REDUCE USE THIS GUIDE as a reference to fi nd local public and private organizations to help you reduce your trash, reuse valuable RE items and recycle USE everything you can RE Supplement to The Sun Chronicle, Wednesday, March 26 TheCYCLE Foxboro Reporter, March 27 The ADvisor, Saturday, March 29, 2008 Guide to help you reuse, recycle and donate begins on E4 Trash and recycling program information for the SERRP communities of Foxboro, Mansfield, North Attleboro, Plainville and Wrentham, E8 Sears stores will take back brands called Moneytree, 508-824-3035 53 Weir St., company, Car Program LLC, will contact Used vehicle or boat (running or not), and origin or transferable registration. REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE E15 back by the manufacturer. Taunton you to arrange for pickup of your vehicle, your donation is fully tax deductible. Cars older than 1991 must be dropped Supplement to The Sun Chronicle, Wednesday, March 26 Call your local Sears to fi nd out if they Taunton Antiques Center, 508-821-3333; and will provide you with a receipt for tax Call or visit the website to have your off at a drop off center. Call 1-888-999- will accept your particular brand of smoke 19 Main St., Taunton purposes. vehicle picked up. ARMY (1-888-999-2769) for locations. To detector. Pennies From Heaven, 508-823-6546, Visit the website and fi ll out the vehicle 1-800-513-6560 donate a car, complete the online donation Emerald Square Mall, 1009 South Wash- 141 Washington St., Taunton donation form. 1-888-949-2577 ̈ MA Special Olympics, recycleforgold. form. The Salvation Army will call you within ington St., No. Attleboro, 508-699-5155 Jewels Place Quality Consignment, 508- ̈ Car Campaign, aac.org org 3 business days to provide you with the 977-2426; 95 Summer St., Taunton Most cars, trucks, and motorcycles within All complete vehicles (engine, transmis- stock number assigned to your donation Sporting Goods Donations Trading Post Inc., 508-543-5191; 6 Massachusetts accept those that are heav- sion, 4 tires) are accepted regardless of and to arrange for a pick-up time. Your ̈ Big Brothers/Big Sisters, bbbsfounda- Central St., Foxboro tax deductible receipt will be provided at Phoebe's Hidden Treasures, ily damaged or incomplete. Unfortunately, their condition. However, due to increased tion.org 508-643- They do not have pick-up available in the fuel and labor costs, and decreased value the time of pick-up. Tax information will be Sporting goods (no skis or exercise equip- 2480; 16 South Washington St., No. Cape Cod area. If you have any questions of older used vehicles, some vehicles may mailed after the vehicle has been sold. Attleboro ment). 1-800-483-5503 about what you can donate, please call be subject to a $65 towing/processing 1-888-999-ARMY (2769) Society of St. Vincent De Paul, 508-695- ̈ Boys and Girls Clubs, bgcb.org 1-888-332-2886. fee, payable by Visa or MasterCard to Millis ̈ Solutions at Work, solutionsatwork.org 5150; 173 Washington St., Plainville Fill out the online donation form or call Industries prior to pickup. Donated cars should have at least two Sports equipment. 617-994-4700 Commodities Market, 508-384-1448; 32 our toll-free car donation program at 1-888- To donate a vehicle to Special Olympics years of estimated life remaining, be able ̈ Goodwill, goodwillmass.org Franklin St., Wrentham Sporting goods. 1-888-828-GIVE (4483) 332-2886. They will then contact you and Massachusetts simply call 1-800-590- to pass inspection with only minor work Toiletries ̈ The Salvation Army, salvationarmy- arrange to have your vehicle towed away at 1600 or fi ll out the form on the online dona- ($50 or less), and need no more than $300 usaeast.org Toiletries, such as unused soap, sham- a scheduled time. 1-888-332-AUTO (2886) tion page. The Account Representative will of immediate repairs to run well. Cars with ask a number of important questions rela- automatic transmission are especially Sporting goods. 1-800-SA-TRUCK (728- poo, conditioner, toothpaste, toothbrushes, ̈ Cars for Kid's Sake, bbbscentraltx. tive to the ownership status of the vehicle, needed. 7825) mouthwash, skin lotion, etc. may be org/carsforkids.html its location, and its general condition. Call or email at [email protected] ̈ Play It Again Sports, playitagainsports. donated to any shelter of your choice. Cars, trucks, boats, and motorcycles. 1-800-590-1600 to arrange a Wheels donation. com/playitagainsports One local option is New Hope Shelter in Call to arrange a donation. 1-800-859-6526 ̈ National Vehicle Donations Programs 617-492-0300 They pay cash for quality used sports Attleboro. New Hope Shelter, Online, auto-donation.com ̈ Special Olympics, recycleforgold.org gear and equipment. 