Page 16, Hourglass, Monday, October 19, 19S7 The K wajalein Mob Of 100 Doctors Plan Surgery A f\tllo.T1O\I at T1-E Catches Gunman UNTEdSTATES~1Y LOS ANGELES (AP) - tO ass To Save Jessica's Foot An angry crowd of about 100 n b._____ ~_~B_~~_l_ chased a gunman who had frred H our l By Holden LewIS hoped to perform plastiC sur­ a shot mSlde achurch, caught up gery Fnday to graft skin from - J Volume XXIV No 196 Associated Press Writer gery on her forehead to remove her thighs onto her foot With him a few blocks away and Monday, October 19, 1987 a secuon of dead skm and pre­ JeSSIca slept while Bush threw rocks and bncks at hrrn MIDLAND, Texas - Doc­ pare for covenng the spot With talked to her I8-year-old par­ unul pohce arnved, authonUes tors planning more surgery to­ adjacent skm ents, Chip and Reba Gayle SaId day on I8-month-old Jessica JeSSica, who was hsted 10 McClure,m the mtensive care Pohce rescued the suspect U.S. Warships Destroy Iranian Platforms McClure say they're encour­ senous but stable condltlon umt Later, PreSident Reagan as the mob was "mamtrunmg a aged but unable to guarantee Sunday mght, underwent a fas­ called, asking the McClures to lIttle street JusUce on the man's By Norman Black White House spokesman quarters," he said At a Pentagon bnefIng, De­ they'll be able to repan damage cIOtomy Saturday The give the tot "a big kiss" head and shoulders," srud offi­ AP MIlitary Writer Marhn FItzwater said gunfrre Fitzwater said the iranians fense Secretary Caspar WeIn­ to her foot sustamed when she operatIon IS designed to reheve Mrs McClure srud Jessica cer Jerry Wyatt from the four destroyers de­ were seen leaVing the platforms berger saId the destroyers carned was Jammed In a well 21/l days pressure from swellIng cnes m her sleep The suspect SUStaIned slIght WASHINGTON - U S stroyed "the two platforms at on boats before the five-lOch out the attack on the Rostam facIl­ "I don't want anybody to Th toddler fell Into the well Pedlatnclan Debbie Reese head mJunes, srud polIce officer warships today destroyed two one locatIOn They both col­ guns on the destroyers KIdd, Ity, whIch he saId had not pro­ think that she's out of the woods Wednesday morning and was saId Jessica has been smgIng a Sue Leskera Iranian platforms In the PerSIan lapsed " Hoel, Young and LeftWich duced any ou In at least a year as regards her foot, because wedged 10 the narrow shaft for Wmme the Pooh song, a tune The trouble began Sunday Gulfm retalIatIOn forIast week's Pentagon spokesman Fred S opened frre, pounding the facu­ Fitzwater saId he wanted to she's not," Dr Charles 21/2 days Her nght foot was she sometImes sang whIle when a I5-year-old grrl slttlng attack on aU S -flagged tanker, Hoffman said no Amencans lty With an estImated 1,000 emphasIZe "the restrruned nature Younger, an orthopedic sur­ Jammed agamst the Side of the trapped, but Jessica Isn't enthu­ With her frumly 10 Our Lady an actIOn PreSident Reagan were mJured m the attack, which shells of thiS action The preciSIon WIth geon, srud Sunday, adding that well and lost some crrculauon Slastlc about the medical treat­ Queen of Angels CatholIc called "a prudent and restrruned began at 7 am, EDT At least He saId he had no mforma­ which we tned to Idenufy a target Jessica's condltlon Improved She also suffered a pressure ment Church recognIZed a bracelet response" some of the 20 to 30 Iramans on Uon on whether any Iramans Also Sunday, Vice PresI­ sore on her forehead, which was "She's cranky She tells us the man was weanng, srud In a statement read to report­ board abandoned the platforms were picked up by Navy vessels Contmued on page 2 dent George Bush, who was 10 pushed agamst the shaft no She doesn't hke the things Wyatt, who would not Identify ers by hiS spokesman, the presI­ after the U S forces radioed 20 Texas for camprugn appear­ "Her foot IS pmker It's stlll we do, drawmg blood and re­ the family She told pohce the dent descnbed the one-tIme 011 minutes' warmng ances, stopped by Midland not a normal color at all It's stramIng her" In order to keep bracelet was stolen from the dnlhng faclhty as "a mUltary Fitzwater said the shellmg Memonal HOSPItal to VISit WIth cool It IS not warm lIke her left Intravenous tubes In both family's home three years ago platform" and said It had been lasted about 90 mmutes Jessica's parents foot," srud Dr Shelton Viney, a wnsts, doctors have strapped The girl's father confronted "used to asSiSt In a number of ''The Iramans indicated they "ThiS IS what Amenca IS," vascular surgeon her hands to boards along each the man, who pulled out a pistol, attacks on non-bellIgerent shlp­ had heard the warnIng because srud Bush ofthe 58-hour rescue I want you to know that arm frred a shot and ran from the )mg" they reported It to therr head- efforts ''The rock was hard