Geologic Cross Sections of Quaternary Deposits Across the Manlove Gas Storage Field Area, Champaign County, Illinois Andrew J. Stumpf 500 450 475 450 47 5 450 425 400 Fisher 375 MCLN-08-01 500 B 375 F GN o o AI 350 MCLEAN s l Mahomet a 500 n PIATT HAMP A′ C d A 475 450 CHAM-08-09A 425 Dome 400 y le 5 l 37 a V McCord, L #2 well k c b o e r d d CHAM-03-02 r e o B 500 c k t B′ e 350 CHAM-03-03 m o h v 5 a 0 450 a 375 0 42 M 4 l 400 l 425 0 350e 500 y 45 475 475 350 Special Report 6 2018 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Prairie Research Institute University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Front cover: Area of northwest Champaign County depicting the topography of the bedrock surface across the Mahomet Dome, Mahomet Bedrock Valley, tributary bedrock valleys, and adjacent bedrock uplands. Also shown is the extent of the Manlove gas storage field area (dashed yellow line) and lines of geologic cross sections (see Figure 1 in text). © 2018 University of Illinois Board of Trustees. All rights reserved. For permissions information, contact the Illinois State Geological Survey. Geologic Cross Sections of Quaternary Deposits Across the Manlove Gas Storage Field Area, Champaign County, Illinois Andrew J. Stumpf Special Report 6 2018 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Prairie Research Institute University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 615 E. Peabody Drive Champaign, Illinois 61820-6918 http://www.isgs.illinois.edu Suggested citation: Stumpf, A.J., 2018, Geologic cross sections of Quaternary deposits across the Manlove gas storage field area, Champaign County, Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey, Special Report 6, 7 p.; 2 plates. Contents Overview 1 Guidance for Use 2 References 3 Figure 1 Location of geologic cross sections across the Manlove gas storage field area 1 Plates 1 Geologic cross section A–A′ 5 2 Geologic cross section B–B′ 7 OVERVIEW Stumpf and Atkinson (2015) and Stumpf tion exists on sequences of Quaternary and Dey (2012). Their model is based on clayey till and deposits of glacial sand, This report was written by the Illinois new studies of the Mahomet aquifer in gravel, and silt across the gas storage State Geological Survey (ISGS) to assist the Champaign County area between field area that were formed during mul- the Prairie Research Institute’s Natural 2007 and 2012 and previous lithostrati- tiple periods of glacial and postglacial Gas Working Group (NGWG), the Illi- graphic classifications published by deposition and erosion. These cross sec- nois Environmental Protection Agency Hansel and Johnson (1996), Kempton et tions are the first detailed representa- (IEPA), and other stakeholder groups al. (1991), Willman and Frye (1970), and tions of the Quaternary deposits across involved in studying the Manlove gas Willman et al. (1975). the Mahomet Dome, the structure in storage field gain a better understand- which the Manlove gas storage field is ing of the shallow subsurface geology in The cross sections depict the geologic developed. northwestern Champaign County. Inter- materials encountered between the land pretations made about the surface and surface and the buried bedrock surface The cross sections were made by cor- subsurface geology are based on a con- along transects A–A′ and B–B′ (Plates relating lithologic units interpreted ceptual geological model developed by 1 and 2). Limited detailed informa- from the geologic and geophysical logs R6E R7E R8E 500 450 475 450 475 450 425 2N T2 400 Fisher 375 MCLN-08-01 50 0 B 375 F GN o o AI 350 MCLEAN s l Mahomet a 500 n PIATT HAMP A′ C d A 475 450 CHAM-08-09A 425 Dome 400 y le 5 l 37 a V 1N McCord, L T2 #2 well k c b o e r d d CHAM-03-02 r e o B 500 c k t B′ e 350 CHAM-03-03 m o h v 5 a 0 450 a 375 0 42 M 4 l 400 l 425 0 350e 500 y 45 475 475 0N T2 350 0 123 4 mi N 0 123 4 5 6 km Figure 1 Location of geologic cross sections across the Manlove gas storage field area. The cross section lines lie over a shaded relief map depicting the topography of the bedrock surface (data from Nelson, Bedrock geology of Champaign County, Illinois, ISGS Bulletin in preparation). Borehole locations are shown by the red dots, and those drilled by the ISGS are labeled (e.g., CHAM-03-03). The McCord, L #2 injection well (green dot) is also labeled. The Manlove gas storage field area is delin- eated by the dashed yellow line. The extent of the Mahomet Dome is delineated by the red arrows. Illinois State Geological Survey Special Report 6 1 for water wells, natural gas injection/ number consists of four parts (in this i. Same as author noted above extraction wells, and coal and petro- order): the state code (2 numeric digits), b. Constraints—Nondisclosure leum exploration test borings. These the county