LAND OFF LIVERPOOL ROAD BUCKLEY PRELIMINARY ECOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT TEP 8 Trinity Street London SE1 1DB Tel: 020 3096 6050 E-mail: [email protected] www.tep.uk.com Offices in Warrington, Market Harborough, Gateshead, London and Cornwall PLANNING I DESIGN I ENVIRONMENT Land off Liverpool Road Buckley Preliminary Ecological Assessment Document Title Preliminary Ecological Assessment Prepared for Wales & West Housing Prepared by TEP - Warrington Document Ref 7933.002 Author Stephanie Davies Date November 2020 Checked Lee Greenhough Approved Lee Greenhough Amendment History Check / Modifie Version Date Approved Reason(s) issue Status d by by Updated phase 1 and bat survey of 55 1.0 24/11/2020 JC LG Final Liverpool Road Land off Liverpool Road Buckley Preliminary Ecological Assessment CONTENTS PAGE Executive Summary .............................................................................................................. 1 1.0 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 3 2.0 Methods .................................................................................................................. 5 3.0 Results .................................................................................................................... 9 4.0 Conclusions ........................................................................................................... 24 5.0 Recommendations ................................................................................................ 28 TABLES PAGE Table 1: Sources of ecological information ............................................................................ 5 Table 2: Habitat Suitability Index (HSI) Scoring ..................................................................... 6 Table 3: Tree roost assessment criteria (from Table 4.1 of BCT Guidelines 2016) ................ 7 Table 4: Internationally designated sites within 10km of the site ........................................... 9 Table 5: Nationally designated sites within 5km of the site .................................................. 11 Table 6: Results of HSI Assessment (2019) ........................................................................ 19 Table 7: Preliminary roost assessment of trees and buildings ............................................. 19 FIGURES PAGE Figure 1: Site Location within Wider Landscape (Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2019) ....................................................................................... 4 Figure 2: Semi-improved neutral grassland ......................................................................... 17 Figure 3: Plantation broad-leaved woodland ....................................................................... 17 Figure 4: Dense scrub ......................................................................................................... 17 Figure 5: Tall ruderal ........................................................................................................... 17 Figure 6: Pond P1 ............................................................................................................... 18 Figure 7: Pond P2 ............................................................................................................... 18 Figure 8: Pond P3 ............................................................................................................... 18 Figure 9: Dry ditch ............................................................................................................... 18 APPENDICES APPENDIX A: Ecology Desk Study APPENDIX B: Habitat Survey Target Notes DRAWINGS Phase 1 Habitat Survey G7933.015A Liverpool Road Masterplan 7933.002 November 2020 Version 1.0 Land off Liverpool Road Buckley Preliminary Ecological Assessment Executive Summary 1. An ecological assessment of land off Liverpool Road, Buckley in North Wales was undertaken in October 2019 for a proposed residential development. 2. A survey of 55 Liverpool road and associated land was undertaken in October 2020. This survey was undertaken as 55 Liverpool road has recently been brought into the site boundary. 3. To determine whether development proposals are likely to have a significant effect on Deeside & Buckley Newt Sites Special Area of Conservation (SAC) and Buckley Claypits & Commons Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) adjacent to the site, an Assessment of Likely Significant Effects (ALSE), producing a Habitat Regulations Assessment (HRA) Screening Report will be required. 4. A Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) will be produced and implemented to avoid pollution from construction activities to impact nearby designated sites. 5. Public open space within the masterplan is provided to alleviate impacts associated with increased recreational pressure on nearby publically accessible designated sites by future residents. 6. The main internal hedgerows will be retained within the masterplan. The plantation woodland in the east of the site will be retained within the masterplan as part of the ecology wildlife corridor. Appropriate tree protection measures to protect the retained woodland, retained trees and retained hedgerows during construction will be required in accordance with BS5837:2012. 7. All ponds on site will be lost within the current masterplan. Three ponds will be created within the ecological mitigation area. 8. Japanese knotweed was recorded on the site and will require eradication by a contractor experienced in the treatment of this species. An Invasive Species Control Strategy will be required. Himalayan balsam, cotoneaster and Montbretia were also identified on site, treatment, control and disposal of these species will also be included within the Invasive Species Control Strategy. 9. A great crested newt (GCN) licence from Natural Resources Wales (NRW) will be required to permit development on site. Consultations with NRW, Flintshire County Council (FCC) and Amphibian and Reptile Groups of the UK (ARC UK) will be required to discuss licence requirements for the site. In collaboration, a GCN mitigation scheme will be required to support a licence application to NRW. A buffer from the adjacent SAC/SSSI, designated for breeding GCN populations, will be a requirement within the mitigation strategy. 10. A pre-commencement check to ensure that badgers have not moved into the site in the intervening period is recommended. There are no seasonal constraints for undertaking badger surveys. 11. Any trees/buildings identified as having suitability for roosting bats that will be unavoidably lost to the proposals will require further bat surveys. The optimal 7933.002 November 2020 Version 1.0 Land off Liverpool Road Buckley Preliminary Ecological Assessment seasonal window for nocturnal roost surveys is from May to August. Replacement roosting opportunities could be provided through bat boxes incorporated at appropriate locations within the proposed development. 12. Any vegetation clearance, including demolition, should be conducted outside of the bird breeding season (March-August) in order to avoid potential harm to nesting birds. Where clearance is necessary during this period, a pre-clearance check should be made by an ecologist no more than 24 hours in advance. Where an active nest is identified, works will be postponed until the chicks have fledged. 13. A Reasonable Avoidance Measures Method Statement (RAMMS) should be produced to avoid impacts on hedgehog. Gaps in the base of garden fences to allow hedgehog dispersal. The gaps to be in incorporated in fences near the ecology and wildlife area within the east of the site and woodland in the north of the site. 14. In line with Planning Policy Wales (2018) and local planning policy development should aim to minimise impacts of developments on biodiversity and provide net gains. Additionally, Section 6 of the Environment (Wales) Act 2016 requires public authorities, including local planning authorities, to maintain and enhance biodiversity. Therefore a number of measures to protect, maintain and enhance ecological features within the site are recommended to comply with current legislation and policy. Appropriate enhancement at the site includes wildflower meadow planting within POS (Public Open Space) areas of the site, wildlife friendly SUDS and provision of bird and bat boxes. Creation of habitat piles within POS areas. 7933.002 November 2020 Version 1.0 Land off Liverpool Road Buckley Preliminary Ecological Assessment 1.0 Introduction 1.1 TEP was commissioned in October 2019 by Wales & West Housing, to carry out an ecological appraisal of Land off Liverpool Road, Buckley in North Wales. This assessment has been requested to outline ecological constraints and opportunities to inform the potential development of this land for residential use. This report has the following objectives: to describe the existing vegetation and give an overview of the habitats present on the site; to identify whether there are any features of conservation value such as legally protected species or habitats of biodiversity importance; to advise of further surveys or mitigation requirements that may be needed prior to development of the site; and to outline opportunities to provide biodiversity enhancement within site proposals. 1.2 A survey of 55 Liverpool road and associated land was undertaken in October 2020. This survey was undertaken as 55 Liverpool road has recently been brought into the site boundary.
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