EXQUISITE NEW AND HISTORIC HOMES IN THE SOUTH DOWNS NATIONAL PARK Welcome to LIVING REDEFINED Welcome to LIVING REDEFINED warm welcome to the glorious AKing Edward VII Estate and the very best country lifestyle. This unique collection of homes just has to be seen to be believed and is a rare opportunity to combine luxury living with unspoilt surroundings. The King Edward VII Estate sits in the centre of the South Downs National Park and is perfectly placed for country living with superb connections. This beautiful historic estate in a glorious, rural setting, will offer a wealth of new and heritage properties, both houses and apartments. Whether you currently live in London or just down the road, the King Edward VII Estate is conveniently located for local living or commuting. The location of the King Edward VII Estate, just 15 minutes south of Haslemere, was chosen over 100 years ago for its natural beauty and health giving benefits. Originally built as King Edward VII Sanatorium, it was designed to bring the crisp South Downs light and fresh country air into its wards - now this fantastic heritage asset is being transformed into luxurious apartments and houses for the enjoyment of current and future generations. City & Country has the exciting responsibility of converting the existing Arts and Crafts inspired King Edward VII Grade II* and Grade II Listed buildings and gardens, into gloriously restored apartments, while its partners CALA Homes and Millgate will each create fabulous new homes in the 165 acres of surrounding parkland. Please read on and learn more about what we hope will be ‘your place in the country’ and please visit soon - I promise you will not be disappointed. HELEN MOORE MANAGING DIRECTOR | CITY & COUNTRY 01730 81 79 79 www.kevii-estate.co.uk 3 LIVING REDEFINED King Edward VII Estate is a landmark development set within 165 acres of woodland which seamlessly blends into the South Downs National Park. Its outstanding natural beauty, walks and excellent commutability to London make King Edward VII Estate an extremely attractive residential proposition. LIVE IN THE HEART OF THE SOUTH DOWNS NATIONAL PARK 4 01730 81 79 79 www.kevii-estate.co.uk 01730 81 79 79 www.kevii-estate.co.uk 5 LIVING REDEFINED THREE PREMIUM HOUSE BUILDERS DELIVERING AN EXCEPTIONAL RANGE OF HOMES 6 01730 81 79 79 www.kevii-estate.co.uk The King Edward VII Estate is an outstanding development of over 400 homes set in 165 acres within the South Downs National Park. Three award winning house builders are creating the new homes at this historically important location: City & Country, CALA Homes and Millgate. CITY & COUNTRY City & Country has a long and distinguished history of sensitively restoring important heritage sites around the UK and will be leading the restoration of the Grade II* and Grade II Listed Buildings and Gertrude Jekyll designed Gardens. Committed to the retention, enhancement and reinstatement of the main architectural and landscape elements of the original 1903-06 King Edward VII Sanatorium, City & Country will be creating over 160 homes from the existing historic King Edward VII buildings ranging from Photograph from previous City & Country development one bedroom apartments to four bedroom houses. CALA HOMES Upmarket housebuilder, CALA Homes will be developing a stunning range of three bedroom mews cottages, four and five bedroom detached homes in the heart of the King Edward VII Estate at Bracken Lane and Superintendents Drive. The properties will offer the latest in luxury, modern living some benefiting from further studio accommodation over the garage and yet have been designed in keeping with the traditional architecture of this historic estate. All properties will include the luxury specification and attention to detail for which CALA is renowned. Photograph from previous CALA Homes development MILLGATE Award winning Millgate will be developing eight bespoke country homes in Crown Wood. These properties will be designed in an Arts & Craft style and range from 3,500 to 4,800 sq ft. The large family homes are nestled in a quiet, leafy corner of the King Edward VII Estate and they will all feature five bedrooms, some split over two floors and others over three. Computer Generated Images indicative of current Millgate project 01730 81 79 79 www.kevii-estate.co.uk 7 LIVING REDEFINED A LANDMARK DEVELOPMENT IN THE SOUTH DOWNS NATIONAL PARK 1 LODGELODGE & VISITORV ISITOR CCENTREENTR E 9 EASTE A ST COURTYARD,COURT YA R D, CITYCIT Y & CCOUNTRYOUNTRY BeautifullyBeautifully rrestoredestored apartmentsapartments byby 2 KINGK ING EEDWARDDWA R D VIIV II SSANATORIUM,A NATOR IUM, CityCity & Country.Country. CITYCIT Y & COUNTRYCOUNTRY CityCity & CountryCountry willwill bbee rrestoringestoring thethe originaloriginal SanatoriumSanatorium 10 GERTRUDEGERTRUDE JJEKYLLEK Y LL GGARDENSA R DENS intointo exquisiteexquisite aapartments,partments, RResidentsesidents willwill hhaveave aaccessccess ttoo TheThe ooriginalriginal ggardensardens willwill bebe replantedreplanted communalcommunal areasareas whichwhich willwill bebe mademade availableavailable forfor eventsevents andand rrestoredestored usingusing referencesreferences fromfrom andand oonn-sitesite guestguest aaccommodation.ccommodation. GertrudeGertrude Jekyll’sJekyll’s originaloriginal drawings.drawings. 