The Inventory of the Phoebe Brand Collection #1666 Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center Brand, Phoebe #1666 7/29/04 Preliminary Listing I. Manuscripts. A. Play scripts. Box 1 1. AAn Enemy of the People,@ two copies. [F. 1] 2. ACymbeline.@ [F. 2] 3. AA Doctor In Spite of Himself.@ [F. 3] 4. AEndgame and an Act Without Words.@ 5. AHome At Last.@ [F. 4] 6. AMacbeth.@ 7. AThe Magic Mountain.@ [F. 5] 8. AOthello.@ 9. APapa=s Violin.@ [F. 6] 10. ARomeo and Juliet.@ 11. AThe Seagull,@ 2 copies. [F. 7] B. Script fragments. 1. AHenry IV Part 2, Act II, Scene 3.@ [F. 8] 2. ARichard III Act IV, Scene 4.@ 3. AKing John Act III, Scene 3.@ 4. AWinter=s Tale Act III, Scene 2.@ 5. ARed,@ pp. 5-9. 6. AChapter 2,@ by Neil Simon, act 2, 2 p. 7. AThe Night of the Iguana,@ by Tennessee Williams, act 3, 2 p. 8. AAwake and Sing.@ 9. AMacbeth.@ 10. AAs You Like It 3-5.@ 11. ARomeo and Juliet 3-2.@ 12. AMerry Wives 2-1.@ C. Opening speeches. 1. AThe Winter=s Tale,@ 7 p. [F. 9] 2. AAs You Like It,@ pp 2-7. 3. Untitled speech. D. Articles. 1. Untitled, re: Michael Chekhov. 2. AMirror of Shylock,@ holograph. 3. Untitled, re: childrens opinions of their blacklist experiences, written by Stephen Cournovsky, May - June 1977. E. Miscellaneous. 1. AFrom Glebfinger, Thunderballs With Love - A Joel Bond Thriller.@ [F. 10] 2. AShakespeare,@ poem, 12 copies. (Brand, Phoebe 7/29/04) 3. AWhen I Have Fears.@ 4. Page 3 from an unidentified work; untitled; photocopy; 10 copies. 5. Mini-bio for PB. 6. ASunday Mornings: A Happy Birthday Poem to Phoebe Brand From Carole Schweid.@ 7. A2 Songs for Phoebe.@ 8. 11 index cards re: play roles. 9. Holograph notes, 7 p. 10. Fragment from AAs You Like It@ used as audition material. 11. Holograph notes, approx. 75 p. 12. ANunita.@ 13. AThe Ellen Terry Tribute Page.@ 14. AUntitled.@ 15. ASpecialists on Specifications.@ II. Professional Material. A. Re: AAmerica=s Repertory - Hedgerow Theatre - The Hedgerow Theatre Collection,@ 4/16/77. [F. 11] B. Ground plans re: AAmerican Players Theatre,@ 1/13/89. C. Index re: ATheatrical Memorabilia of Morris Carnovsky@ on loan to Hofstra University, Jan. 30 to Mar. 30, no year. D. Contact sheet re: AWorkshop with Phoebe Brand,@ 4/21/99 - 6/9/99. E. Cast list re: AMuch Ado About Nothing.@ F. Syllabus re: ATheatre 103,@ 2 copies. G. Re: AIvanov.@ 1. AWorkshop III,@ Oct. 23, no year. 2. AWorkshop IV,@ Oct. 31, no year. H. ASome Principles of Stress in Spoken English,@ 1989. I. ASome Extra Points in the Speaking of Verse.@ J. 2 address books, including 1 photocopy. K. Subject files. 1. AAdulations.@ [F. 12] 2. AAmerican Players.@ 3. AAnderson, Max.@ 4. ABios - M and F.@ [F. 13] 5. ABlacklist.@ 6. ABrandels.@ 7. ABrasswell.@ 8. ACarnovsky.@ 9. ACarnovsky Scholarship Fund.@ [F. 14] 10. AClasses - MC.@ 11. ADeath Certificate.@ Box 2 12. ADesire/Elm.@ [F. 1] (Brand, Phoebe 7/29/04) 13. AEstate of MC.@ 14. AFalstaff.@ 15. AFamily Documents.@ 16. AFlorence Phillips.@ [F. 2] 17. AGorelik M.@ 18. AGreats on Theatre.@ 19. AHarper Collins.@ [F. 3] 20. AMemorial Morris.@ 21. AMidsummer Night=s Dream.@ 22. AOneil Center.@ [F. 4] 23. APhoebe Brand - Actor=s Lab - Golden Boy Awake and Sing.