E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 110 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 153 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2007 No. 28 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was I pray in the name of my Lord and VOTE AGAINST THE ESCALATION called to order by the Speaker pro tem- Savior, Jesus Christ. OF TROOPS pore (Mr. CAPUANO). Amen. (Mr. DEFAZIO asked and was given f f permission to address the House for 1 DESIGNATION OF THE SPEAKER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE minute.) PRO TEMPORE Mr. DEFAZIO. Even as the House de- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- bates the continuation of the failing gentleman from Pennsylvania (Mr. TIM Bush policies in Iraq, Vice President fore the House the following commu- MURPHY) come forward and lead the nication from the Speaker: DICK CHENEY, the chief architect of the House in the Pledge of Allegiance. Iraq strategy, is beating the drums for WASHINGTON, DC, Mr. TIM MURPHY of Pennsylvania a new war, a war with Iran. February 14, 2007. led the Pledge of Allegiance as follows: I hereby appoint the Honorable MICHAEL E. On Sunday, we had unidentified CAPUANO to act as Speaker pro tempore on I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the sources saying that the highest levels this day. United States of America, and to the Repub- of the Iranian Government have di- NANCY PELOSI, lic for which it stands, one nation under God, rected use of weapons that are killing indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Speaker of the House of Representatives. U.S. troops. No information was pro- f f vided to substantiate the charge; ad- PRAYER WELCOMING PASTOR CARL TOTI ministration officials yesterday de- The Reverend Carl Toti, Senior Pas- (Mr. NEUGEBAUER asked and was flected requests for more details, even tor, Trinity Church, Lubbock, Texas, given permission to address the House as they repeatedly implied Tehran’s in- offered the following prayer: for 1 minute.) volvement. It may or may not be true, Let’s welcome God’s presence into Mr. NEUGEBAUER. Mr. Speaker, I but they have got a pretty bad record our hearts and into this place. am pleased to have Pastor Carl Toti on intelligence. And now MG Peter ‘‘I lift my eyes up to the hills, where with us today delivering the opening Pace, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of does my help come from? My help invocation for the United States House Staff, said yesterday that he has no in- comes from the Lord, who made heaven of Representatives. formation indicating Iran’s govern- and Earth.’’ Pastor Toti currently serves as the ment is directing the supply of lethal Father, hear our prayers. ‘‘If My peo- senior pastor of Trinity Church in my weapons to Shiite insurgent groups in ple, called by My name, will humble hometown of Lubbock, Texas. He is a Iraq. It sounds like the Iraq war intel- themselves, pray, and seek My face and graduate of Rhema Bible Training Cen- ligence all over again, phony intel- turn from their wicked ways, then I ter. He has also earned a master’s de- ligence leading us down the path to dis- will hear from heaven, forgive their gree in theological studies from Vision astrous involvement. sin, and heal their land.’’ University in Ramona, California. This has to stop. We start by voting We pray this Nation will return to against the escalation of the Bush poli- the faith exhibited by men and women Just as Pastor Toti speaks to diverse audiences through his ministry, so does cies in Iraq and begin to chart a new who trusted God, forged a Nation out of course. wilderness, raised families guided by he today speak to a diverse audience here in our Congress. Although Mem- standards from Your Word, and estab- f lished a Nation that presently is the bers of this body come from different rival of the entire world. May the same parts of the country and varying be- liefs, I hope his words will unite and STAFF SERGEANT RICHARD ROSE, standards be raised high by these lead- USAF ers You have placed over us. May in- guide us all today as we conduct the tegrity and wisdom guide them to business of the people of the United (Mr. HAYES asked and was given make decisions that please You. States of America. permission to address the House for 1 Father, shield our military troops f minute and to revise and extend his re- protecting our freedoms around the marks.) ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER world. May godly decisions be made Mr. HAYES. Mr. Speaker, there are concerning them. PRO TEMPORE many heroes fighting the global war Lord, we ask that You would guide The SPEAKER pro tempore. The against terrorists, and many from the and bless our Representatives as they Chair will entertain 15 one-minutes per Eighth District of North Carolina. But advance our Nation. side. today I rise to pay tribute to one hero b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H1567 . VerDate Aug 31 2005 03:07 Feb 15, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A14FE7.000 H14FEPT1 ccoleman on PRODPC75 with HOUSE H1568 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 14, 2007 in particular. Today I am proud to rec- should ask before they vote to escalate especially through the camaraderie of ognize Air Force Staff Sergeant Rich- the war in Iraq. the Cruzan Gentlemen of his current ard Rose, son of Robyn Rose of f home and the Gentlemen of Savaan, Laurinburg, North Carolina. where he spent his early life. NONBINDING RESOLUTION IS NOT Staff Sergeant Rose, a member of the Bert was my coworker, supporter, THE WAY TO GO 1st Combat Camera Squadron at confidant and friend. I will miss him, Charleston Air Force Base, served as a (Mrs. BLACKBURN asked and was as all who knew him and loved him Joint Combat Camera photographer given permission to address the House will. He gave a lot to everyone that he with the Multinational Division in for 1 minute and to revise and extend touched as he passed this way. We are Baghdad from May 18 to September 18 her remarks.) grateful for his life, a life he lived fully of 2006. Mrs. BLACKBURN. Mr. Speaker, the and well. During this time, Sergeant Rose was war in Iraq is the front line in the war My family, staff and the Congress of attached to several Army units, docu- on terror. We know this because the the United States extend our heartfelt menting their daily missions and con- terrorists tell us it is so. In poll after sympathy to his wife, children, grand- tributing over 1,000 images of Oper- poll, the American people tell us they children and his entire family. May he ation Iraqi Freedom. fully believe that what happens on the rest in peace. Sergeant Rose primarily shoots with front line in Iraq affects their security f his camera lens, but that changed last every single day. summer. During a mission with the You know, the Democrats have every TRUST THE TROOPS right to disagree with the President’s 101st Airborne Division Air Assault (Mr. SMITH of Texas asked and was plan, but a nonbinding resolution is Unit, insurgents began firing at an Ex- given permission to address the House not the way to go. It sends a message plosive Ordnance Disposal Team which for 1 minute and to revise and extend of no confidence and no support to our was clearing roadside bombs nearby. his remarks.) troops in the field, weakening their Richard quickly responded by return- Mr. SMITH of Texas. Mr. Speaker, morale while encouraging and ing fire with his M4 rifle, which al- this nonbinding resolution is really a emboldening the enemy. lowed the Explosive Ordnance Team to nonsensical political statement. It Our men and women in harm’s way move to safety. His efforts are credited would deprive the generals and the are fighting the insurgents and they with helping to save the lives of 56 troops of the reinforcements they des- are fighting the battle of ideas every servicemembers during the attack, and perately need. day, not only in Iraq but in 30 different his bravery in this firefight earned him How would you feel if you were an countries around this globe. They the Bronze Star. American soldier in Iraq and Congress I ask that you join me in congratu- know that what we have to do is con- passed this resolution? It is like telling lating Sergeant Richard Rose on being tinue to win in that battle, and they you to fight with one arm tied behind awarded the Bronze Star in defending don’t have time to fight the war of pub- your back, and that is no way to defeat our Nation in the war against terror- lic opinion in this country, which is a terrorist. Let’s trust the men and ists. Pray for their safety, and pray for what some of my colleagues in this women in uniform who are sacrificing victory against these terrorists. House would seek to have them do. their lives to protect ours. The Democrats have no alternative f There is a reason there has been no plan; they have no way forward.
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