Inside: UA Election Supplement lMIT a 1 199 Al Continuous Cambridge News Service . Massachusetts ii93 ii 5 r sis Since 1881 Tuesday, March 13, 1990 ~sqPlsls ',j~~C s!Wa 1IIS1II Volume 110, Number 12 Students--petition to - 'PI allow gays in ROT By Alnnabelle Boyd said. OnI March 6, Defeat Discrimi- DDMIT intends to use the pe- nation at MIT, a group of stu- titions as the 'basis for a cam- dents, alumni, faculty and staff, paign before the faculty" to end began its petition campaign to the Corporation's support of encourage "the MIT Corporation ROTC at MIT, Halperin said. to sever its ties to [the Reserve According to DDMIT member Officers Training Corps] by June Randall L. Mackie G. DDMIT 1994 unless ROTC ceases to dis- hopes that the resolution stated criminate on the basis of sexual on the petition will be put before orientation." Symbolically, the a faculty vote. The faculty has petition drive opened during the power to reach the Corpora- Bisexual, Gay, Lesbian Awareness tion, Halperin added. Days (BGLAD). Path to protest DDMIT- collected 1500 signa- i tures from its booth in Lobby 10 According to Halperin, there last week, and is presently taking has been "a lot of talk about the its petition to living groups, ac- [discriminatory ROTC policy] on cording to DDMIT member Joe the MIT campus for a long Lerothodi-Lapula Leeuw/The Tech B. Melvin '92. DDMIT "hopes to time." DDMIT formed as the re- UA presidential and vice presidential candidates discuss election issues at Sunday's collect the signatures of more sult of "a number of conversa- debate. From left: Bapna and Schwingel, Hogg and Stern, Strizzi and Kang. than half of the NI4T undergrad- tions that [Halperin] had been uate student body, as well as a having with students and alum- significant portion of the staff ni." The idea for the petition UA Candidates discuss issues and graduate students," he said; drive "got going because it's been By Joanna Stone Three UAP/UAVP teams - administration's recent announce- According to DDMIT member happening at so many other It's countdown time for IUnder- Thomas S. Kang '91/ Jon D. ment that it is likely to renew Imtiyaz Hussein '91, each mem- campuses nationwide." graduate 'Association elections Strizzi '92, Manish Bapna '91/ ARARM contract runs contrary to ber of the MIT faculty will be DDMIT's drive is devoted, and candidates for-president and Colleen M. Schwingel '92 and these improvement plans. contacted personally by DDMIT most specifically, to altering the vice president are, currently scur- David W. Hogg '92/ David M. "ARA was presented with a list for their support. current US military policy which rying from one end of. the cam- Stern '91 - presented their views of demands that it must meet by "It is too soon to say how big states: "The presence in the mili- pus to the other determined to on various issues in Sunday the end of the year or else the [the petition campaign] will be, tary-environment of persons who prove their ticket will provide the night's debate, sponsored by MIT UA will come out in opposition but we have every reason to be- engage in homosexual conduct, best ;s-lution to current UA Student Cable. to contract renewal," Schwingel lieve it will be quite successful," or who by their statements dem- problems.- noted at the debate Sunday night. onstrate a propensity- to engage- All three platforms agreed that said David M. Halperin, a- pro- However, she 'added that this fessor of literature and member The electiois'- for VAP. and the UA must talke action to im- (Please turn to page 2) -UAVP -aild for class offices will list was no longer sufficient in of DDMIT. prove the quality of current food be held tomorrow. and dining services. However, the light of recent administration de- DDMIT hopes to use the peti- cisions. "But the UA must con- tions to pressure MIT's "unique Commencement security tinue to lobby for improve- relationship" with the military, r to be tight ments. .. the demands we make Melvin said. "MIT is the jewel in By Irene C. Kuo Police Chief Anne P. Glavin. Glavin refused to discuss de- are reasonable ones" and there is the crown of the military- The security modifications oc- Since it remains unclear wheth- tails, but did mention less access no reason these demands could industrial complex. DDMIT casioned by the presence of Co- er Barco, the commencement to the stage and tighter restric- not be met, Schwingel said. hopes to do something at MIT lombian President Virgilio Barco speaker, will arrive as a private tions on standing room. The lay- Another result of the adminis- that sends a signal to the nation. '43 at this year's commencement