l server an independent student newspaper serving notre dame and st. mary's Vol. XII, No. 111 Thursday, April 6, 1978 Friedan explores women's role by Marjorie Irr background in surburban life that women today are familiar with. made her aware of and sensitive to Professional schools now have high Betty Friedan, founder and first "the problem that has no name." percentages of women enrolled. president of the National Organiza­ Friedan's name for it was the title "Georgetown's law school is 40 tion for Women (NOW}, told a of her book, The Femlnlme Mys­ percent women." In addition, mostly female audience in tique. women have better roles in the O'Laughlin Auditorium last night media and politics. "Now we see that by "asserting their personali­ The women's movement Barbara Walters, Mary Tyler ties and uniqueness women have Moore and even Charlie's Angels. found identity with other women The year after the book was They might be sex objects (referr­ and moved into the mainstream of published, Friedan initiated the ing to the Angels). but they think, American society.'' effort to end discrimination on the they have some pizazz," she noted. Friedan, who spearheaded the basis of sex. The movement began women's movement in 1963 with when the Congress was pasing the Image Distortion her best-seller The Feminine Mys­ Civil Rights Act of 1964, Friedan tique. was a keynote speaker for explained. With all its victories, the fight for Women's Opportunity Week at "Title VII of the bill was to equality is not without its prob­ Saint Mary's College. provide an end to sex discrimina­ lems, Friedan continue'd. "The After informing the audience tion. But Congress had to be media treated the women's move­ that the changes of the past 15 adjourned because of the laughter. ment as a joke. Some women were years, along with the Equal Rights It was a joke. It was included but it acting with rage. Then, in the late Amendment, are in jeopardy, Frie­ was not going to be enforced," she 60s when the college students got dan discussed the traditional role of recalled. involved, they applied the class the American woman. NOW started in 1966 but it was warfare interpretation to the move­ "A woman was detined by her not until a few years later that it ment. That was too extreme. The necessity," Friedan said."lt's what gained respect, legitimacy and image was distorted and the media we grew up with in the Judeo­ enough power to influence some exaggerated it even more." Christian heritage. Motherhood landmark decisions for women, she "The womens' movement was was the role of the woman. She noted. only part of a much larger revolu­ was the breeder of the human "At one time, the only job a tion - a sex role revolution." race." stated the mother of two. woman could apply for at American However, Friedan explained, not "You don't remember how iso~ Telephone and Telegraph was as every one accepts the need for this Jated women were. Women were an operator. The airlines used to revolution. blanked out beyond their sexual make stewardesses retire when "There is an enemy out there. It relation to men," Friedan said, they turned thirty or got pregnant. is the reactionary forces that really recalling the late fifties when she Now they can age gracefully in the feel threatened. It is the John was a surburban housewife. Betty Friedan, author of The Feminine Mystique drew a large, skies." Birch groups, the right-wing "After World War II. women mostly female crowd last night at Saint Mary's. [Photo by Ken - Friedan admitted that the post­ church hierarchy, and the Klu Klux were seduced and bemused to McAlpine] War image is not one that college [Continued on page 2] think that there was nothing wrong with giving up their education to put their husbands through school. It was her duty to be a wife and mother.'' Friedan said. Election violation may change results Women's magazines and televi­ by Mike Lewis ballot box misunderstood and vote in the election today to· Activities and the Senior Class sion. she explained. reinforced the News Editor thought that the hours for voting at determine the sophomore class Officers. Senior Class President image. "Nobody realized, though. the Huddle were the same as the officers. Pat Flynn pointed out that the that this image was an insult. Off campus students will be able residence halls.' There are approximately 130 election committee had a copy of Usually. she didn't have the energy to vote today in the Junior and Reid added "The votes cast juniors living off-campus, more the hall rules. "It was an oversight or the consciousness to know what Senior class elections due to a today will determine the winner of than enough to alter the outcome of on our part," he said. was wrong." violation of the election rules last the senior class elections." Tuesday's voting. "The rules were there. I guess Friedan spoke of the plight of the Tuesday. Sophomore off-campus votes will Jerry Castellini, who defeated they've been there since Knute housewife who realized that some­ Assistant Director of Student determine the two final tickets for Terry Frick in the senior class has. It was our mistake," Flynn thing was wrong. "that getting Activities John Reid said that the junior class election, and a election said, "I was told that we said. the shirts white was not enough." sophomore and junior off-campus run-off election will be held tomor­ won the election and there was no Flynn also noted that the Senior Most were made to feel that residents did not get to vote row for those class officers he problem. After Student Activities Class officers will suggest a ''gene­ something was wrong with them or because the off-campus ballot box stated. declared a winner, they decided to ral election committee, to supervise with their marriages. "She was at the Huddle was not open "all the Reid explained that the number take action." all elections which would be run by made to feel guilty. After all, a time it should have been." The of freshmen living off-campus is He noted that the decision to a Student Government office." He woman's purpose was to get. catch election rules provide that this not significant enough to change hold a special off-campus election hoped that such a committee could and trap her man, from nubility to ballot box remain open from 11 the order of finish in the sophomore would give "135 people the chance "standardize election procedures" senility." a.m. to 5 p.m. Reid explained that class elections, so no special elec­ to choose the Senior officers.'' and provide consistent supervision Friedan said it was her own "The person responsible for the tion is needed. All freshmen may Castellini said the results of Tues­ of elections. day's vote should not have been R~id said the "principle we are released if a special election was trying to uphold is that an election being considered. He pointed out is to express the will of a group of House Democrats vote to lower that off-campus student are not people. It's unclear whether that fully aware of the close results. will has been expressed.'' Social Security tax increases Frick noted that he had no When off-campus residents were knowledge of the violation until not able to vote, the Student WASHINGTON [AP] - House voted to make room in its tentative Even as House Democrats were early Tuesday evening. Activities office, according to Reid, Democrats voted yesterday to re­ financial plan for the year begin­ debating the question, Treasury "John Reid said I had a legiti­ "received some complaints, as did duce Social Security tax hikes that ning Oct. 1 for a S7 .5 billion cut in Secretary W. Michael Blumenthal mate complaint if I wanted to file it,'' the Student Government and go into effect next year and to use Social Security taxes. urged Congress not to change he stated. He added however that Ombudsman. We don't know what income tax revenues to save the The resolution adopted by the Social Security taxes this year. he did not lodge a formal complaint number in which classes were and that Student Activities "took it retirement system from bankrupt­ Democratic caucus does not specify "We do not believe that there is involved.'' cy. any dollar amounts but does put any urgent need in view of the out of our hands because it When the election committee The 150 to 57 vote by the caucus Democrats on record as favoring president's income tax cut propos­ involved other classes.'' discovered the violation, they is not binding on the regular "the use of general revenue funds als that this be done this year," legislative committees. But it puts to finance a portion of the Social Blumenthal said, referring to pressure on the Democrats who Security system with appropriate ' Carter's proposal to partially offset 'The votes cast today control and dominate those com­ reductions in Social Security pay­ the Social Security tax hikes by mittees to push for the changes. roll taxes." reducing income taxes. White House spokesman Jody will determine the winner Democrats control the House by a 2 The caucus resolution calls on to 1 margin. Powell also said the president Democratic members of the House opposes reopening the Social Sec­ of the senior class elections.' Congress last year voted Social Ways and Means Committee to urity bill, saying ''He thinks it prepare legislation as soon as Security tax increases to bring in an would be a mistake to reopen an "I can see that it can conceivably possible.
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