Bibliography Where more than one work by an author or editor is included, the references are sorted chronologically. For Latin titles, the early modern notation including punc- tuation is principally maintained, ie ligatures (eg æ) are resolved (except &), u and v are normalized according to their phonetic value, and periods after cardinal num- bers and accents are not reproduced. E caudata and abbreviations are resolved, with the latter having their abbreviation sign removed and the complement placed in parentheses. Capitalization is left unchanged only for proper nouns in the broadest sense. Emphasis in titles, academic titles of authors, dedications, and information regarding printer or publisher are generally not included. The abbreviated forms used in footnotes for encyclopedias, periodicals and cer- tain works by Niels Stensen reproduced in later editions can be found under Abbreviations, A . In citations from primary sources, emphasis corresponds to that of the source material. In citations from early modern prints, page breaks are also identifi ed. In all other regards, citation of Latin sources follows the practice for references men- tioned above. For sources in Italian, u and v are normalized according to their phonetic value. For individual Latin terms taken out of their source context, case and person are either matched to the syntax of the English translation into which the respective term is inserted, or are cited in the basic grammatical form derived from the original passage. Archive Materials Included here are the prints listed in Bibliography, C for which only one copy could be verifi ed, as well as the signatures of the prints used for the illustrations in this book (cf. Bibliography, B ). © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016 199 F. Sobiech, Ethos, Bioethics, and Sexual Ethics in Work and Reception of the Anatomist Niels Stensen (1638-1686), Philosophy and Medicine 117, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-32912-3 200 Bibliography The Bodleian Library at Oxford University (see above footnote 64, in Chap. 3 ) and the Hauptstaatsarchiv Dresden (see above footnote 579, in Chap. 2 ) were also consulted. The university archives of the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster and the Service Archives-Documentation in Neuilly-sur-Seine were used for some of the works listed in Bibliography, C . This is indicated by ** (for WWU Münster) and *** (for Service Archives-Documentation ) in the respective bibliography entries. AGCRS Archivio Generalizio – sezione storica, Chierici Regolari Somaschi, Rome Biografi e C. R. S., n. 708: Lugo (De) Antonio Maria AOV Accademia Olimpica, Vicenza [two biographies (mach. ms. recto), each entitled “Quattrin Nevio”, period ending in 1982, 2 folios] APUG Archivio Storico della Pontifi cia Università Gregoriana, Rome 576, fol. 44 r –45 v : Lettere autografe di Niccolò Stenone di Copenaghen celebre anatomico e poi vescovo di Zitopoli e vicario apostolico dirette al Gran Duca di Toscana ARSI Archivum Romanum Societatis Iesu, Rome Hist. Soc. 49: Defuncti 1670–1700 Rh. Inf. 15: Rhen[i] Inf[erioris] Indiam petentes 1616–1740 Rh. Inf. 23: Rh[eni] I[nferioris] Cat[alogi] Tr[iennales] 1678 Rh. Inf. 46: Rhenus. Necrolog[ia] 1620–1625. Rhen[i] Inf[erioris] Necrolog[ia] 1626–1670 Rh. Inf. 57 II : Hist[oriae] et annuae 1687–1692 ASF Archivio di Stato di Firenze, Florence Mediceo del principato 5510, fol. 156 r BAM Bistumsarchiv Münster Coll. Kleruskartei BAOS Bistumsarchiv Osnabrück 01-89-10-02: Deutsches Niels-Stensen-Komitee 1950–1959; Translation der Gebeine (1953) und Pilgerreise (1953) BL British Library, London General Reference Collection 548.e.32.(2.): Stensen, Apologiae prodromus BNCF Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze, Florence Magl. XXV, 42: Bisdosso o vero diario di Francesco Bonazini. Tomo primo Ms. Gal. 252 (Div. 4 a , t. 142), fol. 109 r –110 v (Vincenzio Viviani, da Firenze, 26 gennaio 1666, ab Inc[arnatione = March 25] [=1667], a Bruto Annibale della Molara, a Pisa. Minuta autografa, cf. CG-BNCF III 2.2, p. 419, no. 55) BSLF Insigne Basilica di San Lorenzo, Florence In morte di Mons. Giuseppe Capretti Priore Mitrato della Insigne Basilica di S. Lorenzo. Commemorazione tenuta dal Bibliography 201 canonico monsignore Ottorino Agresti nella Basilica di San Lorenzo il 26 febbraio 1973 [unpaginated print, 6 pages with 2 pages of addenda, here p. (7): “Mons. Giuseppe Capretti nei Ricordi del Curato/Sac. Emilio Grosso – Curato di S. Lorenzo” and p. (8): “Monsignor Giuseppe Capretti” (biographical data)] KB Det Kongelige Bibliotek, Copenhagen 34:3,−79 2°: Bartholin, Decanus Facultatis Medicae (Latinsk Universitetsprogram udstedt af det medicinske Fakultet ved Niels Stensens tiltrædelsesforelæsning. 28. Jan. 1673) Ny kgl. Samling 4019 4°: Nicolai Stenonis Elementorum myo- logiae specimen […] (Renskrift med egenhændige rettelser m.m., 1667) [manuscript of Stensen, Elementorum myologiae specimen ] Ny kgl. Samling 4963 4° (Gustav Scherz’ samlinger om Niels Stensen), VIII: [Société Internationale de Chirurgie], Guide Tilg. 621: Gustav Scherz’ brevarkiv [unpaginated] KU-BVFB Det Biovidenskabelige Fakultetsbibliotek, University of Copenhagen Hdskr. 