International Cooperations with Institutions of Higher Education 1/8 Excl. ERASMUS Partner Universities (see http://www.uni-due.de/international/en_partner.shtml) Cooperation Representa- Country Partner University UDE Faculties tives at UDE Mr. Prof. Dr. Kecskeméthy China University of [email protected] Faculty of Mining and Technology Ms. Ramona Karatas . Engineering Xuzhou [email protected] . Humanities http://eng.cumt.edu.cn/ Mr. Prof. Dr. Farle . Physics [email protected] Mr. Prof. Dr. Farle [email protected] . Center for Nanointe- Mr. Prof. Dr. Dittmer gration Duisburg- Fudan University [email protected] Essen* Shanghai Mr. Prof. Dr. Chamoni . Faculty of Medicine China www.fudan.edu.cn/englishnew/ [email protected] . Mercator School of Mr. Prof. Dr. Cassel Management [email protected] . Center for Nanointe- Mr. Prof. Dr. Lupascu gration Duisburg- Huazhong University of [email protected] Essen* Science and Technology Mr. Prof. Dr. Dittmer . Faculty of Medicine Wuhan [email protected] and University Clinic http://english.hust.edu.cn/ Mr. Prof. Dr. Taube [email protected] . Institute for East Asian Studies Mr. Prof. Dr. Kecskeméthy [email protected] Kyushu University . Faculty of Engineering Mr. Prof. Dr. Widmann Japan Fukuoka [email protected] . Institute for East www.kyushu-u.ac.jp/english/ Mr. Demes Asian Studies [email protected] Mr. Prof. Dr. Monjour Universidad Nacional de Co- [email protected] . Faculty of Humanities lombia Mr. Prof. Dr. Hartmann . Faculty of Social Sci- Colombia Bogotá [email protected] ences http://unal.edu.co/ Mr. Prof. Dr. Kecskeméthy . Faculty of Engineering [email protected] Mr. Prof. Dr. Eickmans . Faculty of Humanities [email protected] . Faculty of Medicine Radboud University Mr. Prof. Dr. Quick and University Clinic Netherlands Nijmegen [email protected] www.ru.nl . Centre of Water and Mr. Dr. Eisinger Environmental Re- [email protected] search Mr. Prof. Dr. Epple Faculty of M.V. Lomonosov Moscow [email protected] . Chemistry Russian Fed- State University Mr. Prof. Dr. Farle eration Moscow [email protected] . Physics www.msu.ru/en/ Mr. Prof. Dr. Bayer . Biology and Geogra- peter.bayer@uni-due phy International Cooperations with Institutions of Higher Education 2/8 Country Partner Institution Cooperation Representative UDE Faculty/Institute Curtin University Mr. Prof. Dr. Walpuski Centre for Empirical Re- 8. Perth [email protected] search in Education www.curtin.edu.au/ Griffith University Faculty of Economics Mr. Prof. Dr. Clausen Australia 9. Brisbane and Business Admin- [email protected] www.gu.edu.au istration Macquarie University Ms. Ramona Karatas 10. Sy dney Faculty of Humanities [email protected] www.mq.edu.au Santa Catarina State Uni- Mrs. Dr. Süßenbach versity Department of Educa- 11. [email protected] Florianópolis tional Sciences www.udesc.br/ Universidade de Brasilia Mr. Prof. Dr. Widmann 12. Brasília Faculty of Engineering [email protected] http://www.unb.br/ Universidade LaSalle Mr. Prof. Dr. Deike Canoas 13. [email protected] Faculty of Engineering http://unilasalle.edu.br/canoa s/ Brazil Universidade Estadual Paulista “Julio de Mr. Prof. Dr. Widmann 14. Mesquita Filho”/ UNESP Faculty of Engineering [email protected] Sao Paulo http://www.unesp.br/ Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Mr. Prof. Dr. Dietrich Wolf Faculty of Physics 15. Porto Alegre [email protected] Faculty of Engineering http://www.ufrgs.br/english/h ome University of Sao Paulo Mr. Prof. Dr. El Moctar 16. Sao Paulo Faculty of Engineering [email protected] www5.usp.br/en/ University of Manitoba* Faculty of Economics Mr. Prof. Dr. Marrón 17. Winnipeg and Business Admin- [email protected] http://umanitoba.ca/ istration Canada University of Waterloo Center for Nanointegra- Mr. Dr. Teckentrup 18. Waterloo tion Duisburg-Essen [email protected] https://uwaterloo.ca/ (CENIDE) Beijing International Stu- Ms. Ramona Karatas 19. d ies University Faculty of Humanities [email protected] www.bisu.edu.cn Mr. Prof. Dr. Chamoni Chu Hai College [email protected] Mercator School of 20. Hong Kong China Mr. Prof. Dr. Cassel Management www.chuhai.edu.hk/en/ [email protected] Dalian University of Tech- nology Prof. Dr. el Moctar 21. Faculty of Engineering Dalian [email protected] http://en.dlut.edu.cn/ International Cooperations with Institutions of Higher Education 3/8 Hong Kong Baptist Univer- Mr. Prof. Dr. Chamoni . Mercator School of sity [email protected] 22. Management Hong Kong Mr. Prof. Dr. Möller www.hkbu.edu.hk/ [email protected] . Faculty of Physics Nankai University* Mr. Prof. Dr. Taube Institute for East