Notes on the Contributors Birgit Beumers is Lecturer in Russian at the University of Bristol. She is an authority on Russian cinema, theatre and culture post-1945, author of Yury Lyubimov at the Taganka Theatre (1997) and editor of Russia on Reels: The Russian Idea in Post-Soviet Cinema (1999). Derek Duncan is Senior Lecturer in Italian at the University of Bristol. He has published widely on issues of gender in twentieth-century Italian fiction and is co-editing a book on European travel-writing. His book Masculinity and National Identity in Italy will be published soon. Jill Forbes is Professor of French at Queen Mary and Westfield, University of London. She is an international authority on French cinema and author of many publications in the field including The Cinema in France: After the New Wave (1992) and Les Enfants du paradis (1997). Annella McDermott is Lecturer in Hispanic Studies at the University of Bristol. She has wide-ranging interests in the fields of Spanish cinema and literature and has recently published, with Margaret Tull Costa, The Dedalus Book of Spanish Fantasy (1999). Sarah Street is Senior Lecturer in Film and Television Studies at the University of Bristol. A distinguished authority on British cinema, her publications include Cinema and State: The Film Industry and the Government, 1927–84 (1985, co-authored with Margaret Dickinson), British National Cinema (1997) and the forthcoming British Cinema in Documents (2000). Stuart Taberner is Lecturer in German at the University of Leeds. He has pub- lished on Günter Grass, Uwe Johnson, Martin Walser, Monika Maron and Stefan Heym, as well as on German film, and is currently working on the writing of younger German authors in the years since unification in 1990. 207 Index of Film Titles Abgeschminkt! / Makin’ Up!, 161 Blood of Others, The / Le sang des A bout de souffle / Breathless, 41, 171 autres, 34 Adventure / L’Avventura, 37 Blood Wedding / Bodas de sangre, 134 Affinità elettive / Chosen Affinities, 147 Braveheart, 186 A Fistful of Dollars / Per un pugno di Breathless / A bout de souffle, 41, 171 dollari, 45 Brief Encounter, 44 Age d’ or, L’, 110, 112 Brigadoon, 186 Agonìa / Agony, 196 Bronenosets Potemkin / The Battleship Aleksandr Nevskii / Alexander Nevsky, Potemkin, xi, xiv, xv, 11, 12, 13, 30, 45, 13, 31 53–64, 69, 195 Alexander the Great, 22 Büchse der Pandora, Die / Pandora’s Alice Doesn’t Live Here Anymore, 161 Box, 73 Alice in den Städten / Alice in the Cities, Buono, il brutto e il cattivo, Il / The Good, xiv, xv, 43, 121–31 the Bad and the Ugly, 45 Allô Berlin? Ici Paris, 32 Burnt by the Sun / Utomlennye Amerikanische Freund, Der / The American solntsem, 196 Friend, 122, 123, 125 Amor brujo, El / Love the Magician, 134 Cabinet of Dr Caligari, The / Das Kabinett des Andalusian Dog, An / Un chien andalou, Dr Caligari, 9, 29, 44, 69 110, 112 Cabiria, 5, 150 Angst des Tormanns beim Elfmeter, Die / The Camicia nera / Black Shirt, 95 Goalkeeper’s Fear of the Penalty, 122 Carmen, xiv, xv, 133–42 A nous la liberté, 31 Carnival in Flanders / La kermesse Appartement, L’ / The Apartment, 178 héroïque, 29 Aufruhr in Damaskus / Uproar in Casablanca, 33 Damascus, 15 Cena delle beffe, La / Joker’s