. I '.k i 1 Dedicated To £15.o nlr:C, .3n0r14 Serving The fJ Needs Of The Music & Record ti Ó+ Industry ra - Vol. 21, No. 1004 September 3, 1966 In the opinion of the editors, this week the following records are the WHO SINGLE PICKS OF THE WEEK LU M MY UNCLE 6 USED TO LOVE IN THE ME BUT SHE DIED y 43192 WORLD JUST LIME A WOMAN Trendsetting Bob Dylan goes Absolutely nonsense song with Gentle love song, "A Time for after a more soothing musical gritty delivery by Miller. Should Love," by Oscar winners Paul background than usual on this catch ears across the country Francis Webster and Johnny ditty, with perceptive lyrics, as Roger, with his TV series Mandel should score for Tony about a precocious teeny bopper about to bow, recalls his odd whose taste and style remains (Columbia 4-43792). uncle (Smash 2055). impeccable (Columbia 4-43768). SLEEPERS OF THE WEEK PHILIPS Am. 7. EVIL ON YOUR MIND , SAID I WASN'T GONNAN TELL 0 00000 TERESA BREARE S AM t - DAVE A1 Duo does "Said I Wasn't Gonna The Uniques have been coming The nifty country song "Evil on Tell Nobody" like it should be up with sounds that have been Your Mind" provides Teresa done. Sam and Dave will appeal just right for the market. "Run Brewer with what could be her to large crowds with tfie bouncy and Hide" could be their biggest biggest hit in quite a while. r/ber (Stax 198). to date. Keep an eye on it Her perky, altogether winning (Paula 245). voice is in rare form (Philips 40389). ALBUMS OF THE WEEK I3aturt walk ' WEOE IM Ilf WEEP EAR u.ra.lr rrcNnnA w OWNS Young Kama Sutra Toppers flAMSEI LEWIS ;. Ripp, Mizrahi & Steinberg Finish 2nd Successful Year r (0 As Experts on the Young r Funky pianist's latest single, The genius, Ray Charles, runs Crack comedy writers Kenny "Wade in the Water," provides through a series of high and Solms and Gail P:.Ítnt have Market with Growth Plans. the peg for this collection of low moods doing old blues taken verbal photos of the Pat swinging tunes. Larger ork than numbers, old pop tunes, new and Luci Nugent nuptials and usual backs him up on "Message swingers in his inimitable, sale- the results are glossy, aisle- Stories Inside. to Michael," "Up Tight," "Day- able way. "By the Light of the rollingly funny and knife sharp. tripper," "Hurt So Bad" and Silvery Moon," "A Born Loser," Kenny and Gail perform along other familiar themes (Cadet "Sentimental Journey" (ABC with Fannie Flagg, Jo Ann Worley LP/LPS 774). Paramount ABC/ABCS 550). and Robert M. Klein (Jamie JLPM 3028). first movie of the new season on NBC -TV's "Tuesday Night at the Movies" September 13 Stock up now on ELVIS' Original Soundtrack Recordings from this great movie: 3 STEREO ; RCA VICTOR rcsVInos PRESENTS -11áúi Sgii .: "Can't Help Falling in Love" ELVIS .' c/w I MAL «ALLIS' %T 1 . "Rock -a -Hula Baby" !'!l ;: 447-0635 ` ` Stereo 8 Cartridge LPMALSP-2426 P8S-1019 RCA VICTOR Ol he most trusted name in sound Anger RCA Pop Mickey Kapp Chess into 3rd Decade Ad Manager Exits Label With 8 -Story Building Harry Anger has been ap- NEW YORK-Mickey Kapp CHICAGO-One of the disk pointed Manager, Popular Ad- has left his Executive Vice vertising and Display for the world's most spectacular success President position at Kapp stories adds a new chapter this RCA Victor Record Division. Records. The exiting was con- Announcement was week when the Chess -Checker - made by firmed last week by label shifts George L. Parkhill, Manager of Cadet recording empire prexy Dave Kapp. its entire operations to its own Advertising and Promotion, to 'tv. Ise Él In discussing his move, lavishly - furnished eight - story whom Anger will report. Mickey Kapp told Record Anger will be responsible for building in Chicago. The struc- World that "basically, policy ture will encompass the whole all phases of local and national differences had become ir- 117 advertising, as well as display scope of fréres Leonard and Phil reconcilable." At press time, Chess in record production and material, for popular albums Mickey would not divulge his and single records. broadcasting, music publishing plans, but he did say fie would and sundry sidelines. Anger is assuming the post in remain the record business. A far cry from the tiny Phil, Leonard, Marshall Chess vacated recently by Harold Chess -Checker -Cadet Triumvirate (Hank) Greer who has been studio -garage in which the promoted to the position of booming Chess corporation was founded only two decades ago, Manager, Advertising and Sales Blocker Resigns 1st, all executive offices; 2nd, new edifice at 320 East 21st Promotion Services for the the Midwest Pressing (which with includes such luxury features Radio Corporation of America. From Liberty St. Russell is mov- executive penthouse president Fratto HOLLYWOOD Don as an ing to join its key customer and - equipped with a personal