowers, excellent for dry gardens, best in full sun, excellent knitter. USDA Zone 4, possibly less. $12 Asteraceae Carex siderosticha 'Banana Boat' Fresh off the ship, this Terra Nova introduction from the days of yore proves a cheerful garden component, with warm yellow stripes on dark green thickly textured leaves. Deciduous, admires shade and even moisture. USDA zone 4. Very good container specimen. Don't forget where it is and put a shovel through it when dormancy strikes! $12 Cyperaceae Convallaria majalis 'Albostriata' Very cool pinstriped lily-of-the-valley that grows to 9" tall in colonies. One of the most useful groundcovers for shade, this one adds a distinctive contrast to the green of shade gardens by its delicate, variegated appearance.
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