the News of All 28 Pages Today The Township DSoohhrte Jtttojmtkttt Four Sections VOL. XI, No. 40 WOODHRinC.E, N. J., FRIDAY, 1)K< F.MBEU 13. PRICE THREE CENTS wruer lo Address Girl's Arm Broken Janet Gage Chapter Woodbridge Players Commended Play and Xmas Tree Struck By Auto Police Seek Murderer The Janet Gage Chapter, II. A. R. Albert Jacoby, of 316 Pershing For Their Grid Sportsmanship will hold its ChrifttmaR party on Mon- For Sunday School Hvomip, Cartcret, was driving toward day, December 16, at the home of j Woodiridge in Wnodbridfte avenue Mrs. Hampton Cutter in Green street Who Killed Man In Fords 09 Speaker* High In Praise Of Team At Annual Banquet Given at 8 o'clock. Mrs, Harold Hayden ha.1, F;r«t Pr»*hvt*rian School TOS°PP "* Hngaman Height* Tuesday nrst rre»Dyierian ocnooi "°jnig ht at 9:2o o'clock when he struck —•— Last Night — Need Of An Athletic Field Is charge of the program, The speaker Preient "Night Before Miss Marion Shervenak, aged 16, of Several Suspects Arrested But Are Released When Men In of the evening will be Emil Rcvyuk. /-,!_ . •• /% T% i_ HA : Marion street, Hagaman Heights. Tho Stressed — Many Guest*. Ukranian writer of New York City. Chnrtmas" On December 22 ^TVa .TO w^ broken J||(,oby took Restaurant Fail To Make Identification — Clue* All members are privileged to bring —Christinas Tree Following her to the office of Dr. Samuel Mess- Obtained As To Direction Bandit Took After The football banquet held in Wood- you. I sincerely hope that 1 will be ft guest; also gifts suitable for chil- inger in Carteret whore her injury hridge high Mhonl lust night in honor nhlc to be present again next year, dren. The gifts will be sent to a home Night. was treated. Then Jacoby took her Killing Raritan Man In Cold Blood. of the 1929 Barron avenge (rridders 'nd I am confident that as in the for children in the South. home. WHS a huge success. The cafeteria of past years, everything will be as After ft search of four days and Tht> police have » good description The committee in charge nf Christ- tho running down of several clues the of the bandit, nni it has been Mtab- the school was decorated in keeping pleasant and as enjoyable as this ha; mas exercises for the First Presby- with the holiday aeaso*, and goaF been." police h»ve as yet no definite trace lished that he used what is known as terian Sunday school announce that of the murderer who on Sunday night a pump (tun, that is, » repeating shot- popta were erected at each end of the The Rev. Father Paul Fairbrother, all arrangements for the exercises arc room. Principal Arthur C. Ferry in- director of athletics in St. Mary's Salmagundi Society Fanny Crosby Class shot and killed Michael Elko, aged 22 gun. completed. The program will consist j of New Ftreet, Raritan Township, in A singular feature of the case was trnduced the (ruestn, and then called high school told how he had walked of two events as follows: ; for the invocation which was given into the tradition and rivalry between the Town Restaurant in Fords. Half the reaction of the experience upon Has Christmas Program Sunday morning, December 22, at :i ioitn suspect* hnve bppn appre- Cavallara. He was not harm ad in any by the Rev. Father Paul Fairbrother the two schools and how he enjoyed 9:45 o'clock a play will bv given, en- To Stage 24ct Comedy of St. Mary's in Perth Amboy, the complete/sportsmanship which hended a'ttd subsequently released way heynnd the loss of a f#w dollar* Singing of Christmas Carols, titled "The Night Before Christmas". when persons -who were in the res- but he was so badly shocWsd by th© A turkey dinner replete with all exists between the two schools. He Mrs. John Strome is in charge of ar- Sunday School Group of Meth- taurant at th« time of the shooting experience that he was in a high state the "fittings" was prepared and aery- said "I was on the field of play on Reading and Presentation of rangements. The first rehearsal will were unable to Identify them. of nervousness. ed by Miss Anna Castor, Domestic Thanksgiving, and I can. truly say be held tomorrow at-2:31) p. m. odist Church To Present Science teacher in the high school, that the boys before me, in winning, Gifts Feature Delightful Af- The crime was committed so qnick-1 There are still several clu«» upon Monday evening, December 23, the "The Untangling of Tony" ly "and in such cold blood that it is which the police are working and Miss Castor was agsistcd by an able played clean, sportsmanlike ball. I i fair. ' . annual