![Manchester Grand List at Record $231 Million](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
TUESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1989 D d b r N M : R u n H m Weak TTie W eather ^jiews Differ Thant Backs Credit Union 16, U H Travelsn warningi in aifort. U.S., Saigon Forces ]\ew Riilcs Readied TbnIgM cloudy, oceaaloaal Stort, snow or freezing rain. Low ta jbn Prohate Nixon Views 15,436 iianrljwtf r lEu^ntng low $0s. Tomorrow cloudy with light rain. High $6 to 40. Bdan R. Piper 8r„ T8, of U Hit Foe at 3 Points Manehetter— A City of Village Charm Court Bill Wbitar a t, taMband o f Mm. lit' On Mid East Refund The Planning and Zoninj: Commtosion at its e i^ u - (Continued from Pm b One) VOL. LXXXVm, NO. 101 (THIRTY-TWO PAGES—TWO SECmONS) jm tfit- MANCHESTER, CONN„ WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29, 1969 (Oteoalfled Adverttetag oa thm. rtat. mp- ^ Ootrtlnoed from F n fe One) At tts annual maetlng held tive wasion last night polished the a f t PRICE TEN CENTM have three differ- ^ ^ *Mancheatiiir had U clt agreement froni. the * « ^ ,*»*"• , ? .**** regulations and readied them for presentatipta at the Baghdad Itonday might hnpede North Vletn«ne«, to keep out of last night at BTlUe’a Steak on a propoaal by ****•"* home. t y March 3 public hearing. __ _ Rap. Jamea Healey, Dem- Mr. Piper waa bom Oct » , the M ddle E «rt p e a S ^ f Z ^ the DMZ in rrtunt for the Nov. 1 5 * * * * ^ - . House, Manchester Teachers Also to go befto’e toe March canting otdaldo appaatpiMs, „ ^ bombtaghatt, and atooptopoeed i e m l o f m atartwry, for atmep- IdW b* LaOeport, N. H., aon o f Federal Credit Union members hearing are measures that landscaping, and oMiar aa|{aeU He aaid he agreed with the guainntee. of the buffer lone at ____ _ Tnuli Service Cut •w In the otate’a Pro- Chailea and Befle MbLoricy PI- , , - - - A apokeaman for Prealdent re-elected Mra. .Mary Hutchin­ would eliminate (xxistntctton of o( design, New Iraqi Spy Trial Nixon Meets nyatam. per. and had lived ki Mandtea- government that thia waa the peace talka in Paris Satur „ „ son and 'Vninam 'Tanaey, and apartmeitei in a Residence C The new measure ramovaa Stopped by PUC Zone without first coming under apartments aa a petmMAad use ^ g ^ ™ - HARTFORD, Conn. (AP)— Inst was employed as an engineer «««*<!* for him to no sign of cooperating although elected Calvin Flah to the board toe scrutiny of toe commleslon, and plaoea toesn in tha aame With Council N. foe 22 yearn at VeederRoot, ^ -u c h incidents might all mlBtary activity reported in ^ The Penn Central was order­ Manchester Grand List Haaiera propoaal. Democrat N. for 22 years -- --------------------- , . , . of directors. and an increase in toe minimum category with group dwaOlBga * hMT>m WM-I«wl#«aa *1.^ MUSA IsA,. ^ nro SIOXV Reported Under Way ed by toe state Public Utili­ •Oharlee BottwW d that he la Harttord, before he reUred 12 Jarri^’a miaeion. the acne haa been on a minor land requirement tor group under apeolal pennlt. WlUi this month for the annual celebra- ’Ihe directora elected Mrs. ties Commlaslon (PUC) to ^•hi favor of what the blH ia years ago. He was a i^ember Tunilng to other issues, (he scale. Hutchinson prealdent, and Firii, dwelllnge from 20,000 square change, no multi-llBintly dwell­ By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS On N•Treaty secretary-general said he had The Marine unit that came tlan of Tet, the lunar new year, in any immediate mlUtgry oper- "caoae and destet” from its ‘hryliM to do." And, Demoerat of St. Mary’s Blptsct^Md Church on Fbb. 17. vice president, and re-elected feet to 30,000 square feet. ing could be oonatruotad .hi wntdied Nixon’s news confer- under lire wai 800 yards south A new Iraqi spy trial was atlona. Israel was beset by high plan to out back train, sendee Pfennels Mahoney said that, tm- and Manchester Lodge of Ma- The Oommunlst command MTa. Erls Jenack, secretary. The new regulatiom were Manchester without flrrt ooin- WASHINGTON (AP) — ence Mbnday on tetevtaion and of the souttiem boundary of the reported underway to­ winds, rain and snow and Jor­ between Boatmi and New ‘tO he Is m ore famUtor with sons. and Raymond Woodbridge, compiled by J. Eric Patter, tag uilder control of the Ptan- President Nixon an<f the "I was impressed by his sincere DMZ, aaid the spokesman. It broke a Tet cease-fire pledge day. Demonstrators be­ dan waa suffering from its York City next Sunday. the proposed changm In gener- Survtvom, besides Ms wife, In­ last year with its biggest offen- treasurer. planntag director, with toe help Ring and Zoning O om m lasl^ worst snowstorm tai 20 years. National Security Council desire