and we're still very concerned "I feel lIke she's at a real church, Wyatt SaId A crowd they couldn't get through, but about that foot We still have to good age, though, that she wIll pursued they heard the vOice and they watch It very closely," Viney eventually forget the maJoTlty Stock Market Plunges wouldn't give up and for 60 ~d "It IS still a day-by-day of thiS trauma," Reese srud First Lady hours, they dug" process We're very hopeful, The McClures srud when By Bill Menezes average had pIled up smce the Doctors planned explora­ but we may not be able to save Jessica goes home they plan to 'Feeling Fine' AP BUSiness Writer begmmng of 1987 tory surgery today to exam me the foot" to have a party "We're gomg to The Dow average swung the TIght foot and determme He Said If everythmg goes have a big bash for her," Mrs After Surgery NEW YORK - Panic selhng Wildly dunng the seSSion, fallmg further treatment They also TIght, Jessica wIll undergo sur- McClure Said swept Wall Street today In a more than 200 pomts 10 the By Susanne Schafer plunge that nvaled the great crash mornmg and recoupmg almost *** then fled ASSOCiated Press Writer of 1929 as the Dow Jones indus­ 100 pomts before resumIng Its FORT COLLINS, Colo *** trIal average fell 500 POInts 10 by plunge (AP) - A woman fended off BEIJING (AP) - SClen­ WASHINGTON - Nancy far the heaViest trading ever on It took Just half a day of fun­ one of two attackers who broke uflc tests on strands of harr Reagan, recovenng from the the New York Stock Exchange ous trading activIty to surpass Briefly mto her apartment by shootmg prove Chma's "Wild man" ex­ surgical removal of her cancer­ That represented a one-day the record for trading volume of him wIth a bow and arrow, au­ ISts, a newspaper says ous left breast, IS "feelmg flOe" loss of 224 percent, far larger 33848 mIllIon shares estab­ thontles said Tests on SIX strands of hrur and IS anXIous to return to the than the prevIous drop of 128 lIshed Just one trading day ear­ TOKYO (AP) - Noboru The woman, who was not found In central and southern White House With PreSident percent on Oct 28,1929, known her About 351 millIon shares Takeshita, leader of the gov­ IdentIfied, was alone m her China, where numerous slght­ Reagan and resume her publIc as Black Monday had changed hands by 1 P m erning Liberal Democratic apartment about 1 a m Satur­ mgs of the "Wild man" were acUvltles The drop helped to more than In WashIngton, the charrman Party's largest facuon, Will day when two men With stock­ reported, showed the hrur did Doctors told the couple on Wipe out the 826-pomt grun the of the Secuntles and Exchange succeed Yasuhrro Nakasone as lOgS over their heads entered not belong to humans or sClen­ Sunday that fmal laboratory Commission, DaVid S Ruder, party preSident and thus as her home, srud polIce offIcer uflcally known animals, re­ tests showed Reagan's cancer INSIDE said he IS concerned by the stock Japan s pnme mInister, party Jerry Wallace ported the WenhUl DaJly In ItS had not spread and her progno­ market's precipitous drop and IS offICials announced today After a struggle m which Saturday edition SIS for full recovery IS excellent consulung With the New York They srud Nakasone, who one of the men attacked the The paper quoted a recent "Mrs Reagan IS recovenn.ef" I Stock Exchange over whether to IS stepping down as party woman, she broke away and ran edluon of Nature magazme remarkably well from surgery /,,, attempt to check It leader Oct 30 after five years mto a bedroom, where she kept that carried the report by LI Reagan's physlctan John Hut­ ClaSSIfied 14 Ruder has recently men­ In office, chose Takeshita after a bow and target arrows, Wal­ Mu, Zeng Xtanzhou and Hua ton saId In a statement released Comics 12 Uoned bnef tradmg halts as a Miscalculation Features 10 bemg given authonty to nomi­ lace Said Tlanwel It said LI collected by the White House Hutton deVice to give markets 10 free TOMBSTONE, Anzona - Michael Dixon, 4, under­ Local 6 nate hiS successor from among When the men followed her the strands of hrur over four said Mrs Reagan's medical fall a breather Asked by report­ estimated the pressure of the Tombstone City park three contenders Takeshita, mto the bedroom, she told po­ years In HUbel, Hunan, SI­ team IS completely satisfied Sports 8 ers If he was consldenng askmg Surf & Sun 2 water fountam dunng a recent VISit Some of the water ShIntaro Abe and KlIChl hce, she shot an arrow mto one chuan and Gwzhou provmces With her progress 10 every re­ exchanges to halt tradmg today, even made It Into hiS mouth although a towel was man's nb cage The two men *** TeleVISion 15 Mlyazawa spect" he replIed, "Not at the present needed for hiS face (AP LaserPhoto) tIme" Page 2, Hourglass Monday,
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