Christmas tree festivities will Next Friday Niglit. doubtful if all of the men present some recent information is s*M to group of girls. congratulate them on their victory. be held, preceded by a play entitled, took a good look at the murderer. He shed considerable new light on th« Principal Ferry then introduced Next year, I hope that we will he Mrs. Florence Tisdall, of Rahway "Why the Chimes Ring". Miss Grace entered thfe restaurant, ordered every situation and to have given a new cH^ Tom Brefinan as toastmaster for the able to have a bettet playing field for avenue, entertained the Salmagundi C. Huber will have charge of this The Fanny Crosby class of the one to throw up his hand* and cov- rection to the investigation, evening. The firtit speaker of the eve-! thorn. The ground at the stadium will Musical and Literary Society, Tues- play. The committee in charge of rfethodist Episcopal Sunday school cred the proprietor of the restaurant, I After the shooting and the escap« ning was Captain Howard Dayer.' be leveled and kept in much better day night at their Christmas party. both events are: Mrs. John Strome, vill present, a comedy in two acts, Richard Cavallaro, with « shotgun. I of the bandit Csvallaro was rushed dipt . Li Dayer spoke on the sports- condition for playing. Inasmuch as I The program opened with the singing chairman, assisted by Miss Grace C. The Untangling of Tony", Friday The bandit stood at the door at the to the Pert* Amboy hospital and re- manship of the team, the fine support was given charge of athletics too late of Christmas carols by the Society, Huber, Mrs. Leland Reynolds, Mrs. light, December 20 at 8:15 in the end of the counter. Cavallaro was mained there several days. Elko was he had received during the season, in the season, 1 was unable to do followed by the reading of an origin- A. F. Randolph, Miss Louise Huber, ecture room of the church. behind the counter and was to the dead within a few minutes of the the fair dealing of Ms coach, Mr. much with MM grounds this year. I nl Christmas story by Mrs. J. E. Mrs. H. A. Tuppen. Mrs. John Camp, The cast of characters is: Mrs. Ad- right of the bandit. The row of stools shooting. Death was due to hemor- Rite, nnd he then congratulated Cap- wish these bbys before me hearty Breckenridge. Other numbers were; Mrs. W. A. LoeEwood. Mrs. Albert tson R«y, a wealthy matron, Emily tain elect Cacciola, and wished him success in all their undertakings, and Thergeson and Louis Potter. A. H. ^ j .-•*!. ,m - n vL 1 was to the left of the (runman. Elko rhage. TTe was a popular and respect- A solo, "Holy Night" by Miss An- )avid; Anthony (Tony Ray) her son,|3at on the third 8too, He made some «j young man of R&rltan and was a very successful season, 11 thank them (It for having me here Bowers will have charge of the scen- Pran•VnnKk BartonKnrtnn ;* MildreMilnredn (,arrwCarcw., H _ i_ .. J_J ._-_• ._i _ _' *..An i*_~...« ;_ r i_ na Johnson; Mrs, A. G. Brown ac- ery and lighting. remark, recorded variously as known in Fords. Captain-elect Anthony Cacciola, in at their annual banquet. *lt is indeed companied at the piano. Asher Fitz- charming young widow, Vesta Peter "What's the Idea?" sml "This is go-' addressing his team mates and the a pleasure." Randolph gave a reading of Dr. Van- on; Gladys Mannering, a swept \ng too far". At all events he grab- guests, aaidf "It has been indeed &| Continued on paqe eiqht Dyke's "Even Unto Bethlehem" The ?oung girl, Martha Sprague; Mrs. bed the barrel of the gun and inclined pleasure to play on s team captained program closed with the singing of James Mannering, mother of Gladys, it downward. 0. S. Dunigan Gets •with such a true sportsman as Cap- carols by the Society. Avenel P. T. A. To Dorothy Sattler; Penwick Van Al- Instantly the bandit turned it on tuin Dayer. I congratulate him for Hilliard Humphreys At the conclusion of the program eten, friend of the Ray family, Frank Elko and fired. The charge entered tin' work he bas done. I congratulate all gathered around the beautiful Leison; Miss Carolyn Carroll, a >th( , ,oft side ,ow down near thehi p Iselin Sewer Contract my tenm mates, and thank them for f'hristmits tree where Santa Glaus, Ask For Protection chorus girl, Jeanette Leisen; Mrs. i und Elko fell dying to the floor. tho h»nor which they have bestowed impersonated by John H. Love, pTe- Brown, Carolyn's aunt, Jennie Jack- | Cavallaro ran down a stairs leading upim me.
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