U — MANCHE8TEB HERALD. Monday. Feb. 16.1987 LIOAL NOnCR MANCHESTER EOCUS ‘ ■t.'i — •— SPORTS HELP WANTED HELP WANTED The tellewino notice Ihot o Pem eq^lc_Prlmory ?loce hosbeM tiled by the Office of the Resistrors with me BUSINESS & SERVICE DIRECTC!^Y own Clerk Town Clerk, Marie Burbank, New mall permit ‘Barnum’ leaves Hebe top Bruins DEALER REPRESENTATIVE There will be a Prlmory on March 9 ,19S7 of m# Andover Elementary School from 12 noon to S p.m. tabled by STC us asking why F M NATIMML PIWTO FINIM IM COMPANY BDDKKEEPM8/ PAMTMfi/ HEATMD/ Tho oftfeo to bo fIMod It for First Soloctmon. ' W ; to regain first W* hav* an entry level poaltlon opening for a CMLDCARE I m c d m e t a x PAPERMfi PLUM8M8 BEATRICE E. KOWALSKI REGISTRAR ... page 8 ^0.: K ... page 9 ... page 12 dealer repreaentative. No relocation, no aelling Loving mom of two has Income tax preparation In Name your own price — Fogortv Brothers — Ba­ Condldofts on m# bollof for tho p «lM of First Soloctmon oro involved, responalblllty will Include calling on es- fminedlate full time open­ your home. All federal Father and son. Fast, throom remodeling; In­ David C. Wosidburv and Nolllo L. Bolsvorf. NELLIE L. BOISVERT tabllBhed accounts to Inform, train and council ings In m v licensed child and state forms. Reasona­ dependable service. stallation water heaters, proof home. Lunch and ble rotes. Information on Pointing, Paperhanging & garbage disposals; faucet TOWN CLERK retail personnel. We will provide on the]ob train* snacks, plenty of love and new fox low. Call Jim Removal. Call 872-4237. repairs. 4494539. Vlsa/M- Dotod of Andovtr this 9m day of Fobruorv, 19S7. Ing for qualified applicants. Excellent benefits, ottonflon provided. Refer­ otter 4 pm, 742-1009. osterCord accepted. 025412 company car, and paid expenses. For immediate ences available. 449-7748. MRCELLAMEDUS BOATS/MARINE COSTFNOFOSALSSSS consideration send resume plus salary require­ Caring peron to do child TAX ATTORNEY SERVICES -AN AXCMITICTOII ments to: care in m y licensed Man­ (Ralirad IRS) J $■ L Stone Pointers- EQUIPMENT ■NaiNBIR OR FUUM M 0 chester home. Toddlers WHI pfspar* all Tax RMumi. (Reduced rates-WInter SFiaFICATIONB FOR FOOL n LTlR B AND SUROB TANK and Infants, experienced season).Professional ex­ Odd lobs. Trucking. Home 16 toot Mad River canoe, AT BAST HARTFORD MOH - Guardian Photo with children, Monday repairs. You name It, we WHITMAN perienced In all phases of paddles Included. Used •CHOOL* aurlipatrr l■^pral^ 10 Technology Drive through Friday, 4:30 am 165 Downey Drive., Apt. A pointing trade. Neat do It. Free estimates. tour times. Excellent con­ The Board of Education, 110 Manchester - A City of Village Charm to 6:30 pm. Lunch and Manchester. 528-159'’ work, guronteed on time. Insured. 4434904. dition. $800. Please call Lone Hill Oriva, East Hart­ Auburn, M A 01501 snacks provided. Call Residential or commer­ ford, C T„ will recolva sealed 443-4942 Otter 4pm or 447- Cost Propetols tor "AN Aft: Robin Korch Bruno at 4494112. cial. Manchester. 649-4048. Your local handyman! 9944 8:30 - 5:30. Ask tor Coll John at 6434353 and ARCHITECT OR ENOINBeR eoe ICARPEHTRY/ Bob. FOR PLANS AND SPECIFI­ Available openings Imme- Lorry's painting and tex­ please leave message. I r em d d elih d CATIONS FOR POOL FILT­ Tuesday, Feb. 17,1987 30 Cents dlatelv for Infants and tured ceilings. Free esti­ Two large boat anchors ERS AND SURGE TANK AT toddler In licensed day mates, reasonable. Hawkes Tree Service- EAST HARTFORD HIGH Carpentry & Remodeling tor 32 toot boot. $90.00 SCHOOL". Cost Proposal In- care home. Food pro- 449-1594. Bucket Truck & Chipper. each. Coll 643-7534.C DENTAL Real Estate am, tUn, and natural Services-Complete home Stump removal. Free esti­ formertlon and tpecltlcotlons repairs and remodeling. ora available at the Butinats development. Call 646- mates. Special considera­ Offica. Saolad Cost Propo­ F CHAIR-SIDE We specialize In ba­ MUSICAL 4435. lELKTH KAL tion tor elderly and handi­ sals will be racalvad unta Bribe ASSISTANT throoms and kitchens. capped. 447-7553. ITEMS Monday, March 2, IfSTat 1:00 CIA nominee HDME8 GLEAHIHfi Small scale commercial p.m. at which time may will FDR SALE work. Registered, In­ Dumas Electric — Having be publicly opened and rcod Rill time, experience SERVICES SERVICES 120 base accordion, excel­ aloud. The Board of Educo- I sured, references. 646- Electrical Problems? WARTED lent condition. Will trade tlon reserves me rieht to ac­ preferred but willing 8165. Need a large or a small cept or relect any or all Cost charges All real estate advertised for smaller or equal to train. Send resume Hercules House cleaning Repoir? We Specialize In Proposals or me rieht to In the Manchester Herald Custom furniture and ca­ value. Call anytime, 646- waive technical formoMtles If to service - thourough house Residential Work. Joseph Weekend companion 2857. defends action Is sublect to the Fair and/or office Cleaning binets; furniture and an­ Dumas. Fully Licensed. wanted-77 year old Man­ It Is In me bast Interest to do Housing Act of 1948, which done. Most lobs only $25. tique repair, custom wood so. D e n t a l G roup Free Estimates. 