,. .«- W; 4}re.:: News from Advertising Avenue I About Radio and Television .. SIGHT & SOUND Accounts, Stations and People CANADIAN WESTINGHOUSE Co. NEWCOMER TO THE Rothman/ River areas with a total circulation Kraft Foods Ltd. account. He also Ltd. returns to network television Rock City account group at F. H. in excess of 40,000 homes and has several years experience in de- this fall after a three-year absence Hayhurst Ltd. is Evan Crandall, who 247,000 people. The group will partment store marketing. with a series of hour-long docu- has been an account executive with operate on a combined rate card and mentaries on the CBC English and Stanfield, Johnson & Hill Ltd. for feels that the package - which in- French TV networks. The programs, the past three and a half years. cludes 21 TV stations, counting THE BUREAU of Broadcast Mea- six on the English web and four on Crandall will act as assistant account repeaters, in these fast-growing areas surement reports several new mem- the French net, will be called Cana- executive, working with account of the province - will become the bers, CKSL London, CHLO St. dian Westinghouse Presents. The execs David MacLeod and David second buy in the B.C. market. Thomas, CJCA Edmonton, CKCY documentaries were produced by Woodhouse. No replacement has The Prince George and Kamloops Sault Ste. Marie, CKRD Red Deer, Wolper Productions Inc. in the U.S. been named as yet for John Coleman. stations are presently represented by CJNR Blind River, CFDR Dart- and include The Rise and Fall of All -Canada Radio & Television Ltd. mouth, CKCN Sept Isles, Du Pont Communism, From Kaiser to of Canada Ltd., Montreal, and E. S. Khrushchev, and Women in the 20th WILFRID SANDERS, former vice- Sumner Corporation, New York. Century. The agency is McCann- president and general manager of Erickson (Canada) Ltd. NEW VICE-PRESIDENT and man- J. Walter Thompson Co. Ltd.'s ager of the radio division of Stovin- Toronto office, has opened his own Byles Ltd., is Jack Turrall, well- GENERAL SUPERVISOR of public public relations counselling firm, to known in broadcasting and adver- affairs for the CBC is now John McCONNELL, EASTMAN & CO. specialize in stockholder and cor- tising here. Turrall has been in Reeves Haggan, replacing Bernard Ltd. has opened an office in Hamilton, porate public relations. York Uni- California for the past two years, Trotter who is now executive assis- its ninth office in Canada. Manager versity has been announced as his first as sales manager of Jack Kent tant to the principal of Queen's is David Johnstone, formerly an ac- first client, with two other major Cooke's KRLA and for the past year University. Haggan joined the Cor- count executive with Ferres Adver- clients to be announced shortly. in the same position with KMAK poration in 1958 and for the past tising in Hamilton. First account is Prior to eight years with JWT, Fresno. Before leaving Canada he two and a half years has been Donald Ropes and Wire Cloth Ltd., Sanders spent 15 years in the re- was general manager and sales man- Ottawa area supervisor of public which has been handled through the search and public opinion field with ager of CKOY Ottawa for three affairs. Toronto office in the past. The Ha- Sanders Marketing Research and the years and prior to that was sales milton office is in the Federal Gov- Gallup Poll in Canada, and before Toronto ten manager of CKEY for manager ernment Building on Main Street that was a financial reporter with the years. FORMER ADVERTISING West, telephone 529-8245. TORONTO DAILY STAR, the WALL of the CTV Television Network, Al STREET JOURNAL and the FINANCIAL Coyne, is now in the advertisers' of MACLEAN'S POST. STEPHENS & TOWNDROW LTD. services department NEW ADVERTISING and mer- The new office is Suite 501, 696 has named Edward A. Ross, Jr. as MAGAZINE and LE MAGAZINE MAC - LEAN, on sales development chandising manager of General Foods Yonge Street, Toronto, telephone a vice-president of S & T (Quebec). working research. Before joining CTV is S. formerly 921-1542. Ross moves from three years with and Ltd. Robert Hurlbut, publications development manager of the com- F. H. Hayhusrt Co. Ltd., Montreal, he was with the business -Hunter as adver- pany. He has had extensive experi- where he was an account executive side of Maclean TELEVISION REPRESENTA- in the Rothman/Rock City Group, tising promotion manager. ence as a product manager, product TIVES LTD. take over representa- group manager and manager of sales and prior to that was an account tion of CKPG-TV Prince George executive with J. Walter Thompson operations with the firm. effective STOVIN-BYLES and CFCR-TV Kamloops, Co. Ltd.'s Montreal office, on the December 1. With CFTK-TV Ter- APPOINTMENT race-Kitimit and CJDC-TV Dawson NEW ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE on Creek, they will have a combination the Whitehall Laboratories Ltd. ac- covering the Coast - Caribou - Peace Stephens & Towndrow Ltd. count at Young & Rubicam Ltd. is Douglas W. Lauder, formerly an ac- Appointment count executive with Breithaupt, Milsom and Benson Ltd. