M ARCH 2 0 0 9 v o l u m e 17 • i s s u e 3 INSIDE THIS ISSUE H o ly T r i n i T y G r e e k o rth o d ox C H u rch • P i tt s b u r gh , P ennsylvania 2 Father John’s Message 3 News & Events 5 Gheronda’s Corner 6 “Mouse Tales:” The St. Spyridon Library 7 Stewardship Update 8-9 Community Life Photo Journal 10 How to Fast During Lent and Holy Week 11 Lenten Services: A Spe- cial Experience for All 12 The Cultural Side Ç ÐïëéôéóôéêÞ ÐëåõñÜ 14 Philoptochos News 16 How to Approach Holy Confession Also enclosed: Lenten Services Calendar Philoptochos Pascha Bake Sale Godparent/Godchild Sunday Cemetery 2009 Pricing QUICK NEWS O joyful light of the holy glory of the im mortal Father, the heavenly, holy, blessed Jesus Christ. Now that we have reached the setting of the sun and behold the evening light, we sing to God: The Holy Trinity Girls were one Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. It is fitting at all times of three teams representing our community at the Metropolis Bas- to praise You with cheerful voices, O Son of God, ketball Tournament in Columbus, the Giver of life. Behold, Ancientthe world Hymn fromsings the your Vespers glory. Service Ohio, on the last weekend in Feb- ruary. Congratulations to the girls and their coaches for their second Championship win of the season and thanks to all our coaches & players! See p. 8 for more photos. Our Mission: To proclaim and live the Orthodox Christian Faith in its fullness as faithful members of the Body of Christ Pastoral Message | Father John herefore, brethren, stand fast and hold the traditions which you were taught, About the Herald Twhether by word or our epistle. The Herald is the Monthly Newsletter of 2 Thessalonians 2.15 Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church Editor Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Father John Touloumes, Economos Church: 412-321-9282 Lent is here! And to borrow an out-of-season phrase Home: 412-831-3574 E-mail: [email protected] from a contemporary Christmas carol, in many ways, Production “It’s the most wonderful time of the year!” Josephine Stofko, Administrative Asst. Saint Paul captures the essence of that enthusiasm in his Second Epistle to E-mail: [email protected] Contributors Thessalonians above when he reminds the early Christians of that region Michael Kritiotis Voula Hareras to “stand fast and hold the traditions.” If there is any time of year when Maria Kraniou Vickie Bellios Orthodoxy shines in the expression of those traditions, it is during Lent. Rev. Fr. John Androutsopoulos Rev. Fr. Radu Bordeianu There are the liturgical traditions of the special services such as Great Com- Copyright Notice pline, the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts and the Akathist Hymn. Please This newsletter contains copyrighted material of Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church and third party copyright see the explanations of these worship experiences on page 11 of this issue owners, including, without limitation, text, photos, and and make plans to participate in these wonderful blessings with your graphics, and the contents of the newsletter are pro- tected under the United States and international copyright family. Pass along that gift as your share it together! laws. You may not copy, modify, publish, transmit, display, participate in the transfer or sale, creation of derivative There are also the personal spiritual traditions of fasting, service and alms- works, or in any way exploit, any of the content, in whole or in part. No copying, redistribution, retransmission, giving, which all serve to strengthen our commitment to Christ and open publication or commercial exploitation of any material in this newsletter is permitted without the express written our hearts to those around us, both spiritually and materially. permission of Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church and any applicable third party copyright owner. In addition, we are encouraged to enter into a deeper encounter of the About the Parish sacramental traditions of the Church. We should prepare for and receive Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church Holy Communion often. The Mystery of Holy Confession is encouraged for 302 West North Avenue all of us. And Holy Unction is offered for the physical and spiritual healing Pittsburgh, PA 15212-4626 and restoration of God’s people. Phone: 412-321-9282 • Fax: 412-321-7272 Web site: www.HolyTrinityPgh.org There are two good ways to make all of this a mostly empty and obligatory Email: [email protected] experience: 1) Do it all because you are told to, either by your Yiayia, your Holy Trinity Church is a parish of the parents or your priest; and 2) Go through the motions just because you are Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Pittsburgh Orthodox and that’s what we do, even if you don’t understand why we’re (www.odpgh.org) and Greek Orthodox doing it. In both cases, there is an opportunity for God’s grace to find our Archdiocese of America (www.goarch.org) heart, but we have left Him outside knocking, as in the famous painting of under the Spiritual Jurisdiction of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople. Jesus in the garden knocking on a door with no handle on the outside. Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church How can we do better? Use this wonderful season to fulfill its God- Parish Administration ordained purposes: growth in understanding of the rich heritage of your Clergy faith; spiritual cleansing and renewal; an increase in our appreciation for Rev. Fr. John Touloumes, Proistamenos the many ways our loving Father continues to pursue us, love us, forgive us Rev. Fr. Radu Bordeianu, Assistant Priest and accept us, despite our unworthiness and lack of appreciation at times. Parish Council In the end, remember that our most important “tradition” as Christians is Chris T. Balouris, President Anthony Loomis Dean J. Balouris the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. It is to Him all other traditions point. A pow- Sondra A. Balouris Yvonne Balouris erful reminder of that can be found in the following words of Father John George Danis George Dickos of Kronstadt: “It seems that we possess Christ; but we do not possess Christ Joanne Germanos Robert Marsh Himself, but His icons, His Name and more in words than in truth. We Nicholas Sarandou Vasilios Scoumis must possess Christ in our hearts. What is life without Him? Only a sense- Alex Trivilas Gerri Valliant less, sad existence.” Ministries Philoptochos ................Esther Ladakos, Pres. May the greatest possession, that greatest tradition, our Lord GOYA ..........Pres. Becky Touloumes, Advisor Jesus Christ, fill your heart with His love and joy this Holy Lent! Choir ............................John Nychis, Director Over 50 Club .............Stella Athanasiou, Pres. St. Lydia Study ......Stacy Dickos, Coordinator Cemetery ......................Bill Fiedler, Chairman Herald Personal Sponsor for this Issue: Greek School ....Effie Kilantonis, Coordinator Angela Morris Social Hall ........Kathy Romanias, Coordinator Bookstore ..................Bill and Linda Areheart In memory of Michael Morris 2 • HOLY TRINITY HERALD / MARCH 2009 WWW.HOLYTRINITYPGH.ORG News & Events RELIGIOUS EDUCATION their lives and want to learn more as well as those seeking to embrace Orthodoxy from another background and grow Church School Lenten Activities . March, April further in their faith. The group meets on the first and third As always, our Church School ministry will be active during Wednesday of each month from 7:00-8:30 p.m. at La Roche the upcoming Lenten season. Among College, 9000 Babcock Blvd., Pittsburgh. The room is in the the activities our students will partici- Palumbo Science Center, Room SC102. Parking is available pate in are: next to the building. (Please note the change day during Lent: • The Sunday of Orthodoxy Pro- the group will meet on THURSDAY instead of Wednesday to cession with icons on March 8. allow participation in the Pre-Sanctified Liturgies on Wednes- Remember to bring your icon to days during Lent,) Liturgy! • The readings for the Presanctified YOUTH MINISTRIES Liturgies on the Wednesdays of Lent (followed by covered dish HOPE and JOY Snow Tubing . March 1 dinners). Children, please sign up The HOPE and JOY ministries will have hold a snow tubing during Church School to read at outing on Sunday, March 1 from 1pm to 3pm at Wildwood the services; Parents, join them at the service and please Highlands. The cost is $15.95 for adults and $14.50 children bring food so everyone can enjoy the fellowship after. age 9 and under. See Yvonne Balouris for a flyer and a waiver • The opening readings for the Services of Salutations on form. Fridays during Lent for any children who arrive before GOYA Metropolis Volleyball Tournament . March 14 the service and wish to offer. The Metropolis GOYA Volleyball Tournament will be held • The annual Mission Box project in support of Orthodox on Saturday, March 14 at St. Nicholas Cathedral. missions worldwide. • And, of course, attendance at Lenten services and special JOY Metropolis Regional Lenten Retreat . March 21 Church School Lenten lessons. The Metropolis of Pittsburgh is hosting a one-day JOY Parents: please encourage your children to participate in Lenten Retreat on Saturday, March 21 at Holy Cross in Mount these important faith and learning experiences. Thank you! Lebanon. The theme for the event is “Let Us Lift Our Hearts Up Unto the Lord!” Information will be forthcoming, but par- St . Lydia’s Orthodox Women’s Fellowship . March 5, 19 ents, please mark the date and plan on having your JOY-age The St. Lydia Women’s Study Fellowship is a ministry for children attend. women to share in fellowship and to study scripture, the Orthodox Faith and family life in today’s world.
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