DECLASSIFIED SAMARINED 3DMARINE DIVISION FMF (-) (REIN) / MMA OC vv"ND5.u twRoMUNOLOGY for the month of JULY, 19*69 NcOa qSI~LAS9RE~ DECLASSIFIED I DECLASSIFIED 9 28/rad 5750 ~1 i U b S mus NOV 0 5 188 ,(Unclassified upon removal of the basic letter) SECOND ENDORSEMENT on CG, 3d MarDiv ltr 3/WEB/rwb over 5750 Ser: 003A25869 dtd 15 September 1969 From: Commanding General, Fleet Marine Force, Pacific To: Commandant of the Marine Corps (Code AO3D) Subj: Command Chronology for period 1-31 July 1969 1. The subject chronology has been reviewed for completeness and is forwarded herewith. R. D. WHITE By direction Copy to: CG, 3d MarDiv CG, III MAF 0WASS";F,E gji 3 4 DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED SECRET 3K/Jld 5750/1 Ser: UNC IAIjJ 12 OCT 1969 (Unclassified upon removal from the basic letter) 0 011 7 3 6 9 FIRST ENDORSEMENT on OG, 3d MarDiv ltr 3/WEB/rwb over 5750 Seri 003A25869 of 15 Sep 1969 From: Commanding General, III Marine Amphibious Force Tos Commandant of the Marine Corps (Code A03D) Via: Commanding General, IFleet Marine Force, Pacific Subj: Command Chronology for period 1 through 31 July 1969 (U) 1. Forwarded. BY ODRE0CTIO Copy to: CG, 3d MarDiv ),, 00 I 2 eelFII COPY N4 OF/OFJ COPIES DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED HEADQUARTERS -3dMarli Division (-)(ItRein), MP FPO San Prancisco 96602 3,/WEB/rwb 5750 Seri 003A25669 lf1 St' V4 .classified-ii when enclosureo removed Prou5 ComandMitig General Commandant of the Marine Corps (AO3D) vis.$Toia 1) 0Co-•iding General, III Marine Amphibious Force 2 Oommrdln General, sFleet Marine Force Pacific Sub ,is Command Chronoloff for period 1 through 31 July 1969 (U) Reals ( WO P5750.1A b MPACO 5750.SA •n,lsI(1) 3d Marine Division (-)(R•ein), PNMP Command Chronology 1. (U) In accordance with the provisions of references (a) and (b), enolosure (1) is submitted. I No. of oi Copy No. of Copies 4 '-" DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED MUADqUARTF,RS 3d Marine Division (-)(Rein), FMV ?PO San Franoisco 96602 C00MIAND CHRONOLOGY 1 July 1969 to 31 July 1969 INDEX PAGE ,,ri! PAW I ORGANIZATIONAL DATA 2 PART II NARRAT IV. SUMMARY 6 PART III ýýTTENTIAL LI&PING UF SIGN IF ICNrT PV,'14TS 75 PART IV SUPPORT ING DOCUNYSNTS• 94 DOW~NGADD AT 3-YEAR INTERVrLS; ENI1LoSURE (1) DECLASSIFIED APIER 12 YEARS 4tMMift 1 DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED sOmRE PART I ORGANIZATIONAL DATA IMSIGNAT ION COMMKA R 4ig General, )d NarDiv (Rein) MGen W. L. JONES 1-6 July Co'mu4 13-31 July BG*n R. FULLBER (Acting) 6-12 July July Division Conmmander BGen R. FULLER 1-6 Assistant 13-31 July SUBORDINATE UNITS 3d Marine Regiment Col W. F. SIMLIK 1-31 July 1-31 July 4th Marine Regiment Col W. F. GOGGIN I 12th Marine Regiment Col P. J. MULRONEBY 1-11 July Col W. W. CROMPTON 12-31 July 1It Bn, 3d Marines LtCol D. C. HERRON 1-31 