Acta Neurol Scand 2015: 132: 364–367 DOI: 10.1111/ane.12489 © 2015 The Authors. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd ACTA NEUROLOGICA SCANDINAVICA Letter to the Editor Comments on the review article ‘Time trends in the incidence and prevalence of multiple sclerosis in Norway during eight decades’ This article is a commentary to the Review article by Grytten et al, published in Supplement 132:29–36 (DOI: 10.1111/ ane.12428). The coverage of Oslo was higher from the vali- A step back for MS prevalence studies in Norway dated sources (>80% of the MS patients in Oslo The article gives an overview of time trends in were included in NMSRB and/or OMSR), and prevalence and incidence of multiple sclerosis (MS) we used this as a test of sensitivity (as described in the different regions in Norway (1). The authors in the original paper). In order to adjust for dif- also intend to provide an update on the MS preva- ferences in age and gender distribution between lence in Norway, compared to the first nationwide the regions, and to be able to compare our data prevalence study published in 2014 (2). Grytten with findings from other countries, the prevalence et al. estimate a nationwide prevalence of MS in adjusted to the European Standard Population Norway of 208 per 100,000 on 31 December 2013, was also given. By including information from which is not far from our reported 203 per 100,000 Statistics Norway, we were able to exclude those on 1 January 2012 (although confidence intervals who were deceased or had emigrated during the were not given for the newly estimated 2013 data study period (approximately 10%). in the review article). Even if the main finding is As required, our study of prevalence was in similar, the methodologies used in the two studies advance approved by the Regional Committee are not comparable. As stated by the authors: ‘The for Research Ethics and the Review Board for numbers were not adjusted, neither reduced for Oslo University Hospital, Ulleval, and the Nor- deaths, nor increased for those who were not trea- wegian Data Protection Authority. ted during the period’. We question how the prevalence figures were In our study from 2014, data were retrieved from calculated in the review article. Cited from the five different sources: in addition to data from abstract: ‘The nationwide crude prevalence in the Norwegian MS Registry and Biobank Norway, based on the Norwegian Patient Reg- (NMSRB) and the Norwegian Patient Register istry, was 208 per 100,000 on December 31, (NPR), we also included information from the 2013’. From the Methods: ‘Furthermore, we Norwegian Prescription Database (NPD), Statis- retrieved data on people with MS from the tics Norway and Oslo MS Registry (OMSR). The Norwegian Multiple Sclerosis Registry and Bio- patients included in the NMSRB and OMSR bank and from the Norwegian Patient Registry were diagnosed according to the Poser (3) or the on December 31, 2013 to calculate updated fig- McDonald (4–6) criteria by Norwegian neurolo- ures for the prevalence of MS in Norway’. gists. However, the coverage in the NMSRB was From the Results: ‘To follow up on the nation- low (approximately 50% in our study), and we wide prevalence of MS in Norway and to esti- developed a set of inclusion criteria to exclude mate the prevalence in the counties, we possible cases included in NPR due to misclassifi- retrieved data from the Norwegian Multiple cation: (i) more than one visit registered in NPR Sclerosis Registry and Biobank and the Norwe- with MS as main or codiagnosis or (ii) MS and gian Patient Registry’. optic neuritis (ON) or (iii) MS or ON in combi- If data from the two sources were combined, nation with the prescription of a MS drug from the process of excluding duplicates, which NPR/NPD or (iv) MS or ON in combination requires unique personal identification numbers, with code from a rehabilitation institution. was not described. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License, which permits use and distribution in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non-commercial and 364 no modifications or adaptations are made. Letter to the editor Table 1 Most recent Norwegian MS prevalence studies by county and year Prevalence on county level compared to data adapted from the 2014 Norwegian prevalence study The review article also gives estimates for the Prevalence prevalence in the individual counties in Norway, County Prevalencea Yearb Author (year) 1 January 2012c presumably based on the same methodology as for the national prevalence figures. The authors Finnmark 51.3 1993 Grønlie et al. (2000) (14) 167 Troms 84.0 1993 Grønlie et al. (2000) (14) 180 presented similar data at the annual meeting of Nordland 105.6 2000 Alstadhaug 206 Norwegian neurologists on 11 March 2015 and et al. (2005) (15) confirmed that these data were based on hospital Nord-Trøndelag 163.6 2000 Dahl et