

'(616I) uosurlol T s33ug pw (9/6I) 'ecuecseJouul s33ug 4r uosuqol SuLroIIoJ ol eJuecseJouuocurJel eql pereJeJde,req ear suoqducsep Ip q lueueS?u?t{ pu?.I pu€ uortu^JesuoJJo luarxuedeq rrull€.qsnvtuelsal6 eql ,{q pesn esoql eJBsepoc uorl€AJesuoc pleg eql uI uaesueeq e^?q se^n€leJlsesolc Jteql prre €x€t ,,rAeueqt Jo IIV uorBaruasep e ur {le,rrsnpxasm:ro teql s:rreds{1uo eqt srpuz ' snue8 sll Jo Jepupruer eqt uroJJpelelosl .(lpclqdujSoeg sl ar2.rassot Drslung f,11eclu€loqpeldu€s uaeq ,4puaceJ,4luo el€q s€ale aseql pue u,l.rool ,{Iepr.lt lou sr uorSoJsrr{l ur qp6q prr€s ,r\o11e,(deep;o srere 'pu€l Jo ecuelsrxeeqJ serceds,teu;o ecue8reureeql ur ecJnoseJluugodrur ,{13ursee:cq ue eAJeseJpue etu^ud uo s,4e^rnslu€ld uo4 llnser eaj€leu8unl lunotr{ aqt ul seue^ocsrpo,rl osaql saprspuorc11qnd 'eJou uo suorlrelloJ ruo4 llrnq ,(leSJsluaeq s€r{ qcq,r usrl€nsny eq1lnoqu eSpel,rou{ petcr4seJIlrls Jno slq8rTqSrqeuoz pl]? lsB^ eqtrJo ecul^ord u?aEureJaeql ur ec?ld eu?s eql ul pere^orsp eq pFor{s 'alzolD\tpl 'esec€elold oanl^aq) pur- aDtassot Dleluttg eqt Jo sJaqueu ,rJu o^\1 leql relntrUed ur uJoU slr lnoqu e8pet,$ourlJo eseq Sursu eql pu€ ell?r1snv uJelse^\ lse,r-qlnos Jo ^tlsJe^rporq 'Sursud:ns 'a2sa.4nbs eqt ue,rri tou sl arul^oJd Izclu€log lseiN qtnos eqt q oagpttatg1o f,nttocsrp eql areq paqFcsepeju auacEelorduelll]snv lllelseld eql ul selreds pere^ocsP ,{1,{auaarq; uollrnpoJlul ',{1popduo4e,uesuoc 'peglJJsep e^sq serceds,reu aql Jo IIy pepr^oJdere s,{a{pue passncsrpere senrurJJurrer{I o.tz (eBeproaw^eJC:e?ecBetoJd) Jg doa hatg lose]f,,eds,reuo,,!l\lllouJ?W N?eplo 4aosaunbs'g 'N 'd "tg'E ' pu? ltolJJel|{ T eplo Dpolwppl oa lnatD o!$luDgJo sJrJeds^\eu e our€l^l N T eplo'd aonssol oteluog'(2002)66-98:(l)91 ,?sJ[zN DIIE.USnVuletsel& uo4 (e?eproellr^erC :aueJeeloJd)serreds Da t^arg t auo/\\lpue Drsluog /^au euo d IIaNltorJJ"I JpuE t{ Jeled'eplo lrBrlsqv 08€€?rrorrr^ lle^\€lsod /01 vogz r8uo^\plll'pU ttZZ sapy' qtnos^r\aN ral,roC8tIl 'u 'tr{ zllolrrBlN IlaN puBreplo Jaled BIIETlsnYuralsaa\ uro{ (aBaploa[.r^orc 3eaeJBaloJd)sel}ads Da lot,I{ou o,{rlpue DlsIuog,rraueuo (2002)66-98:(I)9t rlslrrN N,/)tridVol. 15.No. 1 (2002) Taxonomy Placement of new sp€ciesin Bozftsia R.Br. Depending on which authority is followed, the number of acceptedBonksia speciespdor to the circumscdption of Banksictrosserae ranged between76 (George 1999) and 80 (Thiele & Ladiges 1996). Recognitionof B. cunninghamiiSieber ex Reichb.at specificrank is maintainedat NSW though not by either Georgeor Thiele & Ladiges (Harden2002). Banksia rosseraeis heretreated provisionally as a memberof subgenusBanftsla, sectlon Banksia, series Cyrros4,lls(Benth.) A.S. George. The inclusion of B. rosseraemeans that there are now 14 speciesin this series.Series Cynosrylis was erected as a seriesand more closelydefined by A.S. George in 1981. It differs from Bentham'sconcept ofit as a sectionwhere, through a processof delimitation "as by elimination,it acts a repositoryfor a disparatecollection of otherwiseunplaced species" (Thiele & Ladiges 1996 662). Only thee speciesplaced in the sectionby Benthamwere retainedby George, theothers being refened to threeother series. Impofiant charactersdefining series Cyrtostylis given by George (George 1981 &1999) are cotyledonsobovate to rounded-cuneate,often crenulate,sometimes emarginate; shrub or ffee habit, lignotuberousor not; learesalternate, seffate or ffiangularlobed with flat or