508-226-4588, 21 ̈ Easter Seals, vehicledonation.com Used vehicle or boat (running or not), Used vehicle or boat (running or not), and The Foxboro Reporter, Thursday, March 27 Bring any used sports gear or equipment Park St., Attleboro Used vehicle or boat (running or not), and and your donation is fully tax deductible. your donation is fully tax deductible. to your nearest store location. Tools Donations your donation is fully tax deductible. This organization serves many charities Call or visit the website to have your 630 Washington St., Dedham, 781-493- Call or visit the website to have your ̈ Tri-County RVTHS, tri-county.tc that you may choose from, including: Big vehicle picked up. 1-800-590-1600 6796 vehicle picked up. Tools that are in very good condition. 1-888-631-6833 Brother/Big sister, National Kidney Founda- ̈ Volunteers of America, voa.org Tank Disposal Contact Tri-County’s Vocational Director ̈ Kidney Cars, kidney.org/funds/kidney- tion, American Lung Association, and many Your car, truck, RV, boat or other vehicle. The towns of Mansfi eld, North Attleboro, Ken Dow to see if your tools will be ac- cars/index.cfm others. Visit website and fi ll out online donation and Plainville accept propane tanks at their cepted. The vehicle must be whole. You must hold Call or visit the website to have your form. They will call you to confi rm your recycling centers year round. Wrentham ac- 147 Pond St., Franklin, 508-528-5400 clear title to the vehicle. You must disclose vehicle picked up. donation and to schedule a pickup. For any cepts propane tanks only at its household ̈ Vietnam Veterans of America , cloth- structural damage (i.e., bent frame, rust, 1-800-456-5517 questions, please call (800) 899-0089 hazardous waste day. ingdonations.org etc.) *Although not required, for towing ̈ Saint Vincent de Paul Society, svdpbos- 617-522-8088 ton.com ̈ Interstate Refrigerant Recovery Tools of all kinds. 1-800-775-VETS purposes infl ated tires are preferred. Video Games Propane tanks, helium tanks, oxygen (8387) When your car is accepted for donation, Used vehicle or boat (running or not), and There is a good market for used video tanks, fi re extinguishers, and acetylene you will be mailed a packet with a self-ad- your donation is fully tax deductible. Toy Donations games on e-bay and Craig’s List, where you tanks. dressed envelope in which to mail back the Call or visit the website to have your can post your items for bid. We recom- Call to arrange drop off or pick up service, ̈ Children's Orchard, wepaycash.com signed title to your vehicle, an odometer vehicle picked up. 1-866-403-CARS (2277) mend that you try to sell your used video but please note that there is a 20 tank Gently used and new Kid’s toys. statement giving the exact mileage on your games on E-bay, Craig’s List, or at a yard The ADvisor, Saturday, March 2008 29, minimum for pick up of propane tanks. ̈ Cradles to Crayons, cradlestocrayons. vehicle and other information to assist in ̈ The Salvation Army, salvationarmy- sale, etc. 12 Morse Place, Foxboro, 508-543-5482 org better serving you. Once the NKF receives usaeast.org www.ebay.com ̈ Oil Man Gently used and new supplies, such as your completed donor packet, you will be Vehicles must have a title in the donor’s www.craigslist.com Propane tanks. Drop off used propane clothes, toys, school supplies, etc. contacted to schedule your free tow. name, with no liens, a set of keys, and four tanks for a fee of $5. Check website for upcoming drives in 1-800-488-CARS (2277) infl ated tires. The vehicle must also be 227 Cocasset St., Foxboro, 508-698- your area. ̈ Home for the Little Wanderers, accessible for the tow truck. All vehicles thehome.org regardless of age have a title, or letter of 2900 Used Motor Oil ̈ Blue Rhino, bluerhino.com All retailers are required to accept Any 20 lb. propane tank, as long as it is used oil for recycling (up to two gallons in acceptable condition. In addition to the per person per day). So you may bring locations listed below, you may perform a your used oil back to where you originally search on Blue Rhino’s website to fi nd a purchased it and the retailer must take it location more convenient for you. Please STATELINE back if you have the purchase receipt. Ad- note that this is an exchange program. ditionally, residents of Foxboro, Mansfi eld, Take your old tank to a Blue Rhino retailer and Wrentham can drop off used oil at and tell a cashier that you would like to town facilities, as noted in the Household exchange your propane tank.
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