Jackson goodbye See page5A THE DAILY CITIZEN Tuesday,july 7, 2009 •Dalton, Georgia •www.daltondailycitizen.com • 50 Cents THINGS Marine had TO CHECK 3 OUT ON THE strong ties INSIDE The City of Dalton voted unanimously to merge its building, planning and zon- ing department with to Dalton Whitfield County. See page 2A BY MARK MILLICAN Times. He had only been in-coun- The U.S. Army is now [email protected] try six weeks, buthad served atour teaching its troops howto of duty in the Iraq theater. withdraw from Iraq. Rick Sharp thinks his son — Sharp wasborn in Dalton and U.S. Marine and former Dalton res- attended Pleasant Grove See page 5A ident Charles Seth Sharp — is Elementary before moving to looking down from heavenwonder- Adairsville with his father in 2000. Christian Heritage will play ing what all the fuss is about. He attended Adairsville High home football games “under “He neverbragged, buthis School and played footballthere, the lights” this season. actions spokefor themselves,”Rick butleft school early to join the Sharp said. “I think he’slooking Marines. He wasstationed at Camp See page 1B down nowand seeing howmany Lejeune, N.C. liveshetouched. He made the ulti- Sharp and his fiancee, Katie mate sacrifice.” McMahan of Dalton, had not set a FROM TODAY’S Seth Sharp, 20, wasalance cor- date to be married. He planned to poral with ECompanyofthe 2nd enroll in college after his release FORUM Battalion/8th Marines. He was from the Marines in June of 2010, killed on Thursday in Afghanistan his father said. “The people who call Contributed photo during maneuvers related to “She’staking it rough,”said in to the forumare a Operation Khanjar,amassive effort Rick Sharp. “She won’teat, but bunch of cowards.They Marine Lance Cpl. Seth Sharp, seen here with his fiancee Katie launched last week to banish she’strying to talk alittle bit. We talk about people and McMahan of Dalton, was killed on Thursdayduring operations Taliban fighters from villages and theydon’t have to give in Afghanistan. Her served with 2nd Battalion/8th Marines. towns in Helmand province, their names.Theytalk according to the MarineCorps ➣ Please see STORY, 2A about other people’s pasts.Everybody’sgot a past. Bunch of cowards!” “I’dliketocongratu- Twokilled in motorcycle wreck late the Dalton Elks Lodge ritual team who wonstate and who recently competed in the BY MARK MILLICAN waskilled instantly when a1998 Ford Ranger April Lynthlin, 29, of Cedar Ridge Road, national competition in [email protected] drivenbyDavid Sloane, 55, of Dalton, crossed died Sunday during surgery at Hamilton Oregon. Congratulations the center line near North Georgia Raceway Medical Center,the state patrol operator said. to the Dalton Elks Aman and woman from Dalton were killed Road at 8:15 p.m. and hit the motorcycle, said Her child wastobenamed Cara Marie Woods, Lodge,No. 1267.” Sunday evening when their motorcycle was an operator with the Georgia State Patrol.The according to an obituary from Ponders Funeral “sideswiped” by apickup truck on Highway 225 state patrol’sSpecialized Collision Home. WEATHER South in Murray County,officials said. The Reconstruction Team (SCRT) is investigating Aspokeswoman at Hamilton Medical Center woman wasinthe latter stages of apregnancy. and charges are pending against Sloane. Sloane said Sloane wastreated and released after the Forecast: Mostlysunny Ty Woods, 39, of 4260 Brown Bridge Road, did not immediately return aphone call on wreck. Today’sHigh: 88 Monday. Tonight’sLow:65 Details, Page 10A County unhappy Pandastyle INSIDE Classified..............5B Comics..................4B withgym deal Crossword..............6A Dear Abby..................4B Horoscope.............6A BY MARK MILLICAN commissioner Harold Brooker. Lottery..................2A [email protected] “This ain’thittingmeright.” He Movies..................4B also took issue with a30-day can- If an agreement is not reached cellation notice by either party, Obituaries..............8A soon between the Whitfield County especially in the middle of basket- Opinion................4A Board of Commissioners and the ball season, since such anotice Sports......................1-3B county school system, hundreds of could cancel the season in its children may not be playing basket- tracks. ball this fall and winter,commis- Finance director Ron Hale said sion chairman MikeBabb said county taxpayershavealready paid Monday. for the building of school gyms, Keyprovisions of an agreement and for them to pay to use them dating to 2002 — all paid for in in- nowmeans they’ll be “paying 7 69847 00001 6 kind contributions — included a twice.” one-time payment by the county of Hale noted the county has sup- $1 million for four gym expansions plied well over$100,000 ayear in and an additional $50,000 ayear