citizen or as a visiting head of out and length of the ceremony tration's recent announcement George Bush isn't listening to us will not be "extremely notice- state on an official state visit, not should be unaffected. concerning ARA was that the now, but he may later," Halperin able," according to Campus all security measures have been "We don't want the changes to Hogg/Stern promise to "Boot worked out, Glavin said. She an- taint the overall atmosphere of s · ·- · II s ARA' is no longer feasible. ticipated the presence of a bigger the day," she stressed. "The problem is that ARA has entourage and the US Secret Ser- The students and family mem- a monopoly on food service and vice should Barco come as a head bers who have expressed concern therefore has no incentive to im- of state. about security have little to worry prove quality," said Stern. "If we "The security modifications about, according to Mary L. i. introduce competition into the 'i will definitely be different in Morrissey, executive officer for food service, such as putting Barco's case than if the speaker commencement. "We don't antic- I LaVerde's on meal cards, we will were the president of a corpora- ipate problems," she concurred. inspire a higher quality of food tin," she said. (Please turn to page 15) (Please turn to page 15) Noble tenure case will go to trial By Mauricio Roman grounds. the nine tenured members of the David F Noble's tenure suit Noble is now a professor at STS program refused to recom- against MIT will go to trial on a Drexel University. mend Noble for further review, date yet to be determined, Mid- Judge reveals tenure process by a vote of five to four. The llesew~ourt Judge Robert Halli- professors who voted against No- sey decided last week. Hallisey's In his 31-page memorandum, ble included Loren R. Graham, decision came as a setback for Hallisey revealed elements of Kenneth Keniston, Kenneth R. MIT, Which had asked him to Noble's tenure hearing which had Manning, Leo Marx and Michael make a summary judgment on previously been closed to the J. Piore. The professors who vot- the suit, which has been going on public. ed in favor of continuing his ten- for four years. According to Hallisey's report, ure review were Louis L. Bucciar- Noble and the National Coali- Noble in 1985 received a unani- elli, Merritt Roe Smith, Leon tion for Universities in the Public mous vote in support of his can- Trilling and Charles Weiner. Interest, which is funding his didacy for tenure from the Ten- suit, considered the decision a ure Review Committee. However, According to the report, Noble "tremendous breakthrough:" The at the 'next stage of his tenure raised four issues "which could decision sets a precedent in Mas- process (the second out of five), (Please turn to page 2) sachusetts because it implies that "academic institutions have to |~ ~ ~~ a enact and follow their own poli- cies and procedures in their ten- ure processes," NCUPI Director Am Leonard Minsky said. ARMIT representatives discuss AIDS and safe sex in living Noble, a former associate pro- groups. Page 2. fessor in the Science, Technology, and Society program, filed a $1.5 Chip Buchanan million lawsuit in September MIT Symphony Orchestra gives a bold, vigorous 1986, charging MIT on nine dif- Susan D. Ward '92, Steven R. Saito '91 solo with the performance of M~lendelssohn, Prokofiev, and Brahms. MIT Festival Jazz Ensemble in Friday's Winter Jazz ferent counts based on his tenure Concert. denial, which he claims was made Page 9. 6r. I ·Is I I I , d s -- -- I - · -I · - -b - s I on political, not academic 1 I -oe]A;a,,: .-. <<-e ', - - I >1v ,. 7' ' ..T. .'s. 4.ko " :, - .1 ,.I '. ' ~ _ 1-.-i -, i.. , .I -1. - Tech TUESDAY, MARCH 13, 1990 II pi I 1 'I III PAGE 2 The =; r r _ I AMUSE YOURSELF ' AIDS awareness focus of AtRM-IT - COMPLTE UNK SYS V DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENTS pants also learn the proper use of One of the more recent *''486 ISA PLATFORMS condoms during the meeting. ARMIT projects was last month's READY-TORUN Feature "We really try to demystify the National Condom Week. Har- AIDS virus and the idea of safer mon said, "We tried to give the that learning about FRom $2,995 By Shannon Mohr sex in the presentations," impression Harmon stated. safe sex can sometimes be fun." AIDS Response at MIT, a stu- The leaders discuss "where" to included sending INCLUDES X WINDOWS dent group dedicated to AIDS Events and and guessing awareness and education, will get additional information "Condomgrams" help, as opposed to "what" a many condoms were in a jar.
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