MIDRMA Board/12-WP/7 4/12/2012 International Civil Aviation

MIDRMA Board/12-WP/7 4/12/2012 International Civil Aviation

MIDRMA Board/12-WP/7 4/12/2012 International Civil Aviation Organization Middle East Regional Monitoring Agency Board Twelfth Meeting (MIDRMA Board/12) (Kuwait, 17 – 19 December 2012) Agenda Item 4: RVSM Monitoring And Related Technical Issues MID STATES MINIMUM MONITORING REQUIREMENTS (Presented by MIDRMA) SUMMARY The aim of this working paper is to address the RVSM minimum monitoring requirements (MMR) applicable for each MIDRMA member states. Action by the meeting is at paragraph 3. REFERENCES − Annex 6 − Annex 11 − ICAO Doc 9547 − MIDRMA Board/11 final report. 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 According to ICAO Annex 6, MID States issued RVSM approvals shall establish a requirement which ensures that a minimum of two aeroplanes of each aircraft type grouping of the operator have their height-keeping performance monitored, at least once every two years or within intervals of 1000 flight hours per aeroplane, whichever period is longer and as agreed by the published MIDRMA Minimum Monitoring Requirement table for the MID Region. 2. DISCUSSION 2.1 All airline operators that operate or intend to operate in airspace where RVSM is applied are required to participate in the regional RVSM monitoring program. This monitoring program addresses requirements for monitoring the height-keeping performance of aircraft in order to meet regional safety objectives and addresses the requirements for monitoring established in ICAO Annexes 6 and 11 as well as Doc 9574. 2.2 In order to accomplish the ICAO Annex 6 and 11 concerning height monitoring requirements, the MIDRMA coordinated with all Member States to publish the MMR table which reflects all height monitoring requirements for each state, this table is continuously reviewed at regular intervals or when requested by any Member State. MIDRMA Board/12-WP/7 -2- 2.3 Based on the latest RVSM approval lists received from MID States, the attached Table in Appendix A to this working paper has been consolidated to show the minimum monitoring requirements for each of the MID States, as of November 2012, taking into consideration that no updated RVSM approval list received from Yemen and Iran for more than 15 months. 2.4 At present a total of 1353 aircraft granted RVSM approvals by the MIDRMA Member States, this number is applicable to the latest RVSM approval list received from all member States. 2.5 The MIDRMA managed to put a big effort to reduce the percentage of aircraft that required to be monitored in the MID Region from 46% to reach 15% since the last MMR Table published for the MIDRMA Board 11 meeting, taking in to consideration the total number of the RVSM approved aircraft increased 13% from the last meeting. MID. STATES - RVSM ACFT MINIMUM MONITORING REQUIREMENTES AS OF NOVEMBER 2012 Seq. MID RVSM HAVE Results NOT NOT ACFT Required # STATES ACFTs or Covered Covered Covered in % MMR MON in % REMARKS 1 BAHRAIN 61 54 7 11% 5 8% 2 EGYPT 128 116 12 9% 6 5% 3 IRAN 178 119 59 33% 30 17% No RVSM Update 4 IRAQ 14 0 14 100% 12 86% 5 JORDAN 58 41 17 29% 5 9% 6 KUWAIT 34 22 12 35% 4 12% 7 LEBANON 35 26 9 26% 9 26% 8OMAN 32 30 2 6% 2 6% 9 QATAR 