2 Nevv Duaflex Models Join Popular Cameras The popular Kodak Dua fl ex Cam eras have been restyled. The two new models are smarter looking than ever-and the view finder has been impr oved . Kodak customers are going to find them a real bargain in dependable ..--------------­ picture-taking equipment. are appealing, too. One m odel, with KODAK COMPANY Already, the people at Camera a Kodet lens, sells for only $13.95. Works are turning out these Dua- The other, with a faster Kodar f/ 8 flex II Cameras at a steady r ate. lens, is priced at $21.95. The prices The new m odels are now headed include federal tax. for dealers' counters in time for the summer vacationers. Chances are, they'll score a real hit. The improved view-finder sys­ tem with its new m etal hood gives a very clear picture of the scene being "snapped." There's built-in flash on both models to m ake in­ door shots sure and simple. Both models take 12 album-size pictures on a single roll of film. Loaded with Kodacolor, they can produce excellent snapshots in full color. The prices of these new cameras Night in Hills Rivals Eerie New Duaflex II- Here is a typical of operations at Poe Thriller Camera Works where the new Kodak Duaflex II It was a perfect setting for an Cam eras are being produced. At left Charles Boone Edgar Allen Poe mystery story. makes final inspection in Dept. 75. Above, left, Thunder boomed and echoed, Helen Gallagher assembles finder lens and hood to lightning illuminated the lonely front section in Dept. 57. Above, right, George Scott hilltop, high above the lake. The forms front and back of camera on tangent bender, air hung oppressively. Dept. 7. (Safety guards were swung back for p ic­ The secluded cabin was infested ture.) Right, Virginia Vallone in Dept. 57 is assem­ with 4-foot-long, slithery snakes, bling the finder lens and diaphragm. driven indoors and nervous with the approaching storm. It was enough to drive a man mad, and it almost did! 2 New Divisions Formed ASTM Sees J im Gaudin, who recently trans­ ferred from CW Standard Cost Dept. to KO Camera Club and In Motion Picture Film Dept. Kodak Exhibit School Service, was invited by a . The ASTM con vention is going friend to spend the weekend at his Two n ew dlVISJO ns of the Mot10n P1cture Film Dept. h ave been on in Atlantic City this week. cabin in the Bristol Hills. It's atop a nnounced by Donald H yndman, department manager. Which is another way of saying the hills' highest peak. A Southern and Midwest Division will be added t o the depart- ~ h at the A'!leri~a n Soci.ety f.or Test- New Kodak Filter "Go u p early," the friend de­ ment's original East and West mg Matenal.s I S holdmg 1ts 53rd clared. " We'll be there by 10 o'clock c t D' · · J annual meetmg. Brings Out Clouds for sure." ~~s I VISions on. u 1.Y 1 · . Kodak has an exhibit there Jim arrived at the cabin a bout . The new orgamzatlon w1ll pro- ma nned by six from the Sales In Your Snaps 8 p.m. Friday, June 16-the night v 1 d~ m ore adequat.e coverage of ~he Dept. at Kodak Office, assisted by of that terrific storm! The sky Umted States and rmproved serv1ce technical representatives from out- A new Kodak Cloud Filter has seemed dark, as if a storm were to the motion picture trade," de- of-Rochester areas. been introduced just in time for the brewing, but J im thought little of clared Hyndman. Attending from Rochester are peak of the summer picture-taking it. He likes storms. (After all, he Managers Named Bill Swann, AI McCoy, CharUe season. had been born in a log cabin in Foster, Royal Tobey, Mark Purser This glass fi lter for black-and­ an Adirondack mountain lumber Gordon Chambers will become and Paul Ba rbee. wh ite photography is intended to camp and grew u p in the outdoors.) ma nager of the Southern Division make white clouds stand out and Kenneth Mason will be m an­ Products Shown against darkened blue skies. Simi­ Greeted by Snake ager of the Midwest Division. Kodak's exhibit features photo­ larly, it will bring out white boats, . Ken Mason Gordon Chambers Just as he reached with his key Chambers will cover New Mexi­ graphic a nd optical equipment the sails and other light-colored ob­ to open the door, he discovered a co, Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Company makes for industrial and jects in marine scenes or against long milk snake coiled on th e Louisiana and Mississippi. The Missouri, Wisconsin, Illinois a nd scientific testing. Included are the the sky. It also will reduce blue