Sex, violence . Showing and little else * the ropes 'Body Double' more trouble than its worth SJSU alum carries jump rope to the hilt ENTERTAINER FEATURE PAGE 6 Volume 83, No. 44 Serving the San Jose State University Community Since 1934 Thursday, November 1,1984 Engineering school recruits applicants By Margaret ('onnor gone to 12 schools to recruit for next fall. He used to determine acceptance, Lima said, "So far, we've never turned down any- according to a memo sent by Lima to Leon Daily staff writer said he goes to find the most-qualified stu- based upon grade point average and how body who has good grades," Nielsen said. Dorosz, associate academic vice president The School of Engineering starts accept- dents. many of 15 prerequisite courses in math, A student applying with a 3.0 GPA and for undergraduate studies, and the admis- ing applications for Fall 1985 today. Although "It's a crime to turn down qualified stu- physics, chemistry and lower division engi- nine prerequisite courses is given a rank of sions and records office. Of these, 330 will be the school has been declared impacted since dents just because there is no room," Lima neering have been taken. 3.9. The highest rank is 5.5, which comes from upper division tranfers, which includes SJSU fall 1982, students still get in. said. If a student takes math and science adding a 4.0 GPA and 1.5 for 15 classes taken. students transferring from other depart- In fact, students are actively recruited. At the schools, Lima talks to students courses and has good grades, he or she should Once students are ranked and the number of ments. James Lima, associate dean for aca- about what acceptance requirements are and get in, Electrical Engineering Chairman spaces is determined, applicants are ac- In order to set quotas, the school needs a demic affairs, has been traveling to commu- the best ways to prepare for them. He offers James J. Freeman said. cepted until space runs out. crystal ball, Lima said. nity colleges since 1981, when he accepted his the same advice as department chairmen. Mechanical Engineering Chairman The school plans to accept up to 619 appli- position as associate dean. This fall, he has Quotas and supplemental criteria are Helmer Nielsen agreed. cations dur ng November for Fall 1985, continued on back page Spaces open Ghandi's death for disabled Sex appeal? students strikes local vein By Paul Ruffner Daily staff writer Prof. blames 'religious fanatics' Disabled students who have been rejected for admission into SJSU. By Paul Ruffner problem for India, but for all coun- may now have a better chance of Daily staff writer tries," Singh said. being accepted. Varied reactions came from rep- He said he does not think Gan- Phyllis O'Balle, chairwoman of resentatives of Indian groups at dhi's death will change the political the Exceptional Admissions Commit- SJSU and elsewhere in the Bay Area situation in India. tee, said that many of the disabled to news of Prime Minister Indira "I don't believe these terrorists students rejected for admission are Gandhi's assassination yesterday. and extremists are going to suc- those who have difficulty competing Meanwhile in other parts of the ceed," Singh said. "I think justice with other students in meeting the world, members of the Sikh sect, the will be done in this case. They (the minimum admission requirements. group claiming responsibility for terrorists) will be punished." She said the ninelpember board Gandhi's killing, were reported as Singh said that the federation is receives exception slots each year celebrating. Local members are considering having a condolence from the state which are then distrib- planning to meet together to display meeting for Indians in the Bay Area uted to various student aid groups on to the world their unity. and sending a message of sympathy campus. Gandhi, 66, was assassinated by to the prime minister's family. "In Title 5, a school is allocated a two members of her own security "It's a very tragic day for certain number of spots based on 4 force who shot her at least eight India," he said "1 pray that the peo- times outside her home in New Delhi. ple and leaders of Indio will remain percent of all the undergra. tea en- ;pea News of Oandhi's inning by SUM strong in these times of trbil " rolled per year,remne SZI abled Services is one of the catego- terrorists hit close to home for SJSU Business student Inder Mohan ries that receives a certain number of students since a Sikh temple is adja- Kaw who came to San Jose from these spots." cent to the university. However, no India last year, said he responded an- one at the temple