>_niu-A>n*'$W^ Uaily Edition No. 1220 NELSON, BRITISH COLUMBIA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1901 Eleventh Year of the department to have oral hear­ building filled quickly and it was PHILIPPINE ings on matters of this kind. He in- immediately seen that the trouble wus j Minuted that lie would enterluin a WILL WORK DISASTROUS WRECK coming. Cheers were raised for( LEGISLATION written argument. "Joe" and a white flag was unfurled aind deafening shouts of "traitor" as FOR PEACE TELEGRAPH CO. EXPLAINS. AT FIVE MILE POINT Dr. Lloyd George and his friends ap­ peared on the platform. All attempts Congress Makes Regulations I Marconi Had Decided to Cease Experi­ at speech making were futile owing! Labor and Capitalistic Lead­ ments liefcre They Took Action. to the oontinuance direction of hiss-, for Customs and New York, Dec. 18.—The solicitors ing, hooting and siuging. In the| of the Anlgo-Ainerican Telesrnph ers in Joint Confer­ Trade. meantime the enormous crowd outside compnny have made public the follow­ Heavy Freight Train Gets Beyond Control the building bad become more noisy ence. ing statement: There seems to be and more menacing. Presently a some misapprehension as to the action and Speeds Down Grade at Seventy stone came through a window, this Commission Outlines Scheme of our clients, the Anglo-American caused a stampede among the occu­ Telegraph Company, limited, with Miles an Hour. pants of the gallery, from this time Provision Made to Settle for Self Govern­ respect to the experiments in wireless forward pandemonium reigned in the telegraphy recently carried out at St. building and ugly rushes were made Disputes by Arbitra­ ment. John's, Nfld. by Mr. Marconi. In a for tbe platform, the police were soon letter addressed to Mr. Marconi by the overpowered. tion. company's legal advisers in New­ Dr. Lloyd Gorge and bis fnends foundland,after stating the company's Crew Escapes Miraculously.-Engine and wero compel 1 d to retreat to an inner Washington, Dec 18.—The hill to intention to take the necessary steps oom for safety. They were unable to New York,Deo.l8.—A Labor confer­ provide revenue temporarily for the to secure a recognition of their rights leave the building for fear of mob ence culled to consider plana for heal­ Philippine islands passed the house Five Cars Now a Heap of Ruins. in the colony, the letter proceeds: violence and were thus kept prisoners ing the difference between thc capital­ today by a vote of 103 to 128. In the However, they (the company) instruct until a late hour when Dr. Lloyd ist and labor interests of the country course nl the debate today the Denr>- Loss Will be Heavy. ns to inform you that thoy are not George disguised as a chief constable organized today, elected officers and crats were several times i..unted with adverse to giving the most oareful left the town hall with a possee of issued a general statement of its mis­ their failure to present an alternative consideration to any proposals which policemen. Many constables were sion of peace. Senator Maroua A. proposition for the pending measure mny be put forward by you with a seriously injured in their attempts to Manna was chosen as its chairman lint just tefore the vote was taken view to the further continuance of Last evening one of the most pecu­ the freight," but before the thought olear the street. It is rumored that with Samuel Gompers second in com­ ca tho passage of the oi II, the atti­ yonr work. A6 to thc statement said liar and destructive train wrecks that had found expression there came a one civilian has died of injuries mand. It retained its connection tude of the minority was defined in a to have been telegraphed from St. has probably occurred in the province terrific crash and everything in the received. with the national civic federation and motion to reoommit, offered by Mr. John's by Mr. Marconi on December took place at Five-Mile point, in cabin changed position, A heavy becomes the industrial department of Richardson, the minority leader. The 17th to the effeet that in consequence which although theie was considerable letter press, whieh had been standing SMALL MILLS CLOSE. that organization. A statement issued proposition did not command a Re- of the threatened legal proceedings of damage done, no loss of life occurred. where it received the full shock, flew expressed a determination to strive publican vote and three Louisiana across tbe room, and was jammed in Small Foreign Demand For Flour for industrial peace; to and establish­ Democrats voted agair.st it. the co-npany he was oompelied to dis­ As freight No. su was coming in continue wireless telegraphy tests from Spokane, abont two miles out- the woodwork. At the section house Causes General Depression. ing rightful relations between those The bill passed today imposes the between England and the colony we sine of the mountain siding the engi­ one of the men was preparing Minneapolis, Dec. 18.