Vol. IV. No. 2 FEBRUARY 1949 INFORMATION ISSUED Br THE ASSOCIATION OF JEWISH REFUGEES IN GREAT BRITAIN 8. FAIRFAX MANSIONS, LONDON. N.W.S OtPce tni CmnWnf Hmrt: 10 e.ni.—I p.m., 3—( p.ili., Sundigr 10 e.m.—I p.m. Teie^lMne: MAId* Vel* Mti FAREWELL TO A FRIEND EWISH lil'e in this country will be poorer by the ASSETS AND LIABILITIES Jdeparture for Israel of Mr. S. .\dler-Rudel. The .\JR has added reason to regret his emigration. In the first month of the Civil Year it is of full employment. Whenever, for one He belonged to the small circle of those who initiated customary to check one's assets and to draw reason or another, political tension should the foundation of this organisation, to which he the conclusions from the results of stocktaking. grow, we, being foreigners and Jews at the served as an Executive Member and, since 1945, as As far as the administration of the .\JR is same time, would be amongst the most suit­ the Vice-Chairman. When he Uved in Germany—he concerned, it has been gratifying to find out able scapegoats. No Trade Union would wind likes to describe this period of his life as the first that the strength of the organisation is prac­ phase of his refugeedom—he belonged to that up its activities when it has achieved a generation of Jewish social workers who laid the tically unchanged. Where there were losses, favourable labour agreement—each of its foundations for a wider and stronger basis of con­ mainly by death or re-emigration, they were members knows that, at any moment, the structive Jewish social work. After having come to to a very high extent compensated by the machinerj' might be needed again. In the England, he played a prominent part in organising enrolment of new members who either realised same way, the AJR, as the self-representation the admission of Jewish Nazi victims. Duiing the the general necessity of the organisation, or of the Community with widespread con­ war he went on various dangerous missions to the had benefited from one of the various ser­ nections and a well-established reputation, Continent in order to try to relieve the plight of Jews vices, or wished to become readers of " AJR has to remain intact for any cases of emer­ in occupied Europe. His contacts with the Jewish Information." gency which might arise. Furthermore there survivors after the war were strengthened by a great An organisation is, however, no end in are always immed' te necessities to take up number of visits and by negotiations ^vith the inter­ itself; its existence is only justified if the the cause of thote who, on account of their national authorities. He was one of the leading activities are necessary in the interest of the origin, have to suffer from discrimination. experts on Jewish refugee questions in this country. Community. If naturalisation, the outcome One example is the fight for the admission of Social work is for him inseparably connected with of manifold endeavours in which the AJR unregistered dentists. politics. But in his political work he does not lose took a prominent part, had been the only and The niunber of cases in which individuals sight of the social problems. The fact that he has final object of the AJR, there would hardly very outspoken and clearly defined Jewish political needed the help and advice of the AJR was \-iews never impaired his spiritual broadmindedness. have been a reason left for keeping the organ­ larger in 1948 than in any preceding year. He wholeheartedly devoted his energy to organisa­ isation going. Experience showed, however, Some wish to know how the new Nationality tions such as the AJR, where protagonists of various that acquisition of citizenship, important as it Act affects their status, others have questions Jewish ideologies have found a common ground for may be, is only a milestone on the road the about labour and national service regulations, practical work. Jews from Germany and Austria in newcomer has to go, whereas the ultimate others want to visit their former home towns, this country represented by the AJR will always integration is a very slow process. If an and others again are anxious to get admission gratefully remember his work for their cause. advertiser in a local paper offers a furnished to this country for their nearest ones. These room " for British people only," hardly any are a few examples taken at random from one naturalised immigrant with common sense day's post bag or consulting hour. SETTLING THE REFUGEES would apply for it. In the field of administra­ It is an old Jewish experience that each HE launching of the campaign of the Joint tion and legislation the distinction between immigration wave is the forerunner of a new TPalestine Appeal in this country in February British born and British naturalised persons is