446-5253. chester lodv recovering 1984 Ovatlon-12 strings, Richard A. Huot E mokes If Illegal to adver­ Call today for o free working. Coll The Woods- added from a mild strokeneedsa OIractor 147 East Center St. tise any preference, lim­ mlth, 6434538. case, and accessories In­ estimate at 649-3052. Electrical Contractor - weekend companion. Fri­ cluded. $700. Call 649-4233. Business Services Manchester, C T 04040 itation or discrimination 026-02 based on race, color, reli­ Replace that old fuse day evening to Sunday By George Loyng Robert E. Jarvis Building panel, upgrade to a new evening. Requirements on arms sales gion, sex or national - remodeling specialist. circuit breaker panel. ICAMERAS/PHOTO Herald Reporter origin, or on Intention to AAR Cleaning are for companionship Additions, garages, roof­ Dryer, outlets, swimming and cooking. Please send Iequipment MISCELLANEOUS make any such prefer­ Office & buNdIng clean­ ing, siding, kitchens, ba­ HARTFORD - Additional pools, wired, rec rooms. o letter describing who FOR SALE By Jim Drlnkord pected a problem, but because of ence, limitation or dis­ ing. Excsllant local re- throoms, replacement charges of first-degree bribery Fixtures Installed, also you are, expressing vour Minolta XG-1 -$50.00. Like The Associated Press PASTEUP crimination. The Herald windows/doors. 443-4712. commercial wiring done. were lodged against two Manches­ our overall concern not to cross the will not knowingly accept forances. Free quote. Interest and stating salary new with case. Firm . Call You'll find tne neip you 20 years experience li­ requirements to Donald ter developers when they were legal limits on us vis-a-vis the any advertisement which 742-5633. 643-4295 otter 5 pm. WASHINGTON - Robert M. ARTIST need In Classified. 643- censed and fully Insured. McLogan, 40 Plympton arraigned this morning in Hartford Contras and their private Is In violation of the low. Gates, President Reagan’s nomi­ 2711. Free estimates. 644-8396. Road, Sudbury, Mo 01776. E N D R O L L 8 Superior Court. benefactors.” To do newspaper nee to run the CIA, told Congress Gates said he was aware of his Government Homes - MISCELLANEOUS 27W w M h • 2 M Neil H. Ellis, 59, president of page and ad pasteup. today he had heard only “flimsy responsibility to report to Congress ' from $1 (U repair). Delin­ FOR SALE I M wMlli - 2 for 268 First Hartford Realty Corp.. and speculation” about the diversion of any potential illegality or impropr­ quent tax property. M UST be picked up at me Leonard Seader, 68, the firm's vice Manchaatar HaraldOfflco Iranian arms sales profits to iety in intelligence activities. Some experience and Repossessions. Coll 1- 805- 1981 Fleer baseball cards - president, pleaded innocent to the before 11 A.M. ONLY. Nicaraguan guerrillas before the But he said; “ I considered In typing ability helpful. 487-4000. Ext. GH-9945 for h dm es APARTMERTS STORE AND 34 pack, wax box. $30. Coll new charges and the charges of current repo list. matter became public in October and November, and even FDR SALE FOR RENT OFFICE SPACE 742-4014.D conspiracy to commit bribery that I FURNITURE November. today, that it would have been Call I I were lodged in December. For sole by owner In 75 LP Records - oil tor $10. Gates, testifying in his confirma­ irresponsible to report to these SHELDON COHEN . The charges stem from an Coventrv-bv the lake In Manchester - $152,500 - New 5 room duplex apart­ Manchester - center of Soto, end tables and Coll 649-3581 .□ tion hearing before the Senate bodies the flimsy speculation of 1 Monday-Thursdey woods, 4 bedroom, 1'/> ment. 3 bedrooms, Vh town. Like new. 800 Automotive investigation into municipal cor­ Relax or golf at this lamps - Excellent condi­ Intelligence Committee, said the October.” 10 a.m.-3 p.m. baths, Ir, tr, kitchen, 11 x baths, fully oppllonced. square feet, all utilities. ruption in Enfield. luxurious 3 bedroom con­ tion. Making room tor Child's table and choir set. first indication he had of the His comments about the meet­ 14 mudroom garage, No pets. References and 448-1447. new piano. Coll 644-9543 40 Inch octagon with 2 State’s Attorney Lawrence Daly dominium bordering the diversion was on Oct. 1, when a ings with North and Casey echoed toolshed, Vh acre, beauti­ golf course. All large security. $450 plus utili­ otter 6 pm. folding choirs. Very good said the new charges were based on 643-2711 ties.
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