to create conditions of waa from the Srd Marine Dlvl- sieged Britain’s Embassy The PUC told the railroad At Record $231 Million al, ho wm reserve an optatkm. ohide a daughter, Mrs. J. Jack- alve of the war, aimed primari' The directors voted a 28 per of the Technical Advisory Com- Clarence Welti, oommiaaloa Pope Paul "VI told a gatoering met today to discuss tim­ peace and progress in the slon’s dth Regiment, in Baghdad today in pro­ not to eliminate any paaaen- Ben.. David Barry de- orie«n of Bolton; a son, HH- world." upok-~xv— t* *y •* .Saigon and more than 100 cent interest refund to members mittee. The regulatlona provide chairman, echoed the opinion of of 6,000 at hte weekly general ing for Innate ratification ger trains or reduce (my pas­ to comment, pending h . Piper Jr., of Nlantlc; •pokeamnn m id tt was toe ^ ^her rttlea. Spokesmen for at a coat of $81,398.61, and a for a two-stage application pro- the commlaaion when he said, test against British reac­ He made these comments on time the — , audience in Vatican City the of the nuclear nonprolifer­ senger stovlce "within toe rtndy o f the bin Intooduced by grandchOdren, and two 5)4 per cent dividend at a cost cess; Stage I for site approval, "Apartment ^pUoatlaa will tion to the mass execution hanging of the nine Jews "has some other iasuea; sneUea -from------ Jnslae tne rv«rru m Z „ __and____ for. Premter. , . __ ation treaty— and perhaps geograpMcal limits of the Hmley. He said he wIB eoqirsas great-gtendchHdren. of $43,909.94. ^ stage II for approval of alte be the thing. Slngla family Monday of 14 men accused generated the suspicion that state of C<»mecticut” until opinion to a day or two. Vietnam: "The pmapecta for rinoe Dec. 21. ‘**‘=‘*“*" » to talk About the tense I»unerai services wUl be held peace . Tet cease-fire has been made The following 1988 figures are development plans. oonstruoUon will never oatoh of spyihg for Israel. motivea of racism were in­ the commtesion has a chance Under Healey’s proposal, the In Vietnam volved.” Middle Eastern situation. 4 Per Cent tomorrow at 11 a.m. at Holmes hri^.r -f . ■««»<* yet. although Vice President a compoTteon with toose of main advantage to the up again. Apartnvento are gtMng Radio Baghdad announced to investigate toe matter. atata's deeted probate todgea br^er ^ incident of enemy acUvHy in the Nguyen Cao Ky aaid in Parte Press secretary Ronald L. Funeral Home, 400 Main St. The 1967: Number of members, 1,-' town and toe developer of toe to be toe mode of Uving and 10,000 Iraqis marched on the The Roman Catholic pontiff, It scheduled a public hear­ wemld be reduced from1 '? t h e • .Tv ^ * •**"* reported by toe U.S. Com- there would be a truce of a few 328, up 97; number of loans new group dwelling regulations the only thing we can do la to who has several times taken a Ziegler said dlscussioa of toe ing for Feb. 18 in Hartford. Rev. Jamea Bottoms of St. embassy waving bamera and treaty dominated toe lengtoy ■'present 128 to a recommended o “ ** **** “ ■**<* <»ay8 beginning FUb. 16. made, "690 up 111; amount loan- is their specificity. With the new make them better.” puUic rtand against capital The high • speed Turbo- Increase in Mary's ESpiaoopal Church, will denounetag “ BriUah Imperial­ White House c<xifsr8nce. But, ta three. ** «* Nov. 1 U.S. offlcoM speculated toat ed $1,118,785, up $146,682 loans rules, the town can spell out In other business, plana fo r punishment, necaUed that be Trains are not expected to go / officiate. Burial' wUl be in East ism’ ’ "British Interference response to repeated questions BUfafodgea, called sinrogatea, emment is ehowlng signs of bombing halt. even If Saloon doesn’t order a exactly what it wante in a grcnip a 190-untt group dwelUna «om - had appealed to toe Baghdad into service until spring. Cemetery. outstanding $993,214, up $99,616. in Iraq’s Internal affairs.” It from newsmen, he said he could would be ^ipatoted by the gov- 1*" <’'« ^ spMteaman said U.S. artH- cease-fire *Wetaameee units dwelllng, and the developer plex to be located neact to government before the execu­ ' The Penn Central proposed Assessments There wiH be no calling Irtte^ ti^ conummity. He lery fired on a group of North probably would not be at fuU Also, paid-in shares $^,- aald,^however,-they inflicted no not rule out talk about the Mid­ subject to conflrmatlon knows exactly what ia expected Fountain Village on W. Middle 'danhge and later disperaed. tions to spare toe Uves of all 14. to cut tbe number of dally w ^ ^ toe meeting ached- Vietnamese troops moving in combat readiness to repel an 342.98, up $80,408.81; assets in dle East.
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