GLASGOW & GALLOWAY Diocesan News ISSUE 94: APR 2010 Consecration of Citizen of the Year our new bishop THE sacristan of St Augustine’s Dumbarton has been named as THE consecration of Very Revd the town’s Citizen of the Year. Dr Gregor Duncan as Bishop of Georgie Duncan is the third person in four years from the congregation to Glasgow & Galloway will be in win an accolade of this sort, and the congregation are delighted for her. St Mary’s Cathedral on 23 Apart from her commitments at St Augustine’s, Georgie is heavily in- April. volved in the local senior citizens group and she gives her time to help Admission will be by invitation charity through the café at Dumbarton Sheriff Court. only because of space limitations. She has been volunteering there for 15 years and, along with her col- As reported in Diocesan News leagues, has raised over £62,000 for the Children’s Hospice Association last month, all members of the dio- Scotland (CHAS) which runs Robin House in Balloch. The group, while cese could apply for an invitation, serving drinks and snacks, collects cash for children’s charity Beanfeast with a ballot to take place if appli- who present the money to CHAS. cations exceed places. Dumbarton folk are glad to know that Georgie is keen to carry on fund- Everyone will be welcome at a raising, as St Augustine’s has always benefited from other efforts on her special Evensong in the Cathedral part. She said: “I will still try to make as much money as possible for the at 6.30pm on Sunday 25 April. As charities.” well as letting the diocese cele- brate our new bishop, the service will see the installation of the new ‘Tough choices’ looks at Dean, Revd Ian Barcroft. today’s big questions Climate science and TOUGH Choices is a new ‘Journey in Faith’ course from the dioce- Christian witness san Education Action network exploring contemporary ethical issues. BRIDGE of Weir’s Episcopal It takes place in Paisley over five Tuesday evenings, starting 27 April. congregation will host another Sessions are: keynote lecture this year. 27 April A Just War? Revd Prof Michael S. Northcott David Saxon writes: “Following 4 May Climate Change Prof Ian Arbon the success of our centenary lec- ture last year, the 2010 St Mary's 11 May Genetics Prof Jim H. McKillop Lecture will be held in church at 18 May Ethical Finance Revd Kathy Galloway 7.30pm on Wednesday 19 May. 25 May End-of-Life Issues Revd Prof David Jasper. Once again we have a top-rank speaker. All sessions take place 7.30–9pm at Holy Trinity & St Barnabas Church “Prof Michael Northcott is Pro- Halls, Moss Street, Paisley (next to Gilmour Street Station). This non- fessor of Ethics at Edinburgh Uni- certificated course is open to all. To register send a £10 cheque (payable versity. He is an Anglican priest, a to Diocese of Glasgow & Galloway) with your contact details to Diocesan Traidcraft trustee and former aca- Centre, 5 St Vincent Place, Glasgow G1 2DH. demic chair of the Centre for Hu- Details from Education Action convenor Revd Gordon Fyfe on 01475 man Ecology. 673143 ([email protected]). “His topic is When Prophecy fails: Climate Science and Chris- tian Witness.” Faith in Older People There will be discussion after the A CONFERENCE on 'The Spiritual Journey and Well-Being in Old talk, followed by refreshments. All Age' takes place on Thursday 27 May at Crichton Campus, Dumfries. are welcome. The white-painted Speakers include: Revd Maurice Bond, Revd Malcolm Goldsmith, Pro- church is on Johnstone Road. As fessor David Clark, Dr Harriet Mowat. There will be a presentation of the you approach from Johnstone it is DVD Spiritual Care - have you found any yet? followed by discussion. on the left, by the first street light. The fee of £35 includes lunch. The car park is opposite, over the Bookings to: [email protected] or 0131 346 7981. little bridge. DIOCESAN NEWS – PAGE 1 What happened at Diocesan Synod Diocesan secretary Gib Fitzgibbon make it easier to make minor changes to buildings; Canon 57 which will allow official communications to reports on the day’s proceedings . be sent electronically; and Canon 52 to tidy up mem- THE annual Diocesan Synod was presided over by bership of the Standing Committee of General Synod. the Dean, the Very Revd Gregor Duncan (Bishop- Synod received an update on facilities for the dis- elect), on Saturday 27 February. abled in the churches of the diocese. It was attended by the Lay Reps of most charges, Presentations were received on... most of the clergy in the diocese, and visitors from The St Matthew Centre – the subject of this year’s other denominations. Lent Appeal – which helps to bring hope and support The Dean’s homily spoke of how, at times of grief to the disadvantaged in and around Possilpark; and at times of joy, we realise that we really do belong The role of the Lay Representative; to a community