SENIOR PROM TOMORROW No. 26 VOL. IX GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY, WASHINGTON, P. C, MAY 3, 1928 GLEE CLUB GIVES GASTON-WHITE DEBATE SENIOR PROM TOMORROW NIGHT CLOSES POSTPONED. GEORGETOWN FORMAL SOCIAL FUNCTIONS THREE CONCERTS The annual Gaston-White Debate scheduled to take place in Gaston Hall Offerings Received With Great tonight has been postponed until next Social Career of Class Will Terminate With Affair Tomorrow and Enthusiasm at Woodstock— Thursday, May 10th. Teams repre- Saturday—Music is Furnished by Georgetown Collegians—Many Frank Shuman and Collegians senting the two junior debating so- Novel Features Promised by Committee—John K. Fitzgerald cieties at the Hilltop have been pre- Heads Committee in Charge. Please With Varied Renditions. paring for this occasion for over a month and a very interesting evening's The Glee Club has just completed a entertainment is expected. The sub- The Class of '28 will definitely relinquish the reins of social leadership to its suc- busy week, having made three different ject for the debate reads: "Resolved, cessor after its formal abdication tomorrow and Saturday. As the last notes of the appearances. The first of these was at That the present administration's Collegians orchestra come to an end, the social career of the Class of 1928 will belong the "G" Banquet held last Wednesday three-year naval program should be to history. As the guests depart, the Senior class of Georgetown will resign its night, where many numbers were sung adopted." throne to make place for the Class of 1929, and so on down the years. The formal to a very appreciative audience. On gesture of abdication will be preceded by several hours of unalloyed joy, as the Thursday a concert was given at a re- Seniors dance their throne away. With a fanfare of trumpets from the Collegians, ception held by the Christ Child Society FRATERNITY DANCE the king departs. The Carlton Hotel will be the scene of the resignation, a palace in the honor of His Grace, the Arch- of joy instead of a palace of state. The social career of the Class of 1928 will there bishop Curley of Baltimore. As a re- TO BE HELD MAY 5 come to a decidedly far from mute and certainly not inglorious end, to be succeeded sult of this concert, many engagements by the Class of 1929. "The king is dead ; long live the king." _ were offered to the Glee Club for future All of which means that the Senior appearances. Annual Affair Will Take Place at Prom will be held tomorrow night at the Washington Hotel — Winners Qarlton Hotel from 10 t o 1, with music On last Sunday about sixty members furnished by our own peerless orchestra, of the Glee Club, as well as the Col- of Fraternity Golf, Basketball, FRESHMAN TEA SET the Georgetown Collegians, under the legians, made a trip to Woodstock, the and Tennis Tournaments Are leadership of Charles Bruns. The affair Jesuit House of Studies, where an ex- Announced. FOR MAY ELEVENTH will be held in the main ballroom of the tensive program was rendered before the Carlton and the Tea Dance will be held students and faculty of the institution. Georgetown's Inter-Fraternity Coun- Hall of Nations Will be Scene of the following day, Saturday, from 5 to 8 The Glee Club, without a doubt, received cil will hold its annual Spring dance at o'clock, in the same room. The Col- the greatest ovation it has ever received Last Social Function of the the Washington 'Hotel next Saturday Year—Collegians to Furnish legians will play for the Tea Dance, also. from the extremely appreciative audience night from 10 to 1 o'clock. This is the The committee requests that special note gathered to hear them. Mr. Frank Shu- only all-Georgetown social affair of the Music. be given the hour of the Tea Dance, man was one of the most popular features year and a large crowd is expected to from 5 to 8 o'clock. The subscription for of the concert, and after the regular pro- attend. the Prom will be $8, and for the Tea gram was over Mr. Shuman entertained Psi Omega was winner of the inter- After having been postponed on ac- Dance, $3. Tickets for both, however, a large crowd with an impromptu con- fraternity golf tournament held last count of the Penn Relays, the annual may be obtained for $10. cert. Mr. Charlie Bruns rendered Sunday; Delta Chi was second. Phi Beta Freshman Tea" Dance will be held on Refreshments will be served at the (Continued on page 4) Gamma won the basketball tournament, Friday, May eleventh, at the Washing- Prom. The programs being planned for with Phi Alpha runner-up, and Alpha ton Hotel. The Georgetown Collegians tlic event are said to be very elaborate will furnish the music, and taking into Omega carried off