MARIETTA COLLEGE Chartered 1835 2004-2005 CATALOG UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMS The Mission Marietta College offers students a contemporary liberal arts education. The College’s mission is to provide students with an integrated, multidisciplinary approach to critical analysis, problem solving, and the leadership skills required to translate what is learned into effective action. This education is the responsibility of all members of the campus community, including the stu - dents, the faculty, the administration, and the staff. It is accomplished in many ways: through classroom instruction, student life, co-curricular activities, and a variety of employment and lead - ership experiences. Overview of contents 2 The Nine Core Values 141 Undergraduate Admission 3 From the President 146 Undergraduate Tuition, Fees, and Financial Aid 5 Table of Contents 154 Graduate Programs 7 The College Year 155 Continuing Education Program 8 Notices 159 Campus Facilities 9 The College and the City 167 Endowment Resources 11 Undergraduate Programs of Instruction 186 Student Support Services 116 Curricular Options and Enhancements 188 Student Organizations and Activities 125 Undergraduate Degrees – Graduation 195 Directories Requirements 208 Whom to See About What 131 Academic Policies and Practices 210 Index 214 Campus Map 215 Fifth Street, Marietta, Ohio 45750, U.S.A. Phone (740) 376-4000 Fax (740) 376-4896 http://www.marietta.edu The Nine Core Values 1. Liberal Arts Foundation steadfast in our commitment to liberal education, yet As a contemporary liberal arts college, Marietta reaf- our curriculum also reflects today’s realities of eco- firms a liberal arts foundation as essential preparation nomic expansion, worldwide market orientation, and for any career. Students will take a breadth of general our recognition that, ultimately, Marietta College pre- education courses in the major areas of knowledge pares its students for the world of work. As we enter within the ever-changing liberal arts. This approach to the 21st Century, Marietta will build a connection teaching and learning stresses the development of crit- between the liberal arts and the pre-professions by inte- ical thinking, problem solving and effective communi- grating our belief that the liberal arts are the best prepa- cation skills. ration for any career with an equal commitment to practical experience as a necessary prerequisite for the 2. In-Depth Programs of Study world of work. Marietta College is committed to offering programs of in-depth study that prepare students for both challeng- 6. Financial Planning ing careers and admission to well-respected graduate Marietta College reaffirms the importance of following and professional schools. Marietta College offers sound financial planning as a means to ensure that the majors, minors and other academic programs in those institution achieves its operational and strategic goals. select areas that are consistent with the mission of the The primary goal of budget planning is to provide a College and where it has the expertise and resources to framework for decision making that results in a balance meet or exceed baselines of excellence. between expected revenues and projected expenditures. The primary goal of financial planning is to facilitate 3. Residential College the development of long range policy initiatives. Marietta College will remain primarily a residential college. A residential college is a living, dynamic com- 7. Service to the Region munity. It builds a sense of community among the stu- Marietta College is a source of pride for the Mid-Ohio dents, faculty and administration. Through a residen- Valley, having brought regional and national attention tial college we create a stronger sense of belonging to to the area for nearly two centuries. As the only private the institution and to the students’ matriculating class. liberal arts college in Southeast Ohio, Marietta is posi- As a residential community we develop our distinctive tioned to serve as a cultural and intellectual center for ethos, our dedication to the whole student, and affirm area residents. Whereas the College is proud of the the interdependence between life inside and outside the contribution it has made to the area, it likewise appre- classroom. We expect a critical mass of students will ciates the benefits it has received from the Mid-Ohio live on campus and participate in campus activities. Valley. Marietta College of the 21st Century maintains its commitment to the area. 4. Technology Marietta College students will be prepared to succeed 8. Leadership in our increasingly technological society. Students will A successful society demands familiarity with the prin- be technologically proficient, comfortable and capable ciples of responsible citizenship and knowledge of with methods of communication and ways to gather leadership behaviors and skills. Marietta College information intelligently. They will use a variety of believes that the role of citizen-leader must become a computer software, but will also be made aware of non- way of life if we are to create a livable, sustainable, eth- computer technology in science, mathematics, and/or ical future. engineering courses. Equally important, students will understand the importance of technology to culture, 9. Globalization ways of learning, and our sense of being human. We are living in what has been called the “global vil- lage,” a term which embodies a recognition that eco- 5. World of Work nomic growth and political stability in the 21st Century As a contemporary liberal arts college, Marietta today will come through cooperative efforts among the remains true to the founders’emphasis on an education nations of the world. Marietta College students will be “in the various branches of useful knowledge.” We are prepared to thrive in a diverse, global society. From the President elcome to Marietta College, a college with a proud history and a dynamic present. Chartered in 1835 to provide an education in “the various branches of useful knowledge,” Marietta has long been recognized as Wone of the best small private liberal arts colleges in the Midwest. The fact that the College is home to a chapter of Phi Beta Kappa underscores the rigor of the intellectual experience here. Marietta College retains its com- mitment to liberal arts education, to preparation for graduate school and careers, and to developing a strong com- munity on the campus. The themes of change and challenge will characterize informed positions on the issues of our day—from stem your time at Marietta College. Marietta College is cell research to the ethical conduct of business, to the changing to meet the needs of the twenty-first century ordering of relationships among diverse groups in our and of the students who learn here. You will study in the country and among the cultures of the world. Our Rickey Science Center and work out in the Dyson understanding of these issues, both personal and collec- Baudo Recreation Center, both of which opened in tive, changes over time, and it is the responsibility of the 2003. You will study with committed faculty members, liberally educated person to continue to learn throughout some new to Marietta, some who have been here for life, to understand how knowledge is created, to evalu- their entire careers, and will benefit from the great blend ate information critically, to make judgments, and to of experience and new ideas they bring to the classroom. communicate clearly. You will receive the breadth and You will learn in a variety of new and interesting ways, depth of knowledge and skills that characterize a liberal via technology, through service learning and internships arts education through Marietta College’s general edu- as well as through interaction with dedicated faculty and cation program, through your major, and through a wise other bright students. choice of elective courses. The most profound change you will experience during ssume leadership in at least one area of College your time at Marietta College will be your own growth Aand community life. Marietta College prepares and development as you explore new academic fields, you to be a citizen-leader, not only in some distant develop intellectual and social self-confidence, and future, but now. The College’s leadership program pro- establish your own place in this community. The nine vides opportunities for you to think about leadership in Core Values approved as part of our Strategic Plan in a systematic way, to understand the variety of leadership 2000 and to be found on the facing page, provide the styles and responsibilities, and to make the connection basis for the educational experience at Marietta College. between leadership and service. Campus organizations In the spirit of those Core Values, I offer you the fol- are laboratories in which you can develop and evaluate lowing seven challenges: your own skills and learn from the styles of others. The future of our society depends upon the leadership of ommit yourself to become a liberally educated educated people, and the present-day health of our cam- Cperson. Liberal arts education is described as an pus community depends upon your active involvement education befitting a free person. What do free persons now. You will create your own identity and your own need to know? Among other things, we need to under- role in the Marietta College community, and as you stand what it means to be human, how to define our apply what you have learned about yourself and others, roles as individuals in society, how social systems inter- you can help us build a better place for all students. act with each other, how the natural world works, and how those workings affect our lives. Serious considera- tion of those issues is essential if we are to take well- FROM THE PRESIDENT evelop an understanding of yourown place in the strengths, weaknesses, and interests, and in many cases, Dglobal village. News reports from the U.S. and contribute to the life of your community.
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