of love, a community of the love of The work and proposals of the Diocesan Ministry God, love rooted in grief and joy, in the cross and res- Development Officer, Revd Dr Anne Tomlinson urrection of Jesus Christ. Synod also heard from: Appointments: Synod appointed the Diocesan Sec- Revd Tim Tunliffe, the newly appointed chaplain to retary, Diocesan Treasurer, the Property Committee, Missions to Seafarers; the Boundaries Committee, and the Diocesan Auditor; Representatives from our companion Diocese of and elected diocesan reps to General Synod, the Pro- Gothenburg; vincial Faith & Order Board; and the Provincial Mis- sion & Ministry Board Dr Jamie Hill on the proposal that the Stewardship Action Network develop a knowledge base on grants Synod approved the accounts for last year, and the budget for the current year. and external funding; The finances of the Diocese are sound, and we have Revd Dan Gafvert on the Pilgrim Trust. weathered the financial storms fairly well thanks to a Notice was given by the Bishop-elect of his intention well-structured portfolio, but the underwriting of the to appoint Revd Ian Barcroft as his Dean following Paisley project will affect cash flow until the funds the consecration. have been raised to repay the diocese. Next Synods: General Synod 10– 12 June; Diocesan Synod 5 March 2011 (TBC). Synod approved the proposed changes to Canon 35, in the light of several years’ experience, which will For more details, see your Lay Rep. French connection Happy youth ‘give it up for Lent’ A CONFERENCE celebrating MORE than 24 young people and leaders had a wonderful time at St Scotland’s Cluniac heritage at Brides Hyndland with a Give it up for Lent day last month. the abbeys of Paisley and Cross- Said youth chaplain Revd Christian Okeke: “The most encouraging part raguel takes place in Paisley of the event was that we had young people from as far afield as Dumfries, Town Hall next month. Dundee and Glasgow. The event is one of hundreds all “We spent the day working through two workshops - drumming and over Europe to mark 1,100 years creating mandalas - having fun all the way. The day ended with a special since the foundation of the Abbey worship time and Holy Communion. of Cluny in Burgundy. “May I seize this opportunity to thank all those who prayed and sup- In Scotland, festivities start with ported the event, and also to encourage other young people in the diocese a free concert in Glasgow Cathe- to come forward and identify with the Diocesan Youth Network.” dral by female voice ensemble, You can contact Christian on [email protected] or 0774 8590 407. Canty with William Taylor on He’ll be glad to forward a link to a gallery of photos from the day. Friday 14 May at 4:15pm. On Saturday 15 May Paisley Next issue . Abbey will have a medieval tented village housing knights, ITEMS for the May issue may be submitted up to Monday 12 April as ladies, alchemists, calligraphers, ordinary running text (not leaflets, adverts, posters or PDFs, please) strolling minstrels, servants and to the editor, Susi Cormack Brown, c/o the Diocesan Centre, 5 St Vin- craftworkers. Also on 15 May is cent Place, Glasgow G1 2DH,[email protected]. the conference which addresses Diocesan News Service is published 10 times per year by the Scottish pilgrimage, monastic life and five Episcopal Church, United Diocese of Glasgow and Galloway (Scottish centuries of French influence in Charity Number: SC013925). Views expressed are not necessarily those Scotland. Details at: of the editor. www.cluny2010scotland.info. DIOCESAN NEWS – PAGE 2 Gothenberg set to seek new bishop Peter Anderssen sends news from our linked diocese in Sweden . BISHOP Carl Axel Aurelius is to retire next year. though they still suffer severe persecution in their home Writing to the clergy of Gothenberg diocese, Bishop land. The action encourages the asylum seekers to Carl announced his plans to stand down in the latter make a collective appeal to the Migration board. Some half of 2011 for health reasons and to free him to com- 1,000 appeals are expected from all over Sweden. plete his writings on Martin Luther. The nomination process for his successor will start in the latter part of Church of Sweden campaign 2010 and the election will take place early next year. The Church of Sweden’s Lent campaign for interna- tional mission and diaconia took the theme of drinking Congregations back asylum seekers water. Three parishes in the diocese of Gothenburg have The Church of Sweden works together with ACT Al- started an initiative highlighting the fact that many asy- liance and some other 100 churches and ecumenical lum seekers from Iraq who belong to minority groups organisations such as Christian Aid and Bread for the (for example Christians) are denied asylum in Sweden, World.
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