slightly recurvedmargins; conflorescencetetminal or on short lateralbranchlets, cylindrical, ovoid or spherical,erect or in one (now two) speciespendulous, the buds typically losing regular pattem before anthesj.siperianth glabrous to villous, quite straight or sometimeswith the limb somewhatupturned before anthesis, relaxedafter anthesis, yellow, ferruginous,orange or reddish;tepals not awned;pistil straightor gently curved;pollen-presenter usually less than 3 mm long,slightly thickened,finely costateor smoothipollen crescent-shaped:/ollicleselliptic mostly lessthan 2 cm long, laterallybeaked after opening,split from stylar point; s€ednlng notched. Many of these defining character states are also common to other series, especially series TetragonaeA.S. George, urd B. rosseraealso sharesmany diagnosticfeatures including glabrous pgrianthsand pendentconflorescences common to speciesin this series. It also keys out to this series in his key to infragenerictaxa (George 1999: 177). 'rather George( 1981:345 & 1999:214) has refered to his seriesC)//osryli.r as being heterogeneous'. After undertaldnga phylogeneticanalysis of Banksla basedon 104 morphological and anatomical cha-ractersusing cladistic parsimony methods, Thiele & Ladigesfound no apparentsynapomorphies for 'widely seriesCl,ros4rlls and haverefered to it as polyphyletic' (Thiele & Ladiges 1996:715). They haveproposed a classificationin which not all taxaare placed in a higherlevel taxon. The basisfor this is that it more accuratelyreilects current knowledge and that taxa placed uncertainly now aremost likely to be movedanyway within the cladogramafter new dataare analysed. These taxa are leflincefiqe sedis, 'clearly The non-monophyletic'series Cylosrylir rsn.rr A.S. Georgehas been virtually dismantled by Thiele & Ladiges,splitting it into three narrowly defined seriesand leaving four speciesincertae sedis, Banl<siaeleg4nJ, a possiblesister taxon to subgenusLrosrylis, has been removed from subgenus Banksia altogetheL thus rendering both taxa monophyletic. Bqnksia elderiana has also been removed from series Cyrtostylisand placed with other speciesthat have pendentconflorescences and straight styles in a redefined series Tetrqgonqe. The original concept of series C)rtorrylls has been redefined to a monophyletic grouping of only four species. Two additional series have been erected, a '9 " ' aaJassoJ Suolurur 661 elcrtloJ:urur t-E Ieseqeql u,&rcq e1fisisnouo8e{et lou qurrl r6rrsued:8uolruJ g €-€ srxeqlr,/r{ prosd{la-A\oreu ro ptueqds secuacsaJoguoC€It snoFpuedseruecseJouuoJ It snorq€I8wueued 0t '08I e8eduo €It lu leldnoreqt Jo uolresur,{q peglpour sl (t8I-8rI :666I eSJoeC)grI ermlo^ ..€rrelsnvJo ?rold,,v ms\uDgJo sepedsol fe{ eqJ 'Euoluu t u?qrssel ,{tuoo,uoc raluasero-u"noo :.,r"qrHffi ffi:ltt::frf slBdel:srseqtu? eJoJeq spdel uee,|leqpegesxe ,{1erep1 ,(1ensn Insrd :peIeDI 'snouoS?rel f,llueulurord1ou squr[ Fdel eqt lou ueqtsnoJq?lE Jr Jo .&Teqreqlre qUJIIqtwlJed :(ar2rassol g.prrp DuDyapp g ur snolnpued)lcue ecuecsaJouuoJ:6 " " " rEuol eBuoS"rlel Jes e1€cpnu urur 8-t relueserd-ue1od:srseqlu€ 1e 3u ?leJ ,41e1epeururr1ou 1nq ralueserd-ue11od punore SuqsJ€des spdel :srseqluu eroJeqspdal uea^leq peuesxefllurepl tou Ipsld :pelaa{ ,{pueuyroJdsqrul 'snoJq?lE pdet ql$'snouo8€llel qufl qlu?Fed:snolnpued ecuecsarolJuoC 6 'I?gelpulJaqserJ uro{ pe^rasqoeq ot ur,purarluauJErr?Jr pnq pu?edeqs ue od'slseqtrrEJeU? uol?x?ler pdelJo EuFlll'slseqluE eroJeq el,(ts eql Jo uoruesxe w qcns sJalr?r?rlrlrr?lodur esnsceqJaurr€rrr crs?q lsoru eql ur ,{Iuopepueur? eJaq sr pu€ 6 ppell? u.