Huey Newton FBI File #HQ 105-165429 Section 13 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVEST:GAT:OU COMMUNICATIONS SECTION Mr. Sullia Mr. Mohr- Mr. Bishop. MrBrennan NRO17 NY C 0 DE Mr. Callah Mr. Casper). Mr. Conrad_ 147P URGENT 5-6-71 JDF Mr. Dalbey Mr. Felt.. T DIRECTOR 105-165429 Mr. Gale.- Mr. Rosen Mr. Tavel ATT; DOMESTIC INTELLIGANCE DIVISION Mr. Walters_ M-. S vars NEW HAVEN 'AL INFOR Ti Tele. Room Miss Holmes SAN FRANCISCO 157-1203 HEREIN is A Miss Gandy - DATE FROM NEW YORK 157-2702 IP HUEY PERCY NEWTON, AKA; RM - BPP (XBE). A SPECIAL AGENT OF THE FBI OBSERVED b7C DISEMBARK AMERICAN AIRLINES FLIGHT EIGHTEEN AT SIX FIFTY-TWO A.M. INSTANT AT JFK INTER- NATIONAL AIRPORT, NEW YORK. NEITHER NEWTON NOR WERE OBSERVED ABOARD SUCH FLIGHT. THE ABOVE GROUP OF OBSERVED DEPARTING JFK INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT EIGHT A.M. INSTANT ABOARD AMERICAN AIRLINES FLIGHT TWO ZERO ONE ENROUTE TO HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT. b7C NO BPP REPRESENTATIVES FROM NEW YORK AREA WERE PRESENT AT THE AIRPORT TO MEET I AC ADMINISTRATIVE; 'I MAY 1.2 1971 omm, --.- RE SAN FRANCISCO TEL, MAY FOUR LAST AND NYTEL CALL TO NEW HAVE SPEC,0L AGENT OBSERVING WASI LOCAL NYCPD AWARE 0] ABOVE ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE. Al LI STAINED END HEREIN ISUNCLASSFi D P FBWASH DATE 7' A7&4 (Rev. 5-22-64) Mr. ullivan 'mr Molir- Mr. Bishop -- - Mr.BrennanCD Mr. Callahan F B I Mr. Casr-- Date: 5/6/71 I Mr. - Transmit the following in (Type in plaintext or code) Mr. Hosen Mr. T Via AIRTEL AIRMAIL (Priority) I Tel. Room TO: RECTOR, RBI (105-165429) HEREIN IS FRANCISCO (157-1203) HUEY PERNVNEWTON, aka RM - BPP; TREASON (KEY BLACK EXTREMIST) 00: San Francisco ~Jw Enclosed for the Bureau are eight copies of an LHM setting forth statements made by Subject: and two copies of FD-376. / 5/) 5 5 REC3 / -~ 12MAY 12 1971 - Bureau (Enc. 10) (RM) 2 - San Francisco JLC:mba (4) Sent M Per special Agent in Charge U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OF] -376 (Rev. 4-25-68) UNIV STATES DEPARTMENT OF ICE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION in Reply, Please Refer to WASHINGTON,D.C. 20535 FileNo. 105-165429 April 6, 1971 Director United States Secret Service Department of the Treasury Washington, D. C. 20220 Dear Sir: The information furnished herewith concerns an individual who is believed to be covered by the agreement between the FBI and Secret Service concerning Presidential pro- tection, and to fall within the category or categories checked. 1. E Has attempted or threatened bodily harm to any government official or employee, including foreign government officials residing in or planning an imminent visit to the U. S., because of his official status. 2. - Has attempted or threatened to redress a grievance against any public official by other than legal means. 3. - Because of background is potentially dangerous; or has been identified as member or participant in communist movement; or has been under active investigation as member of other group or organization inimical to U. S. 4. - U. S. citizens or residents who defect from the U. S. to countries in the Soviet or Chinese Communist blocs and return. 5. a Subversives, ultrarightists, racists and fascists who meet one or more of the following criteria: (a) X Evidence of emotional instability (including unstable residence and employment record) or irrational or suicidal behavior: (b) [ Expressions of strong or violent anti-U. S. sentiment; (c) W Prior acts (including arrests or convictions) or conduct or statements indicating a propensity for violence and antipathy toward good order and government. 6. 0 Individuals involved in illegal bombing or illegal bomb-making. Photograph a has been furnished - enclosed 0 is not available 7 may be available through Very truly yours, 1 - Special Agent in Charge (Enclosure(s) U. S. Secret Service, San Francisco (P4) Enclosure(s) (Upon removal of classified enclosures, if any, this transmittal form .becomes UNCLASSIFIED.) '/*4 ~ ~ {~Ip A~ Ui\ ID SIATLS (IERRTMENT OF4 STICE FEDERAL ilLREAU OF INVESTIGATION In Rep iy, Please Refer to San Prancisco, CaIif ornia File No. April 6, 1971 ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED HUSY PicY !VTUN HEREiN IS UNCLASSIFIED DATE-2At BY. : 56 One copy of this memorandum is being submitted to the United States Secret Service, San Francisco, California. The May 1, 1971, issue of "The Black Panther", official weekly publication of the Black Panther Party (MP), contained the following statements by Huey P. Newton, Supreme Commander and Minister of Defense of the 3PP: The BPP is a black extremist organization started in Oakland, California, in December, 1966. It advocates the use of guns and guerrilla tactics to bring about the over- throw of the United States