barber- Man- ; and Blocker, General rub- investor) 3rd, printing and Dolton shop, sauna bath, showers, stock- ager of Liberty roof plating departments; 4th, Altschuler to RCA Records, has announced his bing table and an outdoor rooms and warehouse; 5th, re- resignation from Liberty Rec- garden. cording studios; 6th, recording Ernie Altschuler, Columbia Its recording facilities include ords, Inc. iimmediately. Blocker studios and A & R offices; 7th, on the executive producer of many big has been with Liberty for the five ultra -modern studios vaults and Mar -Ken Enter- floors, with a tape artists, is leaving the label to past eight and one half years, fifth and sixth prises, Inc., advertising affiliate; to join RCA Victor in an executive and previously held the posi- special elevator transport 8th, WVON and WSDM-FM capacity. More details next musicians expressly tions of National Promotion artists and sales offices, art department and week. rooms. Director, Assistant to the Presi- to the taping conference room, all topped by dent and Director of A&R. 200 in Departments the plush exec penthouse. Em- IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Prior to his Liberty associa- ployees will also have their own tion, Blocker was Promotion President Leonard Chess, who cafeteria on the premises. Manager for Hart Distributors with VP brother Phil founded The firm's .Chevis Music pub- record !+ in Los Angeles. Blocker will the firm in a garage on -S. Cot- lishing company will also be ,lnlI,II be announcing his future plans tage Grove, recalled they had a housed in the newly -renovated U' shortly. single employee at the beginning structure. with 200 who 200 W. 57th St, New `York, N. Y. 10019 compared some will occupy various departments Area Code (212) 765-5020 Large Loading Docks Epic 45s Top in the new setup. Two employees Publisher have been with the Chess broth- From a practical standpoint, BOB AUSTIN Pop, CW Chart ers virtually from inception of prexy Chess enthused over the Epic Records, currently rid- their enterprise: bookkeeper large loading docks which are Editor -In -Chief ing high in sales with both al- Mrs. Charri Saunders and stock serviced by two freight elevators SID PARNES bums and singles, is in the /1 clerk Sonny Woods. and can readily handle three Doug McClelland Editor position this week on both the Sales offices of two highly semi -trailer trucks simultane- Dave Finkle Associate Editor popular and country-and-western successful Chess affiliates, Chi- ously. best-selling singles charts with radio stations WVON and Prior to the move, the Chess Ted Williams R&B Editor cago Chart Editor "Sunshine Superman" by Dono- WSDM-FM, will occupy the recording complex had been in Del Shields Jazz Editor van and "Almost Persuaded" by eighth floor. President Chess a two-story building for the past Tomas Fundora Latin American David Houston. pointed out that each floor con- nine years, with other affiliates Editor "Sunshine Superman," Dono - sists of 20,000 square feet, scattered about Chicago, while Kai Rudman Contributing Editor van's debut single for Epic, was enabling him to consolidate operations have 'steadily ex- Mort Hillman Advertising Manager, one of the fastest breaking na- every phase of his multiple panded to worldwide proportions. Eastern Division tional hits the label ever ex- business interests in the build- "With our whole family under Brenda Ballard Circulation perienced. Within five weeks of ing. one roof at last," smiled Chess, West Coast its release, the half million mark A floor -by -floor rundown of "we look forward to an even Jack Devaney in sales was achieved, with re- the new Chess headquarters: more triumphant third decade." West Coast Manager orders rising steadily, and in its 1610 No. Argyle on best-selling Hollywood, Calif. third week the Phone: (213) 465-6179 charts, the singles was already (Continued on page 16) Nashville John Sturdivant ASCAP to Pay New Writers Paul Perry Nashville Report Block Leaves WB 806 16th Ave. So. More - And Faster Nashville, Tenn. 37203 BURBANK, CALIF.-In an Phone: (615) 244-1820 amicable parting, Gene Block, The American Society of Com- new writer members and in giv- ing new writers their money SUBSCRIPTIONS: One year (52 issues) U. S. National Sales Manager of posers, Authors and Publishers and Canada-$12; Air Mail-$30; Foreign- Warner Bros. Records Sales (ASCAP) has announced plans much sooner. In line with this Air Mall $40. Second class postage paid Corp., has left his position with for a series of significant policy, ASCAP will now make at New York, New York. DEADLINE: Plates Warners. Block came to the changes in the distribution of advances to writers based on and copy must be in New York by 12 noon activity, Friday.
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