Banquet, 100 Avventura, L’ / Adventure, 37 Cet obscur objet du désir / That Obscure Object of Desire, 34 Bad Lieutenant, 189 Chien andalou, Un / An Andalusian Dog, Barber of Siberia / Sibirskii tsiriul’ nik, xiv, 110, 112 xv, 195–206 Children of Paradise / Les enfants du paradis, Barton Fink, 189 16, 35 Bataille d’Alger, La / The Battle of Algiers, 14 Chorus Line, A, 140 Battleship Potemkin, The / Bronenosets Chosen Affinities / Affinità elettive, 147 Potemkin, xi, xiv, xv, 11, 12, 13, 30, 45, Christiane F, 189 53–64, 69, 195 Cinema Paradiso / Nuovo Cinema Paradiso, Bête humaine, La / Judas was a Woman, 81 145, 153 Bewegte Mann, Der / Maybe...Maybe Circus, The / Tsirk, 45 Not, 161 Citizen Kane, 89 Bienvenido Mr Marshall / Welcome Clockwork Orange, A, 188, 189 Mr Marshall, 41 Colour of Pomegranates, The / Nran Billy Liar!, 188 gouyne, 14 Bis an Ende der Welt / Till the End of the Commissar, The / Komissar, 14 World, 122 Comradeship / Kameradschaft, 10 Black Shirt / Camicia nera, 95 Contempt / Le mépris, 36, 39 208 Index of Film Titles 209 Cranes Are Flying, The / Letiat zhuravli, 21 Gazon maudit / French Twist, 176 Crime de Monsieur Lange, Le, 83 General Line, The / Old and New / Staroe i novoe, 9 Dam Busters, The, 17 Gentle Sex, The, 16 Dark Eyes / Oci ciornie, 196 Germany Pale Mother / Deutschland bleiche Daybreak / Le jour se lève, 178 Mutter, 41 Day for Night / La nuit américaine, 36 Germinal, 24 Day in the Country, A / Une partie de Ginger e Fred / Ginger and Fred, 36 campagne, 96 Girl with the Hat Box, The / Devushka Delicatessen, 189 s korobkoi, 9 Destiny / Der müde Tod, 9, 69 Goalkeeper’s Fear of the Penalty, The / Die Deutschland bleiche Mutter / Germany Pale Angst des Tormanns beim Elfmeter, 122 Mother, 41 Gone with the Wind, 205 Devil’s Own Envoy, The / Les visiteurs du Good Morning Babilonia / Good Morning, soir, 16 Babylon, xiv, xv, 145–55 Devushka s korobkoi / The Girl with the Hat Good, the Bad and the Ugly, The / Il buono, Box, 9 il brutto e il cattivo, 45 Dirnentragödie / Tragedy of the Street, Grande illusion, La, 87 44–5 Grease, 140 Dirty Dancing, 140 Great Dawn, The / Velikoe zarevo, 15 Diva, 43 Dr Mabuse der Spieler / Dr Mabuse the Haine, La, xiv, xv, 38, 43, 171–80 Gambler, 43, 69 Hammett, 122 Dreigroschenoper, Die / The Threepenny Hard Day’s Night, A, 185, 188, 189 Opera, 28 Heimat / Home, 41, 146 Holocaust, 41 Ehe der Maria Braun, Die / The Marriage of Home / Heimat, 41, 146 Maria Braun, 41 Howard’s End, 146 El Cid, 29 End of St Petersburg / Konets Sankt Im Lauf der Zeit / Kings of the Road, 40, 41, Peterburga, 9 122, 123 Enfants du paradis, Les / Children of Inconnus dans la maison, Les / Strangers in Paradise, 16, 35 the House, 16 Eternal Jew, The / Der ewige Jude, 14 Independence Day, 183 Evening Dress / Tenue de soirée, 176 Intolerance, 28, 150, 152 Ewige Jude, Der / The Eternal Jew, 14 In Which We Serve, 16 Extraordinary Adventures of Mr West in the Ivanovo detstvo / Ivan’s Childhood, 21 Land of the Bolsheviks, The / Neobychainye prikliucheniia Mistera Vesta v strane Jazz Singer, The, 10, 30, 31 bol’shevikov, 34 Jean de Florette, 40 Joker’s Banquet / La cena delle beffe, 100 Fall of Berlin, The / Padenie Berlina, 15 Jour se lève, Le / Daybreak, 