FINGRID OYJ MAGAZINE | THEME: RESPONSIBILITY 04 THEME 01 Responsibility 2020 is a way of working correctly 12 Sector integration will help to manage the power balance 10 The world’s northernmost virtual power plant is in Levi Contents 21 PRACTICAL QUESTION Do storms bring wind turbines to a standstill? Now you can also find 4–8 22–25 Fingrid’s magazine THEME FINGRID NOW online at • Responsibility is a way of working correctly OL3 system protection fingridlehti.fi/en/ • Green financing completes Olkiluoto 3 • A large carbon handprint connection to the grid Fingrid Oyj’s magazine • Auditing accelerates New lightweight connection 23. volume responsibility stations 1/2020 • Careful oil tracking EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone: +358 30 395 5267 26–28 Fax: +358 30 395 5196 UNDER THE MAIN GRID Postal address: P.O. Box 530, The Forest Line – through FI-00101 Helsinki forests and over marshes Street address: Läkkisepäntie 21, FI-00620 Helsinki Editor-in-chief: Marjaana Kivioja, [email protected] 29 Managing editor: Marjut Määttänen, FINGRID NOW [email protected] Jäätyvä teaches the value of Editorial board: Mikko Heikkilä, Jonne determined forecasting Jäppinen, Marjaana Kivioja, Marjut 9 14–17 Määttänen, Risto Ryynänen, Jarno COLUMN: Kaisa Leikola EU-GUIDELINES Sederlund and Tiina Seppänen Congestion income helps 30 Layout: and content production with investments ENVIRONMENT Otavamedia OMA 10–13 Preparation of network SF6 – An excellent dielectric THEME code requirements is well gas in controlled environments Publisher: Aurora pyramids, the underway Fingrid Oyj, www.fingrid.fi Change of address: world’s northernmost [email protected] virtual power plant 32–33 Orders and cancellations: Sector integration will help to TOPICAL 18–20 www.fingrid.fi/en/order manage the power balance CASE • Houses tell their own energy Printed by: Newprint Oy stories at the Tuusula 34 ISSN-L: 1455-7517 Housing Fair PROFESSIONAL ISSN: 1455-7517 (Print) • Developing building In the spotlight ISSN: 2242-5977 (Online) automation for control centre buildings 35 THE FINGRID MAGAZINE ELECTRICAL GADGET Did you like what you read? Send your comments on the magazine to the Smart fridge address: Fingrid Oyj, P.O. Box 530, FI-00101 Helsinki. Please write “Fingrid magazine” on the envelope. You can also send feedback via e-mail: [email protected]. 2 FINGRID 1/2020 EDITORIAL MATTI IMMONEN MATTI | PHOTO Corporate responsibility is reflected in Fingrid’s duties esponsible business was one of per cent. Great news as society continues to use the necessary amount of capacity to the desired the most talked-about topics of more electricity! timetable. We only need to look to Germany the last decade. I believe that Public debate frequently overlooks the and Norway for examples of countries that have will continue in this decade. At need to transfer clean electricity to consumers not been able to connect all of their renewable Rthe beginning of the year, Sitra without compromising the reliability of supply. output to the power grid. published its Megatrends 2020 Fingrid plays a significant role in this duty. In my The growth in renewable energy generation report, identifying the rush for ecological opinion, Fingrid’s biggest corporate responsibil- in Finland and its neighbouring countries influ- rebuilding as the key factor influencing the ity pledge for this decade is crystallised in our ences the construction of capacity, as well as future. The next ten years will be instrumental basic mission: Fingrid is tasked with ensuring the way in which we ensure the reliability of the in determining how the ecological sustainability that our society has reliable electricity under all power supply and balance the power system. To crisis – climate change, loss of biodiversity, circumstances and promoting a power system this end, Fingrid must also modernise electric- overconsumption of resources and waste prob- based on electricity generated without emitting ity markets – not just in Finland, but also on lems – can be addressed. carbon dioxide. Fingrid’s business model and a Nordic and European level: we need new Sustainable business also requires other strategic actions are structured so as to deliver mechanisms to provide us with flexibility in the areas of corporate responsibility to be taken on these duties. This task must also be handled event of a lack of electricity generation or a lack into consideration; companies must invest in cost-efficiently. The pricing of transmission on of demand for electricity. We are modernising responsible operations towards their employees, the main grid must remain reasonable for elec- with the aim of ensuring the uninterrupted supply procurement chains, guidelines and manage- tricity consumers and Finnish industry. of electricity on the main grid in the future. ment. Corporate responsibility must be gen- We are fully expected to deliver on these Every one of us at Fingrid is constantly uinely visible and influence the way companies duties. New electricity generation is to be working to deliver on our corporate responsi- operate. connected to the main grid and, if the capacity