This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas .. .,j : (J5 . 93 1.3 : .36 http://dolearchives.ku.eduREP. JO\" KYL' PH..\:. 14=56 SEN. DOLE HR~ 1 41 ~RESS OFFICE I f COM"4mtC. JB DOLE l'CilllCVO.Ttl~ . MUT'MTl~. AHO l'OQllTR'I' Fl"ANC€ ,,.... TE iuCIT auu. .DIWG 111.11.C) r ao~ i:i.•~1;2 1 \'\nittd ~tarts tStnatr May 5, l~~J The Honorable Jon Kyl Member of Congress 2440 Rayburn House Office Buildinq Washington~ D.C. 20515 Dear Jon: Thank you for your lQ~~er reqa~ding the invita~ion from Hamilton !. McRae, llI to adarass the members of The Economic Club of Phoenix on a mutually oonvenien~ date frorn S~ptember, 1~93 to May, 1994 in Phoenix. Schedui~ng for the latter part of 1993 and 1994 has not yet been detet"Tnined. Shou1d future travel plans bring me to the Phoenix area, I shall certainly keep this invitation in mind . With best ~ishes. BO/mil:> oci P~mela Barbey Page 1 of 49 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu REPUBLIC ---------- WMJP~--------- HAMILTON E. McRAE Ill Chairman 2425 East Carnelback, Suite 900 Phoenix, ArizonaPage 2 85016 of 49 (602) 955-6767 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu JOB DOLE COMMITTEES: KANSAS AGRICULTURE, NUTRITION, AND FORESTRY , SENATE HART BUILDING FINANCE RULES (202) 224-6521 tlnitcd i'tatc.s i'rnatc WASHINGTON, DC 20510-1601 May 4, 1993 3/10/93 -- FYI Cop ies mailed to: Larry Edward Penley Barbara McConnell Barrett Vicki Budinger Hamilton E. McRae, III Chairman of the Board Republic Companies 2425 East Camelback Suite 900 Phoenix, Arizona 85016 Dear Mr. McRae: On behalf of Senator Dole, thank you for the invitation to address the members of The Economic Club of Phoenix and other local business and community leaders on a mutually convenient date from September, 1993 to May, 1994 in Phoenix, Arizona. Scheduling for the latter part of 1993 and 1994 has not yet been determined. We will keep your invitation on file and be back in touch when final determination is complete. With best wishes. Sincerely, ~c/~ HOPKINS YLH/mib PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER Page 3 of 49 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu DO LE BOB I D: 202- 408 -51 17 DEC 03'93 16 : 49 No. 012 P. 06 .suggested talki~g Po!nts tor SX,."lillQton Fundrals~,r for Senator Dole Greetings What Dorothy said in the WlzQrd of O~ -- that "thire's no place like home" when horn~ is Kansas -- is absolutely true. I lcve my homo state, and I spend as much time thsre as I can. But if Kansas w~ren't my home, I think. I'd opt to live In Arizona. This I~ ~ truly rem(\rk~blo state, and Elizabeth and I try to giat out heir~ as often as possible. Unfortunately, thorn waG a time not long aoo when Arizona suffered from chronic bad press . Its economy and politics had a reputation of instability. I am pleased to report to you tonight that, that period has come to an end. Under the ve1y able leadership of Fife Symington , Arizona has emerged as a national model. Evl;;jry stat~ could benefit from th9 sound policies that my good friend Fife has set during his administration. Bac;k in Washington, there is a lot of t"'-lk about minva11tlng covernment. It's a phrase tt1at's hard to argue with. But they guy who's heading the charge started his project by nearly doubling the Rize of hls pradacesso1·~ staff. Meanwhile, in Arizona, Fife has been invo!ved In his own effort to maka government b~tlfJI' . From e.11 e.oeovnts I've read, It Is ovi!rwhelmlngly ~uccessful. In just a couple of yearsj hundreds of jobs have bGen etimlnah~d . millions at budoet dollars ha.Ve been slashedi all while responsiveness has Increased dramatically. This Is what reinvention of government is all about. 1 Page 4 of 49 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu BOB DOL E 10 : 202- 408- 5117 DEC 03'93 16 : 50 No . 012 P . 