California State University, Monterey Bay Digital Commons @ CSUMB Franciscan Publications Spanish Viceroyalty [AD 1542/1769-1821] 2-14-2019 1916 - The Missions and Missionaries of California, Index to Volumes II-IV, Zephyrin Engelhardt Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.csumb.edu/hornbeck_spa_2 Part of the Arts and Humanities Commons, Education Commons, Law Commons, Life Sciences Commons, and the Social and Behavioral Sciences Commons Recommended Citation "1916 - The Missions and Missionaries of California, Index to Volumes II-IV, Zephyrin Engelhardt" (2019). Franciscan Publications. 12. https://digitalcommons.csumb.edu/hornbeck_spa_2/12 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Spanish Viceroyalty [AD 1542/1769-1821] at Digital Commons @ CSUMB. It has been accepted for inclusion in Franciscan Publications by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ CSUMB. For more information, please contact [email protected]. T C 1/ v-snmne v *<t) \^H A Slsd. -^V^^^NV^ SraS^^iL' \\yfr THE, FBANOISOAN MISSIONS E THE MISSIONS AND MISSIONARIES OF CALIFORNIA BY FR. ZEPHYRIN ENGELHARDT, O. F. M. AUTHOR OF <p I "The Franciscans in California" "The Franciscans in Arizona" ' ' ' ' The Holy JXCan of Santa Clara INDEX TO VOLS. II -IV ' El alma de la hUtoria es la verdad sencilla. Pal6u, Prol. de la Vida SUPERIORUM PERMISSU ST. PETER'S GmTO 816 SOUTH C CHICAGO, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. THE JAMES H. BARRY COMPANY 1916 COPYRIGHT BY ZEPHYRIN ENGELHARDT is m TO ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA In a work of this kind, notwithstanding scrupu- lous care, it is scarcely possible to avoid all mistakes. It is hoped, however, that errors may not be so nu- merous nor so important as to cause difficulties. INDEX Acosta, Fr. Natividad, iv, 676 Act, last, in the Mission drama, Abad, Santiago, ii, 121 iv, 470 Abalorios, Indian money, beads, Activity of Fr. Gonzalez Rubio, ii, 619 iv, 676-677 Abandoned Missions, iv, 324, Additional taxes on Indian 370, 372, 373, 445, 465-466 Missions, iii, 225 Abella, Fr. Ramon, ii, 625; iii, Administration of friars suc- accompanies expedition, 27;- cessful, see Success on Indian mortality, 29-30;- Administrators installed, iii, 546- demands rights for Indians, 548, 577;-one faithful, iv, 133- 186-187;-refuses oath, 243-244;- 134;-Vallejo disgusted, 139;- ment., 31, 57, 160, 220, 270, insolence of, 142-147;-abuses 273, 445, 452;-iv, death, 279;- of, 163;-supplanted by mayor- ment., 41-42, 102, 115, 237, 295, domos, 164 327;-autograph, iii, 186 Admission, reluctant, of Pio Abrego, Jose, iv, 127, 472, 477, Pico, iv, 17-18 481, 506 Admission of California into Absolute power, Mission Fa- Union, iv, 661 thers had no, ii, 616-617 Adobes, or sundried bricks, ii, Absolute subjection of Fathers 247,- 560-561 planned, ii, 314, 417, 422-424 Adoratorio ceremonial, ii, 37 Abstinence from flesh meat, iii, Adrian VI, Pope, iii, 46;-iv, 304 160-161 Adultery among savages, ii, 240 Absurd charges, iv, 420-422 Adults, regarded as in Missions, Abuse each other, Pico and ii, 299, 449, 619 Castro, iv, 487-488, 491-494 Advantage taken of mission- Abuse of power, ii, 442-443, see