INTERFACEINTERFACE:: CONNECTINGCONNECTING THETHE WORKWORK OOFF GREGORYGREGORY BATESON,BATESON, DELEUZDELEUZEE ANANDD GUATTARI,GUATTARI, ANANDD ALAIALAINN BADIOUBADIOU bbyy AdeleAdele HavertyHaverty BealerBealer A thesithesiss submittedsubmitted ttoo ththee facultyfaculty ofof TheThe UniversitUniversityy ooff UtahUtah iinn partialpartial fulfillmentfulfillment ofof thethe requirementrequirementss forfor ththee degreedegree ofof MasteMasterr ooff ArtsArts IIIin EnvironmentaEnvironmentall HumanitiesHumanities DepartmenDepartmentt ooff CommunicationCommunication TheThe UniversitUniversityy ooff UtahUtah AugustAugust 20082008 CopyrighCopyrightt © AdelAdelee HavertHavertyy BealeBealerr 20082008 AlAlll RightRightss ReservedReserved THE UNIVERSITY OF UTAH GRADUATE SCHOOL SUPERVISORY COMMITTEE APPROVAL of a thesis submitted by Adele Haverty Bealer This thesis has been read by each member of the following supervisory committee and by majority vote has been found to be satisfactory. inJbw&& --------:=:---.... '"'" ceHeonard C. Hawes r 7 �__ __-7) THE UNIVERSITY OF UTAH GRADUATE SCHOOL FINAL READING APPROVAL To the GraduateCouncil of the University of Utah: [ have read the thesis of Adele Haverty Bealer in its final form and have found that (1) its format, citations, and bibliographic style are consistent and acceptable; (2) its illustrative materials including figures, tables, and charts are in place; and (3) the final manuscript is satisfactory to the supervisory committee and is ready for submission toThe Graduate School. �--- pate , Chair: SupervisoryCommittee Approved for the MajorDepartment Chair/Dean Approved for the GraduateCouncil David S. Chapma Dean of The Graduate School ABSTRACTABSTRACT MyMy thesisthesis derivesderives itsits impetusimpetus andand itsits structurestructure fromfrom thethe workwork andand thoughtthought ofof GregoryGregory Bateson.Bateson. MyMy aimaim isis toto demonstratedemonstrate thethe ongoingongoing vitalityvitality ofof hishis ecologyecology ofof MindMind byby tracingtracing thethe connectionsconnections betweenbetween hishis workwork andand thatthat ofof GillesGilles Deleuze,Deleuze, FelixFelix Guattari,Guattari, andand AlainAlain Badiou.Badiou. PartPart I representsrepresents a broadbroad overviewoverview ofof Bateson'sBateson's majormajor works,works, emphasizingemphasizing hishis theoriestheories ofof abductionabduction andand recursivityrecursivity asas criticalcritical philosophicalphilosophical concepts.concepts. Bateson'sBateson's notionnotion ofof abductionabduction asas a thirdthird investigatoryinvestigatory methodologymethodology suggestssuggests a meansmeans forfor connectingconnecting hishis workwork ttoo thatthat ofof otherother theoriststheorists.. A pioneerpioneer ofof cybernetics,cybernetics, hishis probingprobing oftheof the recursivrecursivee rolerole ofof informatioinformationn feedbackfeedback andand ofof thethe pragmatipragmaticc interfaceinterface betweebetweenn organismsorganisms andand theirtheir environmenenvironmentt cacann bebe readread asas a meta-modemeta-modell forfor a multiperspectivalmultiperspectival approachapproach toto environmentaenvironmentall issueissuess andand texts.texts. PartPart IIII exploresexplores ththee differencesdifferences andand ththee reiterativreiterativee similaritiessimilarities inin thethe workwork ofof BatesonBateson,, ththee FrencFrenchh writinwritingg teateamm ooff FeliFelixx GuattarGuattarii andand GilleGilless DeleuzeDeleuze,, anandd contemporarycontemporary FrencFrenchh philosophephilosopherr AlaiAlainn BadiouBadiou.. UsinUsingg mathematicamathematicall notationotationn aass metaphorimetaphoricc semiotics,semiotics, I argueargue thatthat a theoreticaltheoretical mUltiplicitymultiplicity movesmoves rhizomaticallyrhizomatically betweenbetween andand acrossacross thethe veryvery permeablpermeablee boundarieboundariess thathatt mamayy bbee drawdrawnn betweebetweenn thesthesee theoriststheorists,, anandd thathatt ththee emergingemerging connectionconnectionss describdescribee a pregnanpregnantt holism.holism. ParPartt IIIIII movemovess ttoo emploemployy ththee insightinsightss ooff thithiss theoreticatheoreticall analysianalysiss iinn a moremore pragmatipragmaticc applicatioapplicationn ooff thesthesee sharesharedd insightinsightss anandd concernsconcerns.. IInn a recenrecentt journajournall article,article, Dr.Dr. RobertRobert CoxCox urgedurged thethe environmentalenvironmental communicationcommunication communitycommunity toto definedefine itselfitself asas a crisiscrisis discipline.discipline. Bateson'sBateson's visionvision forfor ecologicalecological holismholism waswas predicatedpredicated onon respectingrespecting thethe dangersdangers inherentinherent inin adad hochoc interventionintervention inin systemssystems whosewhose interconnectivityinterconnectivity