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT NEW MEMBER of staff at Ogilvy, Benson & Mather (Canada) Ltd. is Victor Kelly, account executive in the Shell Canada Ltd. account group. He was previously merchandising manager with MACLAEN'S MAGAZINE. TITLE OF COPY chief at Goodis, Goldberg, Soren Ltd. has gone to Barrie Neller, senior copywriter ht the agency for the past year and JACK TURRALL prior to that a copywriter with President W. D. "Bill" Byles of Ronalds -Reynolds & Co. RICHARD R. MOODY Stovin-Byles Limited, announces the R. M. MacLennan, General Man- appointment, effective September ager of Radio Station CJOB and ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE in the CJOB-FM announces with plea- 1st, of Jack Turrall as Vice -Presi- Rothman/Rock group at F. H. sure the appointment of Richard dent and Manager of the Radio City EDWARD A. ROSS, JR. Hayhurst Ltd. for the past two years, R. Moody to Assistant Manager Division. Mr. Turrall is well-known John T. Coleman, is now general of CJOB and CJOB-FM. Stephens & Towndrow Limited, national in advertising circles through his with manager of Miss Canada Produc- Mr. Moody has been CJOB sales representatives of Canada's leading long association with CKEY as Sales tions, responsible for administration, for the past seven years as Pro- radio stations, is pleased to announce the Manager. He also held the posi- advertising and public relations for motion Manager and National appointment of Edward A. Ross, Jr., as the annual Miss Canada Pageant. Sales Manager. In this capacity Vice -President, Stephens & Towndrow tion of General Manager and Sales Coleman, with a partner, has also he is the station's contact with (Quebec) Limited. Manager for 3 years at CKOY in national advertisers in the metro- Mr. Ross was formerly with F. H. Hayhurst Latterly he has been in formed a separate company, Multiple politan centres of Canada and Ottawa. Association Management, a business Advertising Agency, working on the Rock California where he was Sales the United States. City Tobacco account. Prior to this he was counselling service for smaller volun- in Fresno. The In his new senior administrative with J. Walter Thompson Agency, Manager for KMAK tary associations. On a co-operative servicing role he will continue his work several well-known food advertisers. management level experience which basis, the company will provide Mr. with advertisers and will assume Ross has also had several years experience Mr. Turrall brings to Stovin-Byles meeting rooms; secretarial, account- of in department store new duties in the policies the marketing, so that he will be of great value in carrying ancy and telephone answering serv- two stations. * * * is particularly well qualified to assist re and ices; membership recruitment; public advertisers in planning their national radio out their plan to -organize relations. schedules. re -vitalize the Radio Division. September 5th, 1963 3 Radio Documentaries ARMED FORCES WILL HEAR CFRA'S "SKY SHIELD" AN ESTIMATED million service- Headquarters in Omaha, Nebraska, men will hear a four-part radio docu- plus research in Canada at NORAD mentary The Sky Shield, Life or installations. Newsman Morrison Death for North America, produced made the five-day tour with NATO by CFRA Ottawa and requested by delegates from 15 member countries the RCAF for re -broadcast on 14 following the NATO Ministerial Armed Services radio stations in Conference in Ottawa in May. 'RA Northern Canada, Europe and the was the only private station to send Middle East. a reporter on the trip. The Minister of National Defence, National Defence Headquarters, and The series brought listeners the several Members of Parliament sounds of NORAD in operation at have requested tapes of the series. the Combat Operations Centre in Dozens of CFRA's listeners phoned Colorado Springs - the eerie pinging or wrote to ask for copies of the of alarm bells when unknown air- script. Group Captain William Lee, craft appear over North America; special assistant to Defence Minister the impersonal voice of the duty officer scrambling jet interceptors from Canadian and U.S. air bases; the high frequency probes of the Ballistic Missile Early Warning Sys- tem; radar picket ships on the east INSTANT and west coasts making routine com- COMMERCIALS CFRA OTTAWA NEWSMAN Sandy Morrison (left) interviewed munications checks; the constant re- Voodoo pilot Keith Inkster (centre) and navigator Mel Kenney of ports fed in on Soviet fishing trawler the 410 Fighter Squadron at RCAF Station Uplands about their movements. role in NORAD for his four-part documentary "The Sky Shield, Life or Death for North America". The programs included frank inter- views with the Commander -in-Chief INSTANT of NORAD, USAF General John K.
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