178 Fall of the Roman Empire, The, 29 Joyless Street, The / Die freudlose Gasse, 44 Falsche Bewegung / Wrong Move, 122 Judas was a Woman / La bête humaine, 81 Fame, 140 Jules et Jim, 176 Father Master / Padre padrone, 152 Flamenco, 134 Kabinett des Dr Caligari, Das / The Cabinet of For a Few Dollars More / Per qualche dollari Dr Caligari, 9, 29, 44, 69 in più, 45 Kameradschaft / Comradeship, 10 400 Blows, The / Les quatre cents coups, Kavkazskii plennik / The Prisoner of the 21, 37 Mountains, 201 French Twist / Gazon maudit, 176 Kermesse héroïque, La / Carnival in Freudlose Gasse, Die / The Joyless Street, 44 Flanders, 29 210 Index of Film Titles Kings of the Road / Im Lauf der Zeit, 40, 41, Mörder sind unter uns, Die / The Murderers 122, 123 Are Among Us, 16 Kliatva / The Vow, 15 Mountain Eagle, The, 69 Knack, The, 188 Müde Tod, Der / Destiny, 9, 69 Komissar / The Commissar, 14 Murderers Are Among Us, The / Die Mörder Konets Sankt Peterburga / The End of St sind unter uns, 16 Petersburg, 9 My Friend Ivan Lapshin / Moi drug Ivan Lapshin, 14 Lady Vanishes, The, 67 Last Laugh, The / Der letzte Mann, 9 Naked Lunch, The, 189 Law of Desire, The / La ley del deseo, 41 Napoléon, 9 Let George Do It, 16 Neobychainye prikliucheniia Mistera Vesta Lethal Weapon, 177 v strane bol’shevikov / The Extraordinary Letiat zhuravli / The Cranes Are Flying, Adventures of Mr West in the Land of the 21 Bolsheviks, 34 Letzte Mann, Der / The Last Laugh, 9 Night of the Shooting Stars, The / La notte di Ley del deseo, La / The Law of San Lorenzo, 152 Desire, 41 Nikita, 43 Life is Beautiful / La vita è bella, 145 Nosferatu, 69, 72 Life Less Ordinary, A, 191, Notte di San Lorenzo, La / The Night of the Little Soldier / Le petit soldat, 14 Shooting Stars, 152 Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Nran Gouyne / The Colour of Barrels, 191 Pomegranates, 14 Lodger, The, xiv, xv, 28, 45, 67–78 Nuit américaine, La / Day for Night, 36 Love on the Dole, 12 Nuovo Cinema Paradiso / Cinema Paradiso, Love the Magician / El amor brujo, 134 145, 153 Ludwig – Requiem für einen jungfräulichen König / Ludwig – Requiem for a Virgin Oci ciornie / Dark Eyes, 196 King, 22 Oktiabr’ / October, 13, 55 Old and New / The General Line / Staroe Madame du Barry, 9 i novoe, 9 Making It / Les valseuses, 171, 176 Ossessione / The Postman Always Rings Makin’ Up! / Abgeschminkt!, 161 Twice, xiv, xv, 13, 38, 95–106 Man for Burning, A / Un uomo da bruciare, 147 Padenie Berlina / The Fall of Marriage of Maria Braun, The / Die Ehe der Berlin, 15 Maria Braun, 41 Padre padrone / Father Master, 152 Marseillaise, La, 83, 84 Paisà, 16 Matador, 41 Pandora’s Box / Die Büchse der Maybe...Maybe Not / Der bewegte Pandora, 73 Mann, 161 Paris, Texas, 48, 122, 123 Mean Streets, 177 Partie de campagne, Une / A Day in the Mediterraneo, 145, 146 Country, 96 Mépris, Le / Contempt, 36, 39 Passport to Pimilico, 18 Metropolis, 9, 29 People of France / La vie est à nous, 88 Milky Way, The / La voie lactée, 115 Peppermint frappé, 14 Millions Like Us, 16 Per qualche dollari in più / For a Few Dollars Ministry of Fear, 43 More, 45 Modern Times, 31 Per un pugno di dollari / For a Fistful
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