s Military Freedom What right. of Itltp,."lon do military penonncl retain when they ent.,. til SMVice? Editorial P.ge Editor Don Yager commenb on th subject 011 P.ge 2. Serr;illg 'fy of IOlta, 10 cent. a copy ews att e ra 5 Iowa pro· • ation 5 I east rupts S.. Relettd Story P .... 7. wiped out an Israeli attack on EI Kunlella. was reported agreed on the need for a to the end to wipe out the Jewish aat.. Israeli armor smashed into Egypt's This Is astra eglc desert ICttlement on a cease·fire but bogged down on how to word Egypt's old enemy, Saudi Arabia, re­ Sinai Peinsula Monday on the historic in· direct line from the Slnal.Negev frontier a resolution calling for an end to hostilities. ported it was pouring troops Into Jordan vasion rou e to Suez and the Israeli high to Suez. • In London, the Briti!;h government for duty at the front. Support came from co:nmand claimed a 45-mile adva.nc e by In the GlIza Strip. israeli troops were joined the United States in proclaiming a o her Arab lands. midnight of the first day of the Mideast fighting on the outskirts of the ancient policy of neutrality. It ordered its armed "Egypt lias lorctd a military campaign war . town oC Gaza. forces to stay clear of the fighting area. upon us, and aU of us. the entire naUon, Israel also claimed air superiority over Rabin said other columns sliced into the lsra I claimed the (irst victory of the shall stand fast with courage and toad the entire area of the new conflict with Sinai in the center and on the southern cheer," Prime Minister Levi Eshllol of I.· th o! des ruction of 374 Arab planes. sec or. war. saying it had seized Khan Yunis. at the southern end of the Egyptian·admlnis· rael declared in a broadcast. "We Ihall re­ In its sweep into Sinai, the Israelis an· Newsmen were told by Mordechai HOd, pulse the enemy and defeat hil army." nounced the capture of the vital seacoast commander of the Israeli air Corce, that tered Gaza Strip. town of EI Arish. his squadrons had destroyed 374 planes TOWn RopOrted T.ken Gen. Moshe Dayan, Israel', new delente ~tilltte. Egypt announced a thrust of its own into as "certains" and 34 as "probahles." A field dispatch said creck troop and minister wbo led the nation', troops to ~ ouples tank had seized the town. A broadcast victory in the 1956 Sinai war with Egypt, 6-13 Israeli territory after "savage battles" on Rabin added that the air battles gave the Sinai Peninsula, historic Arab·lsraeli by an Israeli military commentalor reo declared, "We are not setUng out for con· 2 or Israel air superiority over the entire battle ported decisive armored cla hes wllh the que t. Our only aim Is to frustrate tbe r; '125 battleground. The Arabs claimed 161 Israeli area. The Israelis issued a breakdown of t ""n!' ISRAELI TANKS move Into Jeru ••lem •• tho Mide ••t crl.l. fI.re. Into wlr. At_ planes down on all fronts . Egyp'ians in the Sinai at Abu AgeiJa. AI attempt of the Arab armies to capture our 7·3 their claims against the Arab air forces time Monday, Israeli troops went Into the bufftr UlM between Israeli and Jordanien Arlsh and at KUntella, where major en· country." The Israeli comma.nd also announced that indicated they caught most of the • room sectors of this divided city and occupied U.N. Truct Commission IMldqlNlrtt,. the,. three assaults into Jordan territorY, the gagements were fou ght in the Israeli·Egyp­ Dayan said the army's task Is "to lever g dis- Egyptian air power on the ground . afttr JordanIan troop. which h.d .urrounded the building withdrew. most importaDt against Jenin. SO miles tian confllct in 1956. and crusb the ring oC blockades and Iggres­ 7-3 In the Arab claims of similar wholesale Eshkol said Israel armor and air force sion wbicb have been created around us." -AP W1r~ southeast of Haifa, from where Jordanian !1'1 fur· de truction of Israeli aircraft. Egypt claim· had penetrated Into Egypt's Sinai penln· U. 3J8. artillery and air attacks had been Cairo radio called on Egypt', armle to 6-15 launched . ed 86 Israeli planes downed, Jordan 23, sula. but he withheld details, citing Ie· "aUack, destroy and liberate PalesUne." .SiiiiI-' In a night session , Israeli Prime MIn· Syria 50 and Lebanon 2. curity reasons. Damascus radio saId Arab forces will not calli· ister Levi Eshkol told his Parliamen' the Bittle ROar Swells Cairo Radio said the Egyptian armor had desl t "unlU the Zionists are completely 6·13 thrust into Israel after "savage battle .. rooms. Israelis had inflicted a "severe beating" As the roar