SECTION ONE ANK SECTION ONE VOLUME LXV, NO. 23. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1942. PAGES 1 TO 12 Bazar Decetnber 9 To Council Cleaning Monmouth DAR Has Sending Sunshine Middletown ChurchTo Up Tax Title Liens' Bags To Boys In Aid Junior Red Cross At Fair Haven Annual Guest Day Armed Forces Mark 240th Birthday Saving to the Sea Bright Fire Co. Mechanic Street Pupils Busy Revi W. B. Spofford, Rector, Will Taxpayers—One, DAR Societies' Part In War Auxiliary Plans For Making Articles For Benefit Plot Nets $700 Effort Outlined By State Head Xmas Party Dec. 16 Deliver Anniversary Sermon , Pupils at Mechanic street school Mrs. Alfred R. piggies, stato chair- Sunshine bags aro being sent.each Christ. Episcopal "church of Mid- The work of tho Fair Haven bor- dletown, one of the moat historic- aro busy making various articles for ough finance committee in Institut- nan of national defenBe' through pa- month to three different Sea Bright a pro-holiday bazar to be held for Local Boy Scout triotic education for tho Daughters boys in the armed forces by the parishes In the JJnited States, will Enterprising Youth ing a concerted drive to clean up observe Ite 240th anniversary Sun- the Junior Red CrosB in the school tho many old tax title lieno held by American Revolution, and W. Hugh ladies" auxiliary of tho flre company auditorium Wednesday afternoon, Ryder, principal of West Long of that borough. Tho .three to re- day, November 20, at 11 a; rp., when the municipality Is now bearing To Receive Award William B. Spofford, tho rector slnca December ?. The Items for the Bale In Unique Business fruit. At the council meeting Mon- Branch grammar school, were speak- ceive them this month are Claude are being mado In regular art per- rs at the annual guest day meeting" Paxton, Harden B. Fowler and Wai-' 1936, will preach an appropriate ser- Kenneth Thompson of 98 day night Councilman "Edgar V. mon. At this anniversary '• sorvlco iods under the supervision of MISB Denlse, chairman of the finance Neal B. Haviland to be if. Monmouth chapter, D. A. R., ter S. Williams. This plan will be Abble V. Strickland, art supervisor Wallace street is an enterpris- Thursday at tho Red Bank Woman's followed until every one on the honor letters also will be read from tha of the publlo schoolB and member ing young business man. Last committee, announced the closing of Honored for Rescue presiding bishop of the church, Rt. Friday, before the deadline for extensive legal proceedings on one club. Mrs. Theodore N. Parmly, re- roll Is remembered. of the school faculty. gent, welcomed and introduced At last week's meeting of the group Rev. Henry St. George Tucker, and the dlmout J or autmoblle head' of tho Hens which netted the-borough the bishop of the diocese, Rt. Rev. The material used for the articles lights went Into effect, Kenneth of Fair Haven some $700 In back A- Red-Bank- Boy- Scout, Neal .B. guests. plans, were made for a Christmas has boon supplied by the Red Cross, Mrs. Dlggles outlined programs party to-be held Wednesday,. Decem- Wallace J. Gardner. got hlmsilf a quantity of black taxes and in addition put the prop- Haviland, 13, of Buena place, who Tonight (Wednesday)-at 8 -o'clock- the local board of education and paint and a brush, and went erty back on the books as tax-paying rescued an 8-year-old boy in tho which D, A. R. societies of the state ber 16, at the fire house. Gifts will wood trlmmlngB from Charles Ir- and the nation are doing to assist in bo. exchanged and a social evening le five,Protestant churches of Mld- from car to car In the business property. Mr. Denise complimented North. Shrewsbury river last June, letown village will hold a union, wln's shipbuilding yards here, In district, soliciting the job of Theodore D. Parsons, borough at- win be'—honored--by-tho- National the war effort. She. reported that enjoyed. The committee comprises some Instances tho pupils themselves the national society blood plasma Mrs. Edmund CUne, Mrs. Harden L 'hanksgiving service In Clirlst painting out tho upper portion ;orney, for the work of his office In Court of Honor of the Boy Scouts of hurch. Rev. A. J. VanHouten' of have brought In odds and ends, ot of tho headlight lens. He cleaning up this cnee. America, It was announced Monday project Is growing and that many Fowler and Mrs. Mary Douglas. The various types of materials and wool, blood plasma kits have been pur- committee in charge of fast week's he Reformed church, will deliver charged 25 cents for-tho Job, Mr. Denlse' stated that tho bor- by Dr. James E. WeBt, chief scout le-meesage. -' which has been