Cardiology Journal 2012, Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 110–112 10.5603/CJ.2012.0020 Copyright © 2012 Via Medica HISTORY OF CARDIOLOGY ISSN 1897–5593 Professor Zbigniew Religa (1938–2009). An outstanding cardiac surgeon. Director, Chancellor, Member of Parliament, Senator, and Minister “In order to ignite enthusiasm in others, you yourself must be burning with it…” He was born on 16 December 1938 sian Medical Academy. The following in Miedniewice, a district of Grodzisk year, on 15 August, at the new center, the Mazowiecki (today Żyrardów), to a fami- Regional Center of Cardiology in Zabrze ly of teachers. He obtained his General (now known as the Silesian Center for Certificate of Secondary School in 1956 Heart Diseases), he initiated a modern from the Limanowski Secondary School cardiac surgery program. 15 August saw in Warsaw. From 1956 to 1963, he stu- him conduct the first operation with the died Medicine at the Warsaw Medical personal participation of Prof. Wacław Academy. Following his military service Sitkowski, the guest of honor who per- in 1966 he started work at the Wolski Hospital in formed the surgery. Less than three months later, Warsaw, where under the supervision of Associate on 5 November 1985, with a new team, Zbigniew Professor Wacław Sitkowski he specialized in gene- Religa performed the first successful heart trans- ral surgery and where he remained until 1980. plant. In 1995, he received the title of Associate In 1973, he obtained his doctoral degree, with Professor at the Medical University of Silesia, and a thesis on: ‘Reactive hyperemia in coronary circu- in 1997 the title of full Professor. lation with myocardial contractility in conditions He ran and dynamically developed the Zabrze of assisted circulation in dogs’. He then passed Center for 15 years, i.e. until 30 September 1999. the ECFMG exam (Educational Commission for In 1987, he performed the first heterotopic heart Foreign Medical Graduates) and was granted transplant in Poland in a patient with cardiac failure a scholar-ship at Mercy Hospital in New York. In and pulmonary hypertension. In the same year, on 1975 and 1976, he was a resident at the Sinai Religa’s initiative, a heart and lung transplantation Hospital in Detroit, where under the supervision was attempted, and xenotransplantation of a pig of Dr A. Kantrowitz and Dr G. Wesołowski, he heart into a human was performed. It was only the gained experience in the field of modern cardiac second clinical experiment of this type made with and vascular surgery. the approval of the Ethical Committee in Europe, In 1980, he transferred to the II Clinic of Car- the first being a surgery carried out by the famous diac Surgery at the Cardiac Surgery Institute in heart surgeon M. Yacoub from the United Kingdom. Warsaw run by Prof. Wacław Sitkowski, a distin- The procedure was preceded by more than a year’s guished pioneer in Polish cardiac surgery. In 1981, preparations and experimental studies carried out he earned his post-doctoral qualification and re- together with Prof. A. Alexander from Brussels, and turned to the USA to train in cardiac surgery at the biologists, Prof. J. Czaplicki and Prof. B. Błońska Deborah Heart and Lung Center in New Jersey. In from the Medical University of Silesia. 1983, he was nominated Assistant Professor at the With the support of Prof. Religa, Zabrze’s car- Cardiology Institute in Warsaw. diac surgeons actively participated in the angioplas- In 1984, of his own initiative, he moved to ty in fresh myocardial infarction program initiated Zabrze, where he won the position of Head of the by Prof. Stanisław Pasyk in Zabrze in 1985. They Faculty and Clinic of Cardiac Surgery, at the Sile- took part in surgical revascularization in fresh myo- 110 www.cardiologyjournal.org Marian Zembala, Professor Zbigniew Religa (1938–2009) cardial infarction with the involvement of the trunk, Prof. Religa’s students and alumni have created also in the most difficult patients with cardiogenic and developed modern cardiac surgery units in Po- shock, obtaining good results. land: Marian Zembala with Piotr Knapik, Roman In 1988, thanks to the efforts of Prof. Religa, Przybylski, Jerzy Pacholewicz, Bogdan Ryfiński, the lecturers at the International Congress of Car- Bronisław Czech, and Jacek Wojarski in Zabrze; dio-Thoraco-Vascular Surgery in Katowice were Andrzej Bochenek, Stanisław Woś, Ryszard professors who were then world leaders in cardiac Bachowski, and Tadeusz Ceglarek in Zabrze and surgery: Sir Brian Barratt-Boyes (New Zealand), Katowice-Ochojec; Jacek Moll in Zabrze and Łódź; Donald Ross (United Kingdom), Ronald Hetzer Janusz Skalski in Zabrze and Kraków; Michał (Germany), Gerald Buckberg (USA), Walt Angel Wojtalik in Zabrze and Poznań; Bronisław Czech, (USA), L. Gonzalez-Lavin (USA), Bruno Messmer Jacek Wojarski and Ewa Kucewicz in Zabrze and (Germany), Freddy Vermeulen (Holland), John Białystok, Tadeusz Gburek in Zabrze and Zamość; Bailey (United Kingdom), Daniel Walther (Belgium), Jacek Skiba, Witold Gwóźdź and Roman Cichoń in Francis Hitchcock (Holland), Andree Moulert Zabrze and