of battle swelled all the way obliterated from our Arab land." linton. on the forces of Egypt, Syria and Jordan from Syria In the north to the Sinai Des­ Monday night. U.N. Secretary·General U Thant reported 6-ZS in the first day of tbe new conflict. ert in the south, there were these develop­ It did not say how far into Israel the that three Indians of the U.N. Emergency or Un· Egyptian forces had penetrated. w rent. As anticipated, the fjghting on the Sinai ments in world capitals: Force were kllled by an IaraeH Itraflng k Fair Peninsula quickly took the dominant role • In Moscow. the Soviet government de­ In the firs' day of war, Israel's port city, run on a convoy and Braiil reported one 6-21AR in the inital hours of the war. manded thaI Israel s'op military action un­ HalCi , and airports at the Arab capitals of of its members killed by a bullet. Ir COn· EI Arish was a vital objective of the Is· conditionally. A government statement ac­ Cairo. Amman and Damascus were struck President Gamal Abdel Nasser ordered 10m apt. SAIGON IA'I - U.S. fighter·bombers at· servation plane had sighted about 100 ene· by air rid s. An interrupted phone call from ror One tacked a Communist MIG airfield in North my troops in a rugged foothill area. raelis in their 1956 drive On Suez, about cused the Israelis of aggression and voiced lhe U.N. peacekeeping force out of EUPt 6-3 125 miles from the Israeli border. "resolute support" for the Arab states. Cairo indicated Israeli planes had returned May 17 alter It had lor more than a dec· us 3rd Vietnam Monday and shot down one of While there was little fighting reported to the Cairo area again at ni ght. orth of three interceptors that scrambled to chal· Monday, troops of the U.S. 9th Infantry Israel's chief of staff, Maj. Gen. Itzhak • In Washington, the White HOll8e called ade enforced an uneasy truce, .lnce the tin Artillery duels hook Jerusalem, the Holy lenge the American planes. Division uncovered 92 Communist bunkers Rabin, said a large number of prisoners on all parties to supPOrt the U.N. Security 1956 Suei war. 2 bed· were taken and heavy casualties were in· Council. The U.S. government announced City divided between Jordan and Israel. This was after Syria brought on the cur· avail· It was the third MlG shot down in three and a large antitank mine in the Mekong 5. Un days. U. S. planes bagged two Saturday. River delta, south of Saigon . The bunkers f1icted on the Egyptians Monday. a policy of neutrality while asking Arab As both side claimed the other started rent cri i by charging Israel planned In wltb -, The Americans made no mention of plane and the mine were dslroyed . Egypt. claimed its armored columns countries to accept a cease·fire . a war that may drag the big power into Inva ion in retaliation for Syrian com m mod· penetrated into Israeli territory after they • In New York, the Security Council Its vortex, Arab radios called for a battle mando ram. 1-47011. losses , but Hanoi claimed two were shot Viet Cong troops executed five Montag· down Monday. nard tribesmen for "antirevolutionary ac· Ground action , sharp over the weekend tions." U.S . officials reported. They said in som e sectors, lapsed into a lull. a company of Viet Cong collected 200 "Th ere were no sign ificant contacts reo tribesmen from three villages in Darlac ported in the 16 announced ground opera· Province, 175 miles northeast of Saigon, tions in the republic," a communique from and herded them together to watch five U.S. headquarters said. of their fellow tribesmen tried by a Viet Israelis, Egyptians Ready The downin g of the MIG brought to 75 Cong court. - by Air Force count ... the number of can· Tied To Tree. firmed Communist interceptors downed The Viet Cong tied the five to trees as over North Vietnam, compared to 20 U.S. they were tried, the officials said. The men planes lost to MIGs. were condemned to death and shot at The MIG wa s downed by a 20mm Gatling once, the report stated. The incident reo Eshkol Blames Nasser, Crowds Cheer In Cairo, gun mounted to an F4C Phantom fighter portedly occurred May 27 , but was not reo flying protective cover for Fl05 Thunder· ported until Monday. chiefs which were attacking the airstrip. In sea activity, the U.S. Navy reported l No Report Mldt the 7th Fleet destroyer Berkeley was Vows To IStand Fast There was no immediate report on dam· raked by Communist fire Sunday while Cry: 'On To Tel I·tralned age at the airfield.
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