NORWICH BULLETIN, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1911 INSURANCE. heads, and to be conscious of swoop-ing- s NATIONAL LEABJt 5TAN0INU. and gyrations which they could Won. toat. :'. P.C. Railroad Man Writes TEN GAMES ON ACADEMY SCHEDULE their-eye- s New York 90 48 .652 not take 'off of the boat to ..... " - Chicago see. 't ' - 84 57 .590 ' Pittsburg 83 , stet-tle- 63 .508 FIRE INSURANCE "Before the arrangements are d Philadelphia ...... 76 64 for next year's race, the New St. Louis 73 68 ' .518 Remarkable Letter London Cincinnati 66 80 .432 Lowest Rates - Reliable Companies officials must understand that Windham High Comes Open Football Season Strong a repetition impropriety Brooklyn ... 57 82 .410 to of this will Boston .......... SO 102 .261 not be tolerated. There is na more rea- ....'...,.. J.L UTH8QP & SONS. son to 'permit persons to advertise National League. In 1903 and 1904, I was a terrible Line and Veteran Eackfield in N. F. A. Eleven. At St. Louis-poiie- d; St same post- - sufferer for about five mowths with 28 Shetucket Street. Norwich. themselves in this way at the expense rain. kidney trouble. I of the Harvard-Yal- e race than there and bladder could ' not sleep nights arid was obliged to would be to grant a license for a Giants 2, Cincinnati 0. troupe mon- get up ten or fifteen nights to urin- 'The Academy football schedule for bright at the opening of the season as of acrobats or of trained Cincinnati. Sept. 25. New York won the final ate. I passed mucus and blood con- any corresponding time keys to perform on the deck of a game of .the series with Cincinnati, today, 2 to 0. the season has practically been com- they have at ' Crandall was" in- tinually. One doctor said I was Soing for several years past. steamer which was allowed to keep fine form and allowed the home gave pleted by Manager Theodore Haviland of the leading shell.'. club only four scattered hits. New York bit Suggs into consumption and me up to abreast haul, but sensational fielding, especially McLean's die. Had two other doctors but re- with 10 games on the list and one or throwing to bases, held the visitors' score down. In THREE TOUCHDOWNS WHERE THEK iUAY TODAY. first two innings ceived no help from either of them two more dates which may yet be fill- the there was no scoring, but in sure I would have been In my BY HARVARD SQUAD. American league. the third Fletcher made a, single, Meyers- fanned aud and ed. Seven of those arranged for are Chlcazo at Boston. Crandali died at first. 'Then Devote singled, scor- grave had I not seen your advertise- St. ing Fletcher, hut when Devore tried to score on "Daily home, beginning Louis at New York. Doyle's single ment in the Eagle Star." After dates, next Saturday, 'Varsity Men Put in Some Lively Work Cleveland at Philadelpliia. he was caught at the plate. In the takins- when Windham High ninth inning Snedgrass singled, Murray sacrificed and several bottles of Dr. KilmeF's school's eleven Detroit at Washington. Swamp-Ro- ot Fishmen's Bright Prospcets. Deilin fanned, but Herzog's single brought Snod-gra- ss I was entirely cured. is here for the opening game. All but National League. ' two of games so home. Cincinnati made two singles In the In the last two years I have been a the arranged for far Cambridge, Mass., .Sept. 25. The New York at Chicago. soventh. but both men were caught trying to steal. fireman have passed two are on Saturday, the exceptions being Brooklyn at St. Iy.uis. MerKle of New York started the flame at first, but railroad and - football squad was given examinations for my kidneys successfully a Wednesday. Harvard its Philadelphia at Pittsburg. owing .to a recent injury was rlieved by Devlin. As in former years, are two first scrimmage of tlie early practice - Boston at Cincinnati. 1 ne score : so that I know that my kidneys there of the season on Soldiers' field late to- New York. Cincinnati. are in excellent condition now as a games with Windham High, with po ah-- day, every getting AMERICAN LEAGUE STAN DING. ab h po of your preparation. Westerly High and with High. nearly candidate Devore.lf 4 0 Bescher.lf 4 0 2 result Bulkelev lineup Win. LosL 12 Yours very truly, Hartford High comes here for a game into the during the afternoon. PC Doyl.e2b 4 2 1 0 Hoblitzel.lb 4 19 - The two squads kept up the work Pluladelphia 95 46 . .674 Sn'dgrass.ef 4 el 2 0 Bates. cf 3 0 2 GEORGE KESrSLER, on Oct.