07 The key to Fife's success has been value. Getting tile mo~t for ee\oh dollar. But it'B not juGt empty rhetoric. It is a reatlty in Arl?:ona. Over the next five years, the citizens of Arizona will enjoy tax outs totalllng about $1 billion . That is an astounding statistic. And It might cause you to wond9r how the state is going to make ends meet But you cei.n rnat easy. Tha fact ia, Arizona now has a surplus of $86 million. Sy setting ~ound flsctil policy, by k~Qping ta)(e~ down, and allowing businesses to prosper, revenuo increases. And there '' no doubt that businesses understAnd that. That Is reflected in your constant growth, low unemployment rate , and your per caplta personal Income figures. Be lieve me, to someone who spends a lot of time In the economlcally depressed east, Arizona 's outlook Is especially hopeful. The federa l government could take a lesson from thlg state. r:conomic recovery starts with a reasonable taxing structure, a small, etflclem gov~:ir n mant and a strong bu::;;incns bssa. To fans of Fife, thi~ all sounds very familiar. But hCJ t1asn't ju:5t put the'~ policlos on papor and gonQ an to nther th ings. He has taken an aotive role in recruiting business to the state . He has worked with the Department of Commerce to relocate about i OD companies to Ari"ona. And, under hi~ watch, exports to Me.xloo doublfid from about $939 million last year to $1.8 billion this year . That number will grow now that NAFTA ls underway. Page 5 of 49 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas BOB DOL E http://dolearchives.ku.edu ID : 202-40S- 5117 DEC 03 ' 93 16 : 50 No . 012 P.08 I &hould take this opportunity to thank Fife for his dlllgent effort In h~lping that hi~toric agreem~nt make ltr. way safely through the congressional mlnefield(;. He is a leader ir'l so many ways, and certalnly his reputation as an advocate of free trads was set lri stone a 001.Jple of we~ks age when NA~T A was approved. 1 Most of you know that, that was not Fife s only contact with the feds. In I.act, if you'd e.sk him, ho might say that he ha51 had a little too much contact with some of the people at the Capitol recently. Your state is fortunate to hove a govsrnor who reccgnlzes the tsndsricy of some federal officials to overstep boundaries. Now I t:ittld earlier ~there's no place like home," and I meant it. But there are people in Washington who think of their home as D.C. rather than the state that sent them the re. People begin to think tllat the federal government is the only government. I'm not one of those. I believe StEite governments should have broader authority and that federal government's role should be more limited on state Issues. I know Fife agrees. He has been very vocal in battling thlil admlnlstra.llon in the areas of budgets , taxes and regulation. I was Interested a couple of weeks ago to read tliat he had issued an executive order establishing a Constitutional Defense Council to look Into Issues where ttrn federal governm~nt migllt be msking uncansititutiDn'll demands on states -- issues liKe water quality. grazing fees and e.lr polllition. I <1.f"lp iaud that riiffort . It will be interesting to sse how some of my collea~ues react. 3 Page 6 of 49 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas .. http://dolearchives.ku.edu BOB DOLE ID: 202- 408 - 5117 DEC 03 ' 93 16 :51 No . 012 P. 09 Before I end, I would like to pass one more compliment along. The 24· point orirninal justice program that the Governor has proposed Is one of the best in the nation. These recommendations, along with his successfu l truth-In-sentencing reform are bound to slgnlflcantly iniprov$ the quality of life in this beautiful stats. And what makes this package that much more unique and responsible le thfi# attention pa.id to th~ social side of the crime problem. I was interested to read that, of the $31 million requested, $19 mllllon will be used for this area, for things like atwrlsk preschools, the youth conservation corpc, and neighborhood rnclamation projects. Governor Symington has done much for Arizotia. Ha has mucl1 more to do. There I! still a need to rovarnp the sduoatlonal system In this state. And there is still room to improve social services. He absolutely deserves the chanc~ to continue to lead th :s state. It is a pleasure to be here this evening to encovrage all of you to do everything you can to make sure Arizona continues to be model for other ~lates under the wl~a and oo rnpatent lvadership of Governor Fife Symington. Thank you. 4 Page 7 of 49 SENT BY!Xerox TelecopierThis document 7020 is;12- from the2-93 collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu BOB DOLE;# 2 Guvermn· Fife Symin&ton On February 26, 1991, Fife Symington was elected in a special election runoff as the 19th governor of Arizona.
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