aries, iii, 444 Neve, Echeandia, Figueroa, Advice, churlish, of Figueroa, Pico, Secularization iii, 561-562 Abusing decree of Spanish Cor- Affection of friars for Indians, tes, iii, 348 iv, 454, see Fr. Serra, Fr. Acapulco, ii, 3, 441, 486;-iii, 16, Duran;-of neophytes for 17, 53, 73, 253, 442, 513;-iv, friars, ii, 277-278;-iv, 13 176, 269 African Moors less bad than Acayucan, Oaxaca, ii, 342 Mission enemies, iv, 111 Accent on Spanish names, ii, Afternoon services, Sundays p. vi and holydays, ii, 256 Accolti, Rev. Michael, S. J., iv, Agatha, St., ii, 397 627, 677, 680-681 Agaton, Indian, iv, 452 Accommodations, poor, see Age of paisano chiefs, iv, 54 Bishop Diego, Fr. Duran, Fr. Agents, Indian, frequent draw- Ibarra, Fr. Quijas, Fr. A. backs, iv, 596;-first in Cali- Real, Bishop Alemany fornia, iv, 654-657 Accountability for wrongs to Aggeus, Old Testament Proph- Indians, iv, 111 et, iv, 49 Accounts of friars scrupulous, Aggravating case, iv, 603-604 ii, 580;-iii, 249 Aggravating circumstances, ii, Accusations, false, ii, 277, 346;- 291, 330-335, 384 iii, 461;-iv, 7, see Calumnies Agreda, Mother Mary, ii, 101 Accusations, fortunate, ii, 459 Agreeable surprise for priests Achievements of the Missions, and Indians, iv, 596 see Success, Tabular Reports Agreement between Franciscan Acorns as food, ii, S3 Colleges, iii, 407 Index 41 Agreement for holy Masses, ii, Alamo, Real del, ii, 19 67, 170;-iii, 451, 453;-iv, 708- Alamo, Texas massacre, iv, 709 Alamos, Sonora, ii, 366;-iii, 161 Agriculture at the Missions, ii, Alange, Cabinet Minister, Spain, 7, 83, 219, 258, 262, 594-595;- ii, 457 193 iv, 532-535. Alarcon, Hernando de, ii, 642 Agriculture among the settlers, Alaska Indians, ii, see Settlers, Colonists. Alberni, Pedro de, ii, 465, 516, Agriculture, Neve would elim- 532 inate in Missions, ii, 332 Alcaldes, Indian, ii, 336-346, 540-543 Agua Caliente, ii, 175;-iv, 571, 426, ;-iii, 397, 455, 487;- 642 iv, 448, 683 Agua Caliente, or Jacopin Alcaldes, Mexican, refuse to S. 562 (Warner's Ranch), iii, 143 serve under U. flag, iv, Fr. 718 Agua de los Alisos, ii, 32 Alcina, Jose Maria, iv, Francisco S. Aguardiente, ii, 576-577, 592 Alegre, X., J., iv, Aguas Calientes Convention, iv, 190 795-796 Alegre, Fr. Miguel de la Cruz, 711-712 Aguichumu, Canada de, iv, 261, iv, 735 Alemany, Most Rev. Jose Sa- doc, O. P., iv, appointed Bish- Aguila, Mexican periodical, iii, 267 op, 666-668;-welcomed at San 682;-at Santa Bar- Aguirre, Jose Antonio, iv, Francisco, 688;-first ment., 129, 174, 220, 226, 232, bara, 683-684, pas- Fr. Gonza- 241, 257, 519;-marriage of, toral, 684;-names lez 230;-tithe collector, 247. vicar-general, 684, 693;-at Monterey, 684-687 ;-wants Fr. Aguirre, Juan Bautista, ii, 164- Gonzalez to 712;- 165, 180, 202, 319, 321, 395 stay, 697, Notre Dame Sisters Agurto, Rev. Maximiano, iv, 690 assigns to San Jose, 689;-grants Sta. Agustin I, Emperor of Mexico, Clara to Jesuits, 691;-con- (Iturbide), iii, 159. Aid refused to Fr. Garces by vokes first synod, 692;-not recognized by Mexico, 670, Rivera, ii, 196 Ailments most common among 671, 694;-at Baltimore Coun- cil, 694;-goes to Mexico, 694;- the friars, ii, 533. Ailments of the Indians and demands not allowed, 694;- returns to California, 695, soldiers, ii, 608-609. 