- 21st, the fifth contest on the ' 1 for fifty minutes, the 'varsity getting Detroit . ....... 85 57 .399 Murray.rf 1 0 0;Mitcbell.rf 4 0 0 1422 Mary St., Marinette, Wis. schedule, so that the home team should twenty Cleveland ........ 75 67 .528 Merkle.lb 0 0 0 Almeida. 3b 3 2 1 Let us write you a Policy of Fire be in pretty good form by that time three touchdowns in the first New i'ork 74 69 .518 Devlin. lb 0 14 0 OEgan.b 3 0 Z Personally appeared before me this of play. Campbell Ciiieago 70 71 .497 Herzog.Sb , S- - 1 3 Kens-le- r, go to bed tonight feel- and able to make a good showing minutes Halfback liKsmond.ss 25th of September, 1909, George Insurance and strong scored the first touchdown Boston '71 .407 Fletcher, ss 1 1 OM'Lean.c who subscribed the above state- ing: that you have done all that can be against the combination that Washington- - 59 84 .413 Meyeis.c 1 2 0 Suggs.p . High The Harvard freshmen came out for St.- - Louis 40 103 Crandall.p 0 ment made oath that same done in case of conflagration and loss Hartford usually sends out. today, unsually heavy .280 I OjFromnie.p and the by fire, to avoid ruin and disaster. It The following is the list of datss: tlie first time an ;jlarsana is true in substance and in fact. Sept 30 Windham High Nor- array of 57 men showing up. There Cleveland 3. Senators 2. ' Totals. 33 11 27 17 If HENRY GRAASS, Is a wise thing to do and it is up to at I Totals, 30 4 27 15 1 were many former scholastic stars Washington, Sept. 25. -- wich. Washington gave Hughes tor euggs Ktn, Notary Public, you. among mate- poor support today, and won. 3 to 2. natiea in Oct. 7 Heavyweights of Norwich the candidates, and the Cleveland by Door County, Wis. ISAAC S. JONES, at rial is the most promising for strong Conroy's work at third base and five double, plays Score innings: Norwich. a were features. Score: New York 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Agent, team in years. CincinnaU 0 0 0. 0 0 0 0 0 12 Insurance and Real Estate Oct. 11 Westerly High at Norwich. freshman Washington. ' 1. Cleveland.- 00 Letter to Oct. 14 Academy Willimantic vs. ab h po a e - ab h po a e Two base hit, Meyers. Building, 91 Main St.. at 1 o'Graney.lf Dr. Kilmer & Co., Richards Windham High. MIDDIES ON THE GRIDIRON. Milan. cf 3 3 0 0 0 Srhaefer.lb 4 S 8 0 0 Butchcr.lf 41100 3 1 0 Binghamton, N. Y. Oct. 21 Hartford High at Norwich. Klberfeld.2 3 0 3 P O.Olson.ss 5 2 16 0 Chicago 6, Boston 5. Oct. 28 Jewett City at Norwich. Sixty Turn Out for Practice at Annap- - C.Walker.lf 4 0 4 1 1 .Taeksoii.r 2 0 0 Chicago, Sept- - 25. Chicago gained one point on 3 2 0 0 4 01013 1 1BE OFFICE OF WH. F. EIU, Nov. 4 ' Gce.sler.rf 0 I.njoie,lb New York today in the pennant race by defeating Prove What Swamp-Ho- ot Will Do For You Academy vs. Bulkeley at olis. 3 MBrldc.ss 0 3 3 1 B'ngham.cf 3 10 10 Boston, 6 i4 5. The deciding run was the result New London. Cnnroy.ab 3 1 5 S 1 Ball, 2b 4 2 4 2 0 of Boston's line error, a stolen .base and a single. 8 Henry.c 8 Send to Dr. Kilmer & Bingham- Real EstaU Nov. Academy vs. Westerly High Annapolis, Md.. Sept. 25. The nt Tumer.3b 4 0 3 5 0 The other runs made by the locals were the out- C., at Westerly. - Hughes.p 3 11110 0 1 0 liasteily.c 3 come of two bases on balls, a sacrifice and bunched ton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. It will had their first football prac- 1 13 10 and Fir Insurance, Nov. 18 Bulkeley at Norwich. 'Cushion 0 0 0 0 Blandiug.p 4 10 10 hits. Richie started to pitch for Chicago, but his convince anyone. You will also receive tice on Worden field today. The squad wildness resulted in two runs, one of which was tell- Is in Bemeru' Block, M. Thanksgiving day Yale Consolidat- two-thir- Totals. SO 7 27 14 4 Totals. 34 8 27 18 0 a booklet of valuable information, Vx.t6 orr C numbered nearly sixty, of forced home. Cole succeeded Richie and three sin- ing all about kidneys and bladder. Williams, Room 8. third Sow.' ed at Xorwich. the men with experience last year. The gles and a wild pitch gave the visitors two more the Practice for the team under the di- weather was intensely warm for foot- Batted for McBride in 9th.
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