DINARIC KARST POLJES NATURE CONSERVATION AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT Edited by: Peter Sackl, Stefan Ferger, Nermina Sarajlić, Dražen Kotrošan & Goran Topić Sarajevo, 2019 Contents I. Preface 5 Dinaric karst poljes – Jewels of the Western Balkans Tobias Salathé 6 Dinaric karst poljes – a look into the future Dražen Kotrošan & Nermina Sarajlić II. Karst poljes as wetlands of national and international importance - Worskhop proceedings and projects results 9 Spatial protection of Livanjsko polje in the framework of the UNEP/GEF project: Achieving biodiversity conservation through creation, effective management and spatial designation of protected areas and capacity building Maja Jaćimovska 17 The role of local breeds for the preservation of the ecosystems of karst pasture areas Gordan Šubara, Ida Štoka & Ante Ivanković 27 Dinaric karst poljes and their importance for mycobiota Neven Matočec, Nedim Jukić, Nihad Omerović & Ivana Kušan 51 Birds of Pešter karst polje Slobodan Puzović, Vladan Vučković, Nikola Stojnić, Goran Sekulić, Miloš Radaković, Nenad Dučić, Brano Rudić, Milan Ružić, Dimitrije Radišić, Bratislav Grubač, Marko Šćiban & Marko Raković 87 Results of two years of research of the bird fauna of Popovo polje Aleksandar Vukanović 93 Analysis of the occurrence of Lesser Kestrel (Falco naumanni) and Red-footed Falcon (Falco vespertinus) in the karst poljes of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the 2012-2017 period Goran Topić, Biljana Topić, Dražen Kotrošan, Mirko Šarac & Josip Vekić 113 Northern Lapwing (Vanellus vanellus) in the karst poljes of Bosnia and Herzegovina Dražen Kotrošan, Goran Topić, Mirko Šarac, Josip Vekić & Nermina Sarajlić 123 Karst poljes in Bosnia and Herzegovina – newly identified Important Bird Areas Borut Rubinić III. Dossier of karst poljes of Bosnia and Herzegovina meeting the criteria to be identified as Important Bird Areas (IBAs) 143 List of karst poljes in Bosnia and Herzegovina proposed as new Important Bird Areas Borut Rubinić, Jovica Sjeničić, Peter Sackl, Dražen Kotrošan & Nermina Sarajlić Livanjsko polje (Photo: Goran Topić) Dinaric karst poljes – Jewels of the Western Balkans Dr Tobias Salathé Ramsar Convention Secretariat Senior Adviser, Europe Gland, 16 October 2017 The Secretariat of the Convention on Wetlands cultural, scientific, and recreational value, the loss regrets not being able to participate in the second of which would be irreparable (in the Preamble International Workshop on Dinaric Karst Poljes to the Convention). They agree to formulate their in Tomislavgrad on 16-18 October 2017, after our planning so as to promote the conservation of the participation in the very successful first Workshop Ramsar Sites and the “Wise Use” of all wetlands in Livno in 2013 and the designation of Livanjsko in their territory as far as possible (Article 3.1). Polje as a Wetland of International Importance (a “Ramsar Site”) in 2008 by Bosnia and Herzegovina. We hope that Ramsar Site No. 1786 Livanjsko Polje will become a showcase how to conserve the par- The Dinaric Karst Poljes represent exceptional ticularly dynamic karst hydrology and its associ- ecosystems in the World with an exceptionally ated biodiversity, while allowing new sustainable rich history, unique local traditions and specially forms of agriculture and tourism to provide last- adapted cultural practices, based on the dynamic ing economic perspectives and livelihoods for the karst hydrology and the natural ecosystems which inhabitants and the local societies. We are happy evolved over the millennia and created specifi- to see that UN Environment is helping you to im- cally adapted species and human landscapes and plement projects to this end with the financial settlements adapted to these circumstances. support by the Global Environment Facility. Ram- These values are listed in the ably named volume sar stands ready to support you with the devel- “Floods for Life” that summarizes the contribu- opment of innovative land-use practices, accord- tions presented to the 2013 Workshop. ing to our “Wise Use”- Principle that will assure a lasting and bright future to the Dinaric Karst The Contracting Parties to the Ramsar Convention Poljes, their nature and their peoples. recognize the interdependence of human societies and their environment. They are convinced that I wish you a great success with the second Work- wetlands constitute a resource of great economic, shop and look forward to remain in contact. Sincerely yours NATURE CONSERVATION AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT 5 Dinaric karst poljes - a look into the future Dr Dražen Kotrošan & MSc Nermina Sarajlić The extraordinary phenomena of karst poljes polje was recognized as the most important have been recognized for a long time, but their site, and therefore the first phase of the project evaluation