bility pledge. In the energy world, corporate responsibility is insufficient, more must be built. Perhaps this is most often associated with combating climate was easier in the past – at least the output change and the methods for generating energy. capacity of new electricity generators and the We received some good news in Finland at the necessary transmission capacity were easier to start of January when Finnish Energy published forecast. The increase in renewable electricity Marina Louhija its statistics on the methods used to generate generation, particularly wind power, is enormous, General Counsel electricity in 2019: coal is down to only seven and this poses a challenge for Fingrid to build Fingrid 3 THEME Responsibility is a way of working correctly The orderly conduct of duties, security of supply, a sustainable operating culture, offering a transmission platform for clean energy generation: this is Fingrid’s responsibility. TEXT | VESA VAINIO, FINGRID PHOTO | ISTOCK 4 FINGRID 1/2020 ingrid plays a role that touches the everyday lives of everyone in ”In one way or another, Finland. Consumers may not be corporate responsibility aware of this role. It is our duty Fto support the value choices that is in everyone’s inbox at consumers make by enabling clean electricity – wind power, hydro power, nuclear power – to Fingrid. be connected to the main grid. However, consum- Marina Louhija, General Counsel, Fingrid ers expect an uninterrupted supply of electricity, whatever the weather, and – for example – buyers of wind power do not always think about how the electricity supply can be assured if the wind is not “Finnish society is dependent on electricity, POWERED BY GOOD MANAGEMENT blowing. This is Fingrid’s work. and it is our mission to ensure the availability of When corporate responsibility is discussed, the “It is completely understandable for consumers electricity. We provide a transmission grid that topic often turns to environmental and social to be unaware of Fingrid’s role because they do not combines clean electricity generation with elec- responsibility. Companies also need clear manage- deal with us directly. In that sense, we are large and tricity consumers, enabling clean energy to reach ment targets, and Marina Louhija says that good unknown among the general public,” says Marina the market. If the transmission grid did not have governance lays the foundation for everything else. Louhija, Fingrid’s General Counsel, who is respon- enough capacity, electricity generation would need Corporate responsibility management must be sible for corporate responsibility affairs. to be restricted. This is often overlooked in public clear. It must be possible to monitor corporate re- discourse,” Louhija points out. sponsibility targets and evaluate the achievement RELIABLE ELECTRICITY, FUNCTIONAL Increasing the amount of renewable energy of such targets. Companies also need risk manage- PROCESSES carries many opportunities, but also risks. One ment principles that enable them to control any The security of energy supply is instrumental for example is wind power, which is expanding rapidly corporate responsibility risks they have identified. Fingrid’s customers. Industrial production pro- in Finland as it is elsewhere in the world. Even when According to Louhija, responsibility is easy to cesses demand uninterrupted electricity transmis- the wind conditions are favourable, the electricity internalise at Fingrid, as everything that is done in sion, which means that electricity must be supplied generated by wind turbines would not make it to the company has a special societal significance. In without even the slightest outage. Power cuts can customers without Fingrid maintaining a constant one way or another, corporate responsibility is in easily disrupt processes and, in the worst-case balance between electricity generation and con- everyone’s inbox. Fingrid plays a part in keeping the scenario, give rise to substantial financial losses. sumption. wheels turning in Finland, thereby creating value In the future, electricity will also be needed to “Balancing electricity generation and con- for society. help combat climate change. The intention is to sumption is one of our fundamental tasks. We are “When you think about it, we have a huge eliminate carbon dioxide emissions from electric- responsible for keeping the electricity system in number of everyday duties that concern corpo- ity generation and use clean energy to reduce the balance so that users receive electricity without rate responsibility. This means that our operating emissions from other sectors (heating, transport, interruptions.” culture needs to be in good shape. This is what we industrial processes). are focusing on now and will continue to focus on in the future.” • 5 THEME Green financing ■ In the last few years, mitigating climate change still underway, but the proportion of green projects has become one of the key corporate responsibil- is expected to rise with the increased level of wind ity themes. At the same time, green bonds have power investment.
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