3 CROWNCROW N WOOD,WOOD, MMILLGATEILLGATE HHOMESOMES 11 SOUTHSOUTH MMEADOWE A DOW MillgateMillgate willwill bbee ddevelopingeveloping fivefive bbedroomedroom countrycountry WithWith beautifulbeautiful vviewsiews ooff thethe SouthSouth Downs.Downs. homeshomes nestlednestled inin a quietquiet leafyleafy cornercorner ofof thethe estate.estate. 12 COPPICECOPPICE WOODWOOD 4 BRACKENWOOD,BR ACK EN WOOD, CCALAA L A HHOMESOMES CALACALA HomesHomes willwill bbee ddevelopingeveloping a rrangeange ooff tthree,hree, 13 NIGHTJARNIGHTJAR WALKWALK fourfour aandnd ffiveive bbedroomedroom hhomesomes aatt BBrackenracken LLaneane andand SSuperintendent’superintendent’s Drive.Drive. 14 THETHE PLANTATIONPL A NTATION WillWill bbee rrestoredestored toto itsits formerformer glory.glory. 5 ENGINEENGINE HOUSEHOUSE ANDA ND CCOTTAGES,OT TAGES, CITYCIT Y & COUNTRYCOUNTRY 15 WOOLBEDINGWOOLBEDING CCOMMON,OMMON, NNATIONALATIONAL TTRUSTRUST CityCity & CountryCountry willwill bbee rrestoringestoring thethe originaloriginal LowlandLowland heathheath wwithith sstunningtunning viewsviews supportingsupporting EngineEngine HouseHouse aandnd ccottages.ottages. rarerare bbirds.irds. 6 THETHE CHAPELCH A PEL 16 TENNISTENNIS COURTCOURT TheThe GGraderade II*II* ListedListed ChapelChapel willwill bebe fullyfully restoredrestored byby CityCity & CountryCountry fforor ccommunityommunity uusese ssuchuch asas a shopshop oror café.café. MEASUREDME A SUR ED WALKSWA LK S TheThe MMeasuredeasured WalksWalks werewere plannedplanned ssoo tthathat tthehe mmedicaledical 7 NEWNE W BUILDBUILD HOMES,HOMES, CITYCIT Y & CCOUNTRYOUNTRY superintendent,superintendent, DrDr Bardswell,Bardswell, couldcould prescribeprescribe ‘the‘the rightright A rangerange ofof newnew apartmentsapartments andand houseshouses willwill bebe builtbuilt inin walkwalk wwithith pproperroper gradientgradient forfor eacheach degreedegree ofof lunglung power’.power’. thethe surroundingsurrounding area.area. TheseThese walkswalks wwillill bbee rreinstatedeinstated fforor uusese bbyy aallll rresidents.esidents. 8 WESTW EST COURTYARD,COURT YA R D, CITYCIT Y & COUNTRYCOUNTRY BeautifullyBeautifully rrestoredestored apartmentsapartments byby CityCity & Country.Country. TThehe ssiteite pplanlan iiss iindicativendicative oonlynly aandnd ssubjectubject ttoo cchangehange aandnd ssubjectubject ttoo pplanning.lanning. IInn llineine wwithith oourur ppolicyolicy ooff ccontinuousontinuous iimprovementmprovement wewe reservereserve tthehe rrightight ttoo aalterlter tthehe llayout,ayout, bbuildinguilding sstyle,tyle, llandscapingandscaping aandnd sspecificationpecification aatt aanytimenytime withoutwithout nnotice.otice. 8 01730 81 79 79 www.kevii-estate.co.uk 15 14 3 12 HASLEMERE 15 MINS 13 1 KINGS DRIVE 5 2 MIDHURST 7 MINS 4 6 7 8 9 10 16 11 01730 81 79 79 www.kevii-estate.co.uk 9 LIVING REDEFINED LEISURE King Edward VII Estate will offer all the leisure facilities required for modern The estate’s unique Grade II* Listed Chapel will be restored and once day living, conveniently located right on residents’ doorsteps. The luxurious again take its place at the heart of the King Edward VII community, possibly basement swimming pool is for use by residents and will include changing acting as a café, shop and focus for meeting friends and neighbours. The proposed shop will give residents convenient access to basic supplies facilities, sauna, steam-room and large circular jacuzzi. The nearby while the café adds to the social scene. Residents will also have access to residents’ basement gym will include the latest work-out and resistance the communal areas of the original hospital building, including the equipment, while outdoors there will be a new tennis court for use by Dining Hall which will be perfect for King Edward VII functions and residents, in a sylvan setting adjacent to Lords Common.* of course on-site guest accommodation will also be available.* There will also be a series of well signposted Measured Walks around the glorious King Edward VII Estate grounds. These walks can be enjoyed at CONVENIENCE any time by residents and by the public on Heritage Open Days. The King Edward VII Estate Concierge will provide residents with a seven days a week service, including holding keys for
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