The Chickasaw Times PR SRT STD US POSTAGE Post Office Box 1548 PAID Ada, OK 74821 PERMIT NO 49 STIGLER, OK 74462 Chickasaw Times Vol. LI No. 11 Official publication of the Chickasaw Nation www.chickasawtimes.net November 2016 Seeley Chapel beginnings Upcoming Events ‘A vision of a thriving culture and a united people’ TISHOMINGO, Okla. - Hun- south-central and southeastern Four Seasons Photography dreds of Chickasaws and friends Oklahoma while still providing packed Fletcher Auditorium and water needed to meet the needs Workshop adjacent tents on the campus of of the people of Oklahoma City, Nov. 12, 9:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. Murray State College October 1 to many of whom are Chickasaw ARTesian Gallery and Studios hear Gov. Bill Anoatubby deliver and Choctaw.” Sulphur, Okla. the State of the Nation address. Under the agreement, the (580) 622-8040 Delivering his address to an Chickasaw and Choctaw Nations enthusiastic gathering during the will have a meaningful and active Veterans Celebration 56th Chickasaw Nation Annual voice in the management of water Nov. 12-13 Meeting, Gov. Anoatubby traced resources within the boundaries the success of the Chickasaw Na- of the two tribes. Chickasaw Cultural Center Sulphur tion to the vision of those Chick- “This agreement is a win for (580) 622-7130 asaws who met at Seeley Chapel the entire state, because it pro- in 1960. vides a foundation for a deeper That first annual meeting in relationship based on engage- Diabetes Awareness the modern era took place when ment, collaboration and coopera- Community Event the government of the Chickasaw tion and offers the best opportu- Nov. 13, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Nation was comprised of a single nity to manage those resources in Chickasaw Community Center official, a governor who was ap- a manner that will help ensure a Ada, Okla. pointed by the President of the strong economy and thriving nat- United States. ural environment for generations “At that time, our people came to come,” Gov. Anoatubby said. Community Arts and together with a vision for the fu- Language revival Crafts Class ture - a vision of self-governance Revival of the language, Gov. and self-determination – a vision Anoatubby said, was one of the Nov. 15, 6-8 p.m. Gov. Bill Anoatubby reported “the state of the Chickasaw Nation is strong” and getting stronger of a thriving culture and a united significant ways the tribe pre- Purcell Area Office during his annual State of the Nation address Oct. 1 at the 56th Chickasaw Nation Annual Meeting people,” Gov. Anoatubby said. “And served its culture. He announced Purcell, Okla. and Festival in Tishomingo. (405) 527-4973 with that vision in mind, they took that the first set of Chickasaw those first bold steps toward reas- language lessons in the Rosetta models, to diversify our portfo- success. Not only have we bal- GOURDget Class serting our sovereignty and ensur- Stone format will be complete lio and to be good stewards of anced our budget every year since ing our future progress. before the end of the year. That tribal resources.” 1987, that budget has provided Nov. 15, 2-4 p.m. “I am pleased to report that the first set will include 40 interac- Financial success additional program funding each ARTesian Gallery and Studios state of the Chickasaw Nation is tive video lessons. Despite a downturn in the and every year. A very important Sulphur strong – that we continue to pros- “Our language team has been Oklahoma economy, due in large part of the financial equation, (580) 272-7781 per. And, that we remain vigilant working diligently to produce part to lower energy prices, the however, is making the most of in the protection of our lands, our these lessons so Chickasaws Chickasaw Nation has continued the dollars that we have.” Linoleum Block culture and our sovereignty.” everywhere will benefit from to experience significant business One example of resource stew- Printmaking Class Water rights Rosetta Stone’s proven lan- revenue growth. Business income ardship, Gov. Anoatubby said, Gov. Anoatubby declared that guage-immersion model,” Gov. has increased by almost 7 percent, was the repayment of bonds used Nov. 19, 9:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. a recent water rights agree- Anoatubby said. while net assets of the Chickasaw to build the Chickasaw Nation ARTesian Gallery and Studios ment among the Chickasaw and A committed team of elders, he Nation grew 10 percent. Medical Center. Sulphur Choctaw Nations, the state of said, had been working to make Diversification is an integral In December 2007, the Chicka- (580) 272-7781 Oklahoma and Oklahoma City this possible. part of the tribe’s business strat- saw Nation issued $90 million in is one example of the tribe’s “Day after day, these elders egy. Chickasaw Nation Industries bonds to help finance construc- Thanksgiving Celebration ongoing efforts to protect and translated