from the aspect of biodiversity was focused on evaluating its natural values conservation has just began. This refers to and condition. As a result, Livanjsko polje was individual research of specific species, groups declared a Ramsar site in 2009 and an Important of organisms or ecosystems, but there is still no Bird Area (IBA) in 2011, but it never got the status systematic valorisation of the significance of their of a protected area under the national legislation, natural and geographical values. and therefore the management plan for this area was never developed. Another 57 karst One of the ideas upon launching the Karst poljes were evaluated during the first phase of Poljes project was to assess the importance of the project, and it was found that some of them karst poljes of Bosnia and Herzegovina from the meet the conditions for the IBA status. This also international and local aspects, and to create indicated the need for protection at the local suggestions for the sustainable use of those level and development of plans for sustainable poljes that are estimated to have an international management of these areas. and local importance as biodiversity hotspots and have exceptional natural and cultural values. During the second phase of the project, the Aside from Hutovo blato, which has already results of the field research indicated that 13 been recognized as a Ramsar site and had a selected sites covering 20 karst poljes meet the formal protection at the local level, Livanjsko conditions for nomination for the IBA. This opens 6 DINARIC KARST POLJES Livanjsko polje (Photo: Biljana Topić) the question of the future of these karst poljes bility for the sustainable economic development - what is the best way to ensure their protection of the Dinaric karst poljes. So far, we have wit- and support of the local community through nessed the situation that the elderly population the programs of sustainable development? At remains on the poljes, while the young people the moment, the pressure on the karst poljes are eager to leave and look for existence in other is extremely high, and include peat extraction areas and other countries. The tourists from the and intensive monoculture crops, and there are countries of Western Europe already show the numerous dangerous plans that include the large interest in nature-based tourism, and the people energy projects (construction of different types of living in villages in and around karst poljes are hydroelectric plants and wind farms). willing to engage in touristic programs in a certain way - so, all the preconditions are there! The partial answer to the issue of development of karst poljes, in a way that benefits both nature The detailed research of the poljes should be and people, is the support to the sustainable ag- one of the most important tasks for the scientific riculture practices. The preservation of indigenous community and NGOs involved in study and cattle breeds combined with the cultivation of tra- protection of nature. The good knowledge base ditional crops would encourage the development is the best way to prevent the destruction of of new branded products (e.g. cheeses, wines, Dinaric karst poljes and ensure that their natural honey...). The strengthening of tourism, especially and cultural values are preserved for the future the one based on birdwatching, is another possi- generations. NATURE CONSERVATION AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT 7 Livanjsko polje (Photo: Nermina Sarajlić) 8 DINARIC KARST POLJES Spatial protection of Livanjsko polje in the framework of the UNEP/GEF project: Achieving biodiversity conservation through creation, effective management and spatial designation of protected areas and capacity building Maja Jaćimovska1 1Center for Energy, Environment and Resources (CENER 21), Nova 24, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, E-mail: [email protected] Summary surveys of the flora and fauna were implemented During the period 2017 - 2019, the United Nations by the end of year 2018, specific results regarding Environment Program Office in Bosnia and Herze- biodiversity surveys are not available yet. govina will, in cooperation with the Federal Minis- try of Environment and Tourism and the Ministry Keywords: nature conservation, valorisation, of Physical Planning, Construction and Ecology of Livanjsko polje, zonation, management the Republika Srpska, implement the “Achieving Biodiversity Conservation through Establishment Sažetak and Effective Management and Spatial Designa- tion of Protected Areas and Capacity Building in U periodu 2017-2019. godina, Ured programa Uje- Bosnia and Herzegovina” project. Due to its ex- dinjenih nacija za okoliš u Bosni i Hercegovini ceptional biodiversity values, geomorphological (UNEP) u saradnji sa Federalnim ministarstvom
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