al. (2004) (16) 215 contacts and not the patients’ place of residence Sør-Trøndelag –– – 247 Møre and 329.2 2014 Willumsen and 269 (Aarseth, JH, Grytten N, Torkildsen Ø, Myhr Romsdal Midgard (2014)d (17) KM: Norsk MS-Register og Biobank; register- Sogn and –– – 238 dekningsgrad og behandlingsfrekvens. Nevroda- Fjordane gene 2015). In addition (cited and translated from Hordaland 211.2 2013 Grytten 190 et al. (2015) (19) Norwegian from the abstract): ‘The number of Rogaland –– – 168 treated patients per county and the total number Vest-Agder 180 2007 Vatne et al. (2011) (18) 237 of patients (prevalence) per 2013 was retrieved Aust-Agder –– – 216 from NPR’. In the abstract, the reported preva- Telemark –– – 194 Vestfold 166.8 2003 Lund et al. (2014) (20) 195 lence in Norway (208 per 100,000) and in Møre Buskerud –– – 180 and Romsdal (275/100,000) was identical to that Oppland 174.1 2002 Risberg et al. (2011) (21) 243 presented in the review article, thus strongly sug- Hedmark –– – 247 e gesting that also these data were based solely on Oslo 148/170 2006 Smestad 182 et al. (2008) (12) the numbers from NPR and not linked with the Akershus –– – 192 NMSRB. Identical prevalence estimates for Nor- Østfold –– – 191 way and for the Norwegian counties as to those given in the review article were presented as a pos- aPer 100,000 inhabitants. b ter at ‘Kvalitetsregisterkonferansen in 2015’, based Prevalence year, 1 January. cPrevalence per 100,000 inhabitants calculated from the 2014 Norwegian preva- on data from NPR (http://www.helse-bergen.no/ lence study. no/OmOss/Avdelinger/ms/Documents/Kvalitet- dPoster presented at ACTRIMS/ECTRIMS 2014. sregisterkonferansen_Poster_MS_5_11.pdf). In eNorwegian/Western population. table 1 from the poster (cited and translated from Norwegian): ‘Troms and Finnmark, Vest-Agder No nationwide prevalence studies were published in and Aust-Agder and Oppland and Hedmark are Norway until 2014 combined as diagnosing and treating patients goes across the county borders’. This indicates that the From the Introduction: ‘Several publications have estimates for the prevalence by county were based since reported an increased prevalence and inci- on the county where the patients were followed up dence of MS in Norway, and the most recent and not where they were residing, as is crucial both nationwide publication concluded that the MS for giving reliable prevalence estimates for the prevalence in Norway is among the highest counties and particularly for estimating the frac- reported worldwide and that there is no longer tion of patients receiving disease-modifying treat- any evidence of a latitude gradient’. ment in each county. And from the Results: ‘In 1952, Swank et al. Prevalence for each county based on county of published the first nationwide study on the inci- residence has, however, also been calculated dence of MS in Norway during 1935–1948’. based on data from the 2014 nationwide preva- Although Swank was an important pioneer in lence study and presented in the doctoral thesis MS epidemiology in Norway, patients were not by Pal Berg-Hansen (Clinical and epidemiological included ‘nationwide’ but only from selected studies of immigrants with multiple sclerosis in areas (7). Our 2014 study is the first and so far Norway, University of Oslo, 2015. ISBN 978-82- the only true nationwide publication. 8333-004-5). These data are shown in Table 1. The most striking dissimilarity is found for Aker- Comments on the latitude gradient shus county, which had a reported prevalence of 142/100,000 in the review article compared to The authors repeatedly state that a latitude gra- 192/100,000 in our study, indicating that a signifi- dient was previously found for the prevalence of cant number of patients from Akershus are fol- MS in Norway. This hypothesis was, however, lowed up in the neighbouring counties. based on studies from different counties at dif- 365 Letter to the editor ferent time points and with varying methodol- Well-done prevalence studies are encouraged ogy, as there was no previous nationwide preva- lence study performed until 2012. We did Our nationwide prevalence study published in therefore not contradict any previous findings, as 2014 received an editorial comment, encouraging it is not clear whether any such gradient has well-done prevalence studies (13). Utilization of ever existed. several different sources whilst maximizing capture allows validation of diagnoses. Applying specific criteria makes a good compromise and ‘balance’ Some comments might give the impression that our between incorrect diagnosis and incomplete case studies were performed in Oslo and not in the whole ascertainment. Age and sex standardization must country be applied for a prevalence estimate to be com- From the Results: ‘The latest report corroborat- pared with other regions and nations.
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