Blackburn, Lancashire, Chymist, Druggist, and Tea of No. 43, Kennedy-street, Manchester aforesaid, Coach Dealer, and late in Lodgings at No. 118, Darwen-street, Driver only. Blackburn aforesaid, out of business. ohn Osmond Quick, formerly in Lodgings at Roby, near George Lee, formerly of Canning-street, Manchester, in Liverpool, in the county of Lancaster, out of business, the county of Lancaster, Commission Agent, afterwards and late of No. 42, Stretford New-road, Hulme, Man- of the Grove Inn, Broom-street, Shude-mll, Manchester chester, in the said county, Surgeon and Druggist, aforesaid, Licenced Victualler and Commission Agent, ^aul Walmsley the younger, late of Ashton, in Mackerfield, and late in Lodgings at No. 37, Dearden-street, Hulrne. near Wigan, in the county of Lancaster, Boot and Shoe Manchester aforesaid, Commission Agent. Maker. David Caleb Britt, formerly of Holmesfield, near Dronfield, lichard Spiby, formerly of the Roebuck, Whittle-le-Woods, in the county of Derby, Schoolmaster, then of Greengate, near Chorley, then of the Rose and Crown, New-lane- Salford, Manchester, then of Belleck-street, Hulme. Man- head, Ulnes, Walton, near Chorley aforesaid, then of the chester, and late in Lodgings, No. 2, Stanley-place, Swan Inn, New-street, Preston, then of the RcWal Oak, Chatham-street, Piccadilly, Manchester, all in the county Poulton-le-Fylde, and also a part of the time occupying of Lancaster, in no business. the Railway Hotel, Poulton-le-Fylde aforesaid, all in the Edward Pollard, formerly of Hindi ey, near Wigan, Lan- county of Lancaster, Licenced Victualler andj Farmer, cashire, Cattle Dealer, and late of Percy-street, Hulme, carrying on business at the said Railway, in the name of Manchester, Lancashire, Husbandman. Ann Spiby, and late in Lodgings at Runshaw-moor, Joseph Clegg Bradbury, formerly of Greenacre's-moor, Chorley aforesaid, out of business or employment, Oldham, Lancashire, Nailer on of Cotton Cards, after- ohn Booth, late of Besses o' th' Barn, Pilkinton, near Bury, ward carrying on business at Nicholson's-mill, Lees, Lancashire, Plumber, Glazier, and Gasfitter. ! near Oldham aforesaid, in copartnership with James William Taylor, formerly in Lodgings at No. 8, Grammar- Cheetham, as Cotton Waste Spinners, under the firm of street, a part of the time occupying a Shop, and carrying Bradbury and Cheetham, and late in Lodgings in Hop- on business at No. 159, Great Ancoat's-street, in copart- wood-street, Oldham aforesaid, Dealer in Cotton Waste, nership with Thomas Hanson, as Earthenware, Glass, and jointly with the said James Cheetham (sued with the said Toy Dealers, under the firm of Hanson and Taylor, James Cheetham). afterwards carrying on the same business on his separate James Cheetham, formerly of the side of Greenacre's-moor, account, the whole of the time Journeyman Machine Oldham, Lancashire, Machine Joiner and Pattern Maker, Maker, and late a Lodger at No. 16, Aquiduct-street, all afterwards carrying on business at Nicholson's-mill, Lees, in Manchester, Lancashire, out of employment. near Oldham aforesaid, in copartnership with Joseph William Topham the elder, formerly residing at No. 219, St. Clegg Bradbury, as Cotton Waste Spinners, under the George's-road, afterwards at No. 53, and late at No. 14, firm of Bradbury and Cheetham, and late in Lodgings in Stock-street, Cheetham, and occupying a Warehouse, Hopwood-street, Oldham aforesaid, Dealer in Cotton No. 11, Back-square, St. Ann's, all in Manchester, Waste, jointly with the said Joseph Clegg Bradbury Lancashire, Calenderer, Packer, and Maker-up, during (sued with the said Joseph Clegg Bradbury). the latter part of the time carrying on businesslunder the Henry Dixon Meade, formerly residing in Lodgings in New firm of William Topham, junior, and Company (sued York-street, Chorlton-upon-Medlock, Manchester, in the in the action of John Lowe, by the name of William county of Lancaster, at the same time occupying an Topham). Office in Ducie-place, Manchester aforesaid, Share Thomas Daniel, formerly of the King Richard the Third, Broker, afterwards