696;-first ordinations, 696;-se- Aim of the missionaries, ii, 242; cures Sisters of Charity, 697;- -iv, 527-528;-of Missions, iii, 120 made Archbishop, 710-711 ;-or- ders books restored to Fran- Aim of turbulent Indians, iii, 481 ciscans, 709;-affection for the 705, 709;-assists Aim of Mission enemies, iii, Franciscans, in their 700- 481 ;-556-557, see Pico, Eche- founding college, andia 705;-convokes first synod of the archdiocese, 713;-ordains Ajata, or Las Llagas, iii, 143 priests, 716;-installs Bishop Alabado, ii, 128, 147, 175, 192, for Fr. 254, 369, 627 Amat, 717;-veneration J. J. 719-720;-prose- Alajulapu, Mission site, ii, 600 Jimenp, cutes and wins Mission Land Alaman, Lucas, ii, 650;-iii, 195, 208-209, 346, 373, 468-470, 517 Case, 732-733, 745;-ment., 673, 692, 693, 706, 707, 709, 711, 712, Alameda, Cal., ii, 96, 181, 503, 506 731, 816 Alameda County, iii, 647 Alert, The, ship, iv, 84 Alameda Creek, ii, 96, 492, 516 Aleutian Islands, ii, 438 Alamo. Fr. Antonio, ii, 626; iii, Alexander VI, Pope, ii, 460, 51,53 670-671 Index Alexander, Cyrus, iv, 415-416 ment., 281, 301, 323, 350, 356, Alipas, Gervasio, iv, 34 359, 365, 372, 510, 530, 535, Alisguey, land grant, iv, 261, 735 597, 600, 656;-iv, ment., 5, Allegiance, oath taken, iii, 148- 15, 38, 50-58;-veracity, 40;- 149;-refused, 243-245, 268-273;- takes oath as governor, see Fr. Sarria, Fr. Duran. 59;-not recognized south, Allegiance to governments, iv, 60;-at Santa Barbara, 60-65;- 30 plans revolt under new flag, Alleged assembly meeting, April 64-65 ;-at Los Angeles, 66;- 13, 1846, iv, 757-758, 771 recognized by Mexican Gov- Allen, James, iv, 589 ernment, 75-76, 123-124;- All Hallows Seminary, Ireland, pledged against the Missions, iv, 708, 716 99;-ment., 73-76, 79, 91, 92, 96, Allowance to Fr. Cavalier at 99, 104, 112, 118, 120, 124;- Mission San Luis Obispo, ii, versus M. Vallejo, 125-128, 103 268-269;-married, 125;-versus Allowance to missionaries, ii, Graham, 128-129;-rule of plun- 84, 219;-iii, 53, 55 der, 131-135;-reglamento on Allowance to Governor Sola, Missions, 142-145, 163-169, iii, 150-151 175;-disgusts Hartnell, 184;- Government All to all, friars, ii, 383-384 ignores Supreme Almejas Point, ii, 49 decrees, 268;-made colonel, Almonte, Juan, iv, 481 269;-to Bishop Diego, 226, to Alms, stipends regarded as, ii, 232-233, 236;-addicted liq- 529;-iii, 545, see Stipends uor, 268;-his troopers plunder Mission Santa 360-361 Almud, dry measure, ii, 103, Clara, ;- 113, 512, 554 treachery to governor, 423- to Alone, friar at a Mission, ii, 424;-delegate congress, 424, 524 472;-ment., 156, 177, 203, 271, Alonso, Fr. Bernardino de, iv, 273, 285, 307, 309, 318, 320, 712 325-327, 331, 332, 335, 364, 367, Alric, Rev. Henry, iv, 690 420, 437, 481, 485, 491, 492, Altaneria Espanola, ii, 671 502, 504, 576, 594, 684;-pur- chases Alta California, iv, 668-669, 703 San Jose Mission land, Altar wine, iii, 571, see Wine 507;-on Vallejo, 546;-absurd Alterations at Missions to be charges, 783-784;-apt pupil of avoided, ii, 630 Voltaire, 784, 789-791, 794;- shameless letter to Fr.
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