@ 24. APress - M and P.@ 25. APBS Productions.@ [F. 5] 26. APeeky.@ 27. ARound Table.@ 28. ASander, Peter.@ [F. 6] 29. ASeattle.@ 30. AServant of 2 Masters.@ [F. 7] 31. AStatford Ontario.@ 32. ATCM.@ 33. ATed and Rebecca.@ 34. ATheatre Guild.@ 35. ATITS.@ [F. 8] 36. ATo Each His Own.@ 37. AU. B.@ 38. AVanya.@ [F. 9] 39. AVolpone.@ [F. 10] 40. AWashington U.@ 41. AWeil - Kurt Found.@ 42. AWorkshop.@ 43. AYigor Bolichev.@ [F. 11] 44. Untitled re: K. Kevyne Bear. L. Daily planners. 1. Personal; 1924, 2000, 2002 - 2004. [No folder] 2. Theater Artists Workshop Planner, 1994. III. Photographs. [Also see Box 3.] C. Disassembled photo album. 1. 355 prints. [Env. 5-6] 2. 9 negatives. [Env. 6] D. Negatives. 1. 8 re: piano weekend. [Env. 7] Brand, Phoebe (7/29/04) 2. 24 re: dragon. 3. 2 re: miscellaneous. V. Medical Records. A. Bills, including Yale University School of Medicine Bill 9/6/91. [F. 13-14] B. Medicare. 1. Explanations of benefits. 2. Waiver of liability. C. Authorization record. D. Explanation of AARP Group Health Insurance claim form. E. Statements. 1. Re: office visits. 2. Veterinary. VI. Legal Material. A. Certification. [F. 15] 1. Re: Fur appraisal. 2. Re: Property survey. 3. Re: AARP temporary membership. B. Endorsements. 1. Re: valuable personal articles. 2. Re: Homeowner=s policy change. 3. All-purpose, re: automobile. C. Lease. D. Insurance. 1. Personal accident certificate. 2. Policy form re: automobile. E. Electric permit. F. Correspondence. 1. Re: property. 2. Re: FBI. G. Contracts. 1. Re: Author Agreement for AThe Flight of the Actor@ by Morris Carnovsky. 2. Re: Scott Meredith Literary Agency Inc., 1983. 3. Chorus Equity Minimum Contract for PB, June 15, 1927. 4. Business Certificate for Partners - Actors Concert Theatre. 5. Howard da Silva and Morris Carnovsky, May 14, 1952. 6. Re: acting class, letter of agreement, Jan. 3, 2000. 7. American Players Theatre. VII. Financial Material. A. Homeowners Insurance Policy, Amended Declaration, 11/2/69. [F. 16] Brand, Phoebe (7/29/04) B. Re: stocks and bonds - Jones, Brakeley, and Rockwell, Inc. 1. Class A stock. a. 34 shares, 12/31/62. b. 100 shares, 6/18/58. 2. Cumulative Preferred Stock, 47 shares, 12/31/62. C. Equity League Pension and Health trust fund, annual report, 6/1/86 - 5/31/87. D. Equity League Pension Fund Statement, 1967. E. Application Form for first investors fund for G. Mith, Inc., 4/30/73; includes flyers re: investment funds. F. Statement re: Wilson Property, including correspondence re: sale, receipts. G. Social Security Administration - Retirement, Survivors, and Disability Insurance notice (3 copies, 1 for PB, 1 for Morris Carnovsky.). H. Notice of billing rights. I. Campaign >87 Donor Pledge Card. J. Deposit ticket, 6/15/88. K. Application for extension of time to file, 4/16/69, for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. L. Confidential 1993 Tax organizer for PB; includes correspondence from Donald R. Gordon and Co. M. City trust closed account survey. N. Statements. 1. People=s Bank Mortgage statement, 11/29/90. 2. People=s Bank - Plus Banking Statement, 10/24/91 -11/21/91; includes 29 returned processed personal checks. 