-x r... W E D N E S D A Y , OCTOBER 22, 1952 Averatt Daily Net Preaa Ran PAGE TWENTO-^EIGHT iOanrbPBtpr lEtifttina H rralb . For th* Week Badei ^ The Weather *• OH. 16, lass ForeeMt of U. 8. Weather Borcka : ' - 1 0 ^ 6 7 3 Fair, tittle change In tempera­ Member et the Andlt ture tonight and Friday. Bareev et ClreabiMiHie Manche*ter-—A Cify of ViUoge Charm VOt. LXXII, NO. 20 (Claoolflod Advortlalag ea Pago It) v: MANCHESTER, CONN„ THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1952 (TWENTY PAGES) PRICE nVE CENT* ers Seize 10 in nion Theft Spree A GREAT Sparta, Tenn., Oct. 23— -(TP) . Aboard Eisenhower Special" in New York State. Oct. 23— —■Police searched three (fP)— Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower campaigned today through STORE-WIDE states today for a quartet of industrial cities of New York state, hitting at what he called bandits whose leader^ de­ opposition slander and innuendoes that he would de.stroy scribed himself as a “three- unions. The Republican preslden-'^'------- ^ ^ ^ —' ......... — gun maniac” and lived up to tial candidate told a cheering | SALES EVENT the description in a highway! crowd In Schenectady, home of a ! Atuericaii Fliers Held by Cliiiiesc Reds big General Electric plant, that his kidnaping and robbery spree. ; opponents were making such Adlai Blasts The gang, Including a bashful charges because they wanted to youth who hung on to boxing Survivors Hunt THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY — DOUBLE S&H Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales THURSDAY perpetuate themselves In power gloves and a robe throughout, ab­ and divert ..attention from their j G O P Stand ducted at least 10 persons and own record. I stole three cars yesterday at pistol Gov. Thomas E .' Dewey, 1948 point. LIMITED OUANTITIES! GOP nominee, was accompanying So far, 10 of the victims—some Ruins for 200 3 DAYS ONLY Elsenhower on the trip from Al­ Since 1932 escaped, some released--have told HOSIERY HALE’S OWN BRAND SLIGHT IRREGULARS OF 22x44 $ 1. 19 and $ 1.29 bany to Buffalo. tbelr stories to police, After com­ The crowd In Schnectady packed paring their i^tirles, police said Manila, Oct. 23— (/P)— The Philippine Red Cross said to­ By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS REGULAR $1.15 AND $1.35 streets on one side of the railroad two captives .still were unaccount­ night 370 persons were dead and 200 were missing in the FINESPUN SHEETS NEW FALL DRESSES station and appeared to number Adlai Stevenson made hi.s ed for. rirrt ouiHtv, full f*Rhfon«l ho^iw- in nrw fnll nm) winter ihsde*. CANNON BATH TOWELS about s,(xw. wake of Wednesday’s typhoon. The Red Cross also said see- 61 gauge iheeri. 15 denier; 51 gauge aeral aheer. 30 denier; 51 WITH 3" HEM ON BOTH ENDS first'bid for Pennsylvania’s A wide ground and sir search A . sign facing his speaking roa- was launched ' throughout this eral hundred were injured. The tabulation was based on tele­ gauge dark heal and foot aheer*. Sir.e a’ j to 11. While quantities last! Solid colors In rocket blue, big block of 32 electoral votes graphic and radio reports, trickling Vi—;------ ^ . i— FOR THIS SALE ONLY $7.79 tram spelled out Ike’rin m als ttila Cumberland plateau' region after a hunter green and deep rose. Snow flower patlerh lii in Erie today with a fighting in from the devastated provinces. REC. $2.93-72x110 $2.49 green and blue only. Each ...................................... 74c way; "Integrity, Know.hOw, Econ­ neWly married couple from Houl- All the newest styles and materials. Failles, crepes, taffetas and omy.” defense of the Democrats’ 20- Ib e tropical storm roared out menswear. Sizes » to 15, 12 to 16, 16<$ to 24'j. All sales final. ton. Me., escaped at a traffic light into the South China sea Wednes­ 79c Pair— 3 for $2.25 Peddling Bunk year record and a slashing at­ here. Declaring the oppoettlon day and today threatened the bat­ Lewis Seen REG. $3.29-81x110 $2.69 tack on the Republican record. Here is the fantastic story as tered ' shores of Indo-Chtna about Wonderful Hale's sheets with the same sis 3" hem on both enda peddling bunk, Elsenhower t<dd He accused the Republican'"Old pieced together by Cumberland Ills Schnectady listeners; 850 miles to (he aouthw-yst. Sheets that will give years of wear. ANOTHER SHIPMENT! Guard” led by Sen. Robert A. Taft County Sheriff Charles Johnson: A Saigon report said the ty­ "They say we are against labor of Ohio, of having an "attitude of The four bandits drove up be­ For H ike in and labor unions' in spite of the phoon would hit the coiUt tomor­ SLIGHT IRREGULARS OF $1.10 GIRLS’ DRESSES Isolationism" which he said threat- side the. stalled car of James H. row night. fact that