in Lodgings at Cheetham-hill, Man- James-street, Thomas-street, Licenced Victualler, then of chester aforesaid, then in Robinson-street, Ardwick, No. 99, Piccadilly, Retail Dealer in Ale, then of No. 97, Manchester aforesaid, afterwards at the Baloon Inn, afterwards called the Brunswick Hotel, Piccadilly, then Rochdale-road, Manchester aforesaid, then residing in of the Houghton Arms, Butler-street, Licenced Victualler, Clopton-street, Hulme, Manchester aforesaid, afterwards then of the Seven Stars, Dixon street, New Islington, in Broughton-lane, Manchester aforesaid, then in Drake- Retail Dealer in Ale and Brewer, then of the Royal street, Hulme, Manchester aforesaid, at the same time Cricketers' Arms, Preston-street, Hulme, and of Dixon- occupying au Office in Pall-mall, Manchester aforesaid, street aforesaid, Retail Dealer in Ale and Common Stock and Share Broker, and late in Naylor-street, Brewer, afterwards a Lodger at the Seven Stars, Dixon- Hulme, Manchester aforesaid, out of business. street aforesaid, Brewer only, and late of the Crooked Bernard Cannon (otherwise Bernard Canning), formerly of Billet and Cambrian Hotel, New Brown-street, all in Deansgate, Manchester, in the county of Lancaster, Manchester, Lancashire, Publican and Licenced Vic- afterwards of No. 22, Oak-street, Manchester aforesaid, tualler. and late of No. 30, Oak-street, Manchester aforesaid, John M'Connall, late of the Minders' Arms, Mitchell- Clothes Dealer, and, whilst at the two latter places, oc- street, Pollard-street, Ancoats, Manchester, Lancashire, cupying a Stall for the Sale of Clothes in Smithfield- Retail Dealer in Ale and Provision Shopkeeper (sued as market, Manchester aforesaid. John M'Connell). Thomas Woodhouse, formerly of No. 6, St. John-place, and Before the Judge of the County Court oi late of No. 5, Glover-street, Preston, in the county of Lan- Lancashire, holden at Lancaster, on Monday caster,Parish Clerk, also occupying a Warehouse in Water- the 13th day of December 1847, at Ten o'Clock street, and a Weaving Shop in Blelock-street,. both in Preston aforesaid, carrying on business in copartnership in the Forenoon. with James Hogg, as Cotton Manufacturers, under the John. Taubman, formerly of Great Orford-street, afterwards firm of Hogg and Woodhouse, and also a Licenced Tea of Aigburth-street, Windsor, Builder, then of Thomas Dealer in Water-street, Preston aforesaid (sued with the street, Licenced Victualler and Builder, afterwards o said James Hogg). Edge-lane, Builder, then of the Castle Mona Hotel, Edge James Hojrg, formerly of No. 50, Leeming-street, and occu- lane aforesaid, Licenced Victualler and Builder, all in pying a Warehouse in Water-street, and a Weaving Shop Liverpool, in the county of Lancaster, afterwards o in Blelock-street, all in Preston, Lancashire, carrying on Castletown, isle of Man, then a Lodger in Hanke-streel business in copartnership with Thomas Woodhouse, as and late of No. 1, Garden-street, Liverpool aforesaid Cotton Manufacturers, under the firm of Hogg and Wood- Joiner. house, and late of No. 50, Leeining-street, Preston afore- William Kay, formerly of the Coach Makers' Arms said, Tea Dealer on Commission (sued with the said No. 19, Booth-street, Manchester, Lancashire, Retai Thomas Woodhouse). Dealer in Ale, afterwards carrying on the sara business at the same place, in the name of Thoma James Taylor, formerly of Onzel Rock, Pendle Forest, near Warr, then in the name of Joseph Yeoman, the: Burnley, Farmer and Cattle Dealer, then a Lodger in of the Turf Tavern, No. 36, Kennedy-stree Wheatley-lane, Pendle Forest aforesaid, Cattle Dealer, Manchester aforesaid, Retail Dealer in Ale, car afterwards of Skippool Thornton, neat Poulton-le-Fylde, rying on business a part of the time in the name of th Farmer and Cattle Dealer, and late a Lodger at South said Joseph Yeoman, afterwards in the name of Willian Shore, near Blackpool, all in the county of Lancaster, Kay, and a portion of the time a Coach Driver, and lat Ostler, and Cattle Siilt-suian on Commission..
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