SPORTS OPINION “j TECH 100 —~—--*-————— (Rt )58 ( Di TN'I'RY BRt ) l'i lliRS. \li'iti sissiiii ioiiyyi ixiii i 2-. I.in i. 'stiiinaiiiixiiiii iiRliSi l.\l.\‘.’\' \V'OMliN i’Rl'l’ARl' sillt‘i'iH-‘stii \T§i-\\"( ii‘s‘si Hit d' : im 1" "f‘:‘..ii‘-.il\ l't ) Kit fls’ ()l'l" Sli.r\8().\'. l’:\( iii 3 i J A C . ---J i--- a - _- _ - --_.W---_----__*._a ('iztssiiit'ds 16 WEdNESdAy \iiiiiiiitii \t'\\.s to September 1". 1007’ ()piiiioii Sports Vol. 78, No. 14 ECl-lNlCiAN tech loo masti- \\oi id \i'ws 14 North Carolina State l'iiiy'ersity's Student Newspaper Since 1920 Serious Black friends report alleged assault I Public Safety works on a reported assault on two African-American students. l’iiii i ll’ Rii-si- News Editor N.C. State's Public Safety is investigating the alleged assault oi two African Americans by three white males. late Saturday night. an .v\frican American student. Vincent hounds. and one of his friends. Kenneth Debutts. told Public Saieiy ()fficer (LA. .loharinessen that they had iusi been assaulted by three white males at the east ramp oi the Dan Allen Parking Deck. “Mr. l)ebutts w as assaulted in the back of the head with fists and in the iace with open hands," Johannessen said in a crime report. “Mr. Bounds was assaulted in the back of the head with fists while trying to stop the assault." Bounds and llcbutts first noticed the alleged as- sailants as they were tillV mg down llillsborough Street at around 3 am. 'lhcy told Johanness'en that the three white males pulled out oi a local store parking lot in a black Jeep (‘herokee and followed them to the Dan Allen Deck. As Debutts and Bounds esited their car. the three white males allegedly pulled the Jeep behind them. Johannessen said. One of the white males ”adVIsed Mr. Debutts he was getting him back for Jumping him a while back in the past." Johannessen said. The three white males then reportedly began assault— Pmros av Hr: Tailors/Sim scc- Assn-.1. Page is Above. Monteith looks out over the campus he will soon leave behlnd. nght, Monteith listens as NCSU Board of Trustees Friends, faculty: Chairman Keith Harrod praises him for a job well done. 1’ we’ll miss you Scholarship drive After 32 years at N.C. State, tarry ls'iiisiis Si 4, 'ii \\!i Monteith decides to step down \it i iii “V w\ i.‘ enjoys success Til it‘ C." Nit oii Bow \1,\\ “But we are today at a smooth Maorigrg lititO' stretch of the road in our rise to His work is it ml“...- I A NCSU scholarship campaign is on the path to suc- the peak of opportunity. and the but he is platini' - ’ W -. :g cess. l‘elling a crowd oi about 30 pco best time to change tlriiers is lis'\t‘t'illt‘icss , ple gathered .it (‘entennial (‘ampus when yoti haye reached a smooth (‘iiantciiai i at". s \i «xiii i _l \t is l)\iy Tuesday that the time to mm c on stretch in the road. l atn today an announced ill‘ 7c“ ”ten: in .i Std" W'tlt" has arriycd. .‘s't- State ("hancellor nounciiig my retirement. to take press conicrcut c tut stray end Lan'y Monteith announced his re effect when the search process is in: his caieei a! \i \t-itc with 'l‘he (‘auipaign lor N.C. State Students. an initiative to tircment. ei’iective as soon as his complete and President Broad has \L‘st‘lcii Hi iits it“ ;‘ ‘,‘.'i;"c ;‘-‘.11s provide 3.000 new scholarships ior incoming students. named my successor." for the uiineisiis urea-it Tili‘i is almost 70 percent towards its goal of $80 million. replacement is found Monteith cited three reasons as "It is with a in stew oi icgict according to Joe Sanders. associate \ice chancellor for "'lhrough the efforts of so many. to why he has chosen to retire. and deep proiessc Iii .itta ii. in public affairs- we haie achiesed great accontr He said he w ants to retire by the that l have .ictcp‘ict' it: i.i'\ 'llie campaign has collected nearly is,“ million as of plishmenis. and many more re time he reaches (15 next August. Monteith s dct isioi: :. an. a- September WW. up from the sil million it had col, mam ahead.” he told those gath l-itrtheruiore. there will be no t'ilJllLl'iit‘i o! \oiih t .:' \.':'ii lected as of June 10. l‘N'x‘. ered in the (‘entcnnial ('ampus 'lhe scholarships the campaign generates will be ei Courtyard. sic RETIRE. iii-vi .' MEMORIES. ther merit based. iieedrbased. «‘i i combination of both. depending on what the doiioi w .uiis. Sanders said. Thus. the scholarships will primarily benefit two groups of students The first group includes lllL'il at ademic achievers who may be choosing irom such schools as N(‘Sli. Ml'l‘ or Centennial Campus projects move ahead (‘ieorgia 1.th NVSI ls hopingy that it will be more coiiiixaiiisc with the com \L holarsliips. Sanders said. the . llii group to benefit from the campaign, are uniyersity and goyernmcnt laboratories iciciit my. \.t|li‘li\ illt'ki i- .w ii uni ships and opportunities oihciisisc un those it] "gicat tiiiaiiciai need." Sanders said. 