July 21 Bn, 3d Marines LtCol J. J. MJMONAGLE 1-31 July 3d Bn, 3d Marines LtCol R. C. SCHULZE 1-351 July lot Bn, 4th Marines LtCol C. E. WILLOOX 1-31 July 2d Bn, 4th Marines LtCol W. C. BRrTT 1-31 July 3d En, 4th Marines LtCol J. W. WOOD 1-31 July 3d Bn, 9th Marines LtCol D. E. WOOD 1-31 July let Bn, 12th Marines LtCol M. V. WEST 1-31 July 3d4 Bn, 12th Marines LtCol R. E. GIBSON 1-31 July 4th Bn, 12th Marines LtCol J. SCOPPA JR. 1-11 July Maj T. L. EDWARDS 12-31 July HqBn, 3d MarDiv Col S. B. NCCARTY JR. 1-31 July lIt Antrao Bn Maj W. A. GRUBBS 1-31 July 3d Engr Bn LtCol J. R. LILLEY 1-31 July 3d Med Bu Odr B. L. SLIMM~NS (USN) 1-24 July Capt J. V. BROWN (USN) 24-31 July 2 ENCLOSUR e (1) SCRBET DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED SSORr 3d MW Dn Maj J. F. LAVIN 1-8 July MaJ R. S. DAVIS JR. 9-31 July 3d Reoon Bn LtCol R. R. BURRMT 1-31 July 3d SP Bn Maj J. B. KNOTTS 1-31 July 3d Tank Bn LtCol J. 8LEGER JR. 1-15 July Maj R. G. ENNEDY 16-31 July 9th MX Bn LtCol L. J. TREMLAY 1-31 July 3d Dental Co Capt T. D. ST~EPHENSON(USN)1-30 July Capt H. N. GLASSER (USN) 30-31 July 1st Brigade, 5th Inft Div (Mech)(USA) Col J. L. OSTEEN JR. (USA) 1-31 July 1-11 Inf (USA) LtCol W. J. BICKSTON (USA) 1-31 July 1-61 Moh (USA) LtCol D. E. HARTIGAN JR. (USA) 1-31 July 1-77 Armor (USA) LtCol T. A. MILLER (USA) 1-31 July 5-5 caT (USA) LtCol J. L. HADAWAY (USA) 1-31 July 5-4 Artillery (USA) LtCol J. A. JOHNSON (USA) 1-31 July 75th Support Bn (USA) LtCol H. H. SMITH (USA) 1-31 July ATTACHED UNWrS 11th ngr Bn LtCol R. C. EVANS 1-31 July let 8" How Btry MaJ K. E. SCESBE 1-11 July Maj W. H. BARNARD 12-31 July 2. LUCATION 1-31 July - Dong Ha, Republic of Vietnam 3. STAP OMFLERS Chief of Staff Col M. J. SEXT ON 1-31 July Assistant Chief of Staff, G-1 Col M. A. WEBB 1- 31 July Assistant Chief of Staff, G-2 Col C. R. STEPHENSON III 1-31 July Assistant Chief of Staff, G-3 001ColF. R. ERAINCE 1-17 July Col 0. G. MOODY 18-31 July 3 ENCLOSURE (1) DECLASSIF1I D DECLASSIFIED SICR Assistant Chief of Staff, G-4 Col F. R. DENORMANDIN 1-31 July Assistant Chief of Staff, G-5 Col We B. E RIGAN 1- 1 July Assistant Chief of Staff, Comptroller Maj B. C. DAY 1-51 July Division Air Officer Col C. T. CORCORAN 1-31 July Division Engineer Officer LtCol W. L. PERSAC 1-31 July Division Surgeon Capt J. M. SANDORLIN (USN) 1-31 July Division Inspector Lt W. P. AWCS (Acting) 1-3 July Col W. T. PHILLIPS 4-51 July Division Adjutant LtCol J. R. FORMAN 1-51 July Division Comm-Elooet Officer Col J. LEMAY JR. 1-31 July Staff Judge Advocate Col J. R. OTELEVWSKI 1-31 July Division Supply Officer Col 3. C. DRLSBACH JR. 1-51 July Division Chaplain Capt J. E. ZOLLER (USN) 1-31 July Quang Tri Combat Base Coordinator Col T. P. O'CALLAGHAN 1-31 July Dong Ha Combat Base Coordinqtor Col T. W. ;LARIE 1-31 July 4. AVERAO MONTHLY STRONGTH J# Uaw USN OFF ENL OFF ENL OFF