2:II:40 a: No 807 og 874. Anatomisk Beskrivelse af et hidintil ukiendt Afsondringsorgan i Næsen ved Ludevig Jacobson […] [48 pages] KU-MM Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet, Institut for Folkesundhedsvidenskab, Medicinsk Museion, University of Copenhagen Billede no. I-000263 LBH Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Bibliothek – Niedersächsische Landesbibliothek, Hanover LBr. 943, fol. 168 M-A 12 (piece 5 in [Anatomica varia 1600–1709]): Jessenius von Jessen, Invitatio Ms. XLII 1902, fol. 16 v [with wax seal] LkAE Landeskirchenarchiv Eisenach Kirchenbuch Eisenach 1643–1648 Kirchenbuch Eisenach 1706–1719 NBA Niels Bohr Archive, Copenhagen Niels Bohr General Correspondence, 1910–1962, Folder 27: Scherz, Gustav, 1953–1959. Regarding: Niels Stensen SUB Göttingen Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen 8 THER 711: Blasius, Medicina generalis UB Greifswald Universitätsbibliothek, Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität Greifswald 520/Va 375 adn21: Helwig, B[enevolo] l[ectori] s[alutem] UniFR-DepMed Departement of Medicine, Fachbibliothek Anatomie, Université de Fribourg Suisse/Universität Freiburg i. Ü., Fribourg (Switzerland) 202 Bibliography [Collection of publications up to 1982/1983 by Prof. Dr. Adolf Faller, 10 vols. with tables of contents, mach. Mss.]: A. Faller – works from 1941 to 1949 (nos. 1–50); 1950–1954 (nos. 51–106); 1954–1958 (nos. 107–179); 1959–1962 (nos. 180– 233); 1963–1965 (nos. 234–283); 1966–1968 (nos. 284–324); 1969–1970 (nos. 325–351); 1971–1972 (nos. 352–376); 1973– 1977 (nos. 377–439); 1978–1982 (nos. 440–484) [with 1 bib- liographical unit for 1983; others for 1983 in: Institut für Anatomie und spezielle Embryologie der Universität Freiburg (Schweiz), Nachtrag , pp. 40, 46, 48] UOL University of Oklahoma Libraries, History of Science Collections, Bizzell Memorial Library, Norman, OK, USA [No signature]: Copy of Stensen, Elementorum myologiae specimen from the private library of Pope Clement IX Photographs The photographs (Figs. 1, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 2.8, 2.9, 3.1, 3.2) are located on pages xi, 4, 12, 13, 14, 17, 43, 51, 76, 83, 92, 94, 121, 122, 151, 178, 182. Photo credits: Fig. 1.2: Frank Sobiech (2011); Fig. 2.4: KB (2012); Fig. 1.3*: Frank Sobiech (2011); Fig. 2.5: KB (2013); Fig. 1, 3.2: Frank Sobiech (2014); Fig. 2.6: KU-MM (2003); Fig. 1.4: Sebastian Olden-Jørgensen (2011); Fig. 2.7, 1.1: LBH (2012); Fig. 1.5: Robert Kretz (2012); Fig. 2.8: UOL (2012); Fig. 2.1: SUB Göttingen (2013); Fig. 2.9: APUG (2014); Fig. 2.2: BL (2015); Fig. 3.1*: Frank Sobiech (2011). Fig. 2.3: UB Greifswald (2013); * With permission by KB. Primary Sources and Secondary Literature All citations in footnotes are given in shortened form consisting of the last name of the author and a shortened form of the main title of the source. On the full citation format for editions of the works of Niels Stensen marked with a preceding asterisk (*), see Abbreviations, A . Citations from websites not representing essays, articles from encyclopedias, reviews and obituaries are referenced only in the footnotes accompanying the main text body. The last date of access for all websites is March 4, 2016. Bibliography 203 Acierno, Louis J. “Etienne-Louis Fallot: Is It His Tetralogy?” ClinCard. 22 (1999), pp. 321–322 = in Profi les in Cardiology: A Collection of Profi les Featuring Individuals Who Have Made Signifi cant Contributions to the Study of Cardiovascular Disease , edited by J. Willis Hurst, C. Richard Conti and W. Bruce Fye, ch. 1, pp. 163–164. Mahwah, NJ: Foundation for Advances in Medicine and Science, 2003.**** **** Pages from the book publication are cited in parentheses . Adamietz, Joachim, ed. Juvenal: Satiren. Lateinisch-deutsch. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1993. Adelmann, Howard B. Marcello Malpighi and the Evolution of Embryology . Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1966. Adelmann, Howard B., ed. The Correspondence of Marcello Malpighi . Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1975. Adelmann, Howard B. “A Supplement to the Correspondence of Marcello Malpighi.” JSH 33,1 (1978), pp. 53–73. Alexander VII, ed. Index librorum prohibitorum Alexandri VII, Pontifi cis Maximi iussu editus. Iuxta exemplar excusum . Rome, 1667. Altieri Biagi, Maria Luisa, and Bruno Basile, ed. Scienziati del seicento. La let- teratura italiana; Storia e testi 34,2. Milan: Riccardo Ricciardi, 1980. Altoviti, Filippo Neri, ed. L’obbligo de[’] parochi dimostrato con evidenza. Da zelante, e dotto Prelato [= Niels Stensen] . Opera utilissima. Tradotta dal Latino d’ordine. Per istruzione, e profi tto de[’] Parochi della sua Diocesi . Florence, 1684. Andrault, Raphaële. Niels Stensen (Nicolas Sténon): Discours sur l’anatomie du cerveau (1669) . Textes de philosophie 2. Paris: Éditions Classiques Garnier, 2009. [Anonymous]. Miracle arrivé dans la ville de Genève en ceste année 1609. D’une femme qui a faict un veau, à cause du mespris de la puissance de Dieu, & de Madame saincte Marguerite . Paris (Iouxte la copie imprimée à Tonon, prés ladite ville de Genève), 1609.
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