St. Colman St. John Fisher St. Jude the Apostle `1R"Q`Q0VJ%V V11J:JV V 1J$.Q%V0VJ%V %` CV`VV@5 R .%`H.1CC5 1CIV`R1J$5 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time January 20, 2019 -V08 `:J@ /8 CI:RV5 RI1J1 `: Q` Weekend Mass Schedule -V08 :` 1J 8 1:`@1J5 VJ1Q` :`QH.1:C 1H:` : %`R:71$1C -V08 1JHVJ 3QCQ5 :`1. .:]C:1J 7 88888888888888888 8 Q.J 1.V` .%`H. /V:HQJ 4V`GV` 58 -1CV75 : Q`:C QH1: V 7 88888888888888888888888 8 QCI:J .%`H. %JR:7 7888888888 8 %RV .V ]Q CV .%`H. 7888888888888888888888 8 QCI:J .%`H. 7888888888888888 8 Q.J 1.V` .%`H. 7 88888888888888888888888 8 QCI:J .%`H. Weekday Mass Schedule QJR:7:JR%VR:7 788888888888888888888888 8 QCI:J .%`H. VRJVR:7:JR.%`R:7 788888888888888888 8 Q.J 1.V` .%`H. `1R:7 7888888888 8 %RV .V ]Q CV .%`H. Confession Schedule CQ%]QJ`V_%V Q`:]]Q1J IVJ QJR:7 7T 7 88 8 %RV .V ]Q CV .%`H. VRJVR:7 7T 788888888 8 Q.J 1.V` .%`H. : %`R:7 7T7888888888888 8 QCI:J .%`H. 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Almade Almost every Sunday one of the Prayers of the We enjoy a covered dish dinner, share “highs Faithful we recite is “for an increase of vocations to the and lows” in their lives over the past month, read the priesthood, diaconate and religious life.” This is good in Sacred Scripture for the following Sunday, and discuss and of itself. But I confess to feeling guilty about it. the book we are reading for the year. (Our current book The number of priests, deacons and religious is maybe is “Falling in Love…Finding God: Marriage and the 0.1% of the total number of Catholics worldwide. The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola.”) Each number of married Catholics is (I’m guessing here) couple pledges to do the “endeavors”: read Scripture 60%? 75%? 90%? of all Catholics. Yet we don’t and pray daily, both individually and with your spouse, (usually) pray for an increase in vocations to the married meet with your spouse monthly for a “sit-down” life. reflection, meet with the particular Teams group monthly, pray the Magnificat daily (Luke 1:46-55), and Yes, those who enter into the sacrament of attend a yearly retreat. marriage (or matrimony) also have a vocation, a call from God, just as much as a priest, deacon or member of Along the way the couples come to know and a religious order. In his apostolic letter “Amoris love their spouses, their children and family members, Laetitia,” Pope Francis wrote, “Marriage is a vocation, the other couples, and most importantly, Jesus Christ our inasmuch as it is a response to a specific call to Savior. I serve as a chaplain to our Teams group, which experience conjugal love as an imperfect sign of the love is one of 15 in the Diocese of Pittsburgh, one of 830 in between Christ and the Church. The decision to marry the U.S., and one of almost 13,000 worldwide. and to have a family ought to be the fruit of a process of vocational discernment.” What have I learned from my participation in Teams of Our Lady? Living out the sacrament of The Second Vatican Council (1962-65) taught marriage is hard. Living out the sacrament of marriage that all Christians are called to holiness. The call to needs daily personal prayer, conjugal (couples) prayer, marriage is a particular way of living this universal call participation in the Eucharist in the local parish, and the to marriage. The Catechism of the Catholic Church support of other married couples. Living out the says, “The sacrament of Matrimony gives spouses the sacrament of marriage is a lifelong commitment, not just grace to love each other with the love with which Christ a feeling. Living out the sacrament of marriage is filled has loved his Church; the grace of the sacrament thus with joy. Living out the sacrament of marriage is most perfects the human love of the spouses, strengthens their definitely a vocation. Those couples who place God at indissoluble unity, and sanctifies them on the way to the center of their love love more. eternal life.” (#1661) Unfortunately the Catholic Church worldwide is For over 20 years I have been blessed to see seeing the decline of most of the great religious orders married couples reflect on their vocation through a which were founded hundreds of years ago (Franciscans, movement called “Teams of Our Lady.” This lay Dominicans, Jesuits, Vincentians, etc.).
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