ENL 3d Marine Division (-)(Rein) 866 15,892 113 830 356 5937 UaN OFF ENL OFF ENL Headquarters, 3d Marine Regiment 15 21 3 2 4 Headquarters, 4th Marine Regiment 18 224 2 3 Headquarters, 12th Marine Regiment 353 250 6 6 1st Bn, 3d Marines 34 1147 2 54 4 ENCLOSURE (1) SECRET DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED sEcRUT s~gss OFT BNL OFF ENL 2d Bn, 3d Marines 38 1132 2 51 3d Bn, 3d Marines 33 1126 2 55 1 t Bn, 4th Marine 34 1143 2 49 2d Bn, 4th Marines 36 1142 1 47 3d Bn, 4th Marines 32 1038 2 49 3d Bn, 9th Marines 33 1090 2 47 1st Bnt 12th Marines 48 644 2 17 3d Bn, 12th Marines 50 643 3 16 4th Ban, 12th Marine. 24 441 0 13 EqBnr 3d MarDiv 266 1471 9 21 1it Axtrao Ba 8 125 0 5 d Engr Ba 31 716 2 13 3d md Bn 3 160 46 233 3d )V Bn 10 158 0 6 3d R*oon Bn 38 749 0 40 3d sP Bn 17 340 2 15 3d Tank Bn 27 5354 1 12 9th )W Ba 26 409 1 5 3d Dental Co 0 2 23 50 11th ngr Bn 33 809 1 13 lst 8" How Btry 9 186 0 6 1lt Bda, 5th Inmt Div (weoh)(USA) 0o7F 356 E•L 5937 ENCIOSURE (1) 5 SWCWT DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED I PART II NARRAT IVE SUMMARY 1. OVBRVIrW The 3d Marine Division (.)(Rein) maintains Headquarters (wd) at Dong Ha Combat Base, while Division Headquarters (Rear) is located at Quang Tri Combat Base. The 3d Marines OP is normally located at OCB; the 4th Marines and the 9th Marines at VCB; and the 12th Marines at DHCB. The slet Bde, 5th Inft Div (aoch) CP is at QCB. Combat Support and Combat Service Support unit CP'O are located either at DHCB or TCB. During July, the 3d Marine Division (-)(Rein) conducted combat operations in its A0 encompassing Quang Tri Province, Northern I Corps, the Republic of Vietname. Quang Tri Province is bounded by the DMZ on the north, the Gulf of Tonkin on the east, Laos on the west and southwest and Thua Thien Province on the south and south- east. There ae several distinct topographio regions within the Divi- sBon's AO. In the east, the coastal lowlands extend inland 10 to 15 kilometers through sandy beaches and cultivated rice paddies. The 6 SNC040SME (1) SCRWsT DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED lowlands boecom rolling hills and plains, a transitional piedmont region, then escalate into the rugged mountains of the Amamite range running ojterally S to IW. The mountains are covered by a heavy Jungle aosnopy in most areas. In the southwestern sector of I the MD, south, vest and northwest of Rhe Sanh, is a plateau of rolling hills covered by small trees and scrub brush which extends into Laos. The primary roads in the Province are National Route 1, which runs from the DMNZ, south, through Dong Ha and QUang Tri, and Na- tional Route 9 which extends from Dong Ha, southwest for 85 kilo- meters through Vandegrift Combat Base, to the Lao Bao Pass at XD 7137 on the Laotian border.
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