Asian 23. Tianjin [email protected] Studies www.nankai.edu.cn/english/ Renmin University of Chi- na* Ms. Prof. PhD Shire Institute for East Asian 24. Beijing [email protected] Studies http://en.ruc.edu.cn/ Shanghai Medical College Mr. Prof. Dr. Dittmer Faculty of Medicine and 25. at Fudan University [email protected] University Clinic http://shmc.shmu.edu.cn/ Southeast University Mr. Prof. Dr. Farle 26. Nanjing Faculty of Physics [email protected] www.seu.edu.cn/ Sun Yat-sen University Mr. Prof. Dr. Dittmer Faculty of Medicine and 27. Guangzhou [email protected] University Clinic www.sysu.edu.cn/ Tongji Medical College Mr. Prof. Dr. Dittmer Faculty of Medicine and 28. at HUST, Wuhan [email protected] University Clinic www.tjmu.edu.cn/ Tsinghua University Ms. Prof. Dr. Ziegler 29. Beijing Faculty of Humanities [email protected] www.tsinghua.edu.cn/eng/ Wuhan University Mr. Prof. Dr. Taube Institute for East Asian 30. Wuhan [email protected] Studies http://en.whu.edu.cn/ Wuhan University of Tech- nology* Mr. Prof. Dr. Schramm 31. Faculty of Engineering Wuhan [email protected] http://english.whut.edu.cn/ Zhejiang University of Sci- ence and Technology Mr. Prof. Dr. Noche 32. Faculty of Engineering Hangzhou [email protected] www.zust.edu.cn/english/ Zhengzhou University Mr. Prof. Dr. Hunger 33. Zhengzhou Faculty of Engineering [email protected] http://english.zzu.edu.cn/ Universidad Santo Tomas Mr. Prof. Dr. Andreas Colombia 34. Bogotá Wömpener Faculty of Engineering http://www.usta.edu.co/ [email protected] Fayoum University Centre for Water and Mr. Dr. Eisinger Egypt 35. Fayoum Environmental Research [email protected] www.fayoum.edu.eg/English/ (ZWU) Institut Français du Pètrole (IFP-School) Mr. Prof. Dr. Schulz 36. Faculty of Engineering Rueil-Malmaison [email protected] www.ifp-school.com/ Champagne School of Mr. Prof. Dr. Chamoni France Management [email protected] Mercator School of 37. Group ESC Troyes Mr. Prof. Dr. Cassel Management http://study-in-champagne.com/ [email protected] Institut National des Sci- Mr. Prof. Dr. Neff 38. Faculty of Mathematics ences appliquées de Lyon [email protected] International Cooperations with Institutions of Higher Education 4/8 (INSA) https://www.insa-lyon.fr/en/ University of Ghana Mr. Prof. Dr. Hartmann Faculty of Social Sci- Ghana 39. Accra -Legon [email protected] ences https://www.ug.edu.gh/ Amity University Centre for Water and Mr. Dr. Eisinger 40. Noida Environmental Research [email protected] www.amity.edu (ZWU) India Indian Institute of Technol- ogy Madras Ms. Zacharias 41. Faculty of Engineering Chennai [email protected] www.iitm.ac.in/ Institute of Technology Bandung Mr. Prof. Dr. Hunger 42. Faculty of Engineering Bandung [email protected] Indonesia www.itb.ac.id/ University of Indonesia Mr. Prof. Dr. Hunger 43. Jakarta Faculty of Engineering [email protected] www.ui.ac.id/ Tel Aviv University Ms. Ramona Karatas Israel 44. Tel Aviv Faculty of Humanities [email protected] http://english.tau.ac.il/ Collegio Carlo Alberto Ms. Prof. Dr. Klammer Faculty of Social Italien 45. Turin [email protected] Sciences http://www.carloalberto.org/ Chukyo University Dr. Katharina König Aichi 46. katharina.koenig.germanistik@uni- Faculty of Humanities http://www.chukyo- due.de u.ac.jp/english/ Dokkyo University Mr. Demes Institute for East Asian 47. Soka, Saitama [email protected] Studies www.dokkyo.ac.jp/eg/ Doshisha University* Mr. Prof. Dr. Pascha Mercator School of Japan 48. Kyoto [email protected] Management www.doshisha.ac.jp/english/ Fukuoka University Mr. Prof. Dr. Klein Institute for East Asian 49. Fukuoka [email protected] Studies www.fukuoka-u.ac.jp/english/ German Institute for Japa- nese Studies* Mr. Prof. Dr. Klein Institute for East Asian 50. Tokyo [email protected] Studies www.dijtokyo.org/ Hokkaido University Mr. Prof. Dr. Klein Institute for East Asian 51. Sapporo [email protected] Studies https://www.oia.hokudai.ac.jp/ Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technolo- Mr. Prof. Dr. Hoppe 52. g y* Faculty of Engineering [email protected] Nomi, Ishikawa www.jaist.ac.jp/ Kanagawa University Mr. Demes Institute for East Asian 53. Kanagawa [email protected] Studies www.kanagawa-u.ac.jp/english/ Kokugakuin University Ms. Ramona Karatas 54. Faculty of Humanities Tokyo [email protected] International Cooperations with Institutions of Higher Education 5/8 Japan www.kokugakuin.ac.jp/english/ Nagoya University Mr. Demes Institute for East Asian 55. Nagoya [email protected] Studies www.nagoya-u.ac.jp/en/ Ryukoku University Mr.
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