in-kind services, since theyalready for operational costs. The current do work likegrading and paving proposal by the school system for entrances to newschools. He said an estimated 1,480 hours of school lastseason the 14 school gyms gym use includes operational costs allowed 79 youth teams of children of $100,000 per year and $75,000 ages 9to12toplay basketball, a in in-kind service requests provided total of more than 600 kids. by the county’spublic works “Weneed to go back to the Northwest Georgia Trade department. school system to discuss this,”said &Convention Center Commissioners agreed they Babb. Commissioner Randy Waskul Booths should not be paying more than tat what theyalready were in in-kind asked if there could be a30-day MISTY WATSON/ The Daily Citizen Star expenses for the county recreation deadline for talking to the school $ department to use gyms on school board. County administrator Bob Jaycia Dillon, 9, undertakes aKung Fu stance like those she's 25 system property. seen in the movie "Kung Fu Panda" with instructor Jessie Call The Daily Citizen “I pay my taxes, and 80 percent Knowles during the movie mania camp at the Creative Arts 706-217-6397 of them go to the schools,”said ➣ Please see COUNTY, 3A Guild on Monday. Serving Dalton for Over 19 years Oil Change Get there® up to 5quarts of oil Turbo Tire Inc. Check Brakes &Rotate Tires 401 South HamiltonStreet $ Only 34.95 706-278-1820 NowAccepting Good Year Credit Card Expires 7-31-09 lOTTERY WINNING NUMBERS – FOR JULY 6 ATYOUR Georgia: MiddayCash3:3-1-8, Cash4:3-4-1-3,EveningCash3:8-5-2, PAGE 2 Cash4:1-9-5-1, Fantasy 53-5-7-14-30 SERVICE Tennessee: MiddayCash 2-1-8: Lucky Sum: 11; Cash 4: 9-5-1-3, Lucky Sum: 18; Evening Cash 3: 1-3-1, L-Sum: 5, Cash 4: 9-6-8-2, Lucky Sum: 25 Ourmailingaddress: 2A Tuesday, June 30, 2009 P.O. Box 1167 Dalton, Ga. 30722-1167 Ourshipping address: TODAY’S FORUM City OKs 308 S. Thornton Ave. TODAY’S CITIZEN Dalton, Ga. 30720 Editor’snote: Please “I would liketothank the merger OurWeb site: keep your comments as guy at Walmart in line that NAME: Sydney brief as possible.Longer paid for my milk because my www.daltondailycitizen.com comments should be sub- debit card wasstolen. Thank plan with Hooper To visitus: mitted as letters to the edi- you so very much.” AGE: 19 tor.Ifyou include aname of Our offices are locatedonthe aperson or business, please HOME:Chattanooga west side of the intersection of spell it. Call 706-272-7748 “Obama has done more county FAMILY:Parents Thornton Avenue and Morris to reach Today’sForum. harm to this country in his David and Chris, sib- first six months in office than Street in downtownDalton. BY CHARLES OLIVER lingsWill, Bob, Grace, “Tothe men and ladies all the presidents combined.” We’re open 8a.m. until 5p.m. [email protected] Jack and BeN Monday through Friday. who built this house for Mr. “I’m glad to see Jeremy Manis, Ithink that’sone of The Dalton City Council SCHOOL: How to call us: the greatest things. Every Mayfield stand up to Chattanooga State NASCAR. I’m glad to see voted 4-0 on Monday to MaiNNumber: 706-217- nail had God’sblessings on merge the city’sbuilding, PLAY:Music, theater, it, every stroke of paint, him win, glad to see some- NEWS body that isn’tscared of zoning and planning depart- volunteeratCAG everything thatwas done for ments with those of (That’s 706-217-6397) him, and I’m so grateful that them. I’m getting tired of the SHESAID:“To live Whitfield County.City offi- Whenyou’renot sure with whom people still care. It’swonder- waytheyrun that.” will be an awfullybig cials said the move will end you need to speak, our operator ful for that precious man.” adventure.” will makesure you’retransferredto “I live in Murray County. duplication of services. the person who can best help you. “Older people have debts Iliveinatrailer.Ivote, and I The Whitfield County will continue to vote for Board of Commissioners Delivery: 706-272-7705 also. The 78-year-old who keeps working is to be com- David Ridleyaslong as he approvedthe merger two Our staffcan take your subscrip- mended for being able to pay wants to run. Ibelieve he’ll weeks ago. The merger will tion and delivery-relatedcalls hers.” do what’sright for Murray leave the county responsible from 6a.m. to 5p.m. Monday County.” for building inspections and Sharp: Daltonties through Friday, and from 6a.m. “I wonder if Gov. Sarah zoning and code enforce- to 10 a.m. Saturday and Palin has ever visited with “That’sthe problem now. ment in both the city of Youcity slickers think you ➣ Cont. from page 1A before himself.” Sunday. Gov. Mark Sanford of South Dalton and unincorporated “Wetalked about it and If asubscriberismissed, call by Carolina.” are god almighty.” Whitfield County.
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