—Four flour wbo toil and their employers; to con­ Dlnlgcy rates on goods entering the give the following extract from a let­ neer started to put on the air brakes, lunches. He heard an unusual noise mills of the Consolidated Milling fer and advise with employers and Philippines from the United States. ter of Mr. Marconi dated the previous as there were thirteen heavily loaded and looking ont saw the engine swing company were shut down this morn­ employees when in conflct; to encour­ It aluo provides for the collection of day, Dec. 10th, to the company's ad­ cars behind, and a grade cf two and around tbe curve above the operators ing. There is every probability that age agreements under whicb labor tonnage taxes on ' vessels plying be­ visers: I may mention that orior to one-half per cent, for the next eight cabin, with streaks of flame flying far nearly all the mills will be closed shall be performed, and to arbitrate disputes when asked by both sides to tween the United StateB and thc the receipt of yiur letter I had decid­ miles. He found that the air would behind from every wheel. He shouted before tbe end of the week. The Philippines aud that foreign vessels the dispute. ed to discontinue the tests and to re­ not work, and signalled for hand­ and jumped for the door but in the closing of the mills result" in part may ply between these ports until few seconds tbat it took him to get it move the instruments tomorrow. brakes. The two brakemen on the from temporary depression in the de­ The following statement was given January 1st, 11)05. The duties and open and to get outside tne engine train commenced to set them but the mand for flour from abroad. out at the conclusion of the executive taxes collected under the provlsiors of track being frosty they did not have had plowed across tbe intervening session: the bill shall go into the Philippine MARCONI TELLS HIS SIDE. space, and ho saw the terrible pano­ the slightest effect, and the train shot TRANSPORT IN TROUBLE. Tbis committee shall be known as treasury to be expended for the use an rama uf iron and wood being crum­ swiftly past the siding. Swifter and New Yolk, Deo. 18.—According to the industrial department of the benefit of the islands. Reaffirms Previous Statement o( Being pled up like paper within * few feet swifter it moved, and tbe engineer despatches received here today by the National Civil federation. The scope of him, while the air was full of fly­ Provision for a permanent civil gov­ Ordered to Leave. found that he could not make the Maritime Exchange, the transport and province of this department shall ing fragments. ernment and for much Important St. Johns, Nfld., Deo. 18,—Regard­ slightest use of the air brakes. In an McLellan has put into Bermuda short be what may seem best to promote in­ legislation regarding the industrial ing the statement given out by the incredibly short time the train neared Engineer Cywersler and Fireman of coal. A New York mercantile firm dustrial peace to be helpful in estab­ development of the Philipines is em­ solicitors of the Anglo-American Tele­ .the foot of the grade at Five-Mile Uockwell owed their escape partly to engaged in the Bermuda trade receiv­ lishing rightful relations between em­ bodied in the annual ieport ot the graph Co., Mr. Marconi explains that' .point, where the men knew that the heavy woolen caps they were wearing, ed'a despatch saying: "McLellan ployers and workers by its good Philippine coiiiiNinission. It is de­ the letter from the Anglo-Amerioan" switch would be closed and it must which greatly piotected their heads as had fearful trip and nearly found­ offices; to endeavor to obviate and clared by the commission that outside company to him whioh Is referred to' leave the track. The engineer ordei- they were burled along the ground. ered." At the army building it was prevent strikes and look outs; to aid ed the fireman to jump and soon after of live provinces there is peace in the therein was only its second letter to Immediately on word reaching the said no news had been received of the in renewing industrial relaticna while striking at the brake fell off Philippines. Taking up the question him and was written after the sub­ city Trainmaster Hamilton, and Road-; McLellan since she left Gibraltar on where a rupture has occurred. himself. By a miracle the men did •J_i of thc political foture of thc Philip­ stance of their first letter to him had master J.
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