scripts, reviewed vid- was established 20 years ago as tion of the Chickasaw Nation Nov. 19-20 defend sovereignty. eos and developed the language part of those diversification ef- Medical Center. Total cost of the Chickasaw Cultural Center The historic agreement, first material,” he said. forts. More recently, Sovereign medical center was more than Sulphur announced in August, resolves Each Chickasaw citizen will Medical Solutions was established $150 million, with tribal business (580) 622-7130 long-standing questions over wa- have full access to the Chicka- to expand health care services to revenues used to fund the re- ter rights and regulatory author- saw language Rosetta Stone pro- the larger community. maining costs. The balance owed ‘Love Lives On’ - ity over waters in the Chickasaw gram free of charge. An online “Expansion of our core busi- on those bonds is now less than and Choctaw Nations. version and audio version on CD nesses and selective diversifi- $7 million and a sinking fund has International Survivors of “While we have been sovereign will be available before the end cation into new markets has re- been established to retire the re- Suicide Loss Day since time immemorial, sover- of the year. A mobile application sulted in higher than forecasted mainder of that debt in December Nov. 19, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. eignty is something we should is under development and will be growth and unprecedented com- 2018, 14 years ahead of schedule. Chickasaw Business and never take for granted,” Gov. Ano- available in the summer of 2017. mercial earnings,” Gov. Anoa- “Our employees, across ev- Conference Center atubby said. “As tribal leaders, “We are excited about this tubby said. “For several years, we ery department, are continually Ada we have a duty to engage in this and other projects designed to have been working to diversify engaged in the conservation of (580) 421-8734 process and exercise our rights as make the Chickasaw language our business holdings and we are tribal funds and expansion of sovereign nations to protect the more accessible than ever, en- now involved in a number of in- stewardship initiatives,” Gov. Gingerbread House Make interests of our people. suring the state of our language dustries - manufacturing, energy, Anoatubby said. “We call it ‘re- “Through this settlement pro- remains strong for many gen- health care, media, technology, sponsible stewardship.’ Tribal and Take cess we were able to find a way erations to come,” Gov. Anoa- hospitality, retail and tourism. resources are put to work in very Nov. 22, 1-3 p.m. to preserve and protect the water tubby said. “To fund important “Growing revenue and assets, visible ways.” Chickasaw White House resources essential to economic projects such as this, we con- however, is only part of the equa- Milburn, Okla. growth and quality of life in tinue to pursue proven business tion to our continued financial SEE STATE OF THE NATION, PAGE 2 (580) 371-9835 Celebration of Lights Chickasaws honored at annual Arts & Culture gala Nov. 26 - Dec. 31 SULPHUR, Okla. – A Chicka- for the American Foundation for Chickasaw Cultural Center saw suicide prevention advocate, Suicide Prevention. Sulphur a historic preservationist and “Ms. Rowe exemplifies what it (580) 622-7130 Southeastern artists were among means to be a dynamic Chicka- those recognized and honored saw woman,” Gov. Anoatubby Community Arts and during the Chickasaw Nation said. “For more than 20 years, she Crafts Class Arts and Culture Award cere- has been serving in Public Health, mony Sept. 29 at the Chickasaw and has been a leader in suicide Dec. 1, 6-8 p.m. Cultural Center. prevention since 2007. Her dedi- Chickasaw Community Center Shelby R. Rowe, of Brooklyn, cation has undoubtedly saved Ardmore, Okla. N.Y., was named the 2016 Dynam- many lives.” (580) 222-2929 ic Woman of the Year by Governor Ms. Rowe has has dedicated Chickasaw artist Sue Fish was honored with the prestigious Silver Feather Award during the annual Bill Anoatubby. herself to fighting the prejudice Arts & Culture Awards Sept. 29. Ms. Fish received the award from Governor Bill Anoatubby, right, and Ms. Rowe is the manager of ed- and discrimination that affects Lt. Gov. Jefferson Keel during a ceremony at at the Chickasaw Cultural Center. Photo by Marcy Gray. ucation and prevention programs those touched by suicide. SEE CHICKASAWS HONORED, Page3 Chickasaw Nation elected officials sworn in Oct. 3 Chickasaw Times ADA, Okla. - Five Justice Cheri Bellefeuille-Gor- of Lindsay, took the oath to rep- Chickasaw Nation don administered the oath. resent Pontotoc District Seat 5. officials elected Legislators Beth Alexander, Mrs. Billy was elected to fill the during the July Lisa Johnson-Billy, Linda Briggs seat of retiring Pontotoc District general election and Tim Colbert each affirmed legislator Mary Jo Green, of Ada.
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