138 132 6 4% 6 4% 10 SAUDI ARABIA 262 232 30 11% 25 10% 11 SYRIAN 9 7 2 22% 2 22% 12 UAE 392 369 23 6% 15 4% 13 YEMEN 12 5 7 58% 4 33% No RVSM Update TOTAL 1353 1153 200 15% 125 9% Table-01 3. ACTION BY THE MEETING 3.1 The meeting is invited to: a) urge MIDRMA Member States to coordinate with their State RVSM Approval Authorities (or State of Approval, where different) to instruct all their airline operators required to conduct height monitoring according to their MMR table; and b) discuss the issue of lack of updated RVSM approval list by I.R. of Iran and Yemen. -------------------- APPENDIX A BAHRAIN - APPROVED RVSM ACFT MINIMUM MONITORING REQUIREMENTS AS OF NOVEMBER 2012 MIDRMA Board/12-WP/7 Table 1 of 2 4/12/2012 Seq.# Operator ACFT ACFT ACFT Last Euro. MIDRMA GMU Compliant MMR Covered Required ASE Remarks Reg. Type Series Monitoring Date Monitoring Date Expire Date By ACFT Group Monitoring Results 1 Bahrain Air A9CBAX A319 100 05/05/2011 17/11/2010 04/05/2013 Yes -31 2 Bahrain Air A9CBAO A320 214 No 1 3 Bahrain Air A9CBAU A320 214 23/11/2010 22/11/2012 No 10.4 Expired 4 Bahrain Air A9CBAV A320 200 01/12/2010 18/11/2010 30/11/2012 No 16.1 Expired 5 Bahrain Royal Flight A9CBA B727 B727 28/09/2012 28/09/2014 Yes 65 6 Bahrain Royal Flight A9CHAK B747 SP-Z5 01/10/2012 01/10/2014 Yes -39.5 7 Bahrain Royal Flight A9CHMK B747 400 27/08/2012 27/08/2014 Yes -153.4 8 Bahrain Royal Flight A9CBAH GLF4 GIV 02/09/2012 02/09/2014 Yes -103.4 9 Bahrain Royal Flight A9CBHR GLF4 G450 05/10/2012 05/10/2014 Yes -3.5 10 Bahrain Royal Flight A9CBRN GLF5 G550 31/08/2012 31/08/2014 Yes 35.3 11 Bahrain Royal Flight A9CHWR RJ-85 RJ-85 09/09/2012 09/09/2014 Yes -13.3 12 Bexair A9CBXK LJ60 LJ60 No 1 13 Delmun Aviation Services A9CDAA B737 268 No 1 14 DHL A9CDHC B757 200 14/12/2011 13/12/2013 Yes 15 DHL A9CDHD B757 200 01/11/2012 31/10/2014 yes 16 Gulf Air A9CEU A319 112 Yes 17 Gulf Air A9CEV A319 112 Yes 42.2 18 Gulf Air A9CAA A320 214 22/05/2011 21/05/2013 Yes -27 19 Gulf Air A9CAB A320 214 Yes 20 Gulf Air A9CAC A320 214 Yes 21 Gulf Air A9CAD A320 214 Yes 22 Gulf Air A9CAE A320 214 Yes 23 Gulf Air A9CAH A320 214 Yes 24 Gulf Air A9CAI A320 214 Yes 25 Gulf Air A9CAL A320 214 Yes 26 Gulf Air A9CAM A320 214 06/10/2012 06/10/2014 Yes 65.1 27 Gulf Air A9CAN A320 214 29/09/2012 29/09/2014 Yes -9 28 Gulf Air A9CAO A320 214 04/10/2012 04/10/2014 Yes 46.7 29 Gulf Air A9CAP A320 214 06/10/2012 06/10/2014 Yes 20.4 30 Gulf Air A9CAQ A320 214 07/10/2012 07/10/2014 Yes 96.6 31 Gulf Air A9CAG A321 214 21/05/2011 20/05/2013 Yes 43 32 Gulf Air A9CCA A321 231 16/03/2012 16/03/2014 Yes -24 33 Gulf Air A9CCB A321 231 01/08/2012 01/08/2014 Yes -11.8 34 Gulf Air A9CCC A321 231 Yes 35 Gulf Air A9CCD A321 231 Yes 36 Gulf Air A9CKA A330 243 06/10/2012 06/10/2014 Yes 31.8 37 Gulf Air A9CKB A330 243 07/10/2012 07/10/2014 Yes 8.8 38 Gulf Air A9CKC A330 243 05/10/2012 05/10/2014 Yes 53.4 39 Gulf Air A9CKD A330 243 05/10/2012 05/10/2014 Yes 64.8 BAHRAIN MMR AS OF NOVEMBER 2012 1 of 2 APPENDIX A BAHRAIN - APPROVED RVSM ACFT MINIMUM MONITORING REQUIREMENTS AS OF NOVEMBER 2012 MIDRMA Board/12-WP/7 Table 2 of 2 4/12/2012 40 Gulf Air A9CKE A330 243 30/05/2012 30/05/2014 Yes 11.2 41 Gulf Air A9CKF A330 243 28/07/2012 28/07/2014 Yes 62.6 42 Gulf Air A9CKG A330 243 07/05/2012 