PAGE EIGHT. DAILY EAST OREQONLiy, PENDLETON, OREGON. SATURDAY, MAY 25, 1912 EIGHT PAGES RATES OH LIGHTS Reduce the High Cost of Newsy Notes of Pendleton TO BE REDUCED Oxfords and Shoos Living Eliinr Turner Sella Place. Elmer E. Turner, well known dairy PACIFIC POWER COMPANY You nv too much for coffee you pay 45c per pound, 1 "dreased-up- " if man and baseball rooter, yesterday ANNOUNCES CHANGE JULY The famous Packard make, for men. Lasts completed a whereby deal he disposes Means Saving of his place In Byers 0f Sixteen Per Cent for and leathers absolutely tlio latest, quality and workmanship the addition, con- Users IUIU .ess Than sisting of a residence Whose Are I Schillings Coffee and four lota, 3.60 Per Mouth or Twenty Per Lest, and prico the cheajest in the end. Best at to Elijah Gibbs and wife. Cent Siore Power. Operation Was Successful. A material reduction In electric A. Ruppe received a telegram this lighting rates has been morning at Pendleton 40c per Pound announcing that hi? wife announced by the Pacific Power & Saturday Special had undergone a very successful op- Lisht company. Effective Ju'y 1, eration at St. will suit you Li tter or you get your money back and keep Vincent's hospital in the primary light rate in this city will Portland yesterday and that she is be but 10 cents a kilowatt hour in- the coffee. improving rapidly today. stead of 12 cents, which has been the Try $1.00 worth this guarantee. prevailing rate for the la--- t year. Silk Sox for Gentlemen under Power .Off Tomorrow. This reduction in rates is the sec- The Pacific Power and Light com- ond made by the Pacific Power & pany announces that the current on Light company since it took the local Come iu black, tan and slate. Positively pure silk. As an Standard Grocery Company, Inc. all wires in Umatilla county will be plants. Expressed in al Where All Are Pleased turned off tomorrow between the language It means that all consumers extra special for Saturday, they aro to go at ' " hours of 12 and 1 in order to allow whose bills are less than $3.60 a O'Gara, Bec.-Tr- ea Prank President. Bernard O'Gara, repairs to be made near Athena. month will be effected a saving of 16 per cent, or in other words they Sues to Collect Account. will be enabled to burn 20 per cent The firm of Greenbaum Bros., of more current under the new rate for 25c a fair Louisville, Ky.. today commenced the same amount of money that they suit in the local court for the collec now spend. Consumers with bills tion of an account of 3417.91. alleged greater than $3.60 a month wl'l se- to be due for merchandise purchased cure a slightly smaller saving. Everything in Hen's Wear for less al tho Commencement Suggostions by Ben Morton, local drayman. The existing residential rate in Peterson & Wilson are attorneys for Pendleton is 12 cents a kilowatt hour GUARANTEED TWENTY YEAR LADIES' AND GENTS' WATCHES the plaintiff. for the first 30 kilowatt hours and $10.00 AND UP. all in excess of 30 kilowatt hours, 8 Nagel Roy Very IU. cents a kilowatt hour. Residences IVorkingmens Clothing Go Nagel, having a lighting load more than FOll LADIES' Fred the twelve year old of son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Xagel is 1 kilowatt pay 12 cents a kilowatt for very 50 kilowatt hours per month Meashbags, Lockets, Chains, Crosses, Umbrellas and Toilet Articles. ill in Portland and in resDonse the first See large window display. Main and Webb Streets. to a telegram declaring his condition and S cents for all in excess of the serious, his father to bed first 50 kilowatt hours. It should be FOR YOUNG MEN. rushed his side on the early morninsr train yes mentioned here, however, that there comparatively few in Watches, Chains, Fobs, Pins, terday. The boy had been suffering are residences Scarf Cuff Buttons Tie Clasps and 1 rrom tonsilitis which affected his Pendleton that have over kilowatt Fountain Pens. lights connected. new rates head and caused a gathering to form. of The the comfort of a housewife. We are er matter, and la, we CALL AND SEE US. j 10-ce- nt 12-ce- nt that the efforts He was taken to Portland where, substitute a rate for the also supplying current coffee per- are putting to after above, av- for forth install electric rate, and as stated the Mllton-Freewa-t- an operation, he was thought to colators, washing machines, churnera, pumping outfits in er be erage customer will be enabled to the improving rapidly evidently com-picatlo- ns baby warmers, toaster stoves, territory. great