threshold. Skirting it, he entered Midwest Division will be con­ parts of four other states. new Optical Compara tor, K odak aerial haze which tends to obscure the cabin to get a shovel to kill the cerned with professional motion Chambers, of the Rochester de­ Contour Projector, photographic distant details in scenic shots. snake. On the hearth was a n other picture business in Colorado, Mich­ partment, who has been contact­ recording materials, high-speed Available in three clamp- on snake, cream and maroon colored. igan, North and South Dakota, Ne­ ing Southern and Midwestern pro­ motion pictures, materials for me­ sizes, intended to fi t practically all When he hit at this, the snake braska, Kansas, Minnesota, I owa, ducers as a staff engineer since tallography and X-ray inspection, inexpensive cameras, the Kodak slithered into the fireplace. Next, and cameras a nd projectors suit­ Cloud Filter is a relatively deep he killed the one in the doorway. 1946, will continue to be located able for industrial a nd scientific yellow, contrast filter. It can be It was getting pretty dark, so Holiday Schedule at Kodak Rochester. He first came photography. used even with fixed-focus box Jim lit the overhead kerosene to Kodak Park for the summer of Much of Kodak's appar atus is in and other simple lens cameras for lamps. These cast eerie shadows There will be no edition of 1921. Upon completing college, he operation, and the demonstrations picture taking in bright sunlight. and never fully penetrated the KODAKERY July 6. The four­ returned to KP, a nd in 1929 was are drawing many interested on­ The K odak Cloud Filter will list gloom. day holiday over July 4 and transferred to the West Coast Of­ lookers. for $1.95, including federal tax. The storm broke in all its fury. fice of the Motion Picture Film Lightning streaked the skies and vacations in departments in­ reflected on all sides of the cabin. volved in publication of KO­ Pept. He served as a Navy lieuten­ Three times it struck the lightning DAKERY will.necessitate omit­ ant at the P hoto Science Lab at rod conductors, filling the cabin ting this edition. Regular publi­ Anacostia, D.C., during the war, with a strong sulphur odor. The then came to KO. He is a Fellow of cab in vibrated, the lamps shook cation will be resumed with the the Society of Motion Picture and (Continued on P age 4) July 13 edition. Television Engineers. Navy LieutenaiU Mason also spent his summer vacations from college at KP. After graduation, he returned to KP's Film Developing Dept. and began research for the production plan­ ning of Cine-Kodak Film. He, too, was a Navy lieutenant stationed a t Anacostia. He joined the Motion Picture Film Dept. in 1946 as a staff engineer. He is a member of the Society of Motion Picture En­ gineers. After Jan. 1, Mason will be located in Chicago. The Mid­ west Division will have office space in the building to be erected there by J. E. Brulatour, Inc. Emery Huse will continue as manager of the West Coast Divi­ sion, with his office in Hollywood. Let Freedom Ring-Symbolizing 1he spir~t of freedom. thro~gh And E. M. Stifle, who became m an­ purchase of U. S. Savmgs Bonds, thlS rephca Back in '20 _ This is the Synthetic Chemistry Dept. of 30 years ager of the East Coast Division in of the original Liberty Bell made its appeara nce at Koda k last week. ago. And that's Bill Hartman, at left, now depart­ New York when Hyndman as­ One of 52 exact copies circulated by the Treasury Department. the ment head. The two women have been identified as the wife of Nor­ sumed his new position in Roch­ bell is touring New York State during the drive which ends July 4. man Strong, KP Bldg. 36, and Anne Davis (maiden name), right. ester recently, will continue to Thornton J . Ball, Bldg. 14. KP, takes a pull at the clapper to listen Turn to Page 5 for an idea of the department's present scope. head up this office. to " the voice of independence." 2 KODAKERY June 29, 1950 Water Saving 1£urrytqtug' a <trrtrkrt .Agatu at J4arrnw • • • In Processing T he sports fi eld at Kodak Ltd.'s Harrow Works. England, has been reopened after being plowed up Photos Told since early in the war to provide vegetables for the company's can­ "How to Save Water in Photo­ teens. Left, in front of the Kodak graphic Processing" is t he title of R e creat ion Socie t y clubhouse an a rticle appearing in the June (which was u sed as a day nursery edition of Photo Developments.
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