07/05/2014 Yes 60.2 43 Gulf Air A9CKH A330 243 08/05/2012 08/05/2014 Yes 65.1 44 Gulf Air A9CKI A330 230 09/06/2012 09/06/2014 Yes 80.2 45 Gulf Air A9CKJ A330 243 11/06/2012 11/06/2014 Yes 81 46 Gulf Air A9CLG A340 313E 17/01/2012 16/01/2014 Yes 1.5 47 Gulf Air A9CLH A340 313E 16/12/2011 15/12/2013 Yes -11.8 48 Gulf Air A9CLI A340 313E 29/02/2012 28/02/2014 Yes 0.3 49 Gulf Air A9CLJ A340 313E 28/01/2012 27/01/2014 Yes -96.3 50 Gulf Air A9CMA E170 100LR 23/07/2012 11/12/2010 23/07/2014 Yes -13.5 51 Gulf Air A9CMB E170 100LR 22/07/2012 22/07/2014 Yes 81.3 52 Gulf Air A9CMD E190 ERJ 190 24/07/2012 24/07/2014 Yes 2.9 53 Gulf Air A9CAJ A320 214 Yes 54 Gulf Air A9CAK A320 214 Yes 55 Gulf Air A9CMC E190 ERJ 190 05/07/2012 13/11/2010 05/07/2014 Yes 21.7 56 MAE Aircraft Management A9CJNC B737 300 No 1 57 MAE Aircraft Management A9CMTC E315 Legacy 600 27/01/2012 26/01/2014 Yes 101.3 58 Royal Bahraini Air Force A9CAWL RJ1H RJ-100 16/01/2012 15/01/2014 Yes 4.4 59 Royal Bahraini Air Force A9CBDF RJ-85 RJ-85 04/05/2012 04/05/2014 Yes 62.3 60 Swift Air A9CSWA B727 230F No 1 61 TAG A9CACE CRJX CL600-2B16 14/09/2012 14/09/2014 Yes 47.7 TOTAL NUMBER OF BAHRAIN RVSM ACFT MMR AS OF NOVEMBER 2012 = 5 BAHRAIN MMR AS OF NOVEMBER 2012 2 of 2 APPENDIX A EGYPT - APPROVED RVSM ACFT MINIMUM MONITORING REQUIREMENTS AS OF NOVEMBER 2012 MIDRMA Board/12-WP/7 Table 1 of 3 4/12/2012 16 CAIRO AVIATION SUEAF TU-204 120 10/04/2010 09/04/2012 No 1 21.4 17 CAIRO AVIATION SUEAG TU-204 120C 08/07/2006 07/07/2008 No 1 -152.0 18 CAIRO AVIATION SUEAI TU-204 120 11/04/2010 10/04/2012 No -18.6 19 CAIRO AVIATION SUEAJ TU-204 120C 11/01/2008 10/01/2010 No -91.1 35 EGYPTAIR AIRLINES SUGBP B777 266 09/10/2010 08/10/2012 No 1 -25.3 36 EGYPTAIR AIRLINES SUGBR B777 266 28/02/2011 27/02/2013 No 18.4 37 EGYPTAIR AIRLINES SUGBS B777 266 01/02/2011 31/01/2013 No 11.7 39 EGYPTAIR AIRLINES SUGBY B777 266 29/10/2010 28/10/2012 No 47.0 89 EGYPTAIR CARGO SUBDG A300-B4 203F 04/09/2010 03/09/2012 No 1 -18.6 115 EXECUTIVE WINGS AVIATION SUEWD CESSNA CITATION 680 19/11/2010 18/11/2012 No 1 -13.4 123 SMART AVIATION SUSMA CESSNA SOVER 680 01/02/2011 31/01/2013 No 1 -20.8 124 SMART AVIATION SUSMB CESSNA SOVER 680 24/09/2008 24/09/2010 No -45.3 1 AIR ARABIA Egypt SUAAA A320 214 17/02/2012 16/02/2014 Yes 16.3 2 AIR ARABIA Egypt SUAAB A320 214 19/10/2012 19/10/2014 Yes -8.8 3 AIR ARABIA Egypt SUAAC A320 214 28/09/2012 28/09/2014 Yes -28.1 4 AIR CAIRO SUBPU A320 214 20/10/2012 20/10/2014 Yes 7.8 5 AIR CAIRO SUBPV A320 214 29/09/2012 29/09/2014 Yes 39.6 6 AIR CAIRO SUBPW A320 214 20/10/2012 20/10/2014 Yes 14.5 7 AIR CAIRO SUBPX A320 214 13/10/2012 13/10/2014 Yes 17.5 8 AIR MEMPHIS SUBME MD-83 83 25/11/2011 25/11/2011 24/11/2013 Yes -19.0 9 ALEXANDRIA AIRLINES SUKHM B737 500 26/11/2011 25/11/2013 Yes 24 10 Alkan Air SUMAN HAWKER 850XP 31/08/2011 30/08/2013 Yes 2.0 11 ALMASRIA UNIVERSAL AIRLINES SUTCA A320 232 28/11/2011 27/11/2013 Yes 71.0 12 ALMASRIA UNIVERSAL AIRLINES SUTCB A320 232 29/11/2011 28/11/2013 Yes -45.0 13 ALMASRIA UNIVERSAL AIRLINES SUTCC A321 211 06/10/2011 05/10/2013 Yes 69.3 14 ALMASRIA UNIVERSAL AIRLINES SUTCD A320 232 Yes 15 AMC SUBPZ B737 800 13/10/2012 13/10/2014 Yes -15.0 20 EGYPTAIR AIRLINES SUGBA A320 231

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