TodAy’S Weather Friday, Jan. 31, 2020 Today: Mostly cloudy. Arcadia | Atlanta | Cicero | Sheridan Tonight: Mostly cloudy. Carmel | Fishers | Noblesville | Westfield NEWS GATHERING Like & PARTNER Follow us! HIGH: 42 LOW: 31 Avoid beating yourself up Sampson honored in the Sandwich Generation While sitting COLUMNIST Being the have a tendency to drop ev- for Westfield work in an important good grant consul- erything when she calls, no Lilly Endow- tant, I had chosen matter how big or small the ment grant appli- a seat front and situation may be. Perhaps cation meeting center for this it’s the whole guilt thing – I on Wednesday meeting. I didn’t mean, she took care of me morning, January want to miss one for all those years, so now it’s 22, my phone vi- word about this my turn to take care of her. brated with a text huge opportunity. But Mom somehow message. Glanc- AMY SHANKLAND So, with a small survived with her grocery ing down, I nearly Sandwiched sigh, I decided to delivery and a staff mem- gasped – it was not hop up to leave ber had helped her find her my mom’s grocery delivery the room and call Mom. I had remote when I called her the “saint” (as I call him) Scott. to resist beating myself up following morning. She ac- He was checking in with me for the next 90 minutes. tually sounded chipper. to let me know he was about I felt the same way when Like so many caregiv- to begin shopping and he Mom had called me a few ers, I’ve got a busy career asked if Mom needed any- weeks prior and left a voice- and am taking care of my thing else. mail when she couldn’t find own family and household “No, thank you,” I quick- her TV remote control – along with my mother. ly texted, “But she’s going which IS a huge deal for old- Things are going to slip on to kill me because I forgot er folks. I was in the middle occasion. I’m finally realiz- to tell her you were coming. of hoop dancing with friends ing that I’m never going to She may still be in her robe and didn’t get the message be completely perfect in this and slippers.” until after 9 p.m., which is sandwich generation role. To those of us who are her bedtime. I did beat my- Once in a while, Mom more casual, this may not self up over that one. will have to deal with the have been a huge deal. But I In the grand scheme of small crises in life. And I’ve knew my mom would be un- things, however, I later re- learned that it’s okay. Hope- happy when Scott arrived at alized these instances were fully I’ll remember these her door to see her not prop- not the end of the world. As stories to avoid beating my- erly dressed for the day. Mom’s primary caregiver, I self up again in the future! Four portable classrooms coming Photo provided John Sampson (right) has become the face and name of the new Westfield to new Southeastern Elementary Playhouse project, set to be completed this year at 202 North Union St. By LARRY LANNAN would be attending the new the building, near the staff In part because of that work, Sampson was recently honored with a LarryInFishers.com Southeastern Elementary cafeteria. Westfield Way Award, presented by Mayor Andy Cook (left). Sampson building were off, meaning It is expected the porta- told The Reporter he was nominated anonymously for his contribution to When more students entered the bles will be needed begin- the city and the arts. His comments were the soul of humility: “I am very Hamilton school than had been ex- ning in the 2020-21 school honored, but my goodness, there are so many other people who do more,” South- pected. year and will be in use for Sampson said. Regarding his work with Westfield Playhouse, Sampson eastern At Wednesday night's two full school years, un- said, “It is all for the benefit of the City of Westfield, and the biggest thing (HSE) HSE school board meet- til the planned new Wayne is putting the art in front of the public to keep it healthy and well.” The 160- Schools ing, leases for four portable Township elementary seat theater facility, set to be complete this year, will be within two to three planned classrooms were approved school is completed and in blocks of the future Grand Junction Plaza, making it another amenity the last for Southeastern Elemen- operation. residents and visitors can enjoy while in downtown Westfield. round of redistricting, esti- tary. The portables will be mates of how many students located on the north end of See Portable . Page 2 Supt. Bourff to offer HSE school start time Life in Cicero about to get sweet recommendation at Feb. 12 board meeting at Taste