DIRECTORY. J CHESHIRE. HOYLAKE. 375 The town was under the control of the West Kirbv• and Hilbre Island, off the coast of Hoylake, is reputed to Hoylake Loca.l Board, established by an order of the be extra-parochial for ecclesiastical purposes. The Oooster County Couneil, dated: Jan. 15, 1891, hut by pvpulation in rgn was 13. Section 4 of the "IHoylake and West Kirby Improve­ HOYLAKE & WEST KIRBY URBAN DISTRICT ment Act, 1897,'' the name of the district was a.ltered OOUNCIL. to Hoylake and West Kirby; under the provisions of Meets at District Council Office .. , Market street, on "$he "Local Government Act, 1894" (56 and 57 Vict. c. third tuesday in month at 7·45 p.m. 73) the present Urban District Council was estab­ lished; the District is divided into four ward·s. Hoy- Members. 111ike ha!! been for ·some years a place ()f resort for Chairman, Richard Bird. ·bathing and is lighted with gas and suppl;ied with Central Ward. water by the Hoylake and \Vest Kirby Gas and Water Co. Retire April Retire April iJmited. T·he streets a-re lighted with the electric light · Eugene Courtenay Thomas Coker Hening 1916 from the wor;ks opened by the Urban District Ooundl Perrin .•• ...••• ... .•. ... 1915 Herbert Charles Hatton 1917 in 1900 ; there are three excellent hotels and some good Grange Ward. lodging houses, and golf is much played on the extensive AlberG William Heath 1915 I Edward Case ...•.....••• 19r7 linkls of the Royal Liverpool Golf Club, whose magni­ Charles Bertie Burrows xgr6 ficent club house, erected at a cost of £8,ooo, stands North Ward. in Meols drive. The ecclesiastical parish of Holy Robert Alfred Aldred ... 19151 Wellington Samuel Trinity, formed in r86o, comprises the townships of Hoose Arthur Edwd. Williams 1915 Joseph English......•. 1916 :and Great 'Meol·s and part of Little Meols. The church, Isaac Barlow ...••••..... 1916 John I<'rancis Ashby ••. 1917 built in 1834 at a cost of £2,ooo, is an edifice of red: sand­ Richard Bird... .....••• 1917 f!tone in tlhe Norman style, consisting of chancel, nave, S()nth porch and a western turret containing one bell : South Ward. there are s6o sittings. The register dates from the year Samuel Jones ............ 1915 William Charles White 1917 1834. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value £450, Francis Edward Jones with residence, in the gift of the Bishop of Chester, and Littler ... •••••••••••u•• 1:916 held since 1913 by the Rev. Canon William Lang Paige Officials. Cox M.A., B.D. of Trinity College, Dublin, and surro­ Law Clerk & Clerk, Roderick Williams, 14 Castle st.. gate. The chapel of ease of St. Hildeburgh, Stanley Liverpol)l . road, was opened May rst, 1899, and will seat 5oo per­ Treasurer, Arthur Higgins, London City & Midland :sons. There is a Congregational chapel, built in 1906, Bank, 2 The Quadrant, Market street with 6oo sittings; a Presbyterian church, erected in Medical Officer of Health, John B. Yeoman M.D., C.M. r874 and seating 300; and a Wesleyan Methodist chapel, Edin., F.R.C.S.Edin., D.P.H.L'pool, Redcliffe, Neston 'built in 1905 with soo sittings. The Central Hall, in .Accountant &; Assistant Clerk, John H. Grundy, 14 Market street, is a public hall. In 1904 the Gospel Cable road, Hoylake Temperance Society erected a large building in Market Engineer &:, Surveyor, R. \V. Fraser, St. George, Banks -street, which is used as an institute and club, and has avenue, Great Meols -a large hall seating about 450, which is used as a Public Assistant Surveyor, Wllliam Herbert Maitland, IZ 1:J.all. The Upper Hoylake lighthouse, built in 1865 by :Manor road, :Meols the ::\fersev Docks and Harbour Board at a cost of Electrical Engint>er, Charles J. Turner, Brightling, Hoyle £3,5oo, a;id the Lo~er Hoylake lighthouse, though road, Great Me.ols maintained, are not at present illuminated. There is a Assistant Electrical Engineer, Samuel S. Foster, Q6 life·boat station near the Lower Hoylake lighthouse, Prussia road, Hovlake• Inspector of Nuisances, John Will1am Hocking, II Alder- under the control of the Roval• National Lifeboat Insti- tution. The area of the Hovlake and West Kirbv civil ley road, Hoylake • • parish and Urban District is 2,062 acres of land, 4 of Collectors, Thomas Pemberton 1\Iorrison, 10 Marine inland and 4,276 of tidal water and 6,712 of foreshore; yarade, Hoylake &; Henry Rogers, The Elms, 37 Grove Tateable value, £ro7,487; the population in rgor was road, Hovlake• a:o.9II, and in rgrr, 14,029. PUBLIC EST ABLLSIDIENTS. 