3. 9 miscellaneous statements. 4. 14 receipts for various. 5 . 5 bills for various. VIII. Correspondence. [Also see Box 4.] Box 3 A. Personal. 1. To PB; 124 cards, 4 postcards, and 1 telegram. [F. 1-2] 2. Letters. a. 1 letter from PB. b. 59 letters, 1960-2001, includes photographs and stills.[F. 3] c. 4 undated. d. 1 re: miscellaneous. B. Professional: 20 letters re: various subjects, 11/6/33 - 9/4/02. C. Miscellaneous. 1. 6 cards to and from various people. [F. 4] 2. Certificates of death for PB=s parents. 3. 2 letters. 4. 1 interoffice memo. 5. Sympathy letters for PB=s death, 1980s - 2004. Brand, Phoebe (7/29/04) 6. 7 letters to Stephen Brand Carnovsky, including 1 from Morris Carnovsky; 1950-1968. D. AVermont 1935,@ subject file; includes approx. 50 letters, financial material, miscellaneous notes. [F. 5] IX. Photographs (continued). [Also see Box 2.] A. Color slides from AOnly Yesterday.@ [F. 6] B. 4 black and white autographed prints from Bennes Mardenn to PB and Morris Carnovsky; includes resume. [F. 7] C. Stills from plays, of PB unless otherwise noted. 1. Professional. a. 39 prints; includes note from Joan Kramer, David Heeley. [Env. 1] b. 6 strips of contact sheets (prints). c. 2 prints of other actors. [Env. 2-3] 2. 70 prints; includes negatives. D. Portraits. 1. 58 prints of PB. 2. 19 prints of various actors and family members; includes resume and notes re: Edith Wallace Kufta. E. Personal photos. 1. 86 black and white prints; includes PB graduating, Nov. 27, 1907 (2 copies). [Env. 4] 2. 174 color prints. X. Film and Video. A. Video cassettes. 1. ATheatre Artists Workshop 1983 - 2003. Our History and Videos Reunion Party. Features Commentary from attending membership. 20th Anniversary Celebration.@ [No folder] 2. AThe John Garfield Story,@ aired 2/3/03. XI. Personal Memorabilia. Box 4 A. Certificates. 1. Confirmation for Phoebe Elizabeth Brand, Apr. 23, 1922. [F. 1] 2. University of the State of New York, re: academic scholarship for George B. Brand, May 1885. Note: additional personal memorabilia re: George B. Brand is located in the Large Size Material section of this listing. B. Handmade menu for ARelais della Belle Aurore,@ Paris. C. Cloth, unidentified. D. Touch of Hope Award for PB, 1994; includes program from ceremony from the Barbara Barondess Theatre Lab Non-Profit Foundation. [Award damaged prior to transfer into archives.] Brand, Phoebe (7/29/04) E. Menu for A9 Queens Street.@ [F. 10] Note: an additional award is located in the Large Size Material section of this listing. XII. Artwork. A. APhoebe=s Box,@ storybook hand-illustrated and made for PB. [F. 1] B. Sketches. 1. 2 sketches, unsigned, undated. 2. On tissue paper, signed, artist unknown, dated A30.@ 3. A caricature of a PB admirer, from ADel@ for PB. C. 1 empty envelope, hand-illustrated, ATo Miss Phoebe on her birthday,@ 9" x 11". XIII. Correspondence (continued). [Also see Box 3.] A. Personal (continued). 1. Greeting cards. a. 104 cards, 1980-1989. [F. 2-3] b. 31 cards, n.d. 2. 59 letters, 1960-2001; includes photographs and stills (continued from Box 3).
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