used In many Inter- which wan lower than that ough was going to continue to fore- executive and secretary of, the "Na- chased for service men. She also gathering included Mrs. Walter Cov- esting ways. pointed out that the* government has ert, Mrs. William R. Fowler, Jr. and It was In 1701 that Governor Mori charged by garages, His cus- close on.all tax'title 'Menu held by tional Court of Honor. s of New Jersey wrote a letter to, The bazar will be stagod In the tomers reported that ho did them unless-nn effort is made by "Young Haviland, who was a sec-^ asked the D. A. H. societies to pur- Mrs. John Fichter. school auditorium. The following chase $5,000,000 worth of War bonds le Bishop of London informing him good work. Long before dark the owner to bring the taxes up to ond class scout then and a member The auxiliary is donating $2 to- lat Middletown waa "the wickedest Wednesday, December 1«. pupils at Kenneth reported that he had date. Tho. borough has some 100 of Troop 87, rescued George Clayton, and stamps. Mrs. 'Digglcs also said wards the milk fund Of the Parent- Oakland street school will stage a that the D. A. R. '"buddy bag" proj- )wn in. the world. ' Horse racing made $0.75 and tho next day was Hens on,which action has been start- son of Police Lieutenant and Mrs. -Tcacher association for the school as allowed along the famous King's similar event. Tho pupils will be as- again at the job attending to ed and Mr. Denlse atated that a reorge Clayton. The Clayton boy ect, and the awarding of good citi- children. sisted In making sales by members zenship medals to school children is ghway on Sundays, with apple- ' the requirements of those who great deal of credit Is duo to thu had jumped from a float toward a An amendment to the by-laws was iack for prizes, and In other ways) of the Mechanic Street'school Par- had falbd to have their head- borough collector, George Curchln, floating mat but was unable to make another defense project. passed providing.for tho eligibility as ent-Teacher association and Junior e Inhabitants Indulged In rlotious lights painted out the day. be- for hlb effort In collecting somo eight it and sank. Scout Haviland dived The speaker asked hoi' audience to members of the auxiliary sisters and REV. WILLIAM B. SPOFFORD ving," Red Cross representatives. study International affairs. She said, fore. or ten of theso without the neces- in,'reached the lad and placed him daughters of the firemen, In addition The letter caused such great con- All classes at the sehool'wlth the sity of legal pctlon. Th'n•ough—Mrr -on-th, mat, but George slipped off 'Familiarize y6urselvea-/with war to the wives. terms such as the Atlantic charter .ernatlon among the leaders of tho exception of tha kindergarten are Parsons' olflce^voluntary'deeds have and sank again. Tho scout dived a A moment of silence in memory of Ingliflh church that a-meeting, was participating. Tho first grade's con- been.taken to several lots, thus sav- second time, brought him to the sur- and the Four Freedoms, but above Mrs. James P. Thorsen, former,presi- Little Silver all, make It your personal duty-to. leld.in Lambeth palace, and the first tribution to the sale will be candy- ing legal action. In._these_ cases, too. face and swam with him to the float dent/who died November 15, was ob- missionary of the now famed Society box favors for- Christmas, string Concert Dec. 4— Tho foreclosure on these liens will where artificial respiration was given. stem- the tide of gossip and untrue served by the auxiliary, and a fitting riynors." the Propagation of the Gospel, holders »and turklsh towels. Face eventually reflect iteelf in a reduc- Haviland has received a certificate memorial service will be held for all Fire Co. Movies sent post-haste to the little Jer- -cloths-mado-llke-anlmals-nre-heing Here To Feature tion In the tax rate. At the present for heroism from the National Court. Mr. Ryder told of the .work done in deceased members. ' iey town. He arrived In 1702 and completed by Mrs. Ada FIndlay's timo while no income Is belng"re- Five scouts^ahd theTpaTenteTof a Boy the schools—in both—th,e-currlcular "Ohe~reported~dn the~slck~ fiat "was ABigSuccess cunded Christ church. group. The other first grade Beetlon celved from the properties, county who loot his life whilo attempting to and oxtra-curricular activities to. give Mrs. Marvin B. Fowler. • • Sonie years later Captain Kldd'a ' Is making ChrlBtmaa cards, decor- and state taxes must be paid by the rescue others will be glvep official students a better- understanding of Mrs.
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