of Chocolate fundraiser The REPORTER ebrate all that Cicero’s By LARRY LANNAN Life will get a little Main Street has to of- LarryInFishers.com sweeter Feb. 10 when fer,” said Dagny Zupin, Our Town Cicero hosts Our Town Cicero Media Hamilton Southeastern Schools Su- its fifth annual Taste of and Promotions Director. perintendent Allen Bourff says he will Chocolate fundraising “All proceeds from the have a recommendation on school start event. event help to continue times for the next regular meeting of the Held in the popu- our Main Street beautifi- school board scheduled for Wednesday, lar banquet room of 10 cation efforts and make Feb. 12. West Restaurant and Bar, free community events Administrators will have options for Taste of Chocolate is a like street festival and the board consideration, including imple- community networking Christmas lighting cere- menting a version of the three-tier bus event that lasts from 5 to mony possible.” transportation system in the 2020-21 8 p.m. The annual event Tickets for the event school year. offers northern Hamil- can be purchased online "We will be presenting (the board) ton County residents the at this link or at Cicero with … an option to opportunity to meet and Market on State Road 19. flip our start times mingle with neighbors Those interested in be- as early as next fall," while sampling chocolate coming a vendor or spon- Bourff told board treats provided by local sor should email event members. "But if you businesses. Tickets for chair Cyndi Kanaly at chose not to do that, the event cost $15 and [email protected]. we would present include appetizers and About Our Town Cicero you with another al- chocolate samples from Our Town Cicero is a ternative to introduce approximately 20 local 501(c)(3) charitable non- you to a new trans- businesses. profit and Indiana Main portation system that Bourff “Our Town Cicero is Street member. Our Town could be a three-tier excited to host the fifth Cicero is dedicated to system." annual Taste of Choco- strengthening the vibran- Answering a question from board late. It is a great oppor- cy of Cicero by promot- member Sylvia Shepler, Bourff said there tunity for community ing local businesses and Photo provided is no "drop-dead date" on making a start members and businesses partnerships so all may Bill and Lisa Wampler, Co-Owners of 10 West Restaurant and Bar, time decision for the 2020-21 school alike to network and cel- visit, eat play, and live. show off their chocolate creation. year. "Once you get beyond February and March, it's hard to make those decisions,” Bourff said. “So, we would like to try to make that decision in February. Fishers students’ visual art celebrates Black Culture One complicating factor is this: There The REPORTER participation by Fall Creek Junior performances by the students. These is only one regular board meeting sched- The Fishers Arts Council cele- High School and the first year of par- will include poetry, original songs and uled in the month of February, and that is brates the month of February with a ticipation by Fishers High School. stepping. Finger food and soft drinks on the 12th. new exhibit called Embracing Black There will be a free public recep- will be provided. Board President Michelle Fullhart Culture: A Visual Arts Celebration. tion and performances from 6 to 8 p.m. Come enjoy the exhibit as these clarified that, at minimum, there would The exhibit features visual art pro- on Friday, Feb. 7 at The Art Gallery at students share their visual and per- most likely be a school start time change vided by the students at Fishers High Fishers City Hall. Meet the artists and forming arts in celebration of Black as a result of moving from a two-tier to School and Fall Creek Junior High browse the two levels of the gallery Culture. a three-tier bus transportation system. School. The art includes paintings, to enjoy the visual art that embraces Email FishersArtsCouncil@ She described the possibility of flipping drawings, photographs and concrete Black Culture. gmail.com if you have questions or start times between elementary and high poetry. This will be the third year of The second hour is devoted to would like more information. school students as "another possibility." 2 News We help first time home buyers insure their new home 317-758-5828 BraggInsurance.com [email protected] Portable Apply now for Fishers from Page 1 In other news from the erendum would need to be • The board was told few months.
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