{\ops4€eJq (LLl t666I eEroag)qrl etunlo1..EII€'r;snV Jo Eroldt, ur DlslupgJo ExslclreueE?{ul ol ^e{ aql s,{a{ qs{upg' ol slueupueruv ',{pn1s:1eq1u1pecnporul sel€ts re]J€J€r{c Jeqlo 'elqrssod aJeq,r'equcsep ol epuruueoq oslu 'pue s€rlldue Buv el&seql Jo uoldlrcsep roJ Iepou eqlpepr^ord e^Erl (966 I ) seEmzlp eyerq;teqt lderxe ( I 86I ) eEroe0fq pesn,48olouluuel pu? lErrrroJ aql s^rolloJ.{lasolc uopdlrrsep aeluog e\I 'eueqJs 'g 'sa?rDel Jaqlle ul flupuec Wr,r paceld eq louuec aotasso.t T elelqJ puu eEJoeC S V ,{q pe.(oldue seFls rep?JEqcsqlJo etllos uo pelce oc ere ?lep erou lnun l€lJrFedns pug,{Eur,{pnls peuroJur orours "sJelc?JEqc llJIIlA aDtasso,t g pw otoSl\aDl DlsluDg uea^\leq dqsuonu Ier asolc u pa,rraued e^€r{ ed\ 'slseqlu? 'slseqlu? uellod eJoJeqelfls eqt Jo srpslJelr?JEqcuopJesxe Eulmp pu€ eJogaqqu1 qluer.rsdeq1 'srseqlrje 'lnoloc Jo Suxeu pu? uoll?lueuo lE squ{ qlueued Jo luelue8uE]Ju Je^\og lueudole,lep prog Supnlcur se1z1srelcumqc Sulugap eruos uo suorplresqo 3u11eu tuo{ sn petrueleJdseq s1qtpue eEets srseqlrrB-lsodsr lE pelcelloc sB^\ ep?rrJsetl\ aolassol g Jo srsouSElpeql qrlq^\ lxo{ I?lJelsru luEld .r.esr,rJeqlo sn IIel ?l?p JerllmJ 'erer{ 'aDuo?utal Itun,, pa,tro11o;,(leuorsr,roJd ueeq s€q 1eql SurdnoJ8 Jap€oJq? SulJJeJeJd serJes oturDuoua?p g Jo JF.lsrr?Jleql Sulpnlcur'stueureJ?ldjreqlJo.{uuuqtl,r poer8?srposl" sBq(9rI :666I) e8roag {1uo srs,{1eueda1s-lsrg e sz papJBBeJeq tsnur EXBIpe,rloserun ,4uzuros qlr,!\ pw (I99 :9661 se8pel ry elerq1) ,,fruouoxel Sulsrye qll,lr q4"rrr Jood {l1eJeuaSe pecnpord,, s€rl srsfl?u€ eqJ 'arslarg snueiqns 'ltElsp 'Dronua 'DioSwaol ulqlr \ "ripa"saoua)w rrrgrneJ!!zt*fl| g ptm g o Dt$luog g sl qau./rl 'serceds '>I '>I Jo auo aeJql tD.!\ slelqJ aDacDtqco seues pu€ elerqJ DUD(alpulI seues crgrcedsouoru srlrrd\ ,r//r.rr, ,r1ruom) p(I? ,I{rr8 \\euluo our"l\ U N pr? epto Wd Nr)tsidVol. 15,No. I (2002) 41a: Conflorescencescylindrical, barel-shaped,ovoid with axis 5 1l cm long; perianthlimb tetagonous; style glabrous;follicle 30-45 mm long 42 Leaf lobes t obtuse,l-3 mm long . B. lemanniana Banksia rosseraeP. Olde & N. Marriott. sD.rloy. A Bank;ia laevigata Meissner habitu lignotuberoso, cortice praecipue prope basem fruticis papyracea,conflorescentiis minoribus et nutantibus,perianthio glabro, bracteis non aristatis,stylo sparsimtomentoso basem versusJ fructibus minoribus,folliculis maioribuset conspicuiodbusdift'ert. Typus: rear Mount Magnet [exact location withheld for conseruationreasons], Westem Ausftalia, 4 September2001, K. Alcock 902 (/lolo: PERTH; iso; MEL, NSW). Differs from Eanksia LaevigataMeissner in its lignotuberoushabit, in its paperybark (especially near the baseof the shrub),in its smaller,nodding conflorescences,its bractsnot awned,its perianth glabrous,the style sparselytomentose near the baseand in its smallerinfructescences with larger and more conspicuousfollicles. Cot ledons spreading,obovate-cuneate, with upper margin oblique and crenulate,flat to concave, 9-14 mm long, 5-14 mm wide, medium green with a red margin, reticulate; upper surfaceflat to concave,prominently reticulate;margin oblique and the apexslightly crenulate:audcles horizontal to slightly descending,acute, 1.5-2 mm long.

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