'rhe population of the wards in I9II was : Central, Central Hall, Market street. Lind & Toulouse, agents 3,288; Grange, 3,284; North, 5·479• and South, 1,978. County Constabulary Station, r Prussia road, Thomas The estimated population in 1914 was 15,425. Wilson, inspector; 2 serg-eants & 9 constables The population of the ecclesiastical parish in rgn was Hovlake• Fishermen's Club & Church Mission Rooms 7·928. Hoylake Institute &; Club, )'!arket street, Saml. Roberts, Sexton, Thomas Thexton. treasurer; Waiter J. Crowther, sec Shipwrecked Fishermen &; Mariners' Royal Benevolent-~ The ancient township of HOOSE, on the Irish sea, Society; hon. representative, C. W. Slater, Riverside which forms the eentral part of modern Hoylake, was formerly a small fiS'hing village, the site of which, together with that of the township of Little Meals is Newspaper, "The Herald & Visitor," for Hoylake & now covered wit·h private residences; it is about half a West Kirby, 12 Albert road; Gill & Co. Ltd. printers mile north f.rom Hoylake station on the •Wirral railway & publishers; published weekly and 8 north-west from Birkenhead, between Great Meals SCHOOLS and Little Meols. The Wesleyan chapel here, built in The Parade Higher Elementary School, Parade, wall 1886, is now used as a mission hall. The soil i;;; sandy; bmlt in 1909, & a preparatory department was opened ilnbsoil, rocky. in 1912, for children over 9 years of age; for 350 boys · & girls; Charles Foxcroft. head master; F. Fowles, LITTLE MEOLS (or Meolse) is a villag~, half a mile James Hampson, ::\'liss J. I. Bostocl;: B.A. Miss E. E. south from Hoylake station on the Wirral railway, and 9 Jardine B.Sc. & Miss A. J. Wotberspoon B . .A. assis­ miles north-west from Birkenhead, adjoining Hoose. tants; T. II. Ballance, wood work instructor; Miss A.. Little Meols lighthouse, which stands on the shore, was l\I. Hughes, domestic subject teacher; Arthur built in 1865 by the Mersey Docks and Harbour Board; Grounds, master in char!re of preparatory department it is 40 feet in height but is not iHuminated. Lord Sheffield is lord of the manor and sole landowner. Church of England. , ~ ,, ~ Soil, !;andy; subsoil, rock. Hoylake, ·built iu x8gr, for 6oo boys & girls; average attendance, 363; Ernest Farnall, master; Miss Bertha · GREAT MEOLS (or Meolse) is a village on the Irish Burnett, girls' mistress; infant school, for ·315 in­ -sea, with a station on the Wirral railway, 7 miles north­ fants; average .attendance, z6o; :Miss .Amy Burnett, west from Birlrenhead. St. John the Baptist church is infants' mistress a chapel of ease to Holy Trinity, Hoylake; it was opened Great Meals (mixed), built in 188o, for 147 children'; in 1913, and will· seat soo persons. The Presbyterian a,·erage attendance, 145; :Mrs. Annie Sault, mistress Church of England, erected in 1905, and seating about CARRIERS. 300 persons, ·is a branch of the one in West Kirby. Liverpool Parcels Delivery Co.. Limited, to Liverpool Bertram Keightley esq. is the principal landowner. Soil, · daily, sundays excepted _ sandy; subsoil, rocky. Chief crops, wheat and potatoes Globe Express Limited, to Liverpool daily, sundays and some land in pasture. excepted Post, :M. 0., T. & Telephonic Express Delivery Office, J. R. Mercer &; Co. to Birkenhead daily, sundays Market street, HoylakP (Letters · received through excepted Birkenhead).--Charles Fi:<hH, sub-postmaster. Letters RAILWAY STATIOXS. ' delivered at 7 a.m. 12 noon & 3 & 6 p.m.; ~;undays, 7 HoylakE', George Frederick Cherry, station master &I a.m.; dispatched. at g.xs & u.3o a.m. & I 30, S-I5, goous ·agent B.15 & g.2o p.m.; 5.15 p.m. sundays Great Meols, William E. Totty • .
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