A. L. SCHAEFER but more light for bottle There is a deal set in. burn 20 per cent the house heaters, fans, electric of In county can- Jeweler and Silversmith. Phone Red 3011. money, which will electric land Umatilla that same amount of ovens, water boilers, a great many not be irrigated by many new con- and gravity. but OIil Romance la Renewed. enable him to install other devices that tend to make which can be Irrigated by electric veniences, as porch and cellar ' When Miss such living more eomiortable. Every time pumping. This spring we In- Jeannie Towers was lights, have united in marrlaee. last evening in etc. the price of current is reduced It stalled many pumping plants which James R. Dickerson of this city, a The present commercial rate in brings more of these devices within will result In making fertile a large romance that had its bceinnlnir voarx Pendleton is 12 cents a kilowatt hour reach of the small home owner. Bear area of land that has heretofore been ' 60 use ago was brought to a happy culmi- for the first kilowatt hours in mind, too, that we have said noth- unproductive. Every acre of land In ? - V. per kilowatt of the connected load ..' " nation. Miss Towers arrived from ing about the convenience of electric this county that Is claimed from poor it v Notice per month. All In excess of the first to Public Nebraska and met the lover who lights. and waste lands means Just that much parted from her long ago, 60 kilowatts is charged at 6 cents. The "Under our old rates Irons could more for the prosperity of the com- a license 6 cents, flat was secured through the new rate wilt be 10 cents and be operated for approximately 50 munity in general and Pendleton In To instance of In a substan- all those wishing to have their dear relatives' Chief of Police John Kearney and which will also result cents a month. Under the new rates Particular, for every dollar that is tial saving in business houses. brought county resting places improved the marital knot was quickly tied. their operation will cost about 40 into this from the before Decoration Day by Mr. H. S. Wells of Portland, new cents a month. As we stated above, sale of crops results in better times reinforced cement walls An Abnormal Rainfall. business manager of Pacific Power & we are anxious to secure the In Pendleton." around the graves, I will be Vin- Umatilla county has been thorough Light company, and Dr. F. W. of the citizens of this terri- Dr. Vincent will be glad to answer at the cemetery every day from now to May 29, do- ly soaked during the past eighteen cent, local manager of the company, tory. It is true we are in the busi- all questions regarding the new rates nours Dy a rain which began will superintending the changlng-ove- r ness to make money, but we cannot and consumers who desire to have ing this class of work. All about system to take shown them the exact difference In information will be free. 10 o'clock last night and con- of the accounting unless our. patrons are satisfied. In has reduction. first billing are requested to call at tinued almost without a pause since. care of this The tine with our company motto, 'Always their great of ex- the Pacific Power St Light company's Yours truly, According to Official Ob- - month will throw a deal your service, we expect to deliver Weather at office. server E. F. Averlll, six tra work on this branch because of current In Pendleton as cheaply tenths of an new rates. Just inch has been precipitated during the the installation of the as It is possible for us to do so. In storm Messrs. Wells and Vincent made the we also desire to call FIGURING HIM OUT. which brines the Mav rainfAl! representa- this connection FRANK so far during the to two following statement to a DUPRAT month inches tive this paper yesterday: our patrons' attention to the quality you so sure or 1-- 3 per of "What makes that 33 cent more than the nor- progressive policy of service which they have been re- mal for the entire "In line with the ceiving past year, especial- young fellow Is a' good business man?" month. While it of this company in order to pop- during the has been a little on and ly regards even voltage contln-it- y asked Mr. Cumrox. hard the baseball ularize the use of electric current, we as and enthusiasts it has been good for the of service. Interruptions have "Well," replied his daughter, "he crops are materially reducing our rates in and there is no great amount Pendleton.
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