Wrocław; Jacek Kaperczak and Jan (Holland), and many others. Borzymowski in Zabrze and Opole; and Ireneusz Between 1985 and 1999, under the guidance of Haponiuk in Gdańsk. Prof. Religa, the Zabrze center, with the active par- In 1987, Prof. Religa initiated an educational aid ticipation of its students and employees, enriched program in the field of modern cardiac surgery and Polish cardiac surgery by new, previously unknown cardiology, training doctors from Ukraine and Geor- in Poland, solutions, such as arterial revasculariza- gia. Today, this is the largest Polish professional tion with the introduction of both thoracic arteries training aid program in cardiovascular diseases, and (1987), the inferior epigastric artery (1992) and the includes 22 cardiology and cardiac surgery centers, radial artery (1995) in the treatment of ischemic not only in Ukraine and Russia, but also Cyprus, heart disease. Kosovo and Slovakia. Blood cardioplegia was introduced in 1988 and Due to Zbigniew Religa’s special interest in additionally administered into the coronary sinus in mechanical circulatory assistance, in 1986 the Clinic coronary and valve defect surgery. New in Poland in Zabrze began co-operation with the then reco- treatment methods of paroxysmal ventricular tachy- gnized and accessible to us international medical cardia were developed, together with intraoperative centers in Brno, Czechoslovakia and Moscow, mapping and new methods of autooxygenation us- USSR. As a result of this international collaboration ing the patient’s own lungs. In 1993, for the first of teams led by Prof. Religa with foreign partners time in Poland, in Zabrze, pulmonary thromboen- including professors Jaromir Vasku and Stefan darterectomy was carried out in chronic pulmonary Czerny from Brno and Sergey Shumakow from venous thromboembolism. Moscow, the first clinical implantation of Czech pneu- In collaboration with world-leading surgeons and matic left ventricular assist pumps was performed cardiac surgeons, new pioneering treatment me- in Zabrze: BRNO-VAD (1986) and BRNO-TAH thods were introduced in Zabrze. In 1993, Dr Stuart (1987). The POL-VAD (1993) and POL-TAH (1996) Jamieson of the University of San Diego performed Polish pumps assisting the failing were an original in Zabrze the pulmonary thromboendarterectomy. achievement and a personal success of Zbigniew Dr J. Chachques carried out the first cardiomyoplas- Religa and his team of cardiac surgeons and bioengi- ty using the latissimus dorsi to support the work of neers (R. Curator, Z. Nawrat, P. Wilczek) in Zabrze. the failing heart, while Randal Batista from Brazil In 1992–1995, Zbigniew Religa was an adviser performed in Zabrze a reduction ventriculoplasty. to the President of Poland, Lech Wałęsa. At the Poland’s first implantation of a stentless aortic same time, he continued to supervise work on the valve was performed in 1998 in a 75 year-old pa- Polish artificial heart. In 1991, together with Dr. Jan tient by S. Westaby from the University of Oxford. Sarna and Silesian cardiac surgeons and bioengi- The first implantation of prototype stent grafts of neers, he created the Foundation for Cardiac Sur- the center’s own production was carried out in 1998 gery Development. The Foundation’s objectives are in Zabrze by Prof K. Lauterjung from Munich, Ger- the implementation of new technologies into clini- many in patients with thoracic aortic aneurysm. In cal practice, scientific research, and a training and 1999, Dr Kit Arom from the University of Minnea- scholarship program for Polish and foreign medical polis conducted the first minimally invasive mitral personnel. valve implantation, thereby starting the program of In 1993, Zbigniew Religa became Director of minimally invasive mitral valve surgery in Zabrze. the Institute of Heart Prosthesis of the Foundation www.cardiologyjournal.org 111 Cardiology Journal 2012, Vol. 19, No. 1 for Cardiac Surgery Development. He was a mem- the Institute of Transplantation and Artificial Or- ber of the Scientific Council (1992) and the National gans in Moscow (Russia). Council of Transplantation (1993) at the Ministry He was a member of many scientific societies, of Health. including: the European Society for Cardiovascu- Also in 1993, at the personal request of Presi- lar Surgery, International Society for Heart and dent Wałęsa, he ran for the Senate and won a man- Lung Transplantation, European Association for date for the 1993–1997 term. Cardio-Thoracic Surgeons, the European Society of Beside active participation in the country’s Artificial Organs, the American College of Angiolo- political life, he was also the Vice Chancellor of the gy, the Association of Polish Surgeons, the Polish Silesian Medical Academy from 1996 to 1999. In Cardiac Society and the Polish Society of Trans- 1999, after returning to Warsaw from Zabrze, he was plantology. He was invited to deliver more than invited to run the Central Clinical Hospital in War- 100 papers at international congresses and scien- saw, where he launched the first heart transplant tific meetings.
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