the tennis honors. (Continued on page 12) The officers of the council are: Thomas consideration the enviable reputation J. Downs, of Delta Chi, president; Joseph which this orchestra has won for itself, LAW DEBATERS B. Schertz, of Xi Psi Phi, vice presi- they will leave nothing to be desired in dent; Harold A. Kertz, of Sigma Nu the way of music. The dance will be SENIORS PLAN FOR END 15th YEAR Phi, secretary, and Robert H. Sterling, held in the Hall of Nations. of Tau Epsilon Phi, the treasurer. (Continued on page n) GRADUATION WEEK Annual Banquet is Scheduled for Next Tuesday at Hotel Har- DEGNEN NAMED EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Buckner Heads Committee to rington — John Geraghty is Formulate Plans Regarding Chairman of Committee. AS HOYA STAFF IS ANNOUNCED the Graduation Exercises—Col- legians and Glee Club Will The Carroll Law Club will complete Brunini and Glavin Receive Ap- Charles L. Gleason to Manage Render Program. its fifteenth year as a debating society pointments as Managing Edi- Business Department—Brady on May 9, when the annual banquet will tors—MacKavanagh is New Heads Sports Staff—Circula- The chairman and senior committee for be held at the Harrington Hotel. This tion Manager Succeeds Him- student organization was founded May 4, Columnist—Colman is Desig- the arrangement of the program during 1912, the day that the statue to Bishop nated Exchange Editor. self. graduation week have been selected. Mr. John Carroll was unveiled at the Hill- William P. Buckner was chosen as chair- top. Georgetown's founder was the first Francis X. Degnen, '29, of Newark, Charles L. Gleason, '29, of Cleveland, man ; the other members of the commit- Catholic bishop in the United States, and New Jersey, is the new Editor-in-Chief Ohio, has been named Business Manager tee are as follows: Mr. Joseph Grif- later became the first archbishop of Bal- of the Hoya to assume his duties with for next year to succeed his brother, who fin, Mr. Charles Lamy, Mr. Paul Berno, timore. He was a cousin of Charles this issue. He succeeds Laurence E. Sul- occupied the position during last year. Mr. Ed. Holmes, Mr. Kirby Neill, Mr. Carroll of Carrollton, the last surviving livan at the helm of Georgetown's week- The new manager had charge of the ad- Dan Sullivan, and Mr. Henry Van Ells. signer of the Declaration of Inde- ly. Bringing with him his literary abil- vertising department during the past Plans have been made for many gath- pendence. ity and his experience secured by years of term, and it was on his recognized merits erings the week before the final exam- inations. Saturday night before grad- The newly-elected officers of the club work on various school papers, he is cer- that he received the appointment. The tain to capably fill the post to which he Business Staff, through dint of much ef- uation out in the Quadrangle there will will be present at the banquet, arrange- be music by the Collegians and the Glee ments for which are in charge of the has been assigned. fort, has attained excellent results, and In pursuance of the general policy of it is the hope of the new manager to Club. There will be speeches and ad- following committee: John Geraghty, dresses by well-known men. Sunday chairman; George Hagen, toastmaster; relieving the burden on any one mem- maintain its high standard. ber, it has been decided to have two Man- Heading the Sports Staff is Malcolm night the Senior class will present the J. E. Laughlin, J. Mulvey, F. Ray Gil- play given in honor of the French Am- lespie, J. Herbert Walsh, Charles Quirk, aging Editors this year so as to permit J. Brady, of Steubenville, Ohio. Mal- a weekly alternation in the various duties colm has contributed to the Hoya for bassador, Paul Claudel. The chairman Vallie Whittington, Mark Trice, Claude and committee are working hard to make Hanley, Mr. Schilling, Don Heggy, J. of publication. Joseph B. Brunini, '30, three years, and his recent election as of Vicksburg, Miss., and William A. Editor-in-Chief of "Ye Domesday Booke a success of their graduation and are ar- Waters, James Finlen, Mr. Whitestone, ranging many nice programs during T. J. McKenna, Thomas Sisk, C. Ward Glavin, '30, of New York, have been ap- for 1929" is but another testament of his (Continued on page p) Graduation Week. and A. Campana. (Continued on Page pi ■■■■■■■■■■I THE HOYA Published Weekly at GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY Washington, D. C. Entered as second-class matter, Jan. 31, 1920, at the post office at Washington, D. C, under the act of March 3, 1879. "Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in sec.
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