everyone that I know of Barton, S!i, of Chattanooga, five Pastel broadcloth, organdies. Sizes 7 to 14. Reg. $3.98 to $558. •ned the security of the United Tidal 3Vave Kills 600 In this crasade has gone up and States and the world. - miles north of the city yesterday FABRIC GLOVES HEAVY SOFT EXTRA ABSORBENT l6x2B down the line preaching for strong Indo-Chlna, while waiting for H a rd C o a l 42x36 Same Old Swamp Oil morning. They tix>k $210 in cash the storm, was trying to clean up — _ tlouble woven, cottons or sueded rayon. All slip-on styles. Value labor unions that have, the right from him and forced his to get in­ $3.00 and the opportunity to Imrgain for A short time eorller, he had from the tidal wave that hit Phan | tir i.. to $3.50 pair. White and colors. accused the Republicans of offer­ to their car, where two other cap­ Thiet Monday night, possibly kill- W SS n lllfton , O ct, 23— {/Pj CA^^0.^ FINE MISLIN WAMSUTTA TURKISH themselves on a collective basis tives already werq huddled under and free of-Washington's influence. ing "an easy way" to the solution ing as many as 500 persona. — John L . L e w is w as reliably blankets in the rear floorboard. “ That makes no difference to of World problerpa. He said this Captions accompanying these ptrtum illstrlbiited. by Ba4tfoto, New^York n|rtare. .agency nklrh Broken communications lines reported today to be dem iuid- Sale Price $1.25 "easy way” label was on the Re­ They drove a mile and a half to slowed the report* of - Philippine* PILLOW CASES 55c each HAND TOWELS 59c each them (the pppoaitioh). They go handle* photographs nrlHnstlng t» Commimlst-con trolled A-Hn rowntrlea, says they show Lt. Keaaelh ing s $I'90-a-(}ay pay boost SUB-TEEN DRESSES right on saying these terrible peo­ publican bottle— “ but inside it's Jasper where the occupants of two casualties and damage. Cannon quality that will wear for yeara. If you haven't bought any of these in our former sales, ypu'll cars were sleeping at a roadside U Enoch (leff), 27. of Yaunc*t4iwn, Ohio, and Lt. John A. Cfulnn, SO, Altadena. Calif., signing ” the for hard coal miners— the Summer cottfjns. Sizes 8 to 14. ple (Eisenhower and his support­ the same old swamp oil.” record of the interrogation by the-Joint Interrogation Group of Korean and Cklacae aprrlallsta and A late report aaid 118 were kill­ be delighted with the extra fine quality tiirklsh hand towels. "Ths Stevenson told his Erie audience park. ers) with tails and horns hate new* rorrrapnndrnts." Yesterday, !hr ,\ir Fore- Aaaoclatlon In Washington aaM the men. prisoner* of ed In Tabaco, a town of 33.20$ In same ., amount the goverp- Imperfections are ao slight we'll bet you'll have trouble finding that .the Republicans had stead­ David RennSu, 20, Harold Hil­ •veorbody." the Communists sinee inn. IS, were tnrftired Into making false ennfesslons that they took part In Alba.v province on southern Luzon. ment partly vetoed for soft them. White, aqua, yfllow and blue only. REG. $5.98 VALUES .................... SALE $3.29 fastly opposed .constructive pro­ bert, 20, and Don Walker, IS,' of Eispnhower said the opposlUon germ w'arfare.. They were captured after (heir plane fa lM ta return from ■ mission ever North Officials here said It was the big­ had been railed upon to "defend grams sponsored by the Demo- Hagerstown, Ind., the occupants Of gest typhoon casualty toll from a coaf miners. FIRST OUALITY PLUMP. WONDERFUL SLEEPING a record that is indefensible" and crsla over the years. one of the cars, were robbed of Korea. single towrn in Phlllpplnea history. Lewis' strategy in doing this, HANDBAGS REG. $7.98 VALUES ................... SALE $5.00 had adopted “ tactics of despera­ "The men of the Old Giuird who $300. • - I Gov. Manuel Calleja reported the report said, waa to' giv* the tion." " I think they would say we have captured the Republican can- Mr, and Mrs, Ben Cookaon, the to National Red Cross headquar­ overnment'* Wage Stabilisation rallies, velvets and plastic calf. Handbigs in wide assirtment of OUR COMPLETE STOCK OF REG. 59e oard (W 8B ) a chance to reverM atjlei. Many with sippers. AU new fall styles and colors. PUROFOAM Houlton newlyweds, were robbed j ters that funajral service* for the g REG. $B.9S VALUES........................SALE $6.00 (Continued OB Paga Four) (CoallBued im .Page Four) of $40 and small items of Jewelry. I Ita decision on tha soft coal pay Us §4 Troops Acheson to Open 118 were )ie|d (hia morning. Ta­ raise. ’ TTie bandits then spilt up. One I baco waa In the direct path of the Several waeka ago Lawla nagg- Each Plus Tax LATEX FOAM BED PILLOWS ABC AND PUNJAB of them took the original car and'I tropical atorm.
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