'lhese are I Developers make plans tor huge expan- .is well as the hotel conference center. -“(l:'iic-stitiii1is it. .:.iiii’i‘ ‘i. m5. .i\.ii|.ii ic students who might not be able to attend college with— sions on Centennial Campus. retail stores. and market rate housing uri|.itv\_ [Etc‘ \L‘itlc‘.‘ .\ M 1“ wt .i ~.~ iilt' ix lli‘lt‘ g'ilil t'i‘lltsi‘ .i\\ih hilt‘ti out any financial assistance will be constructed on ('euteiinial ”Hut- p....§ .-..ii tilt N ,.-;.; k M ;_ is.“ syllli Iiit‘ it‘lllt‘lt'ltu' ct'tilt'l is litt' \llL' lt‘l Unfortunately. Sandcis also mentions that the average liius syi xiii ('aiiipus. said ('ci‘iteiinial (‘aiiipiis U‘Hiwmm 5,“. tr. 5 . :hc ilili (iiass Rescaith ( cutci iicadcil student might not benciu from these additional scholar siaw Water (‘ooidinatoi (‘laude McKinney. It" “mi. “N“. .1 . y . \ H‘i‘: i‘\ (italics l’t‘ai‘tich lilit' lt‘st‘aic‘lt group ships- 'l'llt‘ liiilt‘i c‘Utll‘Cl'L‘lls‘t‘ t'Ct‘llL‘l’, located Hit “In“ hull!“ and "m A My ”mm \\Iii work to piotlutc .m L‘li\ iioniiicntaliy 'llie campaign calls for a donation of at least $25,000 A master plan to create the "c.iiiipus oi the future" has been approycd since the soiitii shore of Lake Raleigh. is being tit-‘t‘lli it iioii l‘l- ti: H‘i,‘«\l.li;t!3t~. and m”‘““>l’laiis for53"“.i“““Wiiionoiail to carry students per gift. 'lhis $25,000 translates into an annual M000 Witt). but on July 3| trustees selected a constructed to provide the university‘s siii.iii l‘tisiltt‘sscs .l‘~si -- ia‘tui xi. ‘il: \t \i scholarship, corporate partners with meeting spaccs (onipiction tit tlic \ l“ “0 mdiioii ta. ii and iacuity iioni the main campus to The donor is allowed to give a little at a time. For in- firrii to complete work on ('cnieiinial _‘tlilti t'cntciiniai ('.iiiipiis has c been pioposed. years. (‘atnpus' proposed hotel coulcience ccn and accoiiiiiiodations for guests. |’\ is st httiiih'd int ii‘it \t‘li lhc ssstcin oi transportation wili be de stance. if they wish to pledge $500,000 over five ter and goli course. The 30.000 square foot conference cen \lt lsiiiiic\ ‘li\i ‘ltt itilltl I~ i‘ic pciit .ciopcti union the new l0 yeais with a they can give Sititl, 000 a year for five years. However, Within the next 20 years. a down re» ter will be host to AV computer genera way to picpait students” ioi .i iiitiiic ill sci- Euoow. Page is search clusters consisting of corporate. tion classrooms with yideo and teleton \iii\ili)‘ ic-ciiiio‘ops iv. pioirtiing' mic-in sit PROJECTS. l’tru :. ) Wednesda Retirement session to Library book sale Faculty research date draws near f funds available l N B R I F be held for Wahls A retirement reception Will be held in honor of .1\ large number of books. compact discs. i 'l‘eniiic iiack iat ulty .iie uiged to apply tor Harvey Wahls. professor and director of y ideocassettes. audiocassettes and computer M00000 a\ aiiablc for support oi lt'\t‘.ll\ h graduate programs in the department of co il software will be on sale at the upcoming protects ioi .l i.‘ month peiiod beginning laii l . engineering. from 3 to 5 p.m. on Sept. l‘) in the l’rieiids oi the library 's eighth annual book or July I A lobby of Mann Hall. sailL‘. l’ioposais ioi up to “.0000 may be made ior . Wahls retired on June 30 after 37 years of l'he sale will be open to the public from items usually ioiiutl in .i icscaich budget. \ service to the university. 010 a.m. to o p.m.on Sept. 26 27. it will llighest pi'ioiity will be gncii oidmaiily to Friends and colleagues wishing to submit a letter also be held lrom ltl am. to 5 p.m.on Sept. young faculty iiitmbcis in need oi seed money. for inclusion in a book to be presented to Wahls 2W. and lacuity iiiciiibeis who liasc iomed Nt.
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