maymay bebe littlelittle perceivedperceived whenwhen defineddefined inin causalcausal andand linearlinear terms.terms. TheThe dangersdangers ofof rhetoricallyrhetorically limitinglimiting thethe semanticssemantics ofof environmentalenvironmental communicationcommunication toto a heuristicheuristic ratherrather thanthan a holisticholistic approachapproach areare furtherfurther exploredexplored usingusing thethe workwork ofof Deleuze,Deleuze, GuattariGuattari andand Badiou.Badiou. ThisThis sectionsection providesprovides a discursivediscursive andand diacriticaldiacritical responseresponse toto Dr.Dr. Cox'sCox's proposals.proposals. MyMy thesisthesis concludesconcludes withwith thethe recognitionrecognition ofof thethe depthdepth ofof GregoryGregory Bateson'sBateson's visionvision andand ofof thethe contemporaneitycontemporaneity stillstill vibrantvibrant inin hishis perspectives.perspectives. BatesonBateson isis inin manymany waysways ththee exemplarexemplar ofof anan environmentaenvironmentall humanitieshumanities scholar,scholar, andand I weavweavee thathatt threathreadd intointo mmyy concludinconcludingg remarks.remarks. v TABLTABLEE OOFF CONTENTSCONTENTS ABSTRACABSTRACTT ................................., ........... ......... , ........ , .. ......... ...... iIVv ACKNOWLEDGMENTACKNOWLEDGMENTSS ... ... .......................... , ... .... .......................... viVlli INTRODUCTIONINTRODUCTION:: OLOLDD MYSTERIESMYSTERIES,, NENEWW CHALLENGECHALLENGES....S ................. 11 PARPARTT II:: ANANDD YEYETT THTHEE BEAUTIFUBEAUTIFULL PERSISTPERSISTS...................................S 6 AbductioAbduction.n . 1100 RecursivenesRecursivenesss ........ , . .. ... 1188 MeaninMeaningg .............................................................................. 2255 NoteNotess ................................................................................. 2288 PARPARTT IIII:: WHEWHENN A FRENCHMAFRENCHMANN WAVEWAVESS HIHISS ARMARMSS .................................... 3311 DifferencDifference·e • (n-1(n-l)) = MultiplicitMultiplicity·y • 1:11:1 ^:j:. OnOnee .................................. 3399 ConsistencConsistency·y • And...And.And ... And .... .An And·d • NoNott AlAlll ..................................... 4466 FramFramee I| ContexContextt I| FramFramee • IntensitIntensityy = 0 • {0{0}} ... .. .... .. 4499 MinMindd • rhizome<-»rhizomrhizome+-+rhizomee • %X €C ~|3 .................................... ... ........ 5454 {...}-{...}-{..•{ ... } = { ... } = { ...} } ................................................................ 5588 Notes ...... .. .................... ... .................................................. 60 Notes 60 PART III: THE CHARM AND THE TERROR.............. ............. ............. 62 PART III: THE CHARM AND THE TERROR 62 Notes ................................................................................. 85 Notes 85 CONCLUSION: SO WHAT? ....... : .................................................... 87 CONCLUSION: SO WHAT? 87 REFERENCES .............................................................................. 94 REFERENCES 94 ACKNOWLEDGMENTSACKNOWLEDGMENTS I wouldwould likelike toto acknowledgeacknowledge thethe contributionscontributions ofof thethe manymany mindsminds whosewhose interactioninteraction shapedshaped andand informedinformed mymy ownown epistemologicalepistemological journey.journey. MyMy committeecommittee membersmembers havehave beenbeen individuallyindividually andand collectivelycollectively instrumentalinstrumental inin thethe evolutionevolution ofof thisthis thesis,thesis, andand I wouldwould likelike toto thankthank eacheach ofof themthem forfor theirtheir inspirationinspiration andand guidanceguidance throughoutthroughout thisthis process.process. TerryTerry TempestTempest WilliamsWilliams introducedintroduced meme toto GregoryGregory Bateson,Bateson, anan eventevent whichwhich hashas shapedshaped mymy academicacademic andand intellectualintellectual career.career. SteveSteve TatumTatum providedprovided meme withwith a willingwilling soundingsounding boardboard andand withwith thethe invaluableinvaluable adviceadvice toto "read"read less,less, writewrite more."more." LenLen HawesHawes hashas offeredoffered meme hishis wit,wit, hishis wisdom,wisdom, a passionpassion forfor GregoryGregory BatesonBateson thatthat matchesmatches mmyy own,own, andand thethe absoluteabsolute freedomfreedom toto dancedance iinn cyberneticcybernetic harmonyharmony withwith a likelike minmindd andand kindrekindredd spirit.spirit. WithouWithoutt hihiss collaborationcollaboration andand exquisiteexquisite care,care, thisthis projectproject wouldwould havhavee beebeenn sadlysadly one-dimensional.one-dimensional. I amam alsoalso indebtedindebted
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