Grant: Welcome to another packed issue of Cosmic Masque and what a great read it truly is. I feel I can say that without sounding show offy as this issue belongs to Ian. For those that aren't aware I had to take a break this time around due to per- sonal reasons and it's to Ian's credit and dedication that he picked up the baton and sprinted to the finish line with compiling this edition. I am Cosmic Masque Issue 1—1977 eternally grateful for his commit- A limited run reprint is currently ment and it further outlines to me available from the DWAS eBay what a wonderful person and friend Store at £7-99—visit us at he is. So, this time I shall sit back https://www.ebay.co.uk/usr/ with you all and enjoy reading CM. I dwas_auction could get used to this... kidding Ian!! Ian: Thanks to Grant for his kind words. I must confess, however, to having a lot of help this time round. So thanks to Steve Hatcher for editing our fiction, Rik Moran for taking the lead on our reviews and Paul Win- ter for making a load of Word docu- ments look like a proper publication. Special thanks also to Nick Fisher for sharing his memories of his fa- ther, David, who sadly passed away earlier this year. We're sorry this issue has been a long time coming and we thank you for your patience. We hope to be with you again soon. 1 2 television script writer. Nick kind- Did you ever get to visit the ly took time to tell us about some Doctor Who set? of his memories of his father… No. But I did visit the Emergency Ward 10 set, which was located Were you a fan of Doctor Who in a studio warehouse some- yourself when you were a where off the North Circular, child? near the Brent Cross shopping My era of Doctor Who-watching centre. And was about as glam- was the time of Patrick Trough- orous as having lunch in a mo- ton and Jon Pertwee. And, of torway service station! Douglas Adams course, I loved the series at that age. Apart from anything else, Did David have any anecdotes books were really a way of exer- we were all so starved of decent about working with Tom cising his love of very detailed David Fisher TV to watch back then, that we Baker? research. In many ways he was all watched everything. There Dad was a writer’s writer. He a frustrated academic. A very David Fisher, one of the most were only two channels really. hung out with script editors, oth- intelligent, hugely well-read man notable writers of the Tom Baker er writers and producers. As a who never actually went to uni- era, sadly passed away in Janu- Sadly, by the time my Dad start- result, he didn’t really have a versity and always deeply regret- ary of this year. He had been re- ed writing for Doctor Who I was good word to say about any ac- ted it. He’d have loved Academ- sponsible for four stories during in my mid to late teens and had tor. The phrase ‘a necessary ia. Hanging out with professors the Graham Williams and John already left home. I guess I evil’ springs to mind. and students in club-like hal- Nathan-Turner years – The thought I was a bit too cool for lowed halls with long boozy Stones of Blood, The Androids Doctor Who by then. He did often like to talk about his lunches and longer dinners with of Tara, The Creature from the collaboration with Douglas Ad- erudite speakers and lashings of Pit and The Leisure Hive. The Did your friends think it was ams though, who was a script port. It would have suited him Stones of Blood was perhaps cool that your Dad was a Doc- editor while Dad wrote on the right down to the ground! the story which most captured tor Who writer? series. 'Lovely bloke', he’d say. the imaginations of Doctor Who It’s weird, I don’t ever really re- ‘Very imaginative. But couldn't Which non-Doctor Who pro- fans with David J Howe and Ste- member using it as a thing to im- script-edit to save his life!' ject was David most proud phen James Walker praising its press other people with. of? direction and ‘wide variety of dif- Of the stories which David He was very eclectic and talent- ferent plot elements.’ David’s My Dad being a writer sounds wrote, which was his favour- ed - his books like The Lucy storyline The Gamble with Time like it should be cool, but most ite? Ring were important to him, be- formed the basis of the classic people truly have no concept The Stones of Blood or The cause they were quasi academ- City of Death in 1979. He wrote (still) of what a TV writer actually Creature from The Pit - I think. I ic. But his Hammer House of novelisations of two of his Doctor does. If he’d been an actor - remember him doing research Horrors were such a sign of their Who adventures, later also sure, that would have been easi- for Stones and getting very into times, he couldn't fail to be adapting the other two for Audio- er to understand and score ley lines and all that stuff, long proud of them too. Although the Go. He also contributed to the points from. Writer was too hard before it became trendy to even writing process involved was a Hammer House of Horror and to explain. To be honest, I’m not know any of that existed. pain. Hammer House of Mystery and sure I even fully understood Suspense series. David’s son, what it was a TV writer did ei- He loved research. More than And he loved writing musicals Nick Fisher, is himself a prolific ther. writing. His later non-fiction too. Both for adults and children 3 4 - he got a huge amount of pleas- mean, come on. Our lives would ure out of crafting lyrics. Loved a be tied to the Earth, Goodbye show tune. Was quite talented TARDIS I doubt he would have on the piano too. let us raise Melody on the TAR- DIS. I wouldn't want a baby on What did David think of the that thing” 21st century episodes of Doc- The cat stayed low in the tall tor Who? grass of the garden behind the He was very sceptical when they house, watching the humans. were first announced. Think he She would have said that they thought it was something that seemed to be on the brink of a has passed away and should don’t think I’d be very good at fight, but the postures that they have been left in the ground. But writing it. were holding told another story. then it had such a great unex- pected effect on him, because I love comedy and drama and people who had never heard of human stories, which I know do him suddenly became interested have a place within the Doctor in him and his writing, decades Who story strands, I just don’t after he’d last penned a script for have an affinity for fantasy. Sor- There was a strange noise that Doctor Who. ry. That must make me sound sent the cat into hiding causing like an alien to Doctor Who fans. her to hiss as loudly as she So, kind of begrudgingly he did But I can admire the series with- could. Then an object appeared become very pleased it had out feeling I actually want to be as if from nowhere and the cat been reinvented, and it spawned part of it. And in truth, I know hissed even more loudly, or so some novelisation work for him there are many much better and “Amy, I know it would be nice to he thought. There was now a which he enjoyed. more deserving and fantasy- adopt, but I just think that it blue box where there had not tuned writers out there who would be even better if we be- been one before. Once the You are a BAFTA-winning would give their eye-teeth to came foster parents, taking kids strange object settled the cat be- writer who has contributed to work on the show. in and helping them." It was the came curious. It looked like the Holby City and many other dark short haired male who box might be the perfect place high-profile projects - would Click here to visit Nick at his spoke. for her to hide. The opening re- you like to write for Doctor website: www.nick-fisher.co.uk vealed itself and another male Who yourself? “I know, but as foster parents we with blondish floppy hair stepped I’ve been very lucky to have Nick Fisher would have to be available any out. He stopped suddenly worked in varying capacities with time, day or night, at a moment's "What's going on here? Oh, glar- Russell T Davies and Stephen notice. How often are we actual- ing eyes, raised blood pressure, Moffat and Chris Chibnall over ly around enough to accept that Perhaps I should…” the years - not on Doctor Who. responsibility?” The female with And I am a massive, massive long red hair countered. "Stay right there, Doctor." The fan of their work and their origi- two humans spoke at the same nality.
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