was available for grily to the news of Gandhi's assassi- Disabled Services Coordinator comment. nation. Martin Schutter said the Disabled Civil Engineering Prof. Ramesh- "It was totally unjustified and Services Office now has the authority war Singh, who is also the president barbaric," Kaw said. "From the to make some decisions on its own as of the Federation of Indian Associa- point of logic, you could see that no to whether a disabled student re- tions, said he responded with shock sane person would do such a thing." jected by the university should be re- and outrage when he heard of Gan- Kaw said the Sikh sect is a sub- considered for admission. dhi's murder. branch of Hinduism whose members' "In the past. We would make a "I'm shocked to hear of the cruel chief goal is to have their own sepa- petition that the exception committee murder of Mrs. Gandhi by a group of rate country. under the dean of admissions review religious fanatics," Singh said. Gandhi recently was highly crit- the student's record in relation to his "These religious extremists are try- icized by leaders of the Sikh minority disability and reconsider admitting ing the patience and peaceful nature for her government's handling of vio- the student to the university," of the Indian people." lence in Punjab, a northern Indian Schutter said. He said that he had heard reports state. Indian army troops in June be- Schutter said the first process that Sikhs were celebrating in Los sieged the Golden Temple, the Sikhs' still exists, but now DSO has been al- Angeles and other parts of the world holy place of worship, in Amritsar. located four exception spots per se- including London, where they passed "She gave them the maximum mester and starting in spring will be out candy. time that anyone could tolerate be- able to decide on its own whether four He said it is important that the fore she sent in troops . to the disabled students should be ad- world thinks of Gandhi's assassina- Golden Temple, the sanctuary for mitted. tion as what it really is "a terrorist their arms supply," Kaw said. "We now have the authority to attack." Gandhi had tried many times to admit eight students without going "It's an extremely outrageous bring the Sikh extremists to the nego- through the committee," Schuller act, which all democratic and fair- tiations table but they refused, he said. Steve Capovilla - Daily staff photographer minded people of the world con- said. Drucilla M. Redwine, associate demn," Singh said. A calmer reaction to the prime Van Rhee put on his leopard-skin yesterday. Van Rhee is a graduate student director of admissions, said her of- Pol He said he has received threaten- minister's killing came from mem- high heels to of education who won the best "sexist cos- Students Association fice made the recommendation last swimsuit and black 6-inch ing calls from local Sikh extremists bers of the India year to give DSO its allocations, but it enter the KSJS Halloween costume contest tume" category unanimously. and is convinced there are Sikh ter- at SJSU. the world. "Basically we think it's a tra- continued on page 3 rorists throughout "This ( terrorism) is not only a continued on hack page Music Dept. sustains E-flat By Beth Kenney "I have been listening to down- eager to join in the festival. Different Daily staff writer town San Jose for a number of years groups have set up under the synthe- Students passing by the Spartan and I am convinced that the city ra- sizer and worked their music around Bakery this week may notice some- diates this note," he said. "Although, the E-flat key. Dancers and singers thing unususal going on groups of when we tested City Hall it was a C- have also been in attendance. people engaging in spontaneous mu- minor and that's a long way from E- Cannon said he is attempting to sical improvisation and a sustained flat. I guess we will have to tune that radiate the E-flat energy achieved E-flat note emanating from the Stu- up. here throughout the greater San Jose dent Union balcony. Passers-by can "Minor keys are not good for community and promote San Jose as take notes and join in as the SJSU major cities," he added. "a community of people with imagi- Music Department holds it's first E-flat was also chosen because nation and appreciation for each ever E-flat Festival. its frequency is often used in reli- other as a world-community of cul- tures." The festival has many purposes, gious and spiritual music. Of the 12 said Dwight Cannon, SJSU director major keys, E-flat is the most popu- To his knowledge, this sort of of Jazz Studies.
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