group of immigrants. The immigrants of brings to mind the enormous expenditure which is not imknown either. Just in this issue a debate 1939 who went through the Nazi Concentra­ required to absorb 200,000 immigrants who are in the House of Commons reveals an attempt, tion Camps have a special obligation towards expected to reach Israel during the coming twelve though refuted by the Government, to exclude the post-war immigrants who survived the months. The Jewish Agency, financed by the Keren naturalised refugees from Germany from Hayesod is budgeting for a minimum outlay of Extermination Camps. These new immi­ certain services with the Occupation Authori­ grants need the help of an organisation, where £20,000,000 for immigration in the present year ties. Fortunately, the number of incidents alone, and for the establishment of 150 new agri­ people of their own origin may give them which affect the Community as a whole is, at guidance and advice. cultural settlements at a cost of another ;^10,000,000. present, comparatively small. This is due, The land for these settlements will have to be pro­ It speaks for the solid structure of the vided by the Jewish National Fund, and involves however, not only to a certain adaptation of organisation that whenever old tasks had investments of ;£16,000,000, while irrigation, amelior­ our people to their environment, but also to been accomplished, new activities were en­ ation, etc , will amount to another ;^10,000,000. the fact that this country now enjoys a period trusted to the AJR. Thus the AJR Relief In other words, the absorption and integration Continued on next page into the economy of Israel of 200,000 newcomers during the present year, allowing for the fact that THE WORK GOES ON Refugees Committee, have re-emigrated since 1939- the bulk of them are without means and destitute, NDER this heading the "Central British Fund The number of re-emigrants in 1947 was 1,906 (as will cost in the neighbourhood of ;{60,000,000. U for Jewish Relief and Rehabilitation " presents compared with 1,795 in 1946) and more than ;i70,000 It is obvious that the State of Israel cannot bear its elaborate and well made up report for 1947. were contributed towards the passages. this added financial burden. Its government will For Jews from Germany and Austria it is particu­ The care for Jewish refugees in this country is now, have to deal with matters falling within the province larly interesting to see from it that the consolidation fo a high extent, concentrated on elderly people. of every State, namely, security, education, health, of their position has made further progress. In 1947 .\ltogether the Central British Fund spent ;i51,150 communications and social services. It will be the the highest figure of certificates for naturalisation towards their maintenance. New liabilities were to responsibility of world Jewry to help transform was reached. Altogether, 10,087 immigrants from be met by the admission of 700 orphaned children D.P.'s, into self-supporting Israeli citizens. Germany and Austria (as well as their wives and from the Continent after the war. The main expen­ Signifying for the close interest which Anglo- minor children) became British subjects, as against diture, almost ;^250,000, is, however, devoted to Jewry takes in this matter is a large and representa­ 2,000 in 1940. On the other hand, it can be assumed Relief Work on the Continent. tive delegation of Zionists from this country who that most of those who considered their stay in have gone on a goodwill mission to Israel. On their Britain as temporary, have left the country mean­ Circumstances may have changed in some respects return from Israel a campaign for /3,000,000 will while. According to the report, about 30% of the since 1947—but the need has not lessened and the be launched. refugees, at one time registered with the Jewish work has to go on. Page 2 AJR INFORMATION February, 1949 Continued from front page Department, initiated by the AJR during the war, became, by its close co-operation with the Jewish Committee for Relief Abroad, an NEWS FROM GERMANY indispensable agency of Anglo-Jewish Relief work. In a similar way the Restitution Office, POGROM NIGHT UNDER TRIAL CEMETERIES IN BADENIA established with the recognition of the Foreign In Hildesheim, former Members of the Gestapo, The " Israelitische Landesgemeinde Suedbaden," Office nearly two years ago solely on the of the Party and of the SS, who had set the Syna- Freiburg/Brsg., Hans Jakobstrasse 8, writes: " With initiative and with the financial means of the gogfue on fire and led the arrested Jews through the the assistance of the French Military Government town, were accused of Crimes against Humanity.
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