code (3 numeric digits), the i. Terms of Use—The ISGS should data are correlated with the geology and unique well code (5 numeric digits), be contacted in advance to geophysical logs from four continuously and whether the original hole has been arrange ISGS review of planned cored stratigraphic borings completed redrilled, sidetracked, or directionally presentations and publications by the ISGS and geophysical logs from extended. The county code is sequen- using these data. Data usage two other water wells. These boreholes tially assigned to borings as they are must be approved in advance of are located between 1 and 5 miles of added to the repository. On the ILWA- presentation and publication. the Manlove gas storage field (Plates 1 TER (http://www.isgs.illinois.edu/ As appropriate, at least one and 2). A customized tool for the ESRI ilwater) and ILOIL (http://maps.isgs. ISGS project member should be ArcMap software programmed by the illinois.edu/ILOIL/) websites, the API included as a co-author in the ISGS (Carrell 2015) was used to generate well number can be searched under the publication(s) that use these georeferenced cross sections from the FIND tab. data. lithologic data. Polygons for each geo- ii. Disclaimer—This information logic unit were outlined in ArcMap, but was prepared as an account of shapefiles of the cross sections were later GUIDANCE FOR USE work conducted by a unit of the imported into Adobe Illustrator (version 1. General Information/Citation University of Illinois. Neither the University of Illinois nor any CC 2015.3.1) for graphical editing using a. Title—Geologic cross sections of unit thereof, nor any of their the MAPublisher plug-in by Avenza Sys- Quaternary deposits across the employees, makes any warranty, tems Inc. (version 9.8). In Adobe Illustra- Manlove gas storage field area express or implied, or assumes tor, the polygons were closed and sym- b. Project Citation—Data request any legal liability or responsibility bolized, line segments smoothed, and from the Prairie Research for the accuracy, completeness, surrounding elements added to create a Institute’s Natural Gas Working or usefulness of any information, standardized layout for publication. Group (NGWG) and the Illinois apparatus, product, or process Environmental Protection Agency disclosed, or represents that its In assembling the cross sections, it (IEPA), and provided to other use would not infringe privately was necessary to undertake additional stakeholder groups involved in owned rights. The views and analysis to move point locations closer studying the Manlove gas storage opinions of authors expressed to the corresponding wellhead, specifi- field. herein do not necessarily state or cally water wells located without a global c. Suggested Citation—Stumpf, A.J., reflect those of the University of positioning system (GPS). Prior to 2012, 2018, Geologic cross sections of Illinois or any agency thereof. water wells were typically located by Quaternary deposits across the iii. Status—Final analysis of the data township, range, and section, the legal Manlove gas storage field area, has not been published, and as location, using the Illinois Public Land Champaign County, Illinois: Illinois such, this data set is provisional Survey System (PLSS). For constructing State Geological Survey, Special and subject to change. Data have the cross sections, county tax parcel data Report 6, 7 p.; 2 plates. undergone standard project (e.g., Champaign County GIS Consor- d. Overview—See Overview section quality control review. tium (http://www.maps.ccgisc.org) and beginning on page 1. 3. Resource public aerial and ground-based photog- e. Topic—Geologic mapping, raphy (e.g., Google Maps, https://www. Quaternary geology a. Format (digital/Adobe Systems google.com/maps) were used to obtain f. Keywords—Glacial geology, Portable Document Format [PDF] the most accurate point locations. The Quaternary, Mahomet aquifer, file) updated coordinates were added to the Manlove gas storage field b. Start Date—March 8, 2018 ISGS wells and borings database, which g. Publication—April 9, 2018 contains the records of wells drilled in h. Author/Originator/Publisher— REFERENCES the State of Illinois. i. Andrew J. Stumpf American Petroleum Institute, 1979, The ii. Associate Quaternary Geologist, API well number and standard state The boreholes labeled on the cross sec- Illinois State Geological Survey and county numeric codes includ- tions are cataloged in the ISGS wells iii. +1-217-244-6462 ing offshore waters: Washington, DC, and borings database by the API well iv. [email protected] American Petroleum Institute, API number, which is a “unique, permanent, v. 615 E. Peabody Drive Bulletin D12A, 136 p, ht t ps://d l.ppd m.
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