Government. This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. ~ALU~UN~. _7 __ _e were prepared then, as we arenow, - to gse our all in the interest-aflap- BY pressed people. We expected the re- HUE Y P. NEWTON pressing to come from outside forces, which -have tong held our communities MIN ISTER OF DEFENSE in subjection. However, the ideology OF of dialectical materialism helped us tol understand that the contradictions THE BLACK PANTHER PARTY surrounding the Party would create a AND SER VANT OF THE PEOPLE force that would move us toward our goals. We also expected contradictions The original vision of the Black within the Party, for the oppressors Panther P arty was to serve the needs use infiltrators and provocateurs to of the opp messed people in our com- help them reach their evil ends. Even munities anid defend them againsttheir when the contradictionscomefromfor- oppressors When the Party was in- merly loyal members of the Party. i iated we knew that these goals would see them as part of the process ise the c,onsciousness of the people development, rather than in th motivate them to move more firmly negative terms the oppressor's media for their t total liberation. We also re- use to interpret them. Above all, we cognized that we live in a country knew that through it all the Partywould which has become one of the most survive. repressive governments in the world The Party would survive because it even to the point of imperialist ex- had the love and support of the people ploitationi n communities all over the who saw their true interests expressed world. We did 'not expect such a re- in the actions of the Party. The Part pressive gogovernment to stand by idly would also survive because it would b while the Black Panther Party went a political vehicle which continued rward to the goal of serving the voice the interests of the people and ople. Weexpected repression. serve as their advocates. We knew, as a revolutionary The importance of a structuredpoli- vanguard, repression would be the tical vehicle has always been apparent reaction of our oppressors; but we re- cognized that the task of the regvaLion- ist is difficult and his life is short. 2 4 to aus. When owe went to Sacramento, we* Political office. Once elected.Jhena- wea tb the purpose of eductilnig the chinery used to thrust these people into people and beginning the building of a office simply passed out of existence ermanent political vehicle to serve or became ineffective, insofar as *eirtrue interests. in our most recent serving the true interests of the Blac ommunication with both the North and oppressed people. h Vietnamese Revolutionary Gov- A truly revolutionary vehicle which ernments, they pointed out that they will survive the repression it en- understood what we were doing and saw counters daily is made up of a number it as the correct strategy. They said of characteristics.First of all there is that a "structured organization is re- a small, but dedicated cadreofworkers lated to politics as a shadow to a man." who are willing to devote their full We recognize that the politicalmachine time to the goals of the organization. in America has consistently required Secondly, there is a distinct organized Black people to support it, through structure through which the cadre can laying taxes and fighting in wars; but function. It is this combination of fat same machine consistently refuses structure and dedicated cadre which serve the interests of the Black can maintainthe machineryfor meeting community. One of the problems is that the people's needs. In this way a the community does not have a printing press can be maintained structured organization or vehicle review the events of the day and i4 terbret them in a manner which serves which serves its needs and represents the people's interest. You can no more the people. It can circulateinformation have effective politics without a about daily phenomena and educate the structured organization, than you can people as to their true meaning. It can have a man without his,shadow. They carry out programs of service which go together and are necessary to each deliver to the people basic needs which other. Oppressed Black people -- the are not satisfied elsewhere, because &mpeproetarat'-- dd nt hae a the lump enproletariat are the victims lumpenproletariatof oppression and exploitation.A cadre structured organization to represent and a structure, however, are notwhat eir true interests until the Black makes the political vehicle a re- ther Party arose from within the evolutionary one. It is the revolutionary immunity, motivated by the needs and concepts which define and interpret conditions of the people